Also, I suck at life and I am sorry. I was mapping out how I wanted this story to go and I had a few different options that I couldn't seem to pick between. Still trying to iron out some details but hopefully, I will be able to know a little better of what I am updating. I just wanted to say thank you to all the people who reviewed. I love hearing feedback and I would also love to know if you have any thoughts that may help me improve the story. Also, thank you to all who favorited or followed the story, it means so much to me. Anyway, I know you didn't come here to read an authors note so here you go! Hope you enjoy!


The thing I don't think I will ever get used to about the Hitachiin lifestyle has to be the press. Photographers following them around in the hopes of snagging a picture, and magazines dying for an interview with Mrs. Hitachiin. Unfourtantly, my wishes to fade into the background of the spotlight were seemingly unnoticed by the press and by the fashion icon herself.

I winced as another flash went off in my face and I tried hard to keep a smile plastered there, and counted in my head every nice thing she had done for me. Really, this was the first time she had ever made me do something I wasn't big on and I rationalized with myself that in the long run, it would probably help me. When the twins take over the company one day... I can't imagine that we will be less in the spotlight. And god forbid they find out about my relationship with both of them.

We were sitting in a large spacious office while makeup artists and stylists adjusted our hair and makeup between shots. an interviewer sat across from us, smiling in a comforting but eager way. She had long light brown hair, braided in an up into a neat bun, and her green eyes seemed to almost swirl in happiness as she got her papers in order and reached down to a small recorder and placed it lightly on the table between us.

"So let's get to it!" She began, in surprisingly good Japanese "My name is Patrice Colle and I'm here with Hitachiin Fashions CEO, Yuzuha Hitachiin and a new face to the Hitachiin group, Haruhi Fujioka. Tell me Yuzuha, what can we expect from this year's fashion line?"

gave a familiar playful grin. "Now Patrice, you know I can't tell you that. But what I can tell you," as she launched into details of when they can expect the new line to drop and news about upcoming shows and seasonal sales and all kinds of stuff that made the young interviewers eyes light up, I let my mind wander to how I came to be sitting here. After the plane ride here, we had gone straight to the house they kept in Paris and settled in for the night. Traveling had taken more out of me than I had realized and I was not prepared for the rude awakening this morning.

I guessed the night we landed was all the rest we were getting for now, because at 6 am she sent the maid to get us up however was necessary. I am not too much of a heavy sleeper, but since I had been sleeping better with the boys with me, the twins seemed to have gone back to their normal sleep habits. Which meant all the horrors they were forced to undergo for them to awaken, I was subjected to as well, even as my sleepy mind was already awakening and trying to process what was going on around me. The moment the ice water hit us, the shrieks from the two twins, holding on to me for dear life, could probably be heard all the way back in Japan.

had decided that today instead of starting at the office the twins would do a little studying before the first official day of work, which Hikaru would attend. Kaoru had to learn some management techniques and Hikaru needed to get some designs sketched and get the stuff he already had organized. I thought that that would mean I would have the day to myself but instead, I had gotten dragged along on a 'girls day'.

It had started out with lunch and touring around the shops of Paris, but then she said she had a quick meeting she wanted me to be a part of... I sighed knowing I shouldn't have let myself be fooled.

Turning my attention back to the situation at hand, Miss Colle seemed to hang on Mrs. Hitachiins every word, nodding vigorously as she talked about her previous lines and about certain things I don't think I will ever understand. I was fine mostly smiling along and nodding until something she said caught me off guard.

"Um. Excuse me , what did you just say?" I gave a nervous smile to the interviewer before turning my attention back toward my kidnapper of the day.

"Hmmm? What is it, sweetheart?" She gave me an innocent smile I didn't believe, given my experience with the Hitachiin family "Was it the modeling? You know my boys model clothes for my line from time to time. After all, sweet doll, they will be the face of the company one day."

"Uh-huh. I was more questioning the bit of me modeling. I know I told Hikaru I would help him out some but I didn't agree to a photo shoot and it was just for the new stuff." I nervously picked at the frill on the shirt she had insisted I wear today. It was form fitting and shear with pink rose lace, a simple black tank top under it. It was paired with dark skinny jeans and black flats, only because I had outright refused the heals she had picked out for me.

"Well, Haruhi, as my future daughter-in-law you are as much a part of the company as my sons are. People need to see your face as well so you and my sons can take over my company."

I coughed, eyes going wide at the statement and Miss Colle leaned forward eagerly. "Future daughter-in-law? Is that why you took Miss Fujioka in? Which of your sons is she promised to?"

gave a light laugh and threw her arm around me sweetly. "I took her in before her and my son were together, but she has always been close to the family. Even if my sons were stupid enough not to want to be with this amazing young woman, I would still consider her a part of the future face of Hitachiin Fashions. And while they are only dating, I feel her and my eldest, Hikaru, will have a very bright future together."

Miss Colle turned her eyes to me, gearing up I'm sure to ask a million questions when an alarm sounded from cellphone.

"Oh dear... Patrice, it was an absolute pleasure but if you don't mind we are actually running late for our next appointment." She stood abruptly, and swiftly exited the room, dragging me along with her.

The walk was silent until we made it to a waiting limo out front. As we sat down I looked at her, trying to find the words to begin.

"Before you say anything, love, it had to be done. If we hadn't gotten ahead of the media, they would have snapped a picture of you with Hikaru and they would try to turn it into some big scandal. They would try to tarnish your reputation by saying you were some kind of gold digger and millions of other things to try to make what's going on between you and my son dramatic. This way they know, you are loved by my sons and me and you aren't hiding away from the world. the photo shoot with my sons that you will be doing will only further show everyone that you aren't hiding anything. I'm sorry to have sprung it up on you but I thought it was for the best and I didn't think you would exactly agree with me."

"I guess that makes sense" I sighed "But that doesn't mean that I like it. But now that all of that is handled do you think we could go back to the house so I could lay down? As much fun as I have had today I am feeling rather exhausted." I was a touch tired but mostly I just wanted to talk to Kaoru and Hikaru about the events of today and get some quality time with them.

Finally, luck seemed to be a little on my side as she gave me a smile and a nod as we headed back in the direction of the house.


I crumbled up another stupid drawing. They were all close to what I was looking for, but not quite, and the more I looked at them the more frustrated I seemed to get. I had been drawing since early this morning, after taking a hard look at most of what I already had and realizing that it probably isn't good enough to be a representation of mom's work. Even if the whole world knew that it was her son who made the dress, if her company still makes something ugly or unfashionable, I fear it would damage her good name.

I was honestly probably about to start punching the wall when I knock sounded at the door. I mumbled out a sound of acknowledgment as I let my head fall on my desk. They would either take it as an invitation or they would go away. At this point, either was fine by me.

The door creaked open and soft footfalls snuck up behind me and I felt hands brush against my shoulders. I didn't need to turn around to see who this was. These were the footsteps I had heard my whole life, this was half of my heart.

"Aww, what's the matter, Hika?" Kaoru asked playfully, as he massaged my shoulders. "Not able to get into your 'groove?'"

"You don't need to mock me," I said, sitting up and leaning into his hands. "I'm stressed enough as it is without dealing with harassment from you as well."

His hands left my shoulders and he turned the chair around to face him. He squatted down to my level, placing his hand lovingly on the side of my face. "Don't stress so much brother. Everything you have made always looks amazing. And honestly... As long as we are together I know we will succeed.

I pulled my twin up on the chair with me, hugging him close to my chest and ran my fingers softly through his hair.

"I hope you know I would be lost without you and Haruhi. I feel so lucky to have you both in my life."

He pulled back, his eyes meeting mine as he gave me a kind smile. Kaoru always came across more affectionate out of the two of us. He was quicker to know when to comfort and how to help people. And by people, I mostly mean Haruhi and I but honestly... If he can deal with the hardships I put him through growing up, all my problems... He could make anyone happy.

Just then I heard the door swing open and mother call out in a sing-songy voice, announcing her return home. I reached up, placing my hand on the back of Kaoru's head and pulling him in for a quick kiss. He let out a slightly surprised sound but quickly relaxed into the kiss, throwing his arms around my shoulders. With everything with Haruhi, it had been a while since we had had any time for just the two of us.

"I guess it's time for us to go rescue our princess, now isn't it?" I said against his lips as we pulled away. His face was red, but a happy smile painted his lips as we stood up and made our way to the door.