Chapter twenty two

When Ron arrived, the group flooed directly into Minerva McGonagall's office where she was waiting with the rest of the staff.

'We have some good news, well, we hope it's good news,' Harry said as he placed the portrait against the desk.

'Tell us then,' Minerva said.

'We were talking, Snape overheard what we said and told us where the remaining death eaters would be. Harry sent off an owl to Tim and Connie, we're just waiting to hear if they were caught,' Charlie said.

'That is good news, so let's hope they are,' Minerva waved her hand towards the blank section of wall, 'It's ready, we're all anxious to see it.'

'He wasn't happy to wake up and see me,' Harry grinned, then he removed the covering, levitated the portrait up and attached it with a sticking charm, 'Another headmaster to join the rest.'

'I do not deserve to be in here.'

'Yes you do Severus, we received all the information about everything you did from before James and Lily died. You also saved the student's lives, even at the risk of being caught.'

'Minerva is right Severus, you do deserve to be here. But I feel Minerva might change her mind after a while. I can see you arguing with every other portrait in here,' Albus said, his normal twinkle present for all to see.

'I will probably argue with you old man, since you will argue until people give up in frustration. You have to believe you are always right.'

'Yes, a bad habit I got into.'

'You two can talk later,' Minerva turned to Harry, 'Its wonderful Harry, you truly are talented.'

'Thanks Minerva.'

'It is good Mr. Potter, you have a natural talent,' Pomona said.

'Thanks Professor.'

'So which portrait are you doing next?' Minerva asked.

'Frank and Alice Longbottom, Augusta asked me on Christmas day. Then I begin meeting everyone else to find out if they do want me to paint their portraits for them.'

'And if the aurors get those death eaters it should just be people who genuinely want Harry to paint their portrait,' Ron said.

'They will do their job, but thank you again Harry. I hope you know that when I need another portrait I will be contacting you.'

Harry grinned, 'I don't mind, I enjoy painting.'

'As long as it does not take away our time in bed babe.'

Harry and Hermione shook their heads, 'He just can't help himself, can he Harry?'

'Nope, likes to tell everyone everything,' Harry slipped his arms around Charlie's waist, 'But I don't mind, it's my favourite place to be, beside your gorgeous naked body.'

'I knew it, I knew it, I knew Charlie would be a bad influence on Harry. Now I have to listen to them both going on about shagging each other,' Ron threw up his hands, the old headmasters and headmistresses all chuckled or laughed. The staff were shocked at first, now they joined in with the laughter.

'At least they are not using the kitchen table, I doubt it will continue to be repaired any more,' Hermione said.

'Not you too Hermione,' Ron shook his head then slipped his arms around his girlfriend's waist.

'It seems everything is right in the world,' Albus said, his eyes twinkling as he stares down at the four young people, lost in their partners eyes.

'To change the subject,' Harry grinned, 'How much of the castle is finished?'

'About half, the area's that are yet to be repaired are warded to make sure no one gets near them. We are working on the most important rooms first. All the staff quarters are finished, the kitchen is finished. We have done the great hall, the bottom floor and second floor. The dungeons and the Slytherin rooms had minimal damage so they were repaired quickly. From tomorrow we begin on the third floor along with the grand staircase.'

'What about all the portraits Professor?' Hermione asked.

'Many were damaged beyond repair, but we do have the records so they can be replaced. I plan to hire Harry to do the most important, but have other artists do the rest. They are not important right now, repairing the castle is. We did get a few surprises though, we uncovered the founder's original rooms. They are damaged but luckily nothing that can't be fixed. I plan to ward them then open them up for students or historians to visit, but only during weekends when school is in session.'

'All of you need your holidays, you don't want to give them up just to watch people that want to visit. Anyway, we'll leave you to your work on Hogwarts, so we can get home.'

'You mean get into bed with Charlie,' Ron shook his head.

'Well, yeah, that too,' Harry grinned. The four said goodbye to the staff, they even waved to the portraits of the former headmasters and headmistresses. Then one by one they stepped into the floo.

Hermione and Ron watched as Harry and Charlie raced upstairs, 'At least they didn't begin to strip off as they went,' Hermione said.

'Give it time Hermione. Bill told me he saw Charlie do that once when he was visiting. The bloke headed into the bedroom, but Charlie just began to undress as he walked. Bill got a view of his naked backside before the door was closed.'

'Then I will have to remind both of them to leave their clothes on if I am here. But how about you and I follow their lead,' Hermione blushed as she hurried towards the stairs, with Ron right behind her.

A few hours later, Harry and Charlie were in bathrobes when they walked down the stairs to work on dinner. When they got to the bottom of the stairs they saw Hermione and Ron talking to Kingsley, Tim and Connie. One thing both men noticed, they all seemed happy.

'What's going on?'

The group turned to Harry, 'That information was spot on, we got them without too much trouble.'

'Bloody hell,' Harry sagged, he would have fallen if it wasn't for Charlie, 'It's finally over.'

'It is babe,' Charlie helped Harry to the sofa, 'You can finally have that peaceful life you've been after for so long.'

'That will never happen as long as you two are dating,' Ron said shaking his head.

'Harry knew what he was getting himself into when he agreed to take me on,' Charlie smirked.

'I never actually said anything Charlie, we just ended up on the kitchen table and all my friends heard everything we did,' Harry turned to Kingsley, 'So that's it, there are no more?'

'That's it mate,' Kingsley sat opposite Harry, 'They were not very organised at all. They had plans, but they weren't very good. When we arrived they were arguing about who should be their leader. We all know he did have some very powerful and clever people working for him. But it seems the ones that were left were only muscle. Their main plan centred around you when you become an auror. It seems they had not been keeping up with the news.'

'Its been months since it was known Harry wasn't going to be an auror. Then when you're portrait was done everyone realised what Harry was doing,' Ron said.

'As I said, they weren't very smart at all. I will be putting out a statement tomorrow so everyone will read that yes, it's completely and finally over. Voldemort is dead and all his supporters either followed him or are in Azkaban.'

All Harry could do was nod. He felt that now he really could begin a life that had nothing to do with Voldemort, death eaters or fighting. He turned to Charlie with a smile on his face. Yes, his life would be exactly what he hoped it would, but the only difference to his old hopes and dreams was he would now have a life with Charlie beside him.

The end: