"YES!" I shout in excitement, pure glee written all over my face as my fingers start flying over the keyboard. I had an epiphany on how to start this particular story while writing in my diary. Looking around my room, clothing clutter everywhere, and random projects that I had started but given up on halfway through, I felt deep down that this was the start of a big change in my life. If I had known what would happen later that night I might have regretted those thoughts.

Moving my brown locks out of my eyes, I couldn't keep the giddy smile off of my face. At least something today would go right, I thought, the story I had in my mind for the past couple of months finally coming to life and by my own hands no less.

I took the time in between hashing out my character's reactions and feeling to contemplate the fact I would be finally doing something I've always wanted to do, craft my story, abet not using original characters I didn't consider myself THAT creative after all. Anything could happen in a story whether acted out on the big screen or in the form of a young girl's thoughts and emotions. It was this aspect that had always drawn me to books and movies, specifically works of fiction where one's world's impossibility was another version of normal.

Finally finished with chapter one of what I knew in my heart would be a masterpiece, I glanced down at the time in the corner of my laptop. The time 11:58 was displayed. "Aw shit, why is it so lateee, noooooo my precious sleep." Silently bemoaning my lost sleep, I pushed my laptop off to the side of my full bed making just enough room to lie down.

Settling down under my favorite blanket, I drifted off to sleep with my music blasting in my ears like every night, uncaring to the fact I would most likely have to unwrap my headphones from my neck come morning. If only I had known that would be the least of my worries, as I would be wrapped up in something far more dangerous than a pair of headphones...