Chapter 19; Curiosity and a Touch of Madness:
AN: Okay, I'm going to be honest, this was a difficult chapter to write. One, because everything is kind of shit right now and that's a stressor, ain't it? And two, it's one thing to plan for drama and angst, but writing it can take a lot out of you. So take this as a warning – child abuse and main character death ahead as well as a lot of violence. I know we all know what eventually happens, but that doesn't make what happens now any easier to read or write. If anyone wishes to skip this chapter, I don't blame them, the next chapter will simply feature the usual amount of violence and minor character death (and main character revival). That said, this a cute Sesshomaru and Rin moment, so I hope you all do enjoy this chapter despite it all!
Rin walked silently, invisibly, out of the forest. The full moon was bright, making her feel like it was watching her sneak back into the village. No one would ever be able to guess what she had been up to, but Rin had never kept a secret as big as this to herself before. She almost couldn't wait to go back to the forest and see the yokai again. He said he didn't like human food, so maybe she would try and give him something else. Rin didn't know what that would be just yet, only that she was wanted to see him again.
He called himself that, speaking so formally like a lord's son. Rin knew that name. How could she not? For a while, he was all anyone could talk about in her village – him, and how Reiko drove him away, rescuing the Princess from his love spell.
Reiko told Rin not to pay attention to any of that nonsense, and that the real Sesshomaru was nothing like what people were saying. Reiko often talked about her adventures, telling Rin the truth that she kept hidden from everyone else. Rin figured it was because Reiko wanted to talk about them with someone, unburden herself a little, knowing that she wouldn't tell anyone. Not that Rin minded it. In fact, she loved it when Reiko told her adventures, even the scary ones involving Naraku. And she loved the ones involving Sesshomaru the best.
She couldn't say why. Maybe it was the way Reiko talked about him. Sesshomaru, the powerful yokai lord who was as mysterious as he was rude. At least that's what Reiko said. She also said that Lord Sesshomaru was very cruel and evil and tried to kill her friends. But then Reiko would also say that Sesshomaru was different from other yokai and that, if it hadn't been for him, she might not even have met Rin.
So Rin couldn't tell if Reiko hated or liked Sesshomaru whenever she talked about him – mostly she just sounded annoyed. And if he had really saved Reiko several times, then Sesshomaru couldn't be a bad yokai. Maybe not a good one, but definitely not a bad one. And that made Rin want to help him all the more.
She couldn't help but think that maybe if she aided him, Sesshomaru would be able to help Reiko. That had to be why he came here after all. To see Reiko again. She tried to help Sesshomaru when he was hurt near Asano Castle, and then Sesshomaru saved her from the ogre that attacked her. So maybe if Rin helped him now, he would help her find a way to keep her and Reiko together?
Rin knew that wasn't how things worked, but she couldn't fight the small hope in her. She didn't know how or why, but she knew everything was going to be okay. Sesshomaru was like Reiko. He was in pain but he would rather hide it than let anyone know or help him. Rin wanted to lessen Reiko's pain too, but she didn't know how to. So maybe if she started with Lord Sesshomaru, the answer would come to her and all of them could stop hurting. She knew that she had to try and that no matter what, she was going to help the daiyokai in the forest.
Rin started to think about what she could give to Lord Sesshomaru to eat. He said he didn't eat human food, so did that mean he ate humans like other yokai did? No, if that was true, he would have tried to eat her, wouldn't he? Maybe he ate what animals did, like grass or leaves or –
"Rin! There you are!"
Rin froze. She had been so distracted by her thoughts she forgot to keep herself hidden. Now she had been spotted by several men from the village. Rin immediately thought about hiding herself away before they got to her, but seeing Genzo among them she decided not to. He was the village elder, and it would only get her into more trouble if she disrespected him.
"Rin! Where have you been? We've been looking all over for you!" One of the men yelled at her when they caught up, holding their torches high. Rin lowered her head in guilt, knowing that's what they wanted from her.
"The Lady Miko is very upset that you ran away! She has half the village looking for you!" Genzo explained, making Rin's pretend guilt real.
"She cares for you so much Rin. She took you off of the streets of this village. She cooks for you and gives you fine clothes to wear and this is how you thank her?" Genzo continued to berate. But he didn't sound really angry. In fact, he kneeled down in front of her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I know you didn't mean to make the Lady Miko worry, did you?"
Rin shook her head. That was the last thing she wanted. Pleased with her answer, Genzo smiled.
"No, of course not. You love her. You love her because she took in a worthless orphan like you and gave you a home."
Rin looked up at the old man before her. He wasn't angry, but his words made her more uneasy than if he had been. The group of men seemed to loom over her as they gathered tightly around her and Genzo, trapping her in.
"We know what is happening…we know that the Lady Miko plans on leaving us." Genzo continued, shaking his head sadly.
"Why else would she let Joji back? She always hated that bastard's guts for the way he treated you." One of the men added.
"Yes," Genzo agreed miserably, "So the only way she would ever let Joji back was if she planned on leaving. Do you know why the Lady Miko wants to leave us Rin?"
Rin didn't answer other than to look away towards the ground. Her silence made Genzo frown, and his grip on her shoulder became tight.
"You were a lucky orphan to have the village take you in. We took care of you and fed you when others would have let you die, did we not?"
Rin frowned. The villagers had given her food sometimes, although it was often stale or rotten. They let her live here, but it was in a leaky shack by the river. She supposed those things were better than nothing. But they also scolded her, and Joji wasn't the only one who beat her. And though they didn't let her die, none of them cared if she lived or not.
"You owe this village your life Rin. And just like us, you want the Lady Miko to stay, don't you? You don't want her leaving and Joji becoming the leader of the village again?"
Again, Rin didn't answer. Of course she wanted Reiko to stay, but now Rin was beginning to understand why Reiko was so worried about the villagers. Obsessive, she called them. Were they becoming sick like Lord Asano was sick? In their minds?
"Then you know we have to do whatever it takes to make sure the Lady Miko doesn't leave. And she won't leave if she thinks Joji is mistreating you again, will she?" Genzo asked, only to answer his own question, "No, no she won't. In fact, I'm certain she will kill him when she sees the bruises on your face. And then she'll see that she'll have no choice but to remain the leader of the village. Remain our Lady Miko. Forever."
From the circle of flickering torchlight, someone reached out and hit Rin right across the face. She didn't see who, but the blow was strong enough to throw her to the ground. She didn't bother getting up, she knew that would only make things worse. Instead, she curled in on herself, trying to make herself as small as possible as she protected her head with her hands. She had taken beatings like this before, and knew what to expect.
Harsh kicks pelted her from all sides, heels digging in at her ribs, but she took it. If she didn't move much and protected her face, then maybe all of her bruises would be hidden beneath her clothes and Reiko would never see them. She could never see this. The villagers thought this would make Reiko stay, but Rin knew all this would do was prove Reiko's worse fears and make her leave for sure.
Rin would make sure she got Reiko away from this village. She would! But she wouldn't let Reiko blame herself for this either. Seeing these bruises would hurt Reiko more than it would hurt Rin. Even when Rin felt a tooth break loose as a kick was aimed at her jaw, she knew this pain was nothing to the pain of losing Reiko.
As soon as the beating started, it was over. The men were breathing raggedly, sounding like snarling animals. Knowing it was over, Rin slowly stood up. Seeing that her face was dry of any tears, one of the men spat down at her.
"Damn, such a freakish child. She didn't even cry out once. She really is mute."
"Still, she won't be able to tell the Lady Miko what we did? Will she?" One of them asked, sounding worried. They all glanced at Genzo, their elder. Frowning, he reached for the front of Rin's kosode to drag her closer to him, his old, thin fingers acting like claws.
"Well, Rin? What are you going to say to the Lady Miko about this?" He sneered viciously, "Hm? Come on now, let's hear it. Speak up."
Rin didn't speak. Genzo knew she wouldn't, he was just mocking her. It made her think about how Reiko had once told her the only people who would try to make her talk were bad. Genzo had usually ignored her so she didn't think he would be one of them, but that didn't matter now. No matter how sick the villagers were, she wouldn't let them hurt Reiko by hurting her. Rin wouldn't let the small hope in her die. Things were going to be okay. If Rin could keep the bad things away from Reiko, if she could help Lord Sesshomaru, if she could hide the pain, things would be okay…somehow, they would be…
Genzo slapped Rin across her face, and suddenly her right eye felt like it was on fire. It involuntarily shut, and she could feel it begin to swell. She had wanted to keep her face as clear of bruises as possible, but it seemed Genzo had guessed her plan.
"One day you will answer your betters, child." Genzo snarled, finally sounding angry as he pushed Rin towards the direction of the Lady Miko's hut, "But not today. No, not today."
Reiko moved about her hut as silently as she could. There was so much to do, and dawn was nearly here. The dying embers of the fire were barely enough to see by, but she made do, even if that meant she kept tripping over Chie, who seemed intent on interfering. But seeing as how Rin was sleeping, working in the dark was perhaps for the best.
Glancing over to lump in the far corner that she knew to be Rin laying on her bedroll, Reiko frowned. Rin was hiding under a blanket, her body tucked into a tight ball underneath so that not even the top of her head showed. Reiko didn't like it. Normally, Rin slept stretched out like a starfish, snoring lightly. Several times she considered going over to check if Rin was really asleep, but stopped herself.
Rin's just upset with me, that's all. And she has every right to be. Reiko conceded with a sigh, bringing herself back to the task at hand. At least packing offered her a distraction.
There was no way she would be finished in time before morning. But it couldn't be helped. When Rin ran away from her, all Reiko could think of was to find her. She collected as many villagers as she could, making it obvious that none of them would sleep until Rin was found. Hours passed and there was no sign of her. Reiko felt sick with worry, so much so that Hanae thought she had caught a fever and tried ordering her back to her hut to rest. Reiko would have ignored her and kept looking, but then Genzo came to tell her that Rin had been found, and was waiting for her back at her hut.
Reiko thanked him and ran home, confirming Genzo's words with her own eyes. The little girl was already in bed, but Reiko still tried to talk to her, wanting to apologize and explain herself. But Rin either ignored her or too deep in sleep to hear her. Either way, Reiko supposed it didn't matter. Come the morning, Kagome and the others would be here and would take Rin away to Kaede's village. As for Reiko…she would head in whichever direction was far opposite of them all.
I hope I'm not packing too much for Rin. All her clothes, flashcards, crayons, and a few things for Chie. Well, Kagome will help Rin carry it all if it's too heavy. Oh, Kami, how am I ever going to explain this to Kagome? She won't let me go off by myself without an argument. And Rin…oh…Rin…Reiko thought with a sigh as she fiddled nervously with the jade pendant around her neck.
She pushed aside her doubts before they could settle. She knew this was what needed to be done. She was powerful enough to start taking some responsibility for herself and break this curse. Being on her own would hurt, but it would hurt Reiko more if anything happened to the village or to Rin.
She couldn't allow herself to hold onto any more excuses, not if she wanted to follow the path of true strength.
It would be worth it, in the end. When Reiko could purify yokai like Midoriko, when she finally broke the Blood Maiden's curse, she could look back at this moment and know she did the right thing. She could finally have all she ever wanted, all she never dared imagine she would have. A family, a home. No more yokai following her, begging to let them eat her heart. No more having to cook in exchange for a little peace, no more voices filling her head, no more –
'Blood Maiden…Blood Maiden…'
Reiko froze. Glancing around the hut, she tried to make sense of what she had just heard. If she didn't know any better, she would say a yokai had found her. But that was impossible. No yokai could get past the barrier she had placed around the village.
She started folding some clothes, placing them inside a basket. She needed to make sure that she packed plenty of spares for herself since she seemed to have the worst luck in keeping an outfit intact for longer than–
'Blood Maiden…so pure…your heart…pure…'
Reiko almost shrieked as she felt something brush up against her leg. Looking down, she saw the kamaitachi rubbing its face against her affectionately, purring as it usually did. Reiko clamped a hand over her mouth, hoping to keep herself quiet while she internally panicked.
There's a yokai in my hut. There's a yokai in my hut. But I have a barrier around the village. How can there be a yokai in my hut when I have a barrier around the village?!
Sensing her distress, the weasel-like yokai crawled into her lap, hoping to soothe her. It knew that of all the yokai in the forest, she favored him the most. Or at least, he liked to think so. She liked to stroke his fur, finding comfort in its softness. The kamaitachi hoped to have the Blood Maiden to itself for a moment before the others arrived, but it was already too late.
'Blood Maiden…Blood Maiden…please…let us be near you…'
Reiko, already on the verge of panic, practically whimpered as she saw a small parade of yokai push past the woven reed curtain that hung over the entryway. Imps, kappas, amanojakos, and more pushed their way inside, chittering and mewling for her attention. Chie started to cluck worriedly as the yokai approached, getting ready to let out a shrill call of alarm any second that would wake up everyone in the village.
"Out! Out, out, out, out, out, out, OUT!" She hissed at them, grabbing a broom to shove the yokai back out the hut. The kamaitachi did not like that it was among the cast outs and hissed in protest. At least the Blood Maiden followed them outside, even if she did not look as happy to see them as the yokai thought she would be.
"What the hell are you all doing here?! How did you even get here?!" She whispered, crouching down to their level. All at once, the yokai chittered at her, their voices a muddled mess, but she was able to understand them.
"Something scary broke the barrier? When?"
A few hisses and a mewl.
"Around sunset. Okay…okay…" Reiko tried to breathe out calmly, but the panic in her was starting to take hold, "What was the scary thing? A powerful yokai?"
A short yip confirmed this, sending Reiko's mind reeling. She did not need this right now. This was the last thing she needed. Even if she had called it. Sooner or later something bad was going to happen if she stayed here. Turned out it would be sooner.
"Was the yokai human looking? Was it wearing white fur and a baboon mask?"
The confused crescendo of chattering from the yokai didn't provide Reiko any firm answers, but the general consensus seemed to be 'no'. Reiko was willing to go out on a limb and say that Naraku was not behind this, but that didn't leave her or the villagers in any less danger. The barrier around the village had been broken. There were yokai already seeking her out. Even if they were the ones she had tamed with food, soon enough others would come, and they wouldn't be looking for pets.
Reiko stood up and went back inside the hut. She fished through one of the baskets she already packed, pulling out a stack of sutras tied together with a ribbon. Fetching her quiver and bow, she went over towards the corner Rin was huddled in.
"Rin? Rin, are you awake?"
A slight shift of the blanket told Reiko that, yes, she was. In a rushed whisper, Reiko continued.
"I have to step out for a bit, but I'm coming right back. Hour tops. But I need you to stay here where it's safe, okay? Please, please stay here."
The blanket didn't move to answer, but Reiko hoped that Rin could hear her. Gently, she laid her hand on the lump she guessed was Rin's head, stroking it. She didn't want to leave her, but she needed to in order to keep her safe.
Outside the hut, Reiko let her reiryoku spread itself out, trying to sense the danger threatening her and the village. If the yokai were right, and her sutra barrier had been shattered sometime around sunset, then how come she hadn't noticed until now? Maybe she had been too distracted with Rin missing? If so, she counted herself lucky that the yokai didn't start to show up until after everyone retired to their huts for the night.
But she could definitely feel there was another presence out there, just on the verge of sensation. It made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She couldn't tell what it was, but she knew she had bigger problems as the sensation of being watched by a dozen invisible eyes overcame her.
The yokai were everywhere. She could hear them, dozens of them, gathering closer to her. Her scent was etched into every alleyway of this village – it would draw yokai in for miles. The little entourage she had now was going to grow exponentially if she didn't do something. Taking out a sutra, she placed it above the entryway of her hut. Making it stick to the wood, Reiko muttered a spell, unleashing its protective powers.
There was no way that Reiko could replace the barrier in a few hours. Even if she could, it wouldn't last. When she left it would have failed without her reiryoku to fuel it anymore. She had been prepared for this though and didn't plan on leaving the village vulnerable. By placing a paper talisman on every hut in the village, it would be enough to bar the yokai from entering the villagers' homes. And if she combined the sutras with a few spells she knew, it would keep the yokai away from the village long enough for her scent to fade. After that, they would have no more interest in this place.
At least, that's what Reiko hoped.
'Blood Maiden…please, Blood Maiden…let us be near you…'
The crowd of yokai behind Reiko begged, growing larger in number by the second. Reiko needed to get them out of here. If anyone saw them…it wouldn't be good. For her or the yokai.
"I know, I know." Reiko sighed as she knelt before the congregation of yokai. The presence of the sutras made them nervous, but they were still desperate for her attention. That made her hopeful. It meant they would listen.
"I need your help. Okay? I need you to make sure no other yokai get into the village. Ones you guys don't recognize. Come and tell me if you see any? Right?"
'Protect…the Blood Maiden…?' The kamaitachi asked, its eyes searching hers curiously.
"Sure. Yes. Protect me." She agreed with a sigh, already so exhausted, "But make sure none of you are seen, okay? I don't want the villagers panicking. And…I don't want any of you getting hurt."
They couldn't help it. It was her heart, her blood, making them do this. These yokai, for as small as they were, preferred to hide from humans and rarely ever left the shadows of the forest. To have come here, into the heart of a human village, they would only ever do it to be near her. They wanted her – her heart, her food, or her attention, she didn't really know when it came down to it – but they were her responsibility. She fed them, cared for them. They were as much a part of this village as the humans were.
'No see…protect Blood Maiden…yes…' The yokai hissed in agreement, and just like that, gone. They slunk back into the shadows they knew, hiding beneath the huts, behind barrels, and other unchecked places.
Reiko sighed in relief. She knew something bad was bound to happen, yes, but maybe she was in time to stop it from getting any worse. After all, the sun was now rising, and soon enough she would be leaving this place for good. Things were bound to get better then, right?
Madness. Madness and greed. Greed and suffering. Suffering and hunger. It is too late Blood Maiden. Too late. These things have already found their roost…
Reiko shoved aside her doubt and got to work. She may be a lure for monsters, a trap meant to draw them in, drag out the worst inside them and exterminate them. But so long as she had any say, she was not going to be the root of suffering anymore – for yokai, for the villagers, for her loved ones, or for herself.
Early morning found Sesshomaru surrounded by the twittering of excited birds. They were unbothered by his company and would sing the same they did every morning. The same could not be said for the yokai of the forest. As usual, his presence drove them away. This time, however, rather than retreating deeper into the forest, they went into the human village.
No doubt they were seeking out the Blood Maiden, and by the looks of things, had been successful. If she had been ignorant of the sutra barrier being shattered before, she was no longer.
This Sesshomaru could sense her frantic movements through the village, her reiryoku flaring out once in a while as she performed spells. She was in a panic to fix what he had broken. The thought of it entertained him. Did she know he was to blame for her current troubles? It seemed a just punishment, for all the inconvenience she had ever given him.
Though, this Sesshomaru supposed the Blood Maiden did not bear all the blame for his being here. Totosai and Inuyasha needed to pay for this humiliation as well, but they had nothing to do with the location of his retreat. No, that had all been the Tenseiga's doing.
The longer he reflected on it, the more the sword's actions disturbed this Sesshomaru. Had it simply acted to save him in accordance with the will of Inu no Taisho? Or had it acted on its own? For the sword of healing to reach out and protect him, surely it had some reason for doing so. There was no doubt in Sesshomaru's mind that the sword had not sensed any weakness within him. There was none to be found. Not mercy, not humanity, and never compassion.
But then for what other reason?
It could be the Tenseiga saw potential in Sesshomaru – the potential to become like his father. After all, it had brought him here to the Blood Maiden lived; the one being who seemed hellbent on giving mercy to every creature that crawled on this earth. She could not even bring herself to hate him, though he gave her plenty of opportunities to. Perhaps the Tenseiga hoped that by bringing Sesshomaru here, some of the Blood Maiden's compassion would wear on him.
He did not know. Nor did he wish to. This Sesshomaru was nothing like Inu no Taisho, nor Inuyasha. It would take more than one human woman to weaken him. He had said it himself; at best, the Blood Maiden was a curiosity. A passing curiosity that lingered longer than anticipated, and had overstayed its welcome, especially now that the Tenseiga seemed to have some design that involved her.
Sesshomaru knew himself to be a being of purpose after all. He could never commit to pursuing anything without it, for what use was it then? And his rightful purpose, naturally, was to conquer the path to supreme conquest. Compassion and mercy had no place there. To suffer from distractions, hesitation, was not in his nature.
Never was.
Whatever the Tenseiga had intended in rescuing him, in bringing him to the Blood Maiden, he would not allow it to hinder him.
Another uneventful hour or two, and then he would be able to move at will. His yoki was nearly finished healing him and then would replenish itself. Then he would leave this wretched place behind, never to suffer the invasion on his mind that was the Blood Maiden's scent ever again. If a millennium passed before he ever caught a hint of wine, spice, flowers, and honey, it would be too soon.
But as he heard the rustling of something small approaching him, his hope for peace and quiet dissipated.
Sesshomaru let out an inaudible sigh. He knew it had to be the girl. The child who was a companion to the Blood Maiden.
Since attempting to dab his forehead with a wet cloth late last night, she had not bothered him until now. In a way, Sesshomaru had almost been expecting her, curious as to what she would try next. If she was anything like the Blood Maiden, then she would not so easily give up in trying to lend aid, however unwanted. He could not be bothered to even be annoyed at this predictable outcome. If anything, she was a distraction from the Blood Maiden's constant invasion of his senses.
The girl and her efforts mattered less than nothing to him though – it was pointless to waste his time or energy on something that was as threatening as a wingless gnat. No one would hardly mistake his indifference for mercy towards the young human though. No, true mercy would be if he showed her the error of following after the Blood Maiden's example, daring to approach a being like himself. Maybe then she would live longer.
Something was different this time though. The girl's steps were sluggish, heavy. As she approached the tree he had propped himself against, Sesshomaru did not turn to acknowledge her presence, though he was more than able to catch her appearance in the corner of his eye.
She had been beaten. From head to toe, scuffs and bruises marred her skin, her kosode covered in dirt. Her right eye was swollen shut, darkly colored, and a cheek puffed out as if she had accidentally bit down on the inside of its flesh. Given the appearance of her wounds, it would seem she had suffered the attack of not just one, but many assailants. It was surprising to Sesshomaru that she was able to walk straight, let alone stand on her own.
"No thanks."
The sound of his voice stopped the child. His words surprised her, perhaps thinking he was asleep yet again, but she was hardly frightened. If anything, she felt the need to rush over to his side, kneeling down to offer the food on the leaf she had gathered. For whatever reason, she had brought him sheaves of wheat, which she lifted to him in a wordless plea.
"This Sesshomaru told you, I do not need anything from you." He said bluntly, though his tone lacked the usual bite of warning.
The girl stared at him piteously, only to eventually sigh, bringing the leaf plate down to her lap with a look of dejection. Why was she disappointed at his refusal? Had she really expected a different result this time? She was only wasting her time. What even was her reason for going to such lengths? It was obvious the girl was not working on the orders of the Blood Maiden, nor anyone else's but her own volition. As it was, she stood to gain nothing in her attempts to aid this Sesshomaru – none that he could see at least.
And yet, she came anyway, heedless of the severity of her wounds. The girl's wrist had been so delicate when Sesshomaru had caught it last night, it would have hardly taken an ounce of his strength to snap it. And yet, for as delicate as she was, she was here.
Who, or what, attacked her in the brief hours since last she appeared to him? The Blood Maiden's scent clung to her like a second skin, making it difficult to determine the cause. There was the stench of humans emanating from her, but that could be explained away by her living in a village.
Briefly, this Sesshomaru wondered if the yokai of the forest were responsible. After all, they were swarming the village now that he had broken the Blood Maiden's barrier, seeking out the source of their desire. And the girl, as small and helpless as she was, was already choice prey without having the scent of the Blood Maiden entangled with her own. It was of no consequence to him what might happen to the humans in the village under her charge – it had not even crossed his mind.
And yet this girl…
"Where did you get those bruises?"
The girl blinked back up at him in surprise.
"Uh…huh?" She sounded; his questioning confused her.
Sesshomaru bent his head in reticence. He did not know what he had expected by way of an answer, but it hardly mattered. The girl was mute and would be unable to give him one.
Such a helpless creature – all humans were. Weak and fallible, their lives as short and insignificant as insects. This girl especially, as Sesshomaru knew her kind of innocence would not be long for this world. Not if the attack she had endured was any indication. Perhaps it had been the first of many life's harsh lessons to come for her. If she bothered to learn from them, then she might stand a chance to live a few pointless decades more. But it seemed she refused to. She came here to him without hesitation, he who was quite possibly the source of her current suffering, even though she could barely walk…
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He spoke, the gentleness of his voice surprising him.
The girl let out a soundless gasp, her one good eye widening in a kind of shock. Impulsively, this Sesshomaru turned to face the child. The moment he did, she began to smile. It showed off a missing tooth and closed her eyes in happiness. A laugh escaped her, cheerful and bubbling. Whatever had been troubling her before was now gone, eclipsed by an inner joy only a child could possess.
Her curious reaction caused Sesshomaru to frown. His words to the child could not have possibly spurred a response such as this.
"What are you smiling about? I simply asked a question." He snapped. This girl was as strange, if not stranger than the Blood Maiden. And was quickly becoming just as infuriating…as intriguing…
"I don't care. I am just curious." He said dismissively, but the girl hardly minded. Still smiling, she was encouraged to try and again offer him the sheaves of wheat she had gathered on the leaf, more insistent this time. Eventually, she understood he would continue to refuse, but left him still smiling, humming to herself happily.
This time, Sesshomaru's eyes followed after her, watching her slow movements until she disappeared from view. Though he had been quick to dismiss her from his mind last night, he continued to puzzle over this latest interaction as the morning waned on. Even when he began to replenish his yoki, she stayed in his mind.
Simple curiosity, that was all, yes? At best, that was all something like this human child or the Blood Maiden could ever be to a being like himself. Passing curiosities that lingered longer than anticipated, that were given more study than other distractions. They served no purpose ultimately, no use. The Blood Maiden had been inadvertently thrust onto his path, by bad luck, by association to Inuyasha, by the Tenseiga's design – but he would tire of her, as he would this child. As he did all things that were useless. He still believed it to be true even if it hadn't happened yet.
But then, were they passing curiosities if they refused to be satisfied?
Reiko leaned herself against the side of a random hut, ready to pass out. People were milling about the streets now, ready to start their long day. A few of them spotted her and gave her the usual greetings and requests. Reiko could only manage to shake her head in response, too tired to do anything else.
She did it. She didn't know how, but she did it. Every home, shack, and lean-to had a sutra protecting it, and over a hundred spells cast a net of protection over anything that could remotely be considered a shelter. This had to be some kind of record, her reiryoku was strained to the point of evaporating. There were still some yokai here and there, hiding in the shadows, trying to edge closer to her unseen, but they obeyed her command to remain hidden. As soon as she left the village, they would follow her out, and maybe then she could bargain with them to remain in the forest.
But that was for later. For now, Reiko had a lot of packing to finish up. Kagome and the others were on their way. They would be here any minute.
Reiko walked the edge of the village along the bank of the river, hoping that she could avoid people by keeping to the outskirts. Particularly Genzo. She would eventually have to tell the old man that she was leaving, but she'd rather put it off until the last minute. Or maybe never. It might be better that way, as Lord Asano would never willingly let her go, and if the villagers didn't know anything then they might be spared his wrath.
…on second thought, maybe a letter to Lieutenant Masao and the Princess was in order. Hopefully, they could keep Lord Asano in check, and if the villagers of Hajimari heard about her departure from the clan house, they might take the news better. Yes, that definitely sounded like a better plan.
Still, I should find some way to say goodbye to some of the villages. At least Hanae…after all she did for me, all she taught me. Reiko considered with a sigh, trying to quell the sudden sting of emotion in her chest.
When she saw Rin further down the riverbank, Reiko smiled. The girl was hopping on one foot playfully, making happy sounds. Reiko didn't even mind that she wasn't in the hut like she had asked her – it was safe now after all. Besides, this was her last day in Hajimari before she would leave for Kaede's village, so maybe she was out here saying goodbye to the place she had called home for so long.
Hoping this was a good sign, Reiko approached.
"Well good morning Rin," Reiko called out. Rin immediately froze, looking somewhat panicked at the sound of her voice. Reiko figured it was because Rin thought she was in trouble, so she lughed as she caught up to the little girl.
"Don't worry. It's fine you left the hut Rin. Even though I asked you not to. So, okay, maybe it's not fine, but we'll forget about it. The last twenty-four hours have been a bit of a stressor, so…hey, what's wrong?" Reiko asked as she came up beside Rin. The girl was hiding her face with her hair, as if she didn't want to see Reiko.
Reiko sighed. So, Rin was still mad at her. Kneeling down before the little girl, Reiko tried to form another string of apologies.
"Rin, listen. I'm sorry, but you can't come with me. I know it's unfair, but I can't have you in –"
Reiko cut herself short. Rin's face, hidden before, was now plain to see. And so were the bruises. Her right eye was so swollen that it had shut itself, the skin discolored an ugly purple. She instantly dropped her bow and remaining sutras, her hands reaching for Rin's face, tenderly inspecting the damage.
"Oh Rin, what happened?" Reiko asked. Did she fall from a tree or something? She was dirty all over as if she took a nasty tumble. Rin was looking away from her though as if upset with herself for some reason. It was like she hadn't intended on letting Reiko see her like this. Was she embarrassed…or was it something else?
A terrible feeling sunk Reiko's stomach, making her feel sick.
"Did somebody…hit you?"
Reiko could feel Rin's shoulders start to tremble from beneath her hands. This was all Reiko needed to confirm her worst fear. She looked the girl over once again, seeing the dirty prints of sandal bottoms all over her kosode. Someone had kicked her. A lot. When did this happen? Reiko had only left her for little more than an hour!
"Who was it? Who hurt you? Was it Joji?!" Reiko asked, knowing only one person who was cruel enough, stupid enough, to hurt her charge.
Rin started to shake her head, making small sounds of protest that Reiko could barely hear over the rush of blood in her ears. Rising to meet her anger, her reiryoku unfurled itself, ready to lash out despite being overtaxed. It seethed like poison - burning, slicing, potent. It wanted to hurt something, someone, right now. And she knew exactly who that would be.
"Rin, it's okay if he threatened you not to tell me. It's going to be okay. I'm going to make it okay. So just stay here." Reiko reassured, rubbing out a dirt stain on the child's cheek gently. She was shaking with the effort to remain calm. She couldn't let Rin see how furious she was – she might think it was her Reiko was upset with when that couldn't be farther than the truth.
Reiko picked up her bow and stood up, her tight grip causing the wood to creak under the strain. She didn't know what she was going to do except find Joji and go from there. Was he out on patrol still? She could track him down to some secluded spot in the woods and deal with him there. Finally, make good on her promise to show him true power while she burned all his sins away.
She was going to leave and do just that, but Rin grabbed a hold of her sleeve. The girl was shaking her head, looking ready to cry, silently pleading for Reiko to stay here with her.
"Rin, I'm not leaving you yet. I'm just going to take care of something. I promise." Reiko reassured, her anger shrinking as a wave of guilt crashed through her.
Joji may be to blame for this…but I'm the one at fault. I let him back into the village. Me. I did this. I always do this. I always find a way to get the ones I love hurt.
She knew this would happen. She had overstayed her welcome. Monsters found her, yes, but they weren't yokai as she had come to expect. She often said it herself – the only difference between humans and yokai was that the latter had claws and teeth. By letting Joji come back, she thought everything would be as it was before she had ever arrived at this village, making her departure easier for everyone. She should have known that meant Joji would go back to doing whatever he pleased, including hit little girls.
You let it in. You let in the madness and greed. You welcomed it with open arms. Your fault. This is all your fault. Look at her face! You did that to her! You're hurting her, just like you hurt everyone!
"Let go now Rin. I promise I'll be right back." Reiko pleaded, unable to bear looking at Rin any more. Just as she pried loose Rin's fingers though, someone came running down the hill by the river bank.
"Lady Miko!"
"Hanae? What is it? What's wrong?" Reiko frowned as the old woman nearly tumbled down to her and Rin. She was completely out of breath and doubled over in effort as she tried to speak.
"Yokai…there's a…a yokai in the village! The mercenaries…they got it cornered…further down the river…"
Reiko couldn't believe it. She didn't want to. All the yokai seemed to be obeying her so far and remained hidden liked she asked. But then, what if it wasn't one of her regulars from the forest, but a newcomer wanting to take her heart? It was likely, even if it happened faster than she expected.
"It's horrible! It's human-looking and wearing fur, and has fangs! It seems to be wounded!" Hanae continued in a fluster. From beside her, Rin let out a gasp. She looked up at Reiko, looking desperate to communicate something but uncertain how.
With a sigh, Reiko slung her bow over her shoulder, trying to settle her reiryoku into a calmer state. She supposed dealing with Joji would have to wait until after the village was safe.
"Hanae, Rin's been hurt. Could you take care of her while I go deal with this mess?"
"Right…right…just going to…catch my breath..." Hanae panted, slowly lowering herself to the ground.
Reiko turned and followed the river, not looking back even as Rin tried to follow after her. Hanae called her back though, so at least Reiko wouldn't have to worry about her for now. Hanae would patch her up and keep an eye on her.
But why didn't Rin come to find her after she had gotten hurt? She knew that Reiko wouldn't let anyone get away with hurting her, so why try and hide it? Was it because Joji threatened her to remain quiet? He'd have to know Reiko would suspect him the moment she saw Rin's face. So then…maybe Rin was trying to spare Reiko's feelings? Broken and bruised, Rin was thinking about Reiko's feelings over her own pain – a child taking on the weight of a grown woman's fragile mentality. Knowing this, anger dug itself deeper into Reiko.
You are an outsider. You cannot live among others without bringing them to harm one way or another, for wherever you go you will be followed by your fate…
The voice whispered, drowning all rational thought.
Finding a crowd gathered further down the river, Reiko forgot what she had come for the moment she spotted Joji among the many faces. He was standing by with all of his mercenaries, their swords and bows drawn and aimed at some little dilapidated shack. Reiko marched past them all, seeing red.
"Joji!" She snarled. Joji looked over to her and stood at attention.
"My Lady Miko! We caught a yokai trying to sneak into the village! We have it cornered in this hovel here, but it-"
"You fucking worm! You coward!" She screamed, walking right up to him, shaking with fury, "I should have shot you the second I saw you!"
"What? I don't-"
"My Lady Miko? Whatever seems to be the trouble?" Genzo called out. He was up a steep bank that lined the river, separating it from the village. There was a large crowd of spectators, each eager to see the yokai be driven out. All those eyes were now turned towards Reiko though, and she froze. Their eyes felt like insects crawling all over her skin, making her feel disgusted with herself. It was like they knew what she had done – what she was about to do.
Reiko's words left her. She was so filled with burning hatred that she didn't know what to do with herself. Her reiryoku coiled about her, ready to strike, but she didn't know who to lash out first – the eyes, Joji, or herself.
"Well, you are here now. Kami knows how the yokai managed to sneak past all these mercenaries, but I am sure you can remedy their ineptitudes." Genzo commented, clambering down the bank to join beside Reiko. He then glanced towards Joji smugly, "Perhaps you and your men should stand down, Joji. The Lady Miko can handle it from here."
"But, I-" Joji frowned, but Reiko couldn't stand to hear him breathe another word.
"Back off Joji!" She snarled, pushing past him, "I'll deal with you later, or I could feed you to whatever is hiding in that shack."
She marched up to the shack, realizing it was the one Rin used to live in. Before she moved in with Reiko. Of all the places to forget to put a sutra on. Was this ironic or a cruel coincidence? Either way, Reiko tried to concentrate, straining to hear the thoughts of whatever yokai was inside the shack. Except she couldn't.
Is there really a yokai in there? I can't hear it calling out for my heart. Oh Kami, maybe it's one of the tamed ones? It's probably so scared. I have to get it out of here!
Reiko weighed her options. Taking an arrow out of her quiver, she drew her bow back, aiming at the shack. She didn't imbue the arrow with her reiryoku, but she needed to put on something of a show. If she handled this just right, she could get the yokai to leave peacefully as well as alive.
"Yokai. You need to leave this village. There is nothing for you here." She said firmly. If it was one of her tamed yokai, then it would hopefully listen to her. If it made a mad dash for the river, it could swim over to the forest and –
"They're going to catch up. Please, I'll leave. Just let me go." A voice in the shack spoke up.
Out from the shadows stepped a figure. It looked human-like Hanae said, but something was off. It's one good eye was too large for its face, and the fangs in its mouth stuck out like an overbite. It was scruffy looking and wearing a fur vest – so definitely not one of Reiko's regulars form the forest. It was definitely a yokai, but Reiko couldn't hear its inner voice calling for her heart. What was going on?
The yokai stepped out from the shack but stopped the moment Joji and the other mercenaries drew up their weapons. Reiko turned to glare back at them all, her reiryoku flaring out in silent rage. Maybe the men sensed it because they did not move to attack the yokai. She turned back to it.
"Go then. Go right now and don't come back." She told it, pointing to the river and the forest beyond it. The yokai nodded and looked like he was going to obey when a terrible sound rose up from the village.
Everyone turned about in confusion as the sound grew louder. Screams of alarm and…howling?
"It's too late! They're already here!" The yokai shouted in panic. Reiko wanted to ask him what he meant, but he jumped into the river. Hearing the commotion from the village grow even louder, Reiko scrambled up the bank towards it. Genzo, Joji, and the mercenaries followed. Villagers were running everywhere, screaming in fear as a pack of wolves tore their way through the crowd.
"What the hell?!" A mercenary screamed.
Reiko mirrored his sentiments, unable to make sense of what was happening. But when she saw a wolf leap at a villager, knocking them down onto the back with the intent of ripping out their throat, she moved into action. Her arrow missed its mark, but grazed the side of the wolf's face, enough to scare it off its prey.
"Get to your houses! You'll be safe there! Go, go!" She shouted out, hoping people could hear her over their own screams.
Many were already running towards the huts to hide, and Reiko hoped that her sutras and spells worked against wolves as well as yokai. She kept firing arrow after arrow at the wolves to drive them away. She failed to hit any, they were too fast – faster than the motionless targets she was used to practicing with, but the threat of her attack ushered the pack out of the village.
Twenty, maybe thirty wolves, all charged towards the river. The mercenaries were in their way, having grouped together to protect themselves rather than the villagers they were supposed to. But now with the wolves coming straight for them, they had no choice but to fight.
"Men! Steady! Hold your ground!" Joji ordered. The men readied their swords and drew back their bows, but none of them got the chance to attack. The wolves, seeing their weapons and armor, leapt out of the mercenaries' way, too fast for a single one of them to strike out, before all of the pack made it past them.
Running back over to the steep bank, Reiko watched as some of the wolves leapt into the river. They swam after the yokai that had been trying to escape to the forest. The wolves bit down on him, forcing him under the water as they began to drag him back to the shore. Reiko wondered what she should do when a second commotion caught her attention.
Turning, Reiko looked in time to see a wild whirlwind barreling towards her, forcing her to close her eyes against the dirt being kicked up. The whirlwind tore through the group of mercenaries, sending them, their armor, their weapons, flying everywhere. Reiko braced herself, throwing herself down on the ground to grab handfuls of grass, hoping to keep herself from flying away.
It seemed to work because as soon as it had appeared, the whirlwind was gone. In its place was a man. He was tall, with black hair tied back into a ponytail, wearing a chest plate of armor and covered with brown fur. Reiko thought she also spotted a tail, she couldn't be sure, but that man was definitely a yokai. Worse, he seemed to be the leader of the pack as they parted for him while approached the edge of the river as his prey was brought back. The half-drowned yokai sputtered and choked as he was brought the shore, staring up at the newcomer fearfully.
"I had to search high and low for you, you dirty thief." The yokai said as he crouched down, grabbing the head of the runaway to growl lowly, "Now hand over the sacred jewel shard that you've stolen from me."
Ah! That's why I couldn't hear the yokai's thoughts. He has a shard of the Shikon no Tama! And since I can't hear whirlwind boy's thoughts either, he has to have at least one as well. Shit…this is not good. Where's Inuyasha when you need him? Reiko groaned to herself as she stood back up.
"Alright! I won't run away, but please, spare me!" The yokai pleaded, digging into his fur vest. He placed a shard on the ground, allowing the leader to snatch it away with a claw-tipped hand. Free of the shard, the runaway's one good eye opened wide and, as if noticing her for the first time, looked towards Reiko.
'Blood Maiden…it's actually you…the Blood Maiden…'
Seeing that the runaway's attention was elsewhere, the leader finally turned to face her. His face was wolf-like in feature and handsome in spite of the sneer he wore as he looked Reiko up and down. His sneer deepened when the mercenaries finally got themselves together and gathered behind Reiko, hesitant to come closer to the yokai and wolves. Further behind them, Reiko could hear the villagers coming out of their homes – curious as to why things had gone quiet.
"Who the hell are you pests?" The yokai chuckled, causing the men to bristle and raise their weapons.
Reiko lifted her hand to steady them, hoping they would obey. From experience, she knew that yokai who had a human-like appearance tended to be powerful. And if this yokai already had several shards of the Shikon no Tama, then the mercenaries would be no match for him. Reiko herself doubted if she could take him even without the wolves.
"A miko, huh?" The wolf yokai grumbled, recognizing Reiko as in charge of the humans. He took a harder look at her and frowned as if something was wrong. Taking a tentative sniff in her direction, he suddenly jolted as if surprised. That quickly changed as a devious, hungry-looking smirk settled on his face.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't my lucky day?" He drawled, taking a step towards her.
Reiko took up her bow and notched an arrow, aiming it straight at this heart. It was drawn and ready, but she refrained from firing. Given how fast he could run, she doubted she could hit him when it came down to it.
Better just make a good bluff or something. We might just beat him in a fight, but not without some heavy casualties. Reiko thought as she considered her next move.
"It's about to become unlucky unless you and your pets start walking away. Right now." She warned with a glare. The wolf yokai did not head the threat as he kept stepping closer, making the men behind her nervously raise their own bows.
"It really is you, isn't it? The real deal. I've been hearing rumors but didn't believe 'em. A genuine Blood Maiden."
This sent a murmur through the mercenaries and villagers. It would seem they were familiar with the Blood Maiden. Reiko could feel her jaw clench, not liking her secret was outed so casually.
"Lady Miko, what is he talking about?" Genzo asked, hiding behind the curtain of mercenaries. Before she could answer, Joji shouted out.
"What are you waiting for? Let's just kill him!"
At his words, some of the mercenaries started aiming their bows, following Joji's lead, but Reiko hissed at them.
"Do not fire. I got this."
Before Joji or anyone else could protest, the wolf yokai took a dramatically deep sniff. It unnerved Reiko, knowing he was taking in her scent.
"Hm, got to admit Blood Maiden, you smell pretty good for a human. Like a freshly slaughtered doe. But, eh, I don't see what the big deal is if that's all you got." He shrugged with a cocky grin.
The jewel shards…his resisting the lure of my blood and heart because of them. Just like Naraku. Maybe we can resolve this peacefully!
"Then again," He added, "my wolves are pretty hungry…"
Fuck. Never mind.
The wolves began to snarl, knowing the sound of a dinner bell when they heard it and stalked closer with their leader.
Reiko urged her mind to think fast and come up with something, as it seemed she was seconds away from being torn apart. The wolves seemed like regular wolves in all respects…but what about their leader? Alpha wolves were protective of their packs, so maybe alpha wolf yokai were too?
Deciding to take a risk, Reiko set the sight of her arrow onto the closest grouping of wolves. Her reiryoku, which until now had been impatiently waiting on standby, quickly answered her call to imbue her arrow. She poured everything into it that she could, pushing past her exhaustion, making her hair and clothes fluttering in the invisible flow of her spiritual power. It startled her how much it had grown since her encounter with Naraku – it seemed to be drawing itself from a bottomless well. When the arrow's tip started to glow a bright violet, violently shaking as if it would shatter, the wolf yokai's eyes grew wide.
"Fuck! Fall back!" He shouted, leaping back away.
The wolves followed his example and retreated back to the river, whimpering. The wolf yokai was growling at her, his hair practically standing up. Reiko let out a secret breath of relief. She had been right. He wasn't willing to risk the life of a single wolf over trying to attack her. Not with her power. Still, she kept her bow at the ready, her reiryoku still worked up and ready to attack.
"Feh, you ain't more than skin and bones," He scoffed, trying to sound smug even though it was clear he was nervous, "And I've got more important things to do right now. Those stupid Birds of Paradise aren't gonna slaughter themselves."
He nodded to his wolves, and part of the pack took off running. They followed the river upstream, and in seconds would be out of the village entirely. Their leader and the others were just about to take off after them when the runaway yokai spoke up.
"You're letting me go? Thank you for your mercy!" He smiled. The wolf yokai froze. Glancing back at the other, he smirked.
"Mm. You fool…I would have forgotten."
With the sharp claws of his hand, he slashed down at the runaway yokai – slitting his throat open to bleed out in a matter of seconds. This sent a wave of screams through the villagers watching. Alarmed, the mercenaries drew back their bows, but Reiko turned around to face them.
"Stand down! Do not fire!" She yelled, the command in her voice stilling them and the panicking villagers for a moment.
"You saw how easily he killed that thing!" Joji protested from beside her, "We'll be next if you don't do something!"
"Stand down, Joji. I mean it. He's leaving." Reiko glared as her reiryoku spiked furiously at having to say his name. Before Joji could find the breath to argue, the wolf yokai spoke.
"Oh, don't worry. I'll be back for you Blood Maiden. When I get a few more of these shards, I'm gonna make you into a pretty little snack." He smirked, showing off his sharp fangs.
Reiko lifted an impassive brow at him.
Is he threatening to eat me or flirting with me? Ugh, probably the same thing when it comes to yokai.
It hardly mattered, for the wolf yokai took off, disappearing into another whirlwind that blinded everyone. His remaining wolves took after him, howling and yipping excitedly. It took what felt like forever until their howls faded away, but soon it was over.
Reiko lowered her bow and arrow, the muscles in her arms sighing in relief. She tried and failed to contain a nervous giggle.
She did it. She got the yokai to leave peacefully without getting a single person killed. From before dawn till this moment, her last day in Hajimari had been a total disaster, but it seemed to be finally over. She turned towards the gathered crowd of villagers. Seeing the many axes, pitchforks, and other farming tools they held, she smiled. They had been ready to fight alongside her if it came down to it. Among the faces of the crowd, she was able to see an astounded-looking Hanae and Rin, who started waving at her excitedly. It seemed Rin couldn't be kept away despite the old woman's best efforts.
"It's okay everyone. The yokai are gone. We're safe." Reiko announced, hoping to dispel the last remnants of panic.
"Safe? Safe?!" Joji spat, "I heard that yokai the same as you! He said he will be coming back! Why didn't you kill him?!"
"Because he had at least two shards of the Shikon no Tama. Trust me, it was better to get him out of here without a fight." Reiko answered, and spotting Genzo approaching her, announced to him, "I have some friends coming today who can deal with him. Do you remember the yokai slayer and the monk? They'll go after him, I'm sure. So if everyone could just-"
"We had him! If you hadn't ordered us to stand down, my men and I could have taken him!"
Reiko turned to Joji with a glare. She had been willing to put aside her business with him until the village was safe, but now her anger was rising.
"You and your men probably would have gotten everyone killed. You saw how fast that yokai was. None of you would have gotten close enough to scratch him without getting your throats slit." She seethed, "Then again. Compared to what I am going to do to you, you might end up finding that preferable."
"What did you say?"
"Lady Miko? Has Joji done something?" Genzo asked.
"He beat Rin! Look at her! Look at what he did to her!" She shouted, pointing towards Rin. She was now at the edge of the crowd, but she looked hesitant to come closer to Reiko. Probably Joji was next to her. At her prompting, everyone looked to the little girl, confirming with their own eyes the bruises that covered her face. Looking back to Joji, Reiko was disgusted to see he had the gall to act confused.
"You and your fucking ego couldn't stand the fact that you don't have a fraction of the power and respect I do. Even your own men don't listen to you! You only know how to hit little girls, so that's what you did!" She screamed, snapping Joji out of his surprise.
"How dare you! I was out patrolling with my men all night! Ask any of them, they'll tell you!" Some of the mercenaries lined behind him nodded in answer, but Reiko ignored them.
"Lies! You are worthless! Pathetic! A worm I don't even want to touch! A disgusting monster! Every inch of you!" She swore, her hands tightening their grip on her bow and arrow. Her reiryoku swirled about her furiously, making some of the men step back from the sheer force of its presence.
"I agree!" Shouted Genzo, turning to address the crowd of villagers nearby, "We can't trust these men to protect us if they go around beating our children. And you saw how they all were thrown aside by that yokai while our Lady Miko stood strong. All we need is our Lady Miko."
The villagers responded with a few shouts of agreement and started to line themselves up in opposition to the mercenaries. From her place by the crowd, Rin shook her head, looking panicked. Reiko was starting to get a worrying feeling herself. Just like yesterday, if this continued, Genzo might incite the villagers to riot. That was the last thing she needed and tried to find a way to calm everyone down, but she couldn't focus when she heard Joji speak up again.
"Your Lady Miko, huh?" He barked a laugh, "You heard what the yokai said about the Lady Miko, right? She's a Blood Maiden!"
This got a few confused murmurs from the crowd and the mercenaries. Reiko could feel a hundred different eyes trace over her, as if searching for the truth on her face. She didn't want to feel ashamed, but she did, and it only fueled her anger. Genzo shouted over them though, practically frothing in excitement as he spoke.
"Yes, and it is wonderful! I always had a hunch that you were special, Lady Miko. A Blood Maiden – a descendant of Ame-no-Uzume herself! Why…why you are practically a goddess!"
If Reiko was uncomfortable before, it became a thousand times worse. The way he spoke, it sounded as if Genzo believed she really was a goddess. And from the way they looked at her, it would seem some of the villagers believed it too. Joji was not about to relent though.
"That's not the version of the story I grew up hearing. I heard that Blood Maidens are cursed women who offended the gods! Dark priestesses who lure yokai to them like flies to honey! That wolf yokai is going to come back for her, and he'll kill anyone in his way!"
"Nonsense! The Lady Miko is pure and good! She has driven away the yokai time and time again!" Genzo insisted.
"Really? Cause I seem to remember the day she came here was the same day those ogre brothers attacked. They only ever attacked travelers at night before, but suddenly they come into our village, searching for something. Searching for her!"
Hearing this, a large number of the villagers suddenly did not look so sure. It was true, they had suffered yokai attacks before, but mostly on the roads at night. A few of them began to murmur other odd coincidences – like how powerful yokai like Lord Sesshomaru and Inuyasha didn't start threatening the clan territory until the Lady Miko showed up. Yokai who threatened the Lord Asano's sanity…making it easier for the Lady Miko to do as she pleased…
A frenzy of arguments started to build. The villagers seemed to be splitting among Genzo and Joji, the mercenaries firmly on the latter's side. Rin looked about like a nervous animal, letting out quiet sobs of fright that drove a thorn of rage into Reiko's heart. Finding her voice, she shouted about the noise.
"Enough of this! I'm leaving today anyway, alright? So none of this matters!"
"What?! Lady Miko, you can't just-" Genzo started to protest, but she cut him off as she turned to Joji.
"But before I go, I'm going to make sure you pay! Every little mark! Every little scratch! Every hair on her head you touched, I'm going to repay you a hundred times over!"
Joji took several steps back, overwhelmed by the visible hatred on Reiko's face. He was beyond nervous, his eyes constantly darting to her still armed bow and arrow.
"I never touched that brat! Someone must be trying to set me up!" He insisted, eyes scanning the crowd as if he would see a guilty face amongst them. Seeing Rin though, he moved towards the girl. Reiko watched in frozen horror as he grabbed her, making the girl cry out in alarm as he started to shake her.
"Tell her! Tell her it wasn't me!"
Reiko went blind. All she could see was red, and all she could feel was her reiryoku. She was aware that she had dropped her bow and was running towards Joji and Rin, but all other sensations were eaten up by her rage-filled reiryoku. It burned her, screaming for release. Grabbing Joji's wrist to break his grip on Rin, Reiko allowed it just that.
Joji immediately began to thrash as her reiryoku poured out, traveling up his hand, his arm, all the way to his neck and face. It acted like fire, crackling over his skin, peeling it away to reveal muscle and sinew beneath. Joji's screams were the only thing Reiko could hear, but she didn't let go. Joji eventually broke free of her, but not because she let go – no, it was because what had once been flesh was now ash falling away.
He landed on his back, his body, or what was left of it, thrashing in agony. Gone was his entire left arm, all the way to his shoulder, with his neck and part of his face seared and covered in burn blisters.
"She killed him! She killed Joji!"
"He was right! She is a dark priestess!"
"No! No! She was protecting the child from him!"
"He's a traitor! He defied the Lady Miko's will! He deserved it!"
Reiko's breath rushed back into her, suddenly bringing her back to reality. The mercenaries were aiming their weapons at her, a few of them daring to come closer to grab the somehow still alive Joji back to the safety of their group. His arm and half his face were just…gone. Had she really done that? She looked down at her hand, realizing it was covered in the ash that had once been his flesh.
Oh, Kami. What did I just do? And why…why did I enjoy it?
Even when facing the rising panic of the villagers and mercenaries, Reiko couldn't find room for regret. Only when she looked to Rin did she feel a twinge of guilt. Rin had been knocked to the ground when Joji had been forced to let go of her, causing her to scuff her knees. The poor thing looked shaken and was looking at what had been Joji's arm in shock.
"Lady Miko. These men are wicked, they must leave or our village won't be safe. You are our leader, drive them out!" Genzo cried out.
The tension in the air sparked, and suddenly there was a crowd of people standing behind her, weapons raised and ready for the word to attack. Sobriety hit Reiko like a train as she realized the depth of the anarchy she was inciting.
"No, Genzo! We have to get everyone to stand down. I…I didn't mean…to…" Reiko tried to speak, but stopped at her lie, unable to think of what to say. She had to say something though. Some of the villagers had changed sides to the mercenaries upon seeing her torture of Joji, believing she was a dark priestess. Neighbor was getting ready to fight neighbor all because of her. Old farmers were about to fight trained mercenaries in armor. It was going to be a slaughter.
If there is madness, the Blood Maiden will bring it to the surface. If there is greed…lust…hunger…you will find it. You were meant to feed their inner desires. Their eyes will follow your every move. What you give, they will take, and you give nothing but chaos…
Reiko's thoughts were drowned by the voice in her mind, unable to think around its awful words. Even as the mercenaries drew back their bows, their arrows pointed right at her, she remained numb and unmoving. A single sound from her, a twitch, would have been enough to spark the fight.
Instead, it was a little voice.
'Blood Maiden…we must protect the Blood Maiden…'
From underneath a nearby hut, Reiko could hear the voice of the yokai. They crawled out from under the home, dozens of them, all of the ones she recognized from her feedings in the forest. They had obeyed her and had remained hidden as long as they could, but couldn't any longer. Not when their precious Blood Maiden was being threatened. Their fur was raised, their fangs bared, and they were ready to protect one they saw as their own.
"No, no, no, no! Hide! Go! Shoo!" Reiko hissed at them in panic. But it was too late, several villagers had turned to see what the noise was. Spotting the yokai, another wave of screams went up.
The yokai forged ahead, parting the mixed crowd of villagers and mercenaries. They made it all the way to Reiko, circling her like loyal dogs. Their thoughts chanted as one voice to protect Reiko, hissing and snarling at the villagers who were becoming more and more convinced that she was a dark priestess.
"The yokai are lured to her as Joji said! She has yokai at her command!"
"She's going to have them kill us all!"
"N-no! They're harmless! I've fed them! They're tame!" Reiko shouted, demonstrating by kneeling down next to the kamaitachi. She stroked its fur, to which it responded by rubbing its head against her hand. She meant this to be a sign that the yokai were harmless. Instead, it only made things worse.
"Lady Miko…I don't…I don't understand…" Genzo stuttered, unable to believe his eyes. His faith in her seemed to have been completely shattered. Standing next to him was Hanae, who was looking at Reiko with absolute horror. When she saw the old woman take a step back from her in disgust, Reiko's heart clenched.
"You fed them? Oh Kami, all that food you would always take to the forest. You've been bending the yokai of the forest to your will!"
"No! I mean yes! They won't harm anyone though! They're just trying to protect me! They can't help it, they just-"
Reiko did not see who fired the arrow, but she heard it as it came whistling towards her. She saw it just in time to realize it would not hit her – only for it to sink into the kamaitachi beside her.
"NO!" She cried out, watching the poor thing spasm and claw against the arrow that went through its chest. It was seconds away from dying and all Reiko could think to do was reach for it, holding it to her.
But it was already dead. Its body sagged in her arms, limp of life. Reiko could feel hot tears sting her eyes. All this creature ever did was seek her affection. The yokai, seeing one of their own was dead, howled with fury. They started to lash out at the nearest humans, their teeth and claws seeking blood.
"The yokai are attacking!"
But the tide had turned so much – most of the villagers were now on the side of the mercenaries. So it came as little surprise to Reiko then that another arrow was fired. And then another. She felt both sink into her exposed back, one just below her shoulder and the other in her lower ribs, knocking her down to the ground. She knew the arrows were there; she could feel the pressure of them piercing her skin and sinking through her muscles, but the pain hadn't hit her yet because of shock.
"The Lady Miko! We have to protect her!" Someone cried out.
The villagers that had – somehow – remained loyal to Reiko charged at the mercenaries, neverminding that they were also attacking friends and neighbors. Reiko became lost in a sea of conflict, humans and yokai striking, hitting, biting, smashing, cutting, piercing everything and anything that came too close. And all Reiko could do was lie there, feeling as if she was trapped inside a bubble, watching the battle from a distance.
You did this. You. You brought this madness. Look at them. Look at what you do. This is your purpose. The voice in her mind chanted over and over again until it was all she could hear.
Reiko didn't notice when Rin had appeared at her side, but the realization hit like a bucket of ice water. Rin was stuck in the middle of this with her, with death on all sides. Worse, Rin was trying to hand her back her bow, getting some of her blood on her clothes in the process. No…oh no…the scent of her blood would bring more yokai out! Yokai that haven't been tamed by her food. Not that those ones are any better as she watched, horrified, as one serpentine yokai sunk its fangs into the neck of a woman she recognized as the seamstress.
She needed to stop this. She needed to do something, anything, besides lie here and bleed out. All of this could have been prevented, but now it was up to her to end it. Somehow. But first, she needed to get Rin out of this.
"Rin, I need you to run."
Rin shook her head, her voice whimpering with wordless sounds. She kept her grip on Reiko, not seeing the blood seep into her clothes that Reiko knew would place her in even more danger.
"Rin, get back to our hut. Anything that's touched my blood you have to throw away and burn it. Then hide, you got that?" Reiko told her, firmer this time. The mercenaries were beating back the villagers Genzo had rallied, and the yokai were becoming more vicious as more blood was spilled. Soon they might not be protective of Reiko, but hungry for her.
But Rin didn't move away. Tears were rolling down her cheek, her distress making her hyperventilate. Reiko needed to get her out of here, and so she reached for her bow. The pain of her wounds found her the moment she tried to stand herself up, using the bow as a crutch. It felt like fire had pierced her lungs.
"I can't run. I need to fix this. I need to-"
Their bubble of false security burst then, and all of a sudden a mercenary was rushing towards the two of them, sword raised. Reiko rose her bow to block the swing, the force of it nearly knocking her over. The mercenary hacked at the bow, intent on breaking it to get to her.
"Run, go somewhere safe! Please Rin! I'll find you! I will, I promise I will!" Reiko shouted, desperate to do at least one thing right. Rin shook her head tearfully, unwilling to leave, but to Reiko's immense relief she soon took off running. Small and quick, she fled the battle unnoticed, Reiko watching her escape into an alleyway to what looked to be towards their hut.
What little relief she felt was gone when the mercenary swung at her side, forcing her to dodge. He lifted his sword, intent on driving it through her head, leaving her no choice. She grabbed an arrow from her quiver, aimed, and released.
Rin ran as fast as she could. She couldn't think about how much her ribs hurt from the bruises on her chest, only about where she was going. Eventually, she made it.
The forest.
Reiko had told her to run and hide back at their hut, but Rin couldn't do that. She hated disobeying Reiko so much, but she needed to do this. She needed to make everything okay, she promised that she would! But Reiko was badly hurt, and everyone was attacking one another, even yokai. Reiko had told her that the villagers were becoming sick in their minds, but Rin didn't understand what that really meant until now. It was awful. Was this the danger Reiko wanted to keep away from her?
Rin didn't care. She was scared, confused, but she didn't want Reiko to die or go away. Even after seeing what she did to Joji, Rin only wanted to help Reiko. The Lady Miko had protected her when no one else did. Cared for her, fed her, loved her. And now everyone was trying to hurt her.
As her bare feet padded against the dirt path, Rin still felt a small hope within her. A hope that Lord Sesshomaru was still sleeping beneath his tree, waiting for her. She knew he was wounded, but maybe he was feeling better now. Reiko said he was the strongest yokai she had ever met, so he had to be strong enough to save them! He was good, after all. Rin could tell. He was so different from everyone in the village. He was even different from yokai. There was no doubt in Rin's mind that if she found him, everything would be okay.
But as she followed the path around a bend, she saw someone standing in the road. Rin slowed to a stop, noticing it was Genzo. He was panting, looking lost. For him to get this far ahead of her, he must have left as soon as the fight started. He was a coward then – getting everyone riled up and then fleeing when things got too much.
Rin tried to quietly get off the path and into the forest, knowing she was close to Lord Sesshomaru's resting spot. Just a few minutes more and she'd be coming back to Reiko with help. But she froze when a twig snapped underfoot, causing Genzo to turn around.
"You…" He whispered. He was covered in blood. Rin didn't know it if was his own or not.
She dove off of the path. She would have gotten out of his reach if only there weren't brambles in her way, tangling in her clothes long enough for Genzo to come up behind her and yank her back onto the path. For such an old man, he was very strong.
"You knew what she was this whole time, didn't you?!" He accused as he threw her to the ground.
"You knew she was a dark priestess! You wanted to help her feed us to her army of yokai! For what? Revenge?! After how we treated you, how we cared for you, this is how you repay us?!"
Genzo put a knee on Rin's chest, pinning her in place. She felt the air being pressed out of her lungs but refused to stop squirming. She needed to speak. To scream. If she could get out a scream, Lord Sesshomaru would be sure to hear her!
"You witch! You…you…tricked us! Now I know why you never cried when you were struck, why you never spoke! You were laughing at us all! Laughing in your mind!" Genzo hissed, reaching for something in his robes. He started chuckling, a dribble of spit rolling off of his chin.
"You're not laughing now though, are you? No, because I know how to send the dark priestess away. It's you. You're the key."
Genzo found was he was looking for in his robes and pulled out a small knife. Rin's struggle grew more desperate, but Genzo's knee had her fixed to the ground. His eyes were sunken into his face, looking like empty holes. They were the last thing she saw before the knife came down and everything slipped away to black.
AN: Am I a grown woman who got a little teary-eyed while writing the death scene of a weasel yokai in an Inuyasha Fanfic? Yes, yes I am. Did I also genuinely sob and hate myself while writing Rin's death? Also yes. So please don't be mad at me for this chapter. I'm already mad at myself. And please don't be too mad at Reiko either – she is an eighteen-year-old girl trying to work through self-loathing issues and dealing with a curse, so she's obviously going to make some terrible mistakes that are gonna haunt her.
And Sesshomaru is right by the way. It's gonna take more than one girl to weaken him. It's gonna take two.
If the morbid turn of this fic hasn't turned you off it, then please join Reiko in the next chapter for the aftermath of the riot she had incited. Inuyasha and gang finally show up, but there is little they can do to help. Needing to make a quick escape, Reiko tries to find Rin…only for Sesshomaru to get to her first…