A/N: Peeks around corner. This isn't MLPFIM… LET'S DO THIS! Ya'll know the drill.

The End… or not?

Brandon's p.o.v

It's been a rollercoaster of a month since Bloom revealed that Brandon is her lost twin. Brandon finally started eating and will talk to Daphne and his mother, but couldn't bring himself to look at King Oritel. It's been proving harder than anyone expected… up until Bloom learned of the beating Brandon endured by Oritel. Apparently sisters are scarier than protective fathers.

Today was the celebration of the end of the war… and Brandon's coronation. Brandon leaned against the balcony's railing, taking in the sight of thousands of people from all over the magic dimension converge unto one spot in peace for the first time in sixteen years. Uncomfortable, he shifted the royal cloak that Evan, some soldier Bloom claims is important, gave him.

"You okay there Brandon?" A familiar voice spoke from behind him.

Turning around Brandon caught sight of his twin. Her hair was done in an elegant hair do and she was wearing a dark blue evening gown that brought out her eyes. Brandon grimaced, knowing she can see his Aurora.

"Healing takes time… just know you are never alone." Bloom moved to stand next to her brother, leaning against the railing just like he did.

Brandon sighed, "I know, but sometimes I feel like you are siding with King Oritel and not me… I just need a third party to confide in."

"That's where friends come in." Brandon jumped slightly as his friends surrounded him. Stella flashed a bright smile while Sky continued.

"If being Royal ever gets too much, if King Oritel is being to pushy, you'll always have the Winx Club."

Brandon nodded slowly, "Yea, your right. No matter what the future holds, there'll always be Winx."

No one's p.o.v

A dark cloaked figure watched the festivities from the edge of the forest. A dark growl escaped him as peace sent out its' calming waves outward.

"Just because you won the battle doesn't mean you've won the war."

Turning, the mystery person left, going deeper into the woods. After all, the end sometimes is the beginning…