The bolted words are the baby's thoughts.

Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox carefully applied mascara and lipstick as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Once she made sure her make up was on point she pulled her hair up and slipped on an alluring black dress with matching heals.

Tonight she was going undercover under the analysis of Sophia Cortez an exotic young dancer from a club who was hired to entertain a party celebrating the success of Raoul Baudelaire. He was supposedly just a harmless wine and beer trader but sources indicated that it was just a cover for him and his gang to smuggle an illegal drug that had been swiped from government labs.

A group a scientists were trying to create a drug that would cure alcoholism instead accidentally created a drug that when mixed with alcohol would cause anyone who consumed so much as one spoonful of it to become instantly drunk. When this was discovered they intended to get rid of all traces of it by someone managed to sneak in and steal the drug. Evidence pointed toward Raoul and tonight Carmelita was planning to seduce him into a confession which she would tape using a recorder she had in her dress pocket.

At nine o'clock pm she arrived at Raoul's penthouse. Inside were all his gang members getting drunk and partying hard, very few of them were sober and one of them was Raoul. There he was, the suave, charming, yet deceitful and manipulative raccoon sharing a toast with his somber members sure that he was going to get away with his crimes.

"Well hello gorgeous." He said when he saw her. "You the girl Andre called in?"

"That's me." Carmelita said giving him her best flirty smile. "Sophia Cortez at your disposal."

"I like you. Go on upstairs to my room, I'll meet you there."

"I'll be waiting." She winked and went upstairs.

"Andre bring me my best bottle of wine."

"You got it man." His partner said.

Just then they heard glass break.

"What was that?" Raoul asked.

"Oh that was your cousin. The guys and I decided to give him our 'special drink flavorer'."

"You guys sure do like to mess with him a lot."

"He makes it so easy."

"Well make sure he doesn't hurt himself. If he has another accident because of me my mom will rat me out to police for sure this time."

"Okay I'll lock him in one of the bedrooms so he doesn't go anywhere."

With that information said Raoul went upstairs to find Carmelita waiting for him in a very seductive position.

"Wait right there babe." He told her. "I just need to get a little wine to get us in the mood."

"I'll just start freshening up for you."

She went into the bathroom where she got her recorder ready while he went to get the wine. As he stepped out of the room he accidentally knocked over her purse spilling some things. One of which was a police badge that had Carmelita's name and profile picture on it. At once he realized that she was a cop and that he needed to get out of here.

"Hey Andre!" He called. "Bring me our wine flavorer too. I have a feeling we're going to need it."

When Raoul came back he poured two glasses of wine. Mixed something in one of the glasses, handed it to her, a few hours later a sperm broke through her egg and a new life was formed.

"Well here I am. Geez it sure is small in here hope I don't grow too big otherwise I'll get cramped."


The next morning when Carmelita woke up her head ached in a horrible way. She felt like there was a hammer inside of her brain that was beating against her skull repeatedly. Was she hung over? But how could she be? She only had one glass of wine. Crap! They must've slipped that drug into her drink and after one sip it was already one, two, three, floor.

As she started to come back to her senses she became aware of three things. One she was alone, two she was lying in bed, and three she wasn't wearing any clothes.

"Oh my God!" She gasped. "What happened to me last night?"

She looked around and saw that her dress, heals, purse, and other things she brought were on the floor and that the window was wide open. Wrapping the blanket around herself she went to close the window and cover it with the curtains, got dressed, called for back up, and when she found the door was locked she broke it down with her shock pistol and went to arrest the unconscious drunkards who remained however Raoul was no where to be seen.

"We've searched every single spot in Paris there's been no sign of him." Chief Barkley told her the next day when she came to work. "He's skipped town! He's gone! Flown the coop! Is God knows where right now! What happened?"

"I honestly don't know sir." She said. "We were alone, I was ready to get a confession out of him, he offered me some wine and then everything went black."

"You drank wine that he offered you? The man who has been smuggling a drug that gets you instantly drunk when mixed with alcohol? What were you thinking Inspector?!"

"Hey quit with the yelling out there! I'm trying to get some sleep!"

As Carmelita listened to the chief scold her she couldn't help but feel so ashamed, embarrassed, and nauseous which was strange because she hadn't thrown up or felt any nausea since she had the flu at age ten. She took a sip of her coffee hoping that the feeling would soon pass if she just didn't think about it but it just kept getting worse and worse and worse until she felt something coming up.

"Inspector are you okay?" The chief asked. "You're looking a little green?"

She didn't answer. Instead she bolted for the ladies room where she threw up into the nearest toilet.

"Inspector are you feeling alright?" Barkley asked when she came out of the bathroom.

"Yeah I guess I'm just still a little hung over from the other day."

"Take a few days off Inspector. Get some rest and if things don't get better see a doctor."

Carmelita was sure that this was all just a result of her getting really drunk the other night but after puking her guts out for a week and missing her expected period she began to fear the worst.

She took a pregnancy test which to her great shame and fear confirmed her suspicions.

"I can't believe this." She said when she told her wolf friend Bianca two weeks later. "Not only did I sleep with a criminal but a criminal impregnated me! Oh God what are my parents going to say? What is the chief going to say?"

"Alright don't panic." Bianca said.

"Don't panic?! I'm a cop who's pregnant with a criminal's child! My job and my reputation are so in the toilet!"

"That and your breakfast."

"Oh I'm glad you find this so funny."

"Look what's the big deal you've talked about wanting to start a family."

"Yes when I was married and when I was sure that my child would have a father!"

"Hmm...I wonder why she's so upset?"

"Well what are you going to do? Abort it?"

"Bianca I'm Catholic in my religion that's murder."

"Okay what about adoption?"

"No I'm keeping it I just don't know how I'm going raise it on my own."

"Maybe not. Why don't you try dating?"

"Bianca I haven't been on a date since the night of my prom. I wouldn't know where to begin."

"Good point but hey at least you still have me?"

"Thanks Bianca."

"No problem."

"Blah, blah, blah. Meaningless chatter. Hey I'm hungry how about some pickles and ice cream huh?"

A couple minutes later Bianca was watching her scarf down pickles and ice cream followed by some sardines with melted cheese, eggs with jelly, and a whole jug of apple juice.

"Oh man why do pregnant women eat such gross stuff?" Bianca asked in disgust.