Smut chapter. Skip to the next chapter if you wish, but it my not make much sense



Her voice was a whisper against her pillow. Her crystal eyes couldn't be seen under her eyelids, but the tight line of her lips showed the pleasure she felt. He smiled up at her, green eyes shining like stars in the night. As her hips began to buck, he wrapped his arms around her thighs, and held her hips down. "Hold still, woman." He murmured against her sleek folds.

She groaned and writhed more, as he dragged his tongue so very slowly between her thighs. "H-how can I, whe-when you do this?" She whimpered and twisted her fingers into his hair, burying his face deeper between her thighs.

He hummed and wrapped his lips around her pearl. It only took him sucking gently on it for a minute to get her to come undone. He listened to her pant, watching her breasts rise and fall with her chest as she struggled for breath. This was his favorite part; watching her after he made her orgasm so hard, making her feel like a whole new woman. "Feel good, milady?" He whispered.

She could only nod her head in response. As crawled back up her body, dragging his fingers along her sensitive curves, she breathed more heavily and became overly excited for what she knew to be coming. A long, slow moan was drawled from her thin lips, as his deep green orbs stared down into her glossy blue ones. She just stared. The light gold flecks that embraced his nose and cheeks made him look all the more beautiful. The hint of brown dusted through his eyes, giving them a deeper color. Did he realize how amazing he was? Did he understand how he made her feel? Did he know his true beauty.

All of that simmered down into the pit of her stomach, when she felt the white heat of him entering. Ever so slow and gentle, he was. She closed her eyes as she felt his lips come down on her forehead and brushed over her sweaty brow. She laced her arms around his shoulders and dug her fingers into his back, groaning quietly into the curve of his freckled shoulder.

The single, flame-lit candle in the room, danced in the otherwise darkness. With it, it carried their hushed moans and whispers of love into the starry night. It glowed against their slick skin, illuminating over their fair and smooth bodies. It increased the stifling heat and pressure built up between the lovers, raising their heights above and beyond.

"I love you, so much." He breathed against her collarbone, darting his tongue out briefly to drag it along her throat. He relished in hearing her strangled moan, and thrust into her once again. His hand ran up her neck and into her damp, glowing hair of golden silk. He massaged and tangled his fingers deep into her hair, wanting nothing more than to lose his hand in its softness.

She hooked her legs around his narrow hips, pulling him down closer to her. Her face nestled into the crook of his neck, she nuzzled her lips against the stubble of his jaw. "I love you too." She arched into him, when she felt him hit that one spot inside her. That one spot that never failed to bring her to the edge. A cry pushed past her lips, as she finally came to her release. The heat boiled deep inside her, down below. Her breath caught in her throat then and she clung her arms tight around his back.

He held her lovingly in his own strong arms, kissing her hair. He closed his eyes while he listened to her erotic breath wisp lightly into the shell of his ear. Her undoing led to his own, and he let himself release deep inside her. He let out his own erotic moan and tightened his hold on her.

As their chests beat together, bringing with them their heavy breaths, they relaxed and pulled their heads back to look at each other once again. Tired smiles spread over their faces, and they stroked each other's cheeks and peppered kisses lightly over each other's faces as they rolled over to lay on their sides, facing each other. And with the most tender love and sensuality, he kissed her reddened lips and then smoothly pulled out of her.

" It's been to long." She choked as she shuddered. But she hummed when he wrapped his arms around her fully, and brought her into his warm embrace.

He nuzzled his nose in her hair, breathing in her intoxicating scent. His fingers curved over the smooth skin of her spine, while his lips caressed her hairline. "I know, I'm sorry I can't sneak out as often as I would. She's a pain in the ass to get away from." He reminded her. He hated talking about this in bed. The was the one place they could go anymore, to get away from all of the challenges and obstacles that stood in their way. All he wanted to do, while in bed with her, was make love to her, sweet talk her, adorn her in his love and shower her with his kiss. But he knew that wasn't possible. They had to talk.

She shifted to lay on his chest, and wrapped her arms loosely around his waist. A soft sigh drifted through the air, brushing over his hairless chest. "Why did she have to ruin everything?" She mumbled.

He gave her a squeeze and shook his head against hers. "She didn't ruin anything, my darling. In our heart, minds and bodies, we still belong to each other. She could never change that. And she never will." He promised her with a stroke to the top of her head, brushing her bangs out of her face.

"Have you ever had sex?"

His eyes snapped open to look down at her. "Wh-what?" He stuttered.

"Have you ever had sex with Merida?" She asked again, more clearly.

He inhaled and exhaled shakily as he rubbed her arms. "Three times. No, Astrid. Astrid. Astrid wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Baby, please." He tugged and fought with her as she went to get out of bed. He reached out for her and slung an arm around her waist, pulling her back down. He held her against his chest as she continued to struggle against him.

"Let me go!" She protested.

He pulled her impossibly close and brought his lips to her ear. "No. I won't let you go, Astrid. I won't ever let you go." He murmured against her red, angry skin.

She kept struggling against him, as tears started down her face. "You've had sex with her, Hiccup. I-I thought...I thought that was something we shared together." She cried silently.

He kissed her neck softly and hugged her gently against his body. "Astrid, all of those times were mistakes. I was mad two of those times. So mad. I was mad at the world that you and I couldn't be together. Having sex with her then wasn't the way I should have dealt with it, and I regret it with my entire being." He told her.

She calmed down slightly and eased against him, though still tense in his embrace. "And the third time?" She inquired.

"Was our wedding night. You know there's nothing I could do about that. But I am still so sorry. I'm so sorry, darling. I-I don't want to wake up and have to see Merida next to me every morning. I don't want to go home to a selfish princess that married for fame. I don't want her to be my wife. I want you, Astrid. I want you to be my wife. You know I do. I am so sorry that didn't happen. But that doesn't change the fact that I still love you. I love you, Astrid. And I always will." He spoke with fiery passion, emphasizing every word with the fire of his tongue. His lips burned against her neck, and his tears felt like ice against it all.

Turning in his arms with tears in her eyes as well, she pulled him in close and kissed him with all the love she felt in her heart. "I know. I know you do. I love you too, Hiccup. So. so much." She cried.

Lifting her onto his lap, he held her waist and moved his lips hotly against hers. Holding her warmly and lovingly, he turned them over and rested her back onto the soft hides of her bed. They made love again, well into the night. And that was how they fell asleep, her back against his chest, and his face buried in a blanket of her golden locks. They were, at last, happy and free. Free to live, and free to love; even if it was for just the night. In the morning, they would wake, and they would have to go on like nothing had happened. Like they were not lovers, but friends. Like Merida was the love of his life. She was just the mistress. And he was the chief in love with his mistress, the woman he could never have.


There you have it guys! Prologue is out, and I hope you enjoyed it. I look forward to the journey I feel this book is about to take me on. I know it's going to be filled with heartbreak, and tenderness. I'll let the book guide me, and take me to where it wants to go. I know in the end, it'll leave the mark it wishes to leave. Till next time! Peace out people!