Hey guys, sorry for the wait!

To Lordxazazel, he shouted her a bowl as in he paid for it... So instead of "to treat someone (something)" it's "to shout". So like "I'll shout you dinner" or "I'll shout you coffee"... it's just Aussie slang... Extremely frequent words among us.

Also warning I'm not writing the full thing and there is an authors note part way down...


As the group was blown apart Kurama grabbed onto those closest with her tails. Once they crashed into the dirt she look back to see Naruko, Ino and Shikamaru. Cursing, she forced them all to stand up and told them they need to get back to the others as soon as possible but just as Naruko went to comment a large snake appeared behind her causing Ino to scream.

Everything from there happened so quick, the snake struck out at Naru and swollowed her whole then as the others stood there shocked, the snakes stomach expanded out wide until it exploded. As Ino gagged at the flesh hitting her Naruko stood up out of the mess with a frown on her face.

"That was fucked." She wiped her arms and legs down with her hands before shaking them off. "Let's just get back to the others.."

They ran as a group and quickly found where they had been blown away, looking around for the others they found them up in the trees, all three of them were in defencive positions facing a strange looking woman. From their position on the ground they could see another snake preparing to attack the three from behind and without thinking Naruko jumped into action, pulling Kurama back into her.

From where Shikamaru and Ino were standing they saw everything happen, they watched as Naru pulled the attackers attention away and defeat the snake in her Kyuubi enhanced form and then cried out in horror as Naruko was thrown unconscious into a tree. Before they could climb up to their level to help fight the woman turned onto Sasuke and use a jutsu that stretched her neck out and bit him, causing him to collapse almost instantly.

The moment Shikamaru and Ino landed in the branch the others were on, the attacker was gone.

"What the heck just happened?" Ino called out as she took in the scene around her. Choji and Sakura were tending to the unconscious Sasuke and Shikamaru had already made his way to Naruko.

"We need to move. Then we can talk... I will carry Naruko, Choji do you think you can carry Sasuke?"

It was hours later when they finally settled down for rest, the group had found an opening in one of the large trees that would fit them comfortably as well as offer them protection.


*AN in the middle of the chapter... to be honest I kind of don't feel like writing this out... pathetic but it's true. Everyone knows what happens and while I've made changes the rest is pretty much the same so instead of writing it properly I have just dot pointed it...

-When the sound team come team 10 hide as an advantage point then jump out later to help

-Lee still show up and Sakura still cuts her hair

-Sasuke wakes and does his thing while Naru sleeps through all of it then as the sound leave Naru wakes in a mass panic and they find she can't let Kurama out.

-The rest of the arch goes pretty much the same... I'm only putting the story line out like this because I realllllyyyyyyyyy do not want to write it and want to skip a head a bit and if I don't do it soon I would probably give up on the story like usual...

I might return and continue this part later...

I'm continuing the story YES but I just couldn't write this no matter what... I spent a month? Maybe more and couldn't get passed what's above so instead of dropping the story I'm just dropping this part...

Again, sorry...


The moment the timer finished on the chunnin exams things rushed by for those living in Konoha. As word spread out about those entering through to the final exams