Greetings from beyond Once Upon a Time.

I trust you are getting a lot of reading done during this quarantine time... I know I am getting a lot of writing done.

And so to update...

Since March, I have published a novella and a novel that are set in my fictional town of Swan Harbor

Welcome to Swan Harbor - This is a novella that tells the story of Sally Miller and Danny Patterson and explains how Sally's Diner comes to be. In this story, you meet several characters 30+ years before they appear in my novel. And the epilogue is written from Jessica Princes POV and she is the heroine of Darkness.

From Darkness into Love - This is the story of Jessica Prince and Cameron Hunter. It's a story of romance, suspense, family drama, and second chances. And the epilogue is written in Killian Reade's POV who is the hero in my next novel.

Kittens, Puppies & Love - This is Killian Reade and Emma Foster's story. A journey for both. It goes to the editor on May 1 and should be published by early June. And the epilogue is written in Elsa Winters' POV and she is the heroine of Brothers.

Tentatively - Brothers, Hearts & Hope - The story of Elsa Winters and Liam Reade w/ a subplot carried through for Killian and Emma. I'm hoping this story will be out in last August/Early September.

Tentatively - Kisses is Ava King and Finn Reade's story, again with Emma and Killian's subplot.

I have also planned a Swan Harbor Christmas story and another novella but the ideas are still just germs..

BUT next February I am planning The Legend of Lover's Cove which is going to be a story of Ian Jones and Christina Prince, set in the early 1700's paralleling the couples that you will have met from the beginning of Swan Harbor. Sally/Danny, Mary/Clint, Molly/Dylan, Gray/Sadie, Jessie/Cameron, Emma/Killian, Elsa/Liam, Ava/Finn and... I am excited about it and can't wait to see it fleshed out.

I'm hoping you'll come follow me on social media. Sophie Bartow on Twitter, IG, Tumbler and Facebook.

I hope to hear from you soon. Sophie