Just a Swordsmith

Author's notes: Hey Guys! It's ClashKMS here, and welcome to my first fanfiction! I have always enjoyed reading 'what if' stories for Fate/stay night, and I had a sudden idea that made me think 'Hey, I should try writing a story of my own!' so here I am now. Please forgive me for any grammatical errors I may make, and review your opinion on this fic. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the fate franchise.

I watched as the hellish surrounding around me began to convulse. The sheer vileness of this entire place made me seethe in anger, but I knew I couldn't do anything against this infernal world-a reality marble-with my own power. I calmly analyzed the situation before me. It is impossible to escape this reality marble normally, I know that, and because the Onri Edo Castle exists in the real world outside of the reality marble, it should technically have been immune to any attacks from within it. It is so perfect, yet so flawed. It was a diabolical apocalypse, brought by the holy grail itself. This…this is what that man, Amakusa Shirou, calls his wish? This so-called rebellion against all of humanity? A beautiful sin at the end of the world?

'No, I can't let this pass!'

I felt a faint, tugging sensation within my soul, that was furiously demanding the destruction of this hell,

guiding me like instinct to-SAVE EVERYONE-rescue every single life in my sight.

'I can't repeat the same mistake again!'

I'm a fool.

I should be doing everything that I can to stop this from happening, not hesitating like a coward that

puts his own safety before-SAVE EVERYONE-the many.

In fact, I do know a way. It is certain way of dealing with this kind of evil, but it is also certain to bring me death when used. Even so-SAVE EVERYONE-I will use it if it will put an end this world.

'Damn, there's no point in hesitating now-!'

I drew the blade, the sword from the past when the gods ruled. The demonic sword I had-CREATED OVER A THOUSAND BLADES--forged-the Tsumugari Muramasa.

It was the blade I had been seeking for my entire life, a blade capable of cutting the inevitability, fate and destiny. It was a blade meant for gods, therefore, I will perish once I take a swing. I needed to put my all into a single swing, to put all my skill, experience, and understanding to-THE BONE OF MY SWORD--the sword to power my final strike.

It was strange, ever since I was summoned in the body of-EMIYA-Shirou, my understanding of swords has increased exponentially, and I was confident about my skills as a swordsmith since I had reached the territory of God. The boy must have been a prodigy of the blade, to trump over a man that had been forging swords for the entirety of his life.

I took the demonic sword and filled it with human will, readying my final swing. I began to recite my thoughts to the crazed man before me.

"Not the invincible swordsman Jūbei,

neither the highly praised master of espionage Hanzō,

nor the renowned Onmyouji Abe no Seimei.

More than anything, just a swordsmith.

But it is your unpreparedness that spelt your defeat."

I told the servant, confusing him somewhat. I continued.

"Once seeking for the ultimate blade.

A blade of steel cutting no flesh, nor bones and neither life.

What I seek for is the clearance of resentment.

The cutting of bonds, fate and destiny."

I explained my struggle, my search, my purpose.

"That is, to free oneself from Karma."

My wish and ambition.

"Upon-WAITING FOR-one's arrival are countless tools.

Carved-CREATED-over a thousand blades, forming a pile of swords.

This is the place where all paths cross.

This is the place where all desires flow.

This is the place where all deaths await

My whole life was for this single swing."

The man's eyes widened, beginning to grow certainty of is doom.

"The-BONE OF MY SWORD-heart of the blade is right here!

Take this, this is my Tsumugari Muramasa!"

I yell the words out, informing the man of his downfall.

The sword struck true, cleaving trough everything in its path. It cut through the landscape itself. The blade was cutting through the very concept of this hell which is the reality marble of Amakuza Shirou himself, so if my theory is correct, it should destroy the man as well. But I can't confirm that kill, since my body is rapidly deteriorating because I used a sword meant for gods.

'Ah…At least I fulfilled my dream, even if it was completed after my death….'

I had-NO REGRETS, THIS IS THE ONLY PATH-no resentment, this was the only way I could have been satisfied with myself, a true ending fitting for a swordsmith as myself.

'Although, I feel so empty…'

Such was a life of a hollow man as myself. I had spent my entire life seeking this blade, pouring all my soul into my life's ambition. I devoted so many years, to the point I had forgotten the faces of my son and grandchildren.

I didn't want to die yet. I wanted my legacy to carry on, to get another chance in life. I delved into my soul, where another soul that wasn't mine had intertwined with so naturally.

The soul of Emiya Shirou.

Such was the name of the boy that supposedly had a similar body, mind, and way of living to me. So similar, that it had been possible to summon me in that boy's vessel. I was actually intrigued about the supposed clone of me, because my extreme way of living was uncommon, to say the least. Also he indeed had a body that looked so much like my own, that I had been wondering if he could have been a descendant of mine.

I was a servant, yet I had no summoner. I was brought forth by the counter force itself, therefore, it was a true coincidence that I was summoned successfully. When I was summoned into this world with the body of Emiya Shirou, the merging of our memories was a clash of dissonant cacophony. I had most of my memories intact, but since I was the heroic spirit that was supposed to take over the human being's body, the amount of memories of Emiya Shirou that I got in compensation was miniscule. All I remembered of the life he had lived was fuzzy, unimportant parts and pieces.

But there was one part-no, thing that was clear as a running stream in his memories.

A golden sword.

A sword of fine craftsmanship, that much I could see. It was made in an intricate, foreign style, but I failed to guess why it held such a dear place in his heart.

I decided to confront the boy, test him, and decide if he was truly worthy of carrying the name Muramasa.

I reached into the dormant boy's soul, then I entered.

My immediate thought was:


A seemingly endless, barren field, littered with countless amount of swords. It was a place of enlightenment for a swordsmith such as myself. The landscape was one with all the swords that were placed in it, and such was the soul of Shirou Emiya, a boy with a mindscape-reality marble-constructed entirely with swords. It was truly breathtaking, for it was the soul of someone who had clearly mastered the very concept of swords.

I could see myself….? No, the boy Emiya Shirou atop on a hill of swords, clearly waiting for someone.

"Hmph, would you look at that. A boy with a land of swords as his very soul. And I thought I couldn't get any better as a swordsmith."

"Pleasure to meet you, Sengo Muramasa-san, or should I say, great ancestor."

The boy bowed, showing proper respect and manners. Such a humble and talented boy, I liked him.

"Well, as you can see, I am about to disappear real fast, so we don't have a lot of time to talk."

"Wait, I? I thought we were the same entwined being for now, with me being your vessel and all."

I chuckled.

"Well, that would normally be the case, but the sword I used was 'A blade of steel cutting no flesh, nor bones and neither life.' As you clearly know."

The boy let out a good-natured laugh at that, and we both grinned at each other. I had a feeling he could truly understand me and my swords, the closest being to a friend that I could get. He certainly had the potential to carry on my legacy, to become a man that I could be proud of.

"Then, what is happening to our state of being as a pseudo servant?"

"Well, your question will be decided by the outcome of a duel."

The boy blinked.

"I'm sorry?"

"You heard me, Shirou Emiya. A duel between swordsmiths. We shall duel to our limits, no mercy allowed. Fight me with your pride as a swordsmith, boy, and let us see if you're worthy to bear the name Muramasa."

I called forth a nameless sword, a blade of excellent quality, but with no name or magic to it.

The boy, Shirou Emiya, looked at me in silent understanding, both to my will to fight and my reason, then picked up a seemingly undistinguished sword as well, taking a fighting stance.

We appraised each other's stance for a moment, then simultaneously, took off several meters in an instance. We crossed blades, taking in each other's strength eye to eye. I knew that I wasn't summoned for my skills as a master swordsman or anything like that. But I was formidable in the art of blades to say the very least. I was the dominant, older, powerful spirit between the two of us that made up this heroic spirit, so in a spiritual plane like this, I was certain to be the victor.

I saw through every trick, every skill, every technique he executed, his swordsmanship being trumped by mine.

I was beating him so thoroughly, every strike he made was futile and certainly bring him pain.

Yet, he never became desperate.

His strikes never became reckless or haphazard. He kept slashing at me with stubborn determination, never once resorting to utilizing his reality marble or magecraft. He was seemingly resolved to spar with me in a fair and honest way. Yet, there was fire in his eyes. Just because he was fighting fairly didn't mean he was holding back. He was using his strength to the fullest power, determined to defeat me with his warrior's resolve.

'Well, shoot. I was the man wanting to test him, yet he is a better man then I could ever be.'

I thought as my respect for the boy-no, the man increased a thousand fold. Then, I went all out and made a horizontal swing carrying all my momentum, similar to the move I used while executing the Tsumugari Muramasa.

The sword in Shirou Emiya's hands was flung out of his grasp.

"Well, it is my defeat, Muramasa-san."

He raised his arms up, signaling his defeat.

"I will gladly take the aftereffect with my- "

"Don't be ridiculous boy."

I stopped him mid-sentence, exasperated at the selflessness that had reached the point of stupidity.

"This duel's outcome was decided from the start. You had decided to fight fairly, and I am a heroic spirit that cannot be beaten in a fair duel with a human like you. This duel's purpose was to test your integrity, mindset, and morals to see if you were worthy enough to inherit my powers, and you have exceeded my expectations."

I felt my being slowly being erased, yet I smiled contently, knowing my soul was left in good hands.

"I have chosen to take the brunt of the aftermath and sacrifice my own soul instead of taking down the two of us. Now, don't say anything, because it's non-reversible, and it is the best possible scenario for us. Even if my mind is destroyed, a part of my soul will live on with you."

I summoned three swords, the swords that would be the most helpful to this boy-no, young man-the most. The swords that would give the right lessons and powers to guide Emiya Shirou to the right path.

The Juuchi Yosamu (The '10,000 cold nights'), Myoujingiri Muramasa ('Cutting gods and demons Muramasa'), and most importantly, the Tsumugari Muramasa.

"Take my swords, learn from them, grow from them, and live on, Shirou Emiya. I do not know the path you will set foot on, but I sure know it is going to be a heroic one."

I stabbed the three swords on the land of unlimited blades. I looked at him in his eyes.

"Take my name, Muramasa, and become a true heroic spirit I could never be. Learn from my regrets, my faults, my mistakes, to live on a better life than I.

Just before I was entirely gone, I heard his faint whisper.

"I will take your legacy with honor, and be a hero that you can be proud of…ancestor."

I let out a true smile, and disappeared without a trace, satisfied that I have left the world with my last wish fulfilled.

That was how the being known as Muramasa Shirou was brought into this universe.

-Next chapter preview:

"I ask of you, are you my master?"

"I should be the one to ask you that Emiya-kun, how does your servant know my name and my servant's class?"

"I should prepare you to fight against the greatest enemy you are going to face in this war, yourself."

Next chapter, Holy Grail War arc, chapter 1!

Author's Notes: So, how was it? Feel free to let me know if you have suggestions or criticisms. Hope you enjoyed it, and if you did, smash that Fav button! This is ClashKMS, signing out.