Here we are! Last chapter, and special thanks once again to Shinra-ex-SOLDIER, their feedback really gave this chapter that extra OOMPH. The word count is 6969 words (Heh). Enjoy!


Storm clouds hung high above the canopy of Forever Fall, washing out the autumn colours into gray reds and yellows. Twigs crunched under Ruby's boots as she followed Weiss through the forest. Her skirt swept around her legs. Ruby crossed her arms, a shiver running through her.

Weiss hadn't said a word to her since they met at the edge of Forever Fall. She had shot a glare at Ruby's outfit. Classic cloak, corset and. . . Combat skirt. Ruby cringed at the thought. Weiss specifically asked that Ruby wear the pants here! The pants Weiss bought, folded and put away for her. And Ruby would've worn em if she hadn't overslept.

Was it Ruby's fault that she was processing this whole pants thing!? All of yesterday was agony for Ruby, couldn't Weiss see that? Ruby was trying to protect Weiss from Ruby herself! Her and these. . . Hormones. Thoughts. Bad thoughts. Ruby shivered again, remembering the cold shower she subjected herself to last night. The first cold shower she ever took! That's how far she'd go to protect Weiss.

If Weiss ever found out what went on in Ruby's head, their partnership would be in serious trouble. No matter what, Weiss could not find out.

Yet Weiss seemed determined to disrupt the freshly imposed boundaries of Ruby's psyche. If she had a few more days, this whole thing wouldn't even be an issue! Ruby would have the whole emotional hurricane under lock and key. But no, Weiss had to go and Weiss it all up! Stupid Weiss and her firm personality! Her firm attitude! Her firm asse-

Ruby shook her head back and forth, her eyes closed. Her palms pressed to the side of her head, as if she could squeeze out the stupid, like a lemon. Aaargh! Back thoughts, back!

"Ruby, are you okay?" Asked Weiss.

Ruby stopped shaking her head back and forth. She opened her eyes. Weiss was looking at her, one brow arched high, hand on her hip.

Ruby waved her hands in front of her, a poor attempt at dismissing the question. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good! I'm just moving my limbs, trying to keep warm!" Ruby said, offering a weak smile.

Weiss huffed. "You'd be warmer if you wore pants like I asked." She eyed Ruby's skirt pointedly.

Ruby drew her cloak around her. "Right. Let's keep moving." Ruby said, marching right past Weiss in defiance of the cold.

They both walked a ways further, before Weiss put her hand on Ruby's shoulder. Ruby jumped, pulling away from Weiss' grip. Weiss held a finger to her lips, then pulled out her scroll. "We're close to a confirmed Ursa den." Weiss whispered.

Weiss crouched down. Ruby followed suit. Weiss tapped her scroll, pulling up the map of Forever Fall. She pointed to Professor Port's waypoint. "Port wants us to clear this den. He doesn't need us to observe it. He only wants us to switch up our tactics and report the results."

Ruby quirked her brow. "Switch up?" She asked.

Weiss sighed. "Yes. Apparently, I fulfill the support role and you fulfill the close-range, heavy damage role on our team. Port wants me facing the Ursa in direct combat. He wants you to take position nearby and support me with your sniper."

Just like Onyx. . . Ruby gulped. "Are you sure that's what he asked?" Ruby pressed.

Weiss nodded. "Positive." Weiss frowned. "You better stay in the bird's nest Ruby. "

Ruby nodded. "Right." She rubbed the back of her neck. "Wouldn't be extra credit if it wasn't extra hard, right?"

Weiss snorted. "Please. I'll be doing the hard work. You just need to shoot any Ursa that pose a threat." Weiss stood, scanning the treeline. "There." She pointed at a dense cropping of trees." That's where the den is."

"No caves?" Ruby asked.

"No caves." Weiss echoed. "Ursa prefer nesting in dense forest. The canopy keeps the light out and they use the fallen leaves as bedding." Weiss drew Myrtenaster. "I'll have to go in and lure them out." Weiss jerked her head to the left. "The map says there's a clearing just a ways to the left. Head over there and find a bird's nest. I'll come in straight from the den, so they'll be lined up behind me. Take out the ones closest to me first." Weiss waved her scroll at Ruby. "I'll wait for you to set up a perimeter. You call when you have the all clear, got it?"

Ruby nodded, pulling Crescent Rose from her back. She snapped the scythe into sniper mode and pulled the bolt. "Got it!" Ruby declared.

A chambered round in Crescent Rose spun out of the ejection port and booped Weiss on the forehead.

"Oops." Ruby said, flushing crimson. She scrambled for the bullet, tucking it just inside her belt. "Sorry Weiss." She said, sheepish.

Weiss facepalmed. "Just. . . Get into position Ruby. Please?"

Ruby nodded. She zipped straight for the clearing. Nice one Ruby. Why not shoot herself while she's at it? Ruby shook her head, her shoulders low. Weiss deserved better than that.

Ruby reached the clearing. It was a nice meadow, populated with dandelions, lilacs, and several large boulders strewn across the clearing. Each boulder was at least as tall as Ruby, and some were almost twice her height. Ruby jumped on the largest boulder, right in the middle of the clearing, and scanned the border of the forest. She spotted one particularly mature tree, one and a half times taller than its neighbors. It would give her a clear shot to every Ursa that followed Weiss straight from the den. They would be lined up like soda bottles.

Ruby unfolded Crescent Rose into her scythe form and ran right at the tree. She placed her boot right on the trunk and stabbed Crescent Rose in deep. Using her momentum from her run, she launched herself up the trunk and onto a low-hanging branch. She took a moment to get comfortable, then pulled out her scroll. She opened a line to Weiss. "Weiss? Come in Weiss." She whispered.

"Ruby, are you in position?" Weiss asked.

"Roger, I am in position. Be advised, clearing has uneven terrain." Ruby responded.

"Define 'uneven terrain.'" Weiss drawled.

"Many, many large rocks." Ruby said, eyeing the meadow. "I'm in the largest tree south from the den." Ruby looked up. "The branches above me won't hold steady, so if you're running around on the ground, I will lose sight of you."

"Got it." Weiss sighed. "I'll jump from boulder to boulder so you don't lose track of me."

"Roger roger Weiss." Ruby pulled her sniper to her shoulder. "Ready when you are."

Weiss breath crackled through the scroll. "Alright. Let's kill some Ursa." She said.

Ruby waited. Her feet waved back and forth under the tree branch. She hummed a little tune. The clouds above began to grow darker. A few drops of rain hit the leaves around her. Ruby sighed.

A blaze of fire shot up from the direction of the den. Moments later, Weiss burst into the clearing. She jumped straight up onto the first boulder, then summoned a glyph to launch her to another further in. As she left the boulder, the Ursa crashed out from the forest.

Game time.

Ruby swung her sniper to line up with a leaping Ursa and fired. The Ursa's arm popped off, the rest of it dissolving to dust. Ruby smiled. She fired, again and again and again. One, two, three Ursa were hit and disappeared. More were on the way.

Weiss landed on the boulder just across the clearing. She stabbed her rapier into the boulder and several glyphs appeared in the clearing. Ursa who touched them were sent flying upwards, twisting in the wind.

Like shooting cookies in the cookie jar. Ruby fired, hitting Ursa after Ursa as they reached their peak. Several survived Ruby's onslaught, landing roughly among the boulders.

Ruby reloaded.

Weiss, smirking, twisted Myrtenaster's dust cylinder to blue, and swept her rapier out in a wide arc. A wall of ice spilled forth, and several Ursa slammed against it, cracking the barrier. Ruby pelted the stunned Ursa with round after round.

The Ursa had thinned considerably. Ruby counted nine remaining. A manageable number for two Huntresses in training.

Weiss, however, seemed eager to take the Ursa on alone. She glyph-stepped above her ice wall and landed in the thick of the pack, out of Ruby's line of sight. Ruby tensed. What was Weiss doing?

Ruby stood on the branch. Her vision was obscured by the boulders. One Ursa jumped into view, presumably to flank Weiss. A bullet from Ruby stopped it.

Ruby jumped from her perch and landed with a thud. She zipped towards Weiss. Weiss was surrounded. She was smirking. Smirking! While outnumbered and outgunned! Ruby clenched her teeth and targeted an Ursa just behind Weiss, cutting it down to size. Ruby stopped just behind her partner, and gulped. Myrtenaster's tip was just at Ruby's neck.

"Ruby!?" Weiss exclaimed. "What are you doing, I almost hit you!" She leaped back, dodging a swipe from an Ursa.

"Support!" Ruby snapped. "You jumped into a pit of Ursa and I couldn't see you from the tree!" Ruby swung Crescent Rose, bisecting an overeager Ursa.

Weiss slashed at another Ursa, then glyphed over it, twisting in the air. Upon landing, she stabbed Myrtenaster right in the back of the Ursa's head. "I have it under control Ruby!" She snapped, the Ursa disappearing around her. "Get back and let me practice!"

Ruby shook her head. She blocked an attack from the front and behind, her scythe swinging around her body in vertical circles. She fired her sniper behind her, and used the force to swing Crescent Rose around to decapitate the Ursa in front of her. Two more down.

"Weiss." Ruby started. "You can't handle eight Ursa on your own, it's not sa-"

"Excuse me!?" Weiss said, whipping her head around. Ruby flinched. Weiss' body was trembling, from rage or adrenaline Ruby couldn't know. Weiss stabbed her rapier into the ground. A glyph popped the remaining four Grimm into the sky.

Weiss launched into the air. A kaleidoscope of glyphs spun around the airborne Ursa. Weiss launched off one, and a storm of swords ensued. She ricocheted from one Ursa to the next, dealing cut after cut that wore down the Grimm. A moment later, they disappeared, and Weiss landed in front of Ruby, Myrtenaster in the ground.

Ruby stood, dumbfounded. "What was that?" She asked.

Weiss shook her head, sweeping her ponytail back. "A move I've been working on." She looked up at the last of the black dust drifting in the wind. "I was hoping to try it on the rest of the Ursa, see if I could destroy them in one last swoop." Weiss shot Ruby a glare. "But that went out the window the moment you changed the plan."

Ruby winced. "I'm sorry Weiss, but I was worried! That many Ursa is not safe for someone of your stamina-"

Weiss' face contorted. "You don not speak for my skill Ruby! I do! I didn't need you to come in all white knight and treat me like a princess! I needed your support, which you gave me up until you thought I couldn't handle myself!" Weiss pulled Myrtenaster from the ground, flicking the tip towards Ruby's face. "Do you need me to prove myself?" She snarled.

Ruby held her hands up. "No Weiss, that's not what I meant. I think you're capable, I was just-"

"Just what?" Weiss said, stepping closer, Myrtenaster's tip at Ruby's breast. "It was eight Ursa Ruby, not a Deathstalker. Not a Nevermore. Ursa! You handle that kind of crowd all the time."

Ruby gently pushed Myrtenaster's tip to the side with a finger. "Yes. And I have a high-powered sniper-scythe with a speed semblance. I can outmaneuver and out-gun almost every enemy I meet." She said softly.

Weiss stomped her foot in frustration. "What do you think I was doing!?" She pointed to the sky. "That move is taking a whole page from your book! If I perfect it, I'll mow down Grimm to the same unreasonable extent that you do!" Weiss' shoulders sagged, a defeated sigh leaving her throat. "Ruby," Weiss pleaded. "What's going on?"

Ruby rubbed the back of her neck, her boot toeing the grass. "What do you mean?"

Weiss flourished Myrtenaster, sheathing it at her waist with a whisper of steel. "I mean, what's going on? You avoided me all of yesterday, ran out of shopping the day before-"

"I wasn't avoiding you." Ruby cut in.

"Don't." Weiss said, raising her hand up. "Yang and Blake didn't tell me what's going on, but I know it's got something to do with me, and it's bad enough that they won't tell me what it is."

Ruby was kicking herself. Yang. Ruby should've known her sister wouldn't keep this to herself. "Weiss, it's got nothing to do with you, I promise. The assembly, TORN, it brought up some things for me, so I talked to Yang about it."

Weiss sighed. "And Yang talked to Blake, and they both told me something was going on and they couldn't tell me what it is. You're cornered Ruby." Weiss folded her arms. "So tell me what's going on."

Ruby opened her mouth. No words came out. Her jaw worked but her throat was tight. How was she supposed to do this? How does she tell her best friend she needs her in her life? How does she keep Weiss close without getting so close she ruins everything?

The storm clouds echoed thunder, and the first few drops of rain began to fall.

Weiss sighed. "Fine. If you don't trust me, that's fine." Weiss turned on her heel. "I'm going."

"Weiss!" Ruby started, her hand outstretched. "I trust you! I trust you with my life!"

Weiss stoped. She faced Ruby, arms out in frustration. "So what's worse than your life, Ruby?!"

A life without Weiss in it. "I just. . . I don't want to lose you." Ruby answered.

The rain grew heavy.

Weiss frowned. She opened her mouth to speak, and the ground shook. Ruby and Weiss looked around. What was that? An earthquake? Ruby looked around. "What was tha-"

The treeline shattered. Through the trunks flew a Deathstalker, it's eyes gleaming red through the rain. It charged right at the Huntresses, boulders cracking as its momentum tore a path through the clearing. It's legs churned the dirt beneath it into mud. It's claws drew in and swiped, hitting both Ruby and Weiss, smashing them to opposite sides of the clearing.

Ruby smashed into a boulder, her Aura taking a huge hit. She grimaced, rubbing the back of her head. She shook away the fog.


Ruby spotted her partner. Weiss lay at the base of a tree. Her aura was sputtering. Ruby pushed herself to her feet. Crescent Rose. Not in her hand. Nowhere nearby. Must've flown off. Ruby's fists clenched.

The Deathstalker faced Weiss. The Deathstalker lifted one claw high above Weiss. Ruby's breath hitched. Her eyes were hot and wet. No time for weapons. Ruby ran.

Ruby zipped just off to the side of Weiss. Her hand snatched a shard of boulder. She threw it. She hit an angry red eye. "HEY!" Ruby yelled. "Over here!" The Deathstalker changed targets. Ruby dodged. A massive claw smashed into the ground. "Missed me!" Ruby taunted. Another blow. Another dodge. The Deathstalker was distracted. Weiss was safe for the moment.

Muddy and cold, Ruby burst around the boulders, the Deathstalker close behind. She scanned the mud and the grass. There! Crescent Rose was buried in the ground. Ruby dodged another massive claw and went for her weapon. She grasped Crescent Rose, the grip wet with rain. She brought the scythe around and blocked the stinger, sending it deep into the ground just to her side.

"Ruby!" Weiss yelled. The Deathstalker perked at the sound.

Ruby swung at the Grimm. She needed all of its attention on her. The Deathstalker took the blow like a papercut. It's stinger came down, and Crescent Rose barely blocked the attack. It threw Ruby back from the Deathstalker. She rolled in the mud.

Ruby blinked, wiping mud off her face. Her eyes stung. She got to her feet, boots sinking in the muck. The Deathstalker was making a slow, deliberate advance towards her. The stinger swished back and forth. Ruby stepped back.

The Deathstalker lunged. Ruby moved. The stinger slammed into Ruby's cloak. Ruby jerked, her boots slipping from under her. She fell on the ground, her windpipe bruised. She tried to move, but her cloak was stuck. A rough cough shook through her.

The Deathstalker raised its claw.

Ruby shut her eyes. Maybe it wasn't for nothing. Weiss could still get away. Sure, Ruby's dreams of becoming an amazing Huntress would die here with her, but that's what heroes do, right? Ruby waited for the blow.

Ruby's eye tweaked open. The Deathstalker's claw was encased in ice. Both claws were, and the stinger was wrapped with a black glyph. Ruby heard panting behind her.

Weiss was kneeling just behind Ruby, rapier in the ground, hair and clothes slick with rain. Weiss looked Ruby in the eye. "Cut off the stinger Ruby! Now!"

Ruby fumbled with the clasp on her cloak. She got it undone and rolled. She popped to her feet. Her scythe arced and slammed into the Deathstalker's tail, right at the base of the stinger. She fired, and the scythe bit into the Grimm's flesh. Ruby scowled. She pulled the scythe free, and zipped back. She kicked off a trunk, firing her scythe, building speed.

When the blade connected, the stinger came clean off.

The Deathstalker screamed. It's body writhed, and one of its claws broke free from the ice. It swiped blindly. Ruby pushed Weiss down by her shoulder, and the claw swung just above them, clipping Myrtenaster. The rapier went flying. Ruby grabbed her cloak, throwing it off to the side. She hoped it would be safe. Ruby stood, dragging Weiss through the mud to just out of range.

"We've got to get to the trees!" Ruby yelled, her voice hoarse. She pulled Weiss to her feet. "It'll have a tougher time picking up speed in there!" Ruby said.

Weiss nodded. "Right!" Weiss looked at her rapier. Then the Deathstalker. It's other claw was seconds from breaking free. "What about my rapier?" Weiss asked.

Ruby pursed her lips. "I'll act as decoy. You get Myrtenaster, and I'll lure the Deathstalker into the forest." Ruby bit her lip. "We need to flip it over, get at the belly."

Weiss nodded. "I have an idea. Before you get into the forest, cut down a tree for me." The Deathstalker broke free. Weiss started running. "Circle back into the clearing!"

Ruby nodded. She hefted her scythe and faced the Deathstalker. The Grimm shook the excess ice from its claw, then faced Ruby. She fired two shots right at its face, then started off in the opposite direction of Weiss. She cut down a tree for Weiss just before entering the forest proper. The Deathstalker followed.

Ruby ducked and weaved through the branches, taking a wide path that would circle back to the clearing. Scraps of wood and debris knocked against her hair and boots, massive claws swinging back and forth, clearing the trees behind her.

Over, under, duck, dash. The trees pressed around Ruby, suffocating her agility. For every trunk she dodged, every branch she ducked, precious seconds wasted away. The Deathstalker had no such trouble, and Ruby found herself moving twice as fast to move half as far. She could barely keep ahead, and the claws were getting closer. Closer.

Ruby burst back into the clearing. On the opposite side was Weiss. She had shaved branches off the trunk and burned the base black. A line of glyphs drew a bead right a Ruby.

Weiss swished Myrtenaster. "Move, Ruby!" Weiss yelled.

Ruby moved. The Deathstalker burst from the treeline. Weiss smirked. She thrust Myrtenaster forward, and the tree trunk zipped down the line of glyphs. It crashed head-long into the Deathstalker, cracking the armor on its face. The Deathstalker flipped from the force, rolling to a stop at the base of the trees.

Ruby wasted no time. She burst forward and cut the Deathstalker open, neck to tail. The Deathstalker went still. It's body went up in a cloud of smoke.

It was over.

Ruby fell to her knees. Her lungs were burning. The mud was cold on her shins. It was seeping into her boots. The rain was running down the tips of her hair. Her body ached from getting tossed around by a friggin' Deathstalker.

Oum damn it the mud was seeping into her boots.

Ruby felt a hand grip her shoulder. Weiss, with Ruby's red cloak. Weiss, kneeling in front of Ruby, threw the cloak around her shoulders, fastening it into place. Weiss put her finger on Ruby's chin, lifting the Huntress' head to meet her eyes. "Ruby, let's go." Weiss said. "We're gonna catch a cold."

Ruby shook her head. "You go on ahead. I need a minute." She whispered. Ruby coughed.

Weiss shook her head. "You dolt." Weiss sighed, rolling her eyes. "Do you want me to drag you back to Beacon by your cloak?" Weiss asked.

Ruby looked away. "No." She grumbled.

Weiss stood. "Then get up. The rain's only getting worse." Weiss said, her voice hard.

Ruby nodded. She used Crescent Rose to push herself to her feet. She started walking, using Crescent Rose as a walking stick. Then, Weiss' arm wrapped around her torso. Weiss slung Ruby's arm around her shoulder, and hefted her partner. Ruby thought about resisting, but she was too tired to follow through.

Together, they walked back to Beacon. Muddy, wet, cold. Tense.


Weiss left Ruby in the dorm room, ordering Ruby to shower first while she went down to the cafeteria for some hot cocoa. Ruby had no time to protest before the door shut, leaving her alone.

Ruby sighed. She stripped down and grabbed a pair of pajamas, a towel, and went into the bathroom. She turned the handle, and hot water poured from the shower head. She hung up her towel, put her pj's on the sink, and stepped into the shower.

The water warmed her cold hands. It washed the mud from her legs. She arched her neck, letting the shower soothe her throat. A gentle soap carried the sweat of battle down the drain.

But soap wouldn't wash away her apprehension.

Ruby softly knocked her head against the tile. What was she going to tell Weiss? 'Hey, sorry for messing up and not securing the perimeter. I was too busy looking at your butt to do anything else?' No way Weiss would take that well.

Ruby rubbed water from her eyes, and killed the showerhead. The bathroom was foggy with steam. She stepped out of the bath and walked to the mirror. Her hand wiped away a slice of fog.

Ruby looked into her eyes. They were red, puffy, and not entirely the shower's fault. Ruby pushed her hair back, a long sigh leaving her lips. Maybe she could run away before Weiss found her. But then Yang and Blake would come after her too, and then she'd have to explain herself to the whole team. In front of Weiss. That would be embarrassing.

Maybe, if she just refused to tell her, Weiss would drop it?

She grabbed her towel, dried off, and dressed in her pajamas. She left the bathroom. She pulled herself up onto her bed and grabbed her pillow, holding it tight. Then, she waited.

A few minutes later, Weiss opened the door, two mugs of cocoa in her hand. She approached Ruby's bed, setting one mug on the dresser. "Here, Ruby. Drink up." Weiss said, pushing the other mug into Ruby's face.

Ruby sat up, accepting the cocoa. She took a sip. It was warm, extra chocolatey, and had a large marshmallow floating in it. "Thanks, Weiss." Ruby said, blushing.

Weiss shrugged. "What're partners for?" Weiss said. She looked down at her mud-stained clothes. "I'm going to shower. When I get out, we're talking." Weiss grabbed a bathrobe and towel. Then she paused. "Don't drink my cocoa." Weiss ordered. She shut the door to the bathroom. The showerhead turned on full blast, and Ruby was alone in the dorm.

Ruby took another sip of her cocoa. It was rich and creamy, sweet and so, so warm. It was the best cocoa Ruby had in a while. She needed to ask Weiss if she brought her own mix or something.

The shower shut off. Ruby perked up. That was quick, quicker than usual. Ruby looked at Weiss' mug. A thin trail of steam rose up from the mug. A moment later, the bathroom door opened, steam billowing out. Weiss stepped out, wrapped in a bathrobe, towel twisted around her hair. She walked straight to her cocoa and took a sip, sighing deeply.

Ruby tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "The cocoa is really good Weiss." Ruby said.

Weiss sat down on her bed, crossing her legs. The robe rode up, revealing skin to a degree that was almost too comfortable. Ruby looked away, her face hot.

"You like it?" Weiss asked, taking another sip. "I made it myself."

Ruby blinked. "You made it yourself?" She asked.

Weiss shrugged. "The kitchen doesn't care if you use their equipment. I just needed to pay for ingredients and wash the dishes." Weiss patted the spot next to her. "Would you sit with me, Ruby?" She asked.

Ruby looked into her mug, the cocoa reflecting her anxiety back at her. "N-no." She said. "I'll stay up here." Ruby plucked the marshmallow from he cocoa and tossed it into her mouth. It tasted sweet and fluffy.

Weiss frowned. She put her cocoa on the dresser, Her fingers went to her temple, massaging the ache in her mind. "Ruby Rose, I have been so damn patient with you. Give me a break! You say you don't want to lose me? Well I'm this close to running to the headmaster and asking I be transferred. I won't even change, I'll do it in my bathrobe." Weiss pointed at the spot next to her. "Sit. Now."

Ruby swallowed. She jumped out of her bed and sat next to Weiss, almost spilling her cocoa.

Weiss sighed. "Ruby, what the hell is going on?" She asked. "What did I do?" She pleaded.

"Nothing!" Ruby said, hurriedly. "You did nothing."

Weiss crossed her arms. "Then what is it Ruby?"

Ruby squirmed. Now or never. "It's not you Weiss. I. . . It's the pants."

Weiss blinked. She grabbed her cocoa. "The pants." She echoed. She took a long, pointed sip.

Ruby nodded. "Well, not just the pants, Weiss. I only noticed them because they were on Harvest Gold."

Weiss raised one brow. "What do you mean by that?" Weiss asked.

Ruby's face was so hot. She put her cocoa on the ground. "W-well I liked them. So I asked you to go shopping. And when you put on the pants, I realized w-why I liked them."

Weiss' face lit up in surprise. "You found them attractive." She said.

Ruby nodded. "Yeah. Harvest is pretty. And then you put them on and then. . ."

Ruby saw Weiss' brain working at the problem before her. Connecting the dots in a flurry of facial expressions. Ruby knew Weiss figured it out when Weiss almost dropped her mug."You find me attractive in them." Weiss whispered. She facepalmed. "Wow, I am so stupid."

Ruby couldn't look at Weiss. Her entire body was trying to make itself smaller. Her insides were all tied up. "Yeah." Ruby whispered. "I do. But I don't want to like you like that."

At Weiss' confused look, Ruby took a shuddering breath. "My mom and my dad were on the same team. Yang's mom was on the same team. And it ended bad, Weiss. My mom's dead and Yang's mom left her. Yang had to raise me and I didn't want to push you away or hurt you and I thought I could hide it but I can't it's too hard-"

Weiss pushed a finger to Ruby's lips. She pulled Ruby close. Ruby caved, her face pressed against the soft fabric of the bathrobe. "Ruby." Weiss whispered. "You dolt."

Ruby sniffed, wrapping her arms around Weiss' waist. "You're not mad?"

Weiss snorted. "Oh, I'm mad. Your colossal doltery not only hurt me, it hurt someone I care about a great deal." Weiss said. Her hand ran through Ruby's hair, the other rubbed her back. "So don't think for a second you're getting out of this easy."

Ruby's shoulders sagged. "I'm sorry Weiss." She said.

"I know." Weiss said. She bit her lip in thought. "Ruby, we're Huntresses. Death is part of the job. Your parents knew what they signed up for." Weiss pulled back. She put a finger to Ruby's chin, meeting her eyes. "And I know what I signed up for. So you could deny all of this and run away, and we can face that hurt now. Separately." Weiss smiled, her finger lazily tracing Ruby's cheek. "You could also accept that whatever pain comes our way, we'll face it. Together."

Ruby's mind was fuzzy, the finger on her cheek numbing most avenues of thought. She didn't know what to say. Weiss was here, and she was staying. She knew how Ruby felt and she was staying. She knew Ruby's fear and she was staying. What now? "What now Weiss?" Ruby asked.

Weiss pursed her lips. "How about a date?"

Ruby pulled back, blushing hard. "A date?" Ruby squeaked.

"Yes Ruby. My treat." Weiss said. "Do you accept?"

Ruby nodded, her head almost coming free of her neck. "Y-Yes!" She stammered out.

Weiss smiled. "Good. It's settled then." Weiss yawned. "I'm tired. I'm going to take a nap." Weiss pulled the towel from her hair, tossing it to the side. She pulled back the blankets and slipped under.

Ruby stood up. "C-cool. I'll just get back to-" A hand grabbed Ruby's wrist and pulled her back to the bed. "Weiss?" Ruby asked.

Weiss, blushing red, looked away. "I'm cold." She said. "Could you stay, for a bit?" She asked.

Ruby nodded. "Okay." She said. She slipped under the covers. Her hands fumbled, nervous. "So do I, uh-"

"Just hold me you dolt." Weiss snapped.

Ruby squeaked. She wrapped her arms around Weiss, her nose buried in Weiss' hair. Weiss was buried in the crook of Ruby's neck. Ruby breathed deep, peppermint filling her thoughts. She relaxed for the first time in days. Weiss snuggled close.

"Ruby?" Weiss whispered.

"Yeah?" Ruby said, her voice sluggish.

"About our date. I have one condition."

Ruby gulped. "What condition?" She asked.

Weiss pulled in close, nose to nose with Ruby. "You're wearing the pants." She said.

Ruby nodded, her nose brushing Weiss'. Weiss smiled. "Good." She pecked Ruby on the nose, then snuggled back into her arms. Ruby blinked, her body lighting up with joy. She held Weiss as close as she could.

Soon, sleep claimed the both of them.


Ruby ran out of the bathroom. "How do I look?!" She asked Yang, desperation in her voice.

Yang looked up from her scroll. "You look good Ruby. Weiss will love it." She reassured her.

Ruby ran back into the bathroom, running a comb through her hair. "Are you sure!? Maybe I should go with the orange shirt and the red pants."

Yang snapped her fingers. "Bad idea Ruby. Too many warm colors." Yang gestured to the purple bandana on her leg. "You need contrast. Jazz it up a little." Yang leaned back on one hand. "Like I said, green top, red cloak, and dark blue pants with your boots and you're set!"

Ruby sighed. She walked to Yang's bed and sat down. "Yang, am I gonna blow this?"

Yang looked around. "You got any red dust crystals on you?"

"Yang, I'm serious!" Ruby whined.

Yang smirked. "So am I." She pinched her chin. "Though, you could recreate the moment you first met. 'The Schneeze that started it all.'" Yang elbowed her sister, a wide smile on her face.

Ruby pushed Yang's arm away. "That was terrible."

Yang ruffled Ruby's hair. "And probably the worst thing you'll hear tonight." Yang threw her arm over her sister's shoulder. "Ignore my teasing for a moment and hear me out, okay?" Yang paused, making certain Ruby was listening. "Okay, here's the thing. You like her. She likes you back. More importantly, she likes you for you. So even if the worst possible thing happens tonight, guess what?" Yang leaned in, like she was gonna tell a huge secret. "She's still gonna like you." Yang whispered.

Ruby squirmed. "You don't know that."

Yang was all teeth. "Au contraire, sister dear. I know everything." Yang put her hand to her chest, puffing with pride.

"Still don't know how Blake looks at you." Ruby muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" Yang asked, ears perking up.

Ruby rolled her eyes. "I said, I don't know how dates work. Weiss is all proper. What if I do a fox pass?" Ruby mentally patted herself on the back. Good save.

Yang laughed. "You mean faux pas, sis. And trust me, it's too late to save you from that." Yang squeezed Ruby's shoulder. "Just be yourself, and everything will work out." Yang slapped Ruby's back. "No worries!"

There was a knock at the dorm room door. Ruby's eyes shot to the clock. 5:59. Weiss! Punctual! Aaaaaah! Ruby almost shot out of her seat, but a strong hand pulled her back on the bed. Yang got up, patting Ruby's shoulder. She walked to the door, leaning against it. "Who is it?" Yang sang.

Blake's voice sounded from the other side. "The most esteemed Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company requests the presence of Ruby Rose. Is she in?" Blake said. Ruby stifled a giggle. Blake was really hamming it up.

Yang opened the door a crack. "Ruby Rose is indeed in. What is the Heiress' intent with my sister?"

Blake coughed. "To make date with, madam." She responded.

Yang smirked. "You mean to take with wild and pas-"

"Yang!" Ruby shouted, pulling her sister from the door. "Go jump off the balcony or something!" Ruby opened the door. She was greeted by Blake, standing still, one hand covering an amused smile. "Where's Weiss?" Ruby asked.

Blake stepped to the side, and Ruby's jaw dropped. Weiss was dressed in her classic white top and skirt, only this was. . . Scandalous. Weiss top was a low cut white corset shimmering with small silver snowflakes. The corset had a tall collar that was accented red and white.

Weiss choice of skirt was a silky white calf length skirt. Only this skirt had a cut that started just mid-thigh and ran down the length of the skirt, revealing Schnee's knee. Her heels shimmered with tiny crystal lace and blue cloth.

Yang sidled in, closing Ruby's mouth with a finger. Yang looked Weiss in the eye. "Nice outfit, Snow Queen." She smacked Ruby on the back, forcing her into the hall. "Take good care of my sister, Weiss." Yang said, her voice curt.

Weiss nodded. "Of course Yang." Weiss held out her elbow. "Shall we?" She asked.

Ruby gulped, and took the proffered elbow in hers. She looked back at Yang. Yang waved her goodbye and, letting Blake slide in, shut the door to the dorm room.

Ruby had barely a moment before Weiss set off, pulling Ruby along down the hall. They walked down the stairs and outside in silence. Ruby taking a moment to get used to Weiss' skin on hers, and Weiss. . . Well, who knows what Weiss is thinking?

Weiss smirked, looking at Ruby. "Nervous?" She asked.

Ruby nodded. "Yeah." She admitted. "This is. . . This is my first date."

Weiss nodded. "I figured as much." Weiss blew out a short breath. "It's mine too."

Ruby's head swiveled in surprise. "What? But what about Neptune?" She asked.

Weiss rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand. "Well, that was a school dance." Weiss looked ahead. "And my father used to set me up with boys in Atlas. A vain attempt to get me to stay when he found out I wanted Beacon." Weiss gripped Ruby's arm with her hand. "So, I've technically been on dates. But not a real date. Not with someone I really like."

"Oh." Ruby said. She bit her lip, looking away. "So, uh, I guess this the first time for both of us." Ruby offered a weak smile. "And I didn't plan anything." She admitted.

Weiss giggled. "I asked you, dolt. We're going downtown and getting cookies for dinner." She announced.

Ruby's eyes sparkled. "Weiss, you do know me!" She said excitedly.

Weiss rolled her eyes. "Duh." She laid her head on Ruby's shoulder. "I've been getting to know you for nearly a year now, Ruby."

Ruby cocked her head. "Weiss. . . How long have you liked me?"

Weiss shrugged. "It started slow. I know I didn't like you at first." Weiss scrunched her nose. "You're brash, overeager, immature. . ." Weiss trailed off.

Ruby cringed. "And. . .?" Ruby prodded.

Weiss smiled. "Well, over time you showed me that under all your childish tendencies was a talented, hardworking, authentic Huntress. Someone I could count on. A true equal." Weiss smiled. "Then I saw you walk into the bathroom early one morning." Weiss brushed her hair behind her ear.

Ruby blinked, a warmth spreading through her. Followed by confusion. "Walking into the bathroom." She said simply.

Weiss bit the tip of her finger. "You look downright irresistible with bed head and wrinkled pajamas." Weiss whispered.

Ruby flushed. "Oh." She said, pulling at her ear. "I see." Her brain was fuzzy.

Weiss playfully pushed Ruby away. "If you tell anyone, Ruby Rose, I swear they won't find the body."

Ruby held her hands up. "I won't, I won't!" Ruby said. "Please don't kill me!"

Weiss stopped walking. She twirled on her heel. "Ruby, I won't kill you." She said, smirking. "I haven't even kissed you yet."

Ruby stopped next to Weiss. She grinned, elbowing Weiss in the arm. "Ah, so if I never kiss you, you'll never kill me!" Ruby puffed her chest out. "Foolproof!"

Weiss giggled, her hand covering her mouth. "That's a shame, because I'd really like to." Weiss admitted.

All of the blood rushed to Ruby's face. "You would?" She asked, dumbfounded.

Weiss nodded. "I want to kiss you, Ruby Rose." Weiss took a step towards Ruby. "Do you want to kiss me?"

Ruby rubbed her palms on her pants. Why were they wet? "I do. But, doesn't that sort of thing happen at the end of the date?" She asked.

Weiss shrugged. "Yes. But I don't want to wait that long, now that it's been brought up." Weiss cocked her head. "Do you want to wait?"

Ruby waved her hands. "No! No, now's a great time! Just, I've never kissed anyone before, and I don't know how to go about it." Ruby ran her hands through her hair. "I mean, there's like," Ruby counted on her fingers, "Five components to kissing. You've got your lips, your teeth, your t-t-tongue, and both hands. I mean, there's a lot to concentrate on, lot of variables in this, and I don't want to be a bad kisser, I'd like to kiss good, and-"

Weiss rolled her eyes. She stepped forward and hooked a finger through the belt loop on Ruby's pants. Her other hand grabbed Ruby's wrist. Weiss pulled Ruby forward by the waist, placing Ruby's hand on the small of her back. She stepped up just as Ruby stepped forward and captured Ruby's runaway lips with her own.

In that moment, Ruby's senses exploded. Her mouth, her nose, her skin, all of it was tingling with Weiss. Weiss' peppermint toothpaste. Weiss' fingers at Ruby's neck, at the small of her waist, nails pushing buttons Ruby didn't know she had. Weiss' tongue slipped inside Ruby's mouth, and Ruby's normal knees turned into weak knees. She was dizzy. She was ecstatic! Her belly was warm milk and freshly baked cookies and-

They separated, both in a daze. Ruby shook her head, every cell in her body buzzing. She unconsciously wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Wow." Ruby breathed

Weiss nodded, licking her lips. "Wow." She agreed.

A huge smile spread across Ruby's cheeks. "What's next?" Ruby asked.

Weiss flushed. "Right now?" Weiss asked.

Ruby nodded, her eyes tracing the quirk of Weiss' mouth. Those perfect pair of lips she'd tasted just seconds ago.

Weiss hand slipped into Ruby's. "Right now we're gonna enjoy this evening." Weiss answered. "Then. . . We'll see what the future brings." Weiss rubbed Ruby's hand with her thumb. "Together."

Weiss set off, jerking Ruby out of her trance. Ruby smiled, looking at the woman before her. Her eye caught the moon, and her mom flashed through her mind. Ruby looked at the soft, pale hand in hers. She smiled. This was what mom felt with dad. A defiant passion in a grim world. Ruby knew it now too, and all her fears melted away.

Ruby's hand tightened, and she joined Weiss, side by side. She thumbed the belt loop at her waist and sighed, her heart elated.

New pants. New love.


I had fun writing this. Started one month ago, and now we're here, somewhere in the 17k range. I have challenges with commitment, especially to things I deem nonessential to survival. Finish this fic is one of many steps I've taken in overcoming that challenge. To everyone who reviewed and offered feedback, thank you for bearing witness. Thank you again, Shinra-ex-SOLDIER, for being my beta reader. Your comments on my docs were invigorating.

I'm writing another fic, about Jaune and Pyrrha. It's a heavier one, so if that's your thing keep an eye out!
