Remember what I said last chapter? The fic proper ended there. This is the indulgent epilogue with a lil twist. Hope you enjoy, Vio.
"It's our last day today," said Fubuki forlornly into his sangria. "We fly home tomorrow."
Sho munched on a flaky cookie. "I'm looking forward to having my own room again." A quick glance at Ryo, and he quickly, though unnecessarily in Ryo's view, corrected himself. "I mean, I want to sleep in my own bed. One that doesn't rock up and down."
"Speaking of that," Fubuki's lips curled upwards in a way that made Ryo nervous. "It's our last night, too. If anyone was after a hot summer romance, your final chance to hook up approaches."
Asuka sighed. "Do you have to be so vulgar? Can't we just enjoy Barcelona and this lovely food?"
"Well, you know, love and food are intimately intertwined…"
Of course Fubuki had to say that right as Judai lifted the churro to his parted lips, warm chocolate dripping from its crenellated length. Of course Judai would choose to make eye contact right as he licked the sticky sweetness from around his mouth and sucked the powdered sugar from his fingers.
"The first bite is the sweetest?" Ryo offered with an arched eyebrow.
"Very good, very good!" Fubuki clapped.
"Don't indulge him," said Asuka, nudging her brother in the ribs with a well-placed elbow. "He'll be on it for the rest of the day. 'Love is like twirling spaghetti on a fork, you get more than you aimed for'." Manjoume cracked a laugh at her impression and Fubuki gently chided him with a reproving glance.
"And sauce on your shirt," said Judai.
"I'm sure we could find someone to help you out of- mmf!" Fubuki's graceless innuendo was stifled by both Asuka's and Manjoume's hands flying to cover his mouth.
Ryo calmly sipped his black coffee, ignoring both the chaos on the other side of the table and Sho's judgemental tutting. "So, assuming we're not sampling an uncommon cuisine, what did you plan for us today?"
Fubuki pouted and slumped over the table. "There didn't seem much point planning anything. You always go off on your own, and Judai gets lost, and Asuka doesn't like any of my ideas, and…"
"As you said, it's our last day." Ryo couldn't help a small smile at Fubuki's theatrics. "Let's find something we can all do together."
"There's a hobby shop ten minutes away," Judai said, brandishing a map on his phone.
"Let's go buy cards!" Sho stood with purpose. "I want a Spanish Dark Magicial Girl!"
They might not have made the most of the city as tourists, but as friends they returned to the ship with skin flushed from laughter. Fubuki had taken full advantage of the group's good humour to lead them to the karaoke bar. To Ryo's horror, this was not a cosy room for the six of them with comfy chairs and, if one was so inclined, perhaps the jaunty jangle of a tambourine – but a lounge frequented by the wider clientele, with a stage wide and exposed.
Fubuki was loving it. Several times Manjoume had to sit on him to stop him from overwhelming the requests list. Still, Ryo couldn't deny Fubuki's presence on stage, and as long as it was several meters away from him he supposed it could even be considered quite charming.
Manjoume was watching Fubuki with sparkling eyes, singing along with what were obviously Fubuki's standards. Sho and Asuka were doing their best to keep a low profile, to avoid being volunteered for another performance. Asuka confessed to Ryo in between songs that she would normally have feigned a headache and left, but that didn't feel like the proper vacation spirit. Ryo suggested that the whole vacation had been headache-inducing so nothing would be more suited to the final night, but his words, though meant with good humour, were lost amid the opening chords of the new song.
Judai had been quiet, too. He clapped for his friends, even cheered, but Ryo noticed his expression fade when their eyes were not on him; and the way he would stare slightly off to the side. Ryo patted him on the shoulder. "It's my turn to get the drinks. Will you help me carry them?"
Judai swung around, his face brightening in an instant. "Sure."
They weaved their way towards the bar at the back of the lounge, and when Ryo was sure that the others would have lost sight of them, he changed tack and headed for the exit. Judai followed, confused, and they took up a spot on the outside deck by the railing. The fresh night air caught in Ryo's throat and he drank it in, the thrum of the bar subsiding behind them.
"If you wanted to get me alone, you could've just asked."
"I'll remember that." Ryo returned Judai's half-smile. "How are you doing? You seemed, pardon me, lost in plain sight."
"You know how it is." Judai swung up to perch on the railing, ignoring several safety signs in the process.
"I suppose I do." Ryo moved closer, ready to pull Judai back if needed.
"I guess that's one of the things I like about you." Judai shifted his weight to get more comfortable. One leg tapped softly against the glass panel.
Ryo's stomach lurched. "If there's more, I could stand to hear them."
"Maybe later." Judai laughed. "Things are complicated right now."
"It seems that way." Ryo leant against the railing, careful not to nudge Judai, as the weakening in his core spread to his knees. The distant hubbub of the festivities seemed to fizz from his toes to the tips of his ears.
"I got you something." Judai slipped a hand in the pocket of his too-tight jeans and pulled out a card in a protective sleeve. "For a new start."
Ryo accepted the gift, and turned the card over to reveal a fierce wooden samurai. "Karakuri Muso Haipa?"
"It's clockwork, like the dolls you like. And look at the attack points."
"I see. The same as Cyber Dragon." Ryo read the text, possibilities already stirring in his mind. "You found a Japanese card in a Spanish shop?"
"I'm lucky, I guess," Judai grinned. "This card just really wanted to be with you."
"Thank you, truly. I might think of you every time I summon it." Ryo held the card to the light to examine the shining art more closely.
"I won't mind if you do," said Judai. "I'm coming back someday, and I'll be mad if you don't remember me."
Ryo caught Judai's intense gaze. "You're not coming on the plane with us tomorrow, are you?"
Judai hopped down to the deck. "It's complicated."
Ryo pocketed the card. "We seem to have more than our fair share of that."
"It keeps things interesting." Judai's fingers brushed softly against Ryo's.
Ryo pulled away, as much as it hurt to do so. "Well, if you're not going to pin me against the wall and take me now, as Fubuki is no doubt imagining right at this moment, I suppose we should get those drinks."
"Good things come to those who wait." Judai smirked. "And you'll be very, very good for me, won't you?"
After they, mercifully, left the karaoke, the group stayed up chatting in Fubuki and Manjoume's room. One by one they made their excuses: first Judai, shortly thereafter Sho, and finally Asuka, leaving Ryo with the others. He didn't feel tired, and clearly Fubuki was trying to make the most of the evening, so he stayed.
Fubuki lounged on the bed. Manjoume sat primly in the chair by the dresser, seemingly finding its drawers riveting. Ryo sat on the floor, and leant up against the bed.
"There's more room now." Fubuki rolled over, his hair dangling over the edge, and Ryo pulled gently on a strand that dared to tickle his cheek. "Why don't you come up here?"
"What about you, Manjoume-kun?" Ryo asked. "It's your room, after all."
"There's room enough for three," said Fubuki, patting the duvet by Ryo's head. "Don't be shy."
"I'm not shy," said Ryo. "I'm comfortable enough here."
"Isn't it hard on your body?" asked Manjoume. "You're still recovering from Venice."
"I'm fine," said Ryo through gritted teeth.
"Sure you are." Fubuki started playing with Ryo's hair, the tell-tale alternating tug of a braid in progress. "We just care about you, silly muppet."
"I know." Ryo sighed, resigned to spending the next few minutes as a doll head. "I do appreciate it. You're just… Everyone is just a little much, sometimes."
"Even Judai?" Fubuki leaned around, watching Ryo with a keen smile.
"What do I have to do to get you to shut up?" Ryo curled away from Fubuki's fingers and playfully swatted his cheek. "Manjoume-kun, has he become worse since I haven't been around to rein him in, or am I just imagining it?"
"Perhaps you just missed him," said Manjoume.
"Perhaps you're right," said Ryo.
"I love you too," said Fubuki, giving Ryo's shoulders a hug from behind.
"I got you something in Venice, before the duel." Ryo looked through his bag to find the crumpled package at the bottom. "I suppose now is a good a time as any to return your gift."
Fubuki sat up. "You thought of me! That's so sweet, thank you!"
Ryo stood, awkwardly, his legs more numb than he had thought. Manjoume rushed forward to support him, though it wasn't needed, and they sat on the foot of the bed as Ryo passed the gift to Fubuki. "Don't thank me until you've opened it."
"I'm going to open it now. It's the European way." Fubuki tore at the cheap paper to reveal something white in a plastic bag. The bag came off too, crinkling noisily, and the fabric unfolded. Fubuki laughed. "Oh wow, Ryo. I love it. Thank you so much."
Manjoume craned his neck to see, and Fubuki turned the underpants around. The letter I, a big red heart, and an unfortunately-placed image of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Manjoume flushed instantly. "Fubuki, you are not wearing those."
"I am, tomorrow. Through airport security."
Manjoume cringed visibly. "Kaiser, couldn't you have got him one of those calendars with dogs dressed as the Pope or something?"
"Vaticanines." Ryo nodded and Fubuki stifled a laugh. "It was tempting."
"That's not the only thing that's been tempting this trip, is it, Ryo?" Fubuki leaned forward.
Ryo dodged past him to grab a pillow and thump Fubuki with it. "Give it up, Fubuki. It's not happening so you can shut up any time."
"What's not happening?" Fubuki asked, wide-eyed and grinning. "I might be able to help out if I knew more."
"I don't want your help," said Ryo, buffeting Fubuki with the pillow until he lay, laughing, on the bed. Ryo pinned his chest with the pillow, not so tightly that Fubuki couldn't have pushed him off if he wanted.
"Jun, help me!" said Fubuki, breathlessly.
"Don't help him, Manjoume-kun," said Ryo, moving to straddle Fubuki's thighs. "You know he brought this on himself."
Manjoume looked from Ryo, to Fubuki, and back to Ryo. "You know, we're not in school any more. You don't have to call me 'Manjoume-kun', if you don't want."
"Betrayer!" Fubuki faux-sobbed as Manjoume pulled his arms back.
Manjoume consoled him with a tentative kiss, the tips of his ears reddening. "I'm sure it's for your own good."
Ryo leant over, cheek-to-cheek with Manjoume. "Jun and I have been under a lot of stress lately. And you're going to help us work through it, right?"
"Oh…" Fubuki's giggles subsided, and he stretched lazily under Ryo. "You are both most welcome."
Ryo lifted the pillow and smirked at Manjoume. "Then, let's get started."
This has been a ride to write and though it has taken me far longer than the original deadline, I have enjoyed every moment. Thanks for the request and I hope I get to write for you again soon!
Thanks go to RustedWireWitch for allosexual & dog pun consultancy.
As this is a giftfic, criticism is not requested at this time.