DISCLAIMER: This story follows the manga canon and is set far in the past. Some references to interstellar culture have been given the Earth equivalent to avoid confusion.

~Lily S.


In a small space station orbiting a crowded planet, Lord Freeza stood alone. He contemplated the wash of data on a screen before him.




Planet Punkpon

Size: M

Dominant species: the Punkponians

Temperature constant at a humid 80°F

Resources: Habitable with clean water

Class: A

Status: Processing underway. Estimated Time of Completion (ETC): 1 month.




Planet Sazek

Size: L

Dominant species: hake

Temperature constant at 44°F

Resources: saltwater and ash

Class: B

Status: Of interest. Postponed until long-distance travel is possible. ETC: Unknown.




Planet Vegeta

Size: S

Dominant species: the Saiyans

Temperature varies between extremes, but habitable.

Resources: the Saiyans

Class: A+


"Lord Freeza?" inquired a soldier from the entrance.

Freeza turned. "Yes?"

"Prince Vegeta is out of range now."

Freeza's smile widened. "Is that so? Excellent." The young prince was embarking on his first extermination campaign, leaving his home planet for the very first time. The day had arrived. "Are any other Saiyans away from Planet Vegeta?"

"Yes, sir," the soldier said. "There's Nappa, the royal guard accompanying Vegeta, and Soldier Raditz on a separate planet."

"Who?" Freeza asked. "Never mind, it doesn't matter." He turned back to the window. "Two spares... good enough. Give the command. I'll be out in a minute."

As the door closed behind the soldier, Freeza gazed down at the planet turning below. "Planet Vegeta. I never did like the color..." He paid no mind to the information continuing its crawl down the screen.

Planet Vegeta

Size: S

Dominant species: the Saiyans

Temperature varies between extremes, but habitable.

Resources: none

Class: B-

Status: Risk of future threat. Recommend immediate termination.

ETC: 15 minutes.

Chapter 1

"Any first impressions?"


It was colder than Vegeta expected. Even though the planet was close to a star, its thick atmosphere let little heat in, and most of that was blocked by the ten yards of canopy that encircled the surface like a living shell. Vegeta could barely see... the only light came from the hole their spaceship had punched through the trees. He surveyed the empty forest landscape, then looked to his escort, Nappa.

"What's the point?" Vegeta said, finally.

"Tell me that again."

"Who would want a dumb stack of trees?"

Nappa laughed. "You're not thinking like a client." He leaned against a tree trunk and gestured to the landscape. "Look again. What does this planet have that might be of value?"

Vegeta closed his eyes and remembered his lessons: Precious, Pretty, and Particular. The three P's that every client looked for. This planet held nothing of value and it wasn't unique. It had more trees than Vegeta had ever seen, but they were trees. So what could it be?

When he opened his eyes, the forest was glowing with shimmering turquoise light that emanated from every tree trunk. Vegeta, four years old, was mesmerized by the colors.

"Those gaps in the canopy we saw earlier, remember the pools of water on the ground underneath?" Nappa said, coming up beside him. "The sun shines on them during the day and they stay warm all night, perfect for swimming." Vegeta nodded slowly, eyes glassy. "Clear cut to make room for a few hotels and you've got yourself a retreat planet... perfect for 'getting away from it all,'" Nappa recited, yawning. "Luckily, that's not our job."

A flash of movement caught Vegeta's attention and he looked up. Out of the darkness soared an arrow, aimed straight at his skull. He jerked out of the way instinctively and just in time. Even so, the arrow grazed his cheek and left him with a long, thin cut.

Vegeta and Nappa squinted in the dim light, searching for hidden locals, when the noise started. A low rumble that you could feel just as much as hear, it stopped the two Saiyans in their tracks and got them looking up at the sky. It was a sound they knew well; the sound of a spaceship landing. A big one.

The canopy above them started to cave in under some great weight and seconds later it broke through: the spaceship. But it wasn't just any spaceship, it was the newest model. Which meant it had come straight from Lord Freeza. Thin shrieks came from off in the distance as the skulking enemies fled from the mysterious ship. They sounded more like animal cries than any sentient being.

The carrier ship touched down in front of Vegeta and Nappa. Soldiers filed out the back and lifted the Saiyans' two-seat ship into the bigger model. A ramp slid out onto the ground and the doors opened, dramatically back-lighting the figure inside.

It was an eggshell blue man, well-muscled and with impeccably clean armor. Despite his physique, he had fine, almond-shaped eyes and his long green hair was in a thick braid. He descended the ramp regally, all good posture and measured steps, until he and Nappa were the same height. Vegeta stared up at him, unimpressed.

"Hey!" Nappa snarled at Vegeta as loudly as he dared. "Bow your head! Don't you know who he is?"

"Zarbon?" Vegeta didn't look away from the alien. He had heard the name a few times in the palace back home. "You Lord Freeza's bodyguard? But why does he need a bodyguard?"

"You—stop!" Nappa spluttered before Zarbon put a hand on his shoulder, silencing him.

"I'm the second in command of the Freeza Force."

"Oh." Vegeta crossed his arms. "Does that mean you can cut in on our mission?"

Zarbon fixed the small Saiyan with an unreadable look, then gave a light laugh. "Of course it does. However, this isn't a personal call. I'm on orders from Lord Freeza. The two of you are being summoned for an audience with him."

Zarbon made room for Vegeta and Nappa to step aboard. Vegeta had a moment of regret as he thought about the unfinished job, his first mission, but the lure of finally meeting Lord Freeza won him over.

Zarbon leaned down until he was eye-to-eye with Vegeta. He rubbed his thumb across the cut on Vegeta's cheek. "Have you ever been wounded before?"

Vegeta copied Zarbon's earlier look, then slowly shook his head. "I haven't been in a real fight yet."

Zarbon examined the blood on his finger with interest. "I thought the Saiyans send their young into battle as soon as they can walk."

"Not the royal family." Vegeta sat down and stared out the window as they took off. "We have to learn techniques and stuff that's been passed down for generations instead."

"Hmm." Zarbon leaned against the wall opposite Vegeta and studied the prince with the same focus as he had studied the prince's blood. He was curious as to how the Saiyans would take the news, but more than anything he wanted to know Lord Freeza's plan for Vegeta. The little guy couldn't be just any punk, not if their master himself had requested an audience with him.

As the spaceship took off, Zarbon wondered what was special about Vegeta, Nappa wondered when he would stop babysitting and get promoted to the front lines again, and Vegeta wondered how to tell his father, the king, that he was going to fight instead of rule Planet Vegeta.

None of them knew it, but all of their thoughts would soon be answered.

Waiting outside the door to Lord Freeza's rooms, Vegeta and Nappa found an unexpected face. A young boy, maybe a little older than Vegeta, with tail untucked and a thick mane of spiky black hair that dragged on the floor.

"You're a Saiyan," Vegeta said with mild interest.

"Did Lord Freeza ask for you guys too?!" the boy exploded. "I can't wait to find out what this is all about! Oh man! What if we were chosen for a top-secret Saiyan task force?! Working directly under Lord Freeza himself!" the Saiyan turned away, lost in his own little oddball fantasy.

Vegeta and Nappa looked at each other. "Who is he?" Vegeta muttered, watching the kid out of the corner of his eye. "He thinks we're his equal."

"He's young. Probably spent a lot of time away from Planet Vegeta on missions. He can't be very high up... I don't think he knows who we are," Nappa said with a mixture of amusement and scorn. "Still, I can't see how he was lumped in with us. I don't have a good feeling about whatever Lord Freeza has planned."

The door slid open to reveal Zarbon. "Lord Freeza will receive you now," he said, and ushered them inside.

The large room was completely dark, except for the glass wall on the far side. Light from a nearby star illuminated the asteroids drifting lazily outside. A short figure stood silhouetted in front of the window. Vegeta approached it with Nappa and the boy trailing hesitantly behind. Just as the dim light caught the figure, it turned to face Vegeta.

Vegeta and Freeza came face-to-face for the first time. The seconds ticked by until they turned to minutes, and still neither moved.

When Vegeta looked up at Freeza, he was the most powerful being the Saiyan prince had ever seen. It was obvious in just the way he blended into the room; he was so still that Vegeta's eyes kept sliding off him in the dim light. But when Vegeta looked in Freeza's eyes, he also saw flames. He finally understood how this man could be the ruler of so many places and people, even the Saiyans. And with that, he sank to his knees. He finally knew this guy was worthy to be his rival.

When Freeza looked down at Vegeta, he saw a child. Nothing else. But this child stared back at Freeza with a face that was impressively neutral—no clear emotion, yet not flat or disengaged. Something shifted and suddenly the boy's eyes caught fire. He had sensed Freeza's power—or at least as much of it as he could comprehend at his age—but instead of fear or awe, he simply bowed. That was a boy who knew his place.

"Thank you for joining me." Freeza was the one to break the silence. "Vegeta." Freeza turned and the lights came on. "Nappa. Raditz." The other two Saiyans started at their names and came forward, also bowing. "Thank you for allowing yourselves to be pulled away from your missions. I know how much field work means to the Saiyans. But I also know how important it is to be direct with races like yours, so I thought it best to bring you all here straight away. What with recent events and all."

Vegeta crossed his arms. "You say you're being direct, but 'recent events' doesn't sound very direct to me." Everyone gasped audibly.

Freeza's eyes narrowed in thought. "If you would all turn to the window."

"What's so special about a bunch of rocks?" Raditz piped up, made brave by Vegeta's example. One look from Freeza, though, was enough to make the older Saiyan regret speaking.

"Those are the remains of Planet Vegeta. It was destroyed by an asteroid, along with all your fellow Saiyans. You three are all that remains of your race."

Shocked. Uncomprehending. Nappa and Raditz and Vegeta.

"Now, as all of you should be aware," Freeza continued in the silence, "the entire Saiyan race was in my employ. Since the Saiyan monarchy no longer exists, you three will be incorporated into the standard force. Mr. Nappa, your rank will be switched from royal guard to soldier. Vegeta, you will be removed from your traditional royal training and also become a soldier. Raditz, you will be unaffected."

These new developments quickly took center stage over the tragedy of Planet Vegeta. Of course, it was easy to distract a Saiyan with the promise of more chances to fight. Nappa was grinning ear-to-ear, Vegeta's heart was racing with the future, and Raditz was dazed after realizing that he was standing in the same room as the heir to the throne.

"You three may wait outside for Mr. Zarbon to show you to your quarters," Freeza said, dismissing them.

They stood in silence in the hallway for a while, each one lost in his own thoughts. Vegeta was the first to grow bored.

"Hey you... Raditz, isn't it?" he addressed the long-haired Saiyan.

"Y—yes, sir!" Raditz gulped, standing straighter.

"If your hair's so long, why don't you cut it?"

Raditz looked horrified. "You're joking! Our hair doesn't grow back, remember? If I cut it now, I'd never look like this again!"

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but it puts you at a disadvantage in fights. I could use it to lift you off the ground and it would cut your maneuverability in half."

Raditz noticed their foot-long height difference and giggled. "Um, I don't think you could lift—"

Vegeta's fist shot out and punched Raditz ten feet down the hallway. "I'm four years old, what do you expect!" Vegeta yelled after him. "It won't matter how tall I am when I learn to fly!"

Nappa held Vegeta back. "Learn some control first," he snapped. "There's only three of us left. We can't reduce that number just because you lost your temper and killed him by accident."

"By 'accident'?" Vegeta muttered, seething. "I didn't even hit him that hard."

It was true. Raditz was already up, sniffling but unhurt. "What's your power level?" Vegeta demanded. "Tell me."

"O... okay," Raditz said, suddenly shy. "I got it checked a while ago but it's grown since then... around 230?"

Vegeta gaped at him. "And you... you're how much older than me?"

"About a year." Raditz put a hand behind his head and grinned. "Pretty good, huh? I bet you guys are glad you have me, and not some loser."

Vegeta leaned against the wall and groaned. Nappa watched the two of them carefully. "Raditz... Vegeta's power level is over 700."

Now it was Raditz's turn to be shocked. "No way! That's great! I bet there's so much I can learn from—"

"Why him?!" Vegeta exploded, pointing angrily at Raditz. "Out of all the Saiyans, we have to end up with some third-rate weakling? What about Thuce? He was a great fighter! Or Tatop! He's barely set foot on Planet Vegeta since he started missions, and this stupid rock picks the one day he's back visiting family to kill everyone!"

"Sorry about this," Nappa whispered as Raditz watched Vegeta's rant with fascination. "It's probably just the gr—"

"I don't even care that they're all dead! Less work for me! But why the hell did I wind up with such a—"

"... Probably just the grief talking," Nappa finished. "He just lost an entire kingdom. Try not to get in his way if you can help it."

"Time to go," Zarbon said, appearing suddenly. "Everyone follow me and I'll take you to the ship. Your rooms are on Planet Freeza 61—luckily, it's not too far from here."

"Finally," Vegeta grumbled, falling into step with the others. Even though Raditz's power level was embarrassing, he had a feeling there was fun to be had in the older Saiyan's nature. He was too enthusiastic and trusting, for his own good at least.

Planet Freeza 61 was Lord Freeza's most recent acquisition. One short flight away, its surface was taken over by wild oceans and thick, sprawling jungles. A mile-long grey base was set up just north of the equator. Once Nappa and Raditz were deposited in their rooms, Vegeta and Zarbon were alone.

"How are you handling everything?" Zarbon asked as they walked. "It's a lot to take in, I know." Zarbon's own home planet was alive and well, but he had vowed long ago to never return.

"... I'm okay," Vegeta said quietly. He didn't understand why Zarbon was trying to connect with him and he didn't like it. Was he lying? He didn't feel sad... he didn't feel anything. He just wanted to start missions.

"Well, you'll be working in my division so we'll be seeing more of each other." Zarbon smiled ambiguously.

Vegeta tried not to stare. What's wrong with him? Why does he keep trying to talk to me? "So, what?"

"Remember your rank. That's all I'm saying. A prince of three people doesn't add up to much, does it? You're just a soldier now."

Vegeta kept staring ahead as he walked. Zarbon's friendly tone of voice was changing into something he'd never heard before. "I know that."

"Oh?" Zarbon sounded surprised. "Well, let's hope you also know how to treat your superiors with the proper respect. Because from what I've seen, you don't."

Vegeta stopped and turned to Zarbon. "I'm sorry, Lord Zarbon. I'll give you all the respect that's due." He stared at Zarbon, waiting for him to make the next move.

Zarbon gave that silly laugh again. This child. "I'm sure you will. One last thing before we keep going, Soldier Vegeta."

"What?" Vegeta couldn't help showing how annoyed he was. Non-Saiyan company grated horribly on his nerves.

"How did Raditz get that bruise on his face?"

"..." Suddenly, Vegeta's attention was caught by the grid pattern on the walls.

"You attacked him, didn't you?"

Vegeta gritted his teeth. He didn't want to do this right now. "It doesn't matter."

"Wrong again, Vegeta. You three Saiyans are the last of your race... which makes you precious. You have to be taught not to damage Lord Freeza's property." Zarbon paused. "Go stand with your back to the wall."

After a moment, Vegeta obeyed. He was the sole heir to the throne back home, but here he wasn't even as strong as the average soldier. The throne was drifting through space in pieces.

Zarbon faced Vegeta, kept him in suspense for a moment, then there was a flash of movement as the back of Vegeta's skull slammed against the wall. He sank to the floor, too dizzy to keep standing. Zarbon's blow had struck his forehead and the force of it knocked him backwards. Something clinked on the ground in front of him. Blindly, Vegeta picked it up and took a second to focus on it. It was a key.

"Good luck finding your room," Zarbon said, rounding a corner and disappearing. As he made his way to his own room, he recalled his conversation with Lord Freeza earlier that day...

"But why did you go out of your way to spare these particular Saiyans? What's special about them?"

"Oh, I don't care about those other two. It's Vegeta I want."

"May I ask why, sir?"

"That boy's power level is already at 700 and all he's been doing is reading textbooks in a palace. I just have a feeling about him, that's all..."

Hmph. All Zarbon saw was a smart-mouthed monkey who didn't know his place. And as for that 700... who cares! He wasn't the strongest four year old there had ever been. Still, if Lord Freeza thought he was worth something, Zarbon would have to keep an eye on him...

It took Vegeta hours after his head had cleared to find his room. As he lay in bed, burning, he thought about telling Lord Freeza what Zarbon had done. But he'd rather get hit again than run crying to his rival for help. He'd just have to raise his power level as fast as he could until he outranked everyone. Then he'd be able to do whatever he wanted.

In the meantime, it was time to take up his Saiyan birthright and finally start doing missions.