Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.






[Mob's Explosion Meter - ?%]

Arc 1 - Chapter 1: The Beginning

(Continent: Anima | Kingdom: Mistral | City of Mistral: Sanctum Academy)

At a young age, I was different from others. Where others were born with the potential to become a Huntsmen and Huntresses. But, requires for them to unlock their Aura, either natural or by others.

I somehow unlocked mine at the age of 4, something unheard of and very dangerous, because having one's Aura unlocked would cause the creature of darkness, the Grimm, to attraction to those with Aura unlocked more compared to people without their Aura unlocked.

However, I learned later on what I unlocked wasn't Aura, but something different. Because at the age of 11. Where one of the teachers in Sanctum Academy unlocked mine before I could explain how I've already unlocked mine.

To my shock; the teacher at the time manage to unlock my Aura.

So what did I unlock on that day?

A few days later, I caused harm to someone I cared for.

I was only lucky enough that what happened back on that day didn't cause the people with high-status in power, to capture me and even experiment on me, to find out what I have unlocked or have others finding out what I have unlocked before gaining my Aura.

Due to this, I was frightened of my own abilities and distance myself from others, even my only one friend, who would have stuck with me for anything. Sadly, due to that incident. I couldn't bear to even speak or look her in the eyes.

This caused a rift between us until we no longer hang out like back then.

Furthermore, I learned that this power I gained early on, didn't make me greater than anyone else. After all, I have seen and read where many people have these Semblances that's beyond powerful. What I have would barely count as the average.

Unlike my former friend, who became famous over the years as a famed athlete and four times consecutive winner of the Mistral Region Tournament, with this year as her last time attending the tournament.

I didn't want to look like a stalker or anything, but I made sure to cheer her on in the background and made sure no one notices me. And boy, I have seen the results of what stalkers exposed to hardcore fans of my former friend.

Yeah, I tried my best to train the Art of Stealth. Something I'm grateful for, because due to this. I learned how to control my power, which I started calling it as Psychic Power upon reading one of the comic, where one of the characters actually have similar to the power I unlocked before gaining Aura.

And because of this, I believed that maybe there are others like me. So, I would continue collecting these comics or anything related to the power of psychic in order to find the right method to suppress it or at least help me control it enough not to harm others.

Honestly, I wasted my time searching for one, because after a few years until I found the method I was searching for. I learned I somehow managed to suppress my psychic power enough to not cause too many problems like before.

But, the problem is that I learned the hard way, that my Psychic Power is linked to my emotions somehow, to my confusion, causing me to have to learn how to suppress my own emotions as best I can.

On another note, this helped me train in the Art of Stealth until I learned it was based on a comic, which means I was learning something that very helpful. Pushing myself to learn more to master the Art of Stealth.

Much to my surprise, I may have overdone it. Because now, I can't help myself and try to hide the moment someone sees me, as in looking for me.

"Shigeo. Can you-are you serious?! Even now you picked the time to hide?! I mean it's the last day before you graduate!" The Sanctum Combat Teacher shouts in rage, to find out one of their troublesome students wasn't in sight.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 8% | Shame]

"Come on, teach." One of the students said to the Sanctum Combat Teacher, "We all know that is impossible to find him. Hell, none of us even see him besides his profile picture. If it wasn't for that, we wouldn't even know he exists! Why not just skip him and get another student, this is our last day together as a class. Why don't we ignore him?"


"Why should we care if he shows up or not?!"

"If not for his family, he would be kicked out by now!"

Soon, the whole classroom started shouting about how much a coward I am, even to the point of being the shame of my family's status.

I knew that it was because of my family, that I was allowed to continue to attend here without being expelled with how much I continue to dodge anything that would put me in the spotlight.

"QUIET!" The Sanctum Combat Teacher shouted at the top of their lungs, "This is the last day and I will have you come out and fight for once, Shigeo! I'll fail you even if I get fired, not even your family will help you before it's too late! So get your behind down here before I lose my temper!"

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 34% | Shame]

'It's at least I could do, right?' I thought to myself with shame due to the fact that throughout my years attending the Sanctum Academy, I only have entered the arena to fight another student once before I learned how my combat skills are pretty much slim to zero.

I have no one to blame but myself because I was too focused on training myself in the Art of Stealth, just so I could cheer on my former friend in the background without any worry about anyone finding me.

Because of this, I neglected my training in combat to the point, even a newborn Grimm could easily kill me. Heck, my weapon can't even be called a weapon when it's just a portable holograph projection.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 44% | Shame]

"Hurry up, Shigeo!" The Sanctum Academy Combat Teacher shouted once more, causing me to tremble.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 54% | Shame]

"Don't make me fail you! I'm willing to make you repeat a grade than allow you to pass!" The Sanctum Academy Combat Teacher started making threats, with the other students echoing them.

A few people begin starting to notice the ground shaking for some reason, causing concern among them.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 81% | Shame]

The shaking begins to get stronger, causing more people even outside the classroom to notices while the ones continue what they're doing.

I was about to reveal myself. Not noticing how the building is slowing shaking. Alarming almost everyone in the building and some of the teachers have begun escorting the students out of the building.

"That's enough, Professor!"

And like that, the shaking stop for a moment.

A female student shouts at the Combat Teacher, causing them to frown and look at who dare to talk back at them before their rage faded into fear.

"Uh, Miss Nikos. I don't mean any trouble, but you must understand. Shigeo-" The Sanctum Academy Combat Teacher was about to explain themselves.

"Professor." Pyrrha said in a calm, but in a firm tone of voice, "You're not close to Shigeo to call him by his first name. That's unprofessional of you."

The Sanctum Academy Combat Teacher gulp and started to sweat, "Yes, uh, I mean Mr. Kageyama haven't fought any other students since the first week. You must understand this is part of the class and be graded on. If it wasn't for Shig-Mr. Kageyama's family. He would have failed due to lack of participation and repeat the year, even at worse expel for not doing the assignments."

Pyrrha frown at this, knowing what her teacher said is true. She looks around to find her old childhood friend, but couldn't see him at all. Much to her sadness, that even now that she helping him, he wouldn't show up before her.

The Sanctum Academy Combat Teacher seeing that the school's prized student didn't follow up with a response, causing them to think that maybe their words have persuaded Pyrrha Nikos to their side.

"Now, Mr. Kageyama, please come down the arena and face your opponent." The Sanctum Academy Combat Teacher had a smug on their face, that Pyrrha Nikos no longer protects the troublesome student.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 90% | Shame]

I bit my lower lip, wondering if I should or not, even my former friend didn't continue to stop the teacher from picking me.

The shaking resume; now many people in the classroom started to look around in confusion. Wondering why the place is shaking. However, the Sanctum Academy Combat Teacher was too focus on one student to realize this.

"Come now, Mr. Kageyama, not all of us have that much free time." The Sanctum Academy Combat Teacher continues to 'nicely' speak for me to come to the arena, for a sparring match with a fellow student.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 93% | Shame]

However, just before I finally give in and reveal myself like I should have done years alone. The school bell ring, causing some of the students to cheer that the last day of school ended while some groan at this, because some of them actually failed in one of their class subjects and require to retake the class or just do summer school before they could pick which Academies to pick to continue their career as Huntsmen and Huntresses.

While I, on the hand, relax and sighed in relief. During so, the shaking completely stops.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 30% | Shame]

"What?!" The Sanctum Combat Teacher cried out in shock and horror, that they failed to almost finally getting that one student to show some fighting abilities because the last data on that student's progress was literally years ago and haven't been updated since then.

"No!" The Sanctum Combat Teacher shriek in horror, because after the school bell rang, which mean whatever chances of getting that troublesome student to reveal himself are no longer possible, along with losing their bet with the other teachers.

I quickly escape from the classroom before the teacher snap and try to lock me in the classroom and fight the teacher instead of a student.

Not that it hasn't happened before in the past with other students. I'm just lucky not to allow that to happen to me.

A few minutes later*

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 31% | Shame]

I watch my fellow students greeting others, then giving their farewells.

"Hey, Pyrrha! Which Academy, are you aiming for?" I heard a student ask my former friend.

"Oh, I haven't decided yet." Pyrrha said to her fellow student.

"Why not enroll in Haven Academy, that's where everyone else is going." Another student said to Pyrrha, who just kept her mouth shut and give everyone a forced smile.

Even if I don't spend time with Pyrrha, I did learn many things about her, much to my shameful stalkerish action. Even after I tried to convince myself I wasn't a stalker, but remember all those times I tried to learn about Pyrrha in order to figure out the best way to cheer her on from the background. I feel like such a stalker, that I would know for sure if it gets out, I would be dead for sure.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 36% | Shame]

As I watch Pyrrha continues to listen to the others trying to persuade her to enroll in Haven Academy. I knew which one she planning to go, not that I found her signing the application to transfer over to Beacon Academy. Nope. I was just nearby, that is all.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 38% | Shame]

Oh, who am I kidding? After overtraining in the Art of Stealth. I have been stalking Pyrrha since then, just so I could figure a way to show that I'm still her friend and giving support from afar.

After watching Pyrrha interacting with our fellow students. I decided to head home and pack things up. Because it's going to be a long trip to the Kingdom of Vale. Better get there early before Pyrrha does. Who knows what would happen if Pyrrha finds me on the same Airship to Vale. She will start asking questions about why, then later it will head to the subject of me being her stalker, creeping her out to the point of being disgusted with me!

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 46% | Shame]

Quickly, I rush out of the school while unconsciously avoiding bumping into anyone and dodging anyone's line of sight that searching for me.

The next day*

(Continent: Anima | Kingdom: Mistral | City of Mistral: Airport)

"Are sure I can't change your mind, to enroll in Haven Academy instead?" My Mom asks me with sadness and worry as she hugging me tightly.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 16% | Guilt]

If others could see me and my Mom together. Many would ask if we were related at all, with my dull average look, even having a dark bowl-shaped hair is very unusual among Huntsmen/Huntresses-in-training.

While my Mom looks like a model on those fashion magazines.

In fact, there was time where I wonder if she was really my Mom, but was proved true that she is, in fact, my real Mom after she got tired of others questioning if I was adopted or not, causing my Mom to always carry a copy of the paper that shows the result of a blood test done, with her to show others proof without having to continue explaining. If that wasn't enough, then Mom would ignore them afterward.

"Are you sure, I can't change your mind? Mommy would miss you." My Mom tried to persuade me to change my mind.

I can't blame her since I'm technically leaving my home for the next four years, where I have lived with my Mom for years and the only time we are apart. It is when there is during school and some school trips that lasted a few days. So, four years apart are very big compared to before.

"I'll miss you too, Mom. Plus, we can just chat over our scrolls. It's not like we can't contact each other." I tried to cheer my Mom up, who started sniffing, showing that she about to cry at any moment now.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 21% | Guilt]

"But, that won't be the same!" My Mom cried out in sadness and if it wasn't for my Semblance. People nearby would look in our directions due to how loud my Mom is being.

"Come now, Mom. You have a company to run, you won't know the difference if I was there or not." I wanted to convince my Mom, but failing too, when Mom started crying even louder.

"Of course I would know the difference! I won't get to see you during the afternoon every day!" My Mom cried out in sadness, as she started giving out multiple examples of when I would show up in her company after school whenever I'm not stalk-finding Pyrrha nearby whenever I go somewhere to do my training in stealth.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 24% | Guilt]

"Alright, Mom. I get it. But, I need to go." I said to my Mom, who stop crying for a moment before she cried out even louder than ever, then hug me tighter, to the point I feel my Aura draining.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 40% | Guilt]

"Please. I need this." I whisper to my Mom, as my guilt is starting to eat me.

My Mom looked at me with watery eyes, "Are you sure, whatever you need to do in Vale can't be done here?"

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 48% | Guilt]

I gulp a little, "I'm sure."

My Mom looks at me for a few minutes before she gently hugs me. Much to my confusion.

"You know, your Father always follows his goal and never stop until he reaches it or dies, trying." My Mom said in a gentle, sad tone, causing my body to go stiff because my Mom doesn't always talk about my Father.

"When he was alive, he was like you. Always have that look in your eyes whenever you're doing something that brings joy into your life." My Mom said to me, as I blink a few times in confusion. Because training in stealth at first wasn't that fun at all and only a few moments of excitement due to complete one of my minor goals in training. Heck, I regretted training in stealth and should have gone for something else.

Training beyond what needed to do in training had caused me many problems over the years, that only a few people managed to see me even with all my training. And my Mom is one of the few that could see me no matter how well I hide.

"I guess my baby is growing up. Just promise me you'll call every day. Just hearing your voice is enough for me." My Mom gives me a sad smile.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 51% | Guilt]

"I promise." I squeeze these two words out before my guilt break me.

In the background, a few people shouted in surprised about a glass window cracked.

"Alright, go ahead. I've already brought you a first-class ticket to Vale." My Mom gave me the ticket to ride the Airship, that's flying to the Kingdom of Vale from Mistral.

"Be sure to bring me a girlfriend home during the school break." My Mom teases me, causing me to blush.

[Mob's Explosion Meter - 75% | Embarrassment]

"Mom!" I cried out, which is very rare for me, causing Mom to giggle at me. Much to my embarrassment.

While in the background, a few people begin to feel very hot for some reason.

"Alright. Alright. Go on, I'm expecting you to call me tonight." My Mom stops hugging me and rubs my head, causing my hair to mess up a little.

"I promise." I said to my Mom, as I hug her one more time before heading to the Airship I'm taking.

"See ya later, son!" My Mom wave at me, with tears going down her cheeks before she wipes it away.

"See ya later, Mom!" I shout back as I walk up the stairs, to the Airship, with the other passengers.