For those who have been reading my "Little Moments" chapters you will recognize the first part of this chapter. This started as a one word prompt of "Gladiator."
But everyone seemed as excited as me about Oropher and Legolas meeting.
Is probably not what you imagine.
Thanks for coming, I'll see you in chapter 2
The sword was flung from one's hand and landed several feet away; the top of the others rested in the hollow of his neck. Both froze.
The small crowd of clustered elves cheered, and the opponent holding the sword dropped it with a laugh, offering the other a hand up. The loser returned to the crowd with a well-meaning threat of a rematch.
Oropher had to admit he was curious; there was enough of them in training clothes that it was obvious this had been a training session at some point. Yet this was the third sparring match in a row he had seen the blond elf win with someone who was obviously not apart of the training group.
There was something about him that reminded him painfully of his son, Thranduil, who as far as Oropher was able to tell was still alive in Arda somewhere. Alive with a son of his own. A son who had succeeded where he himself had failed to save Arda from the treachery of the ring and its master.
It was hard to imagine Thranduil with a son of his own; he had been so young during the Battle of the Last Alliance.
"Who's next to die?" The elderly dwarf asked, the very one he had been trying his best to ignore. There was a reason he did not often come to this side of the island. Besides the fact it was populated largely with the Feanoriens and the like.
The only reason he was here now was that he had accompanied a friend to get smithing help from Celebrimbor.
The rest of the crowd seemed to like the dwarf though and they all laughed heartily, and another emerged from the crowd to fight the tall, strong elf in the center. This match did not last much longer than the last before another calm and even:
Rang out across the silent space.
A warrior this good was not just from practice, but necessity. Oropher had seen elves like this before, they were the most dangerous kind of opponent to face. Because often they were taught to survive and learning to fight, and to fight well, was only part of the numerous teaching that came with that.
He had to admire the strength in which the elf had been raised, whoever had raised him.
At first, he assumed it was perhaps another son of Elrond's' he did not know about, this was technically his land after all and there was a rumor that he there had been three sons for a time in Imladris. It would make sense.
But now that he had seen the twin sons with his own eyes, there was no way the three had been raised by the same hand.
There was a quality about this gladiator that also reminded Oropher of his Silvan elves, with their quick laughs and chaotic minds. There was also an air of mischief or wildness about the victor that Oropher had never seen among the Noldor before.
The blond flung his opponent's sword into the branches of an overhead tree with the tip of his own, and help his hand expectantly outwards to the right. Oropher watched as the branches seemed to take a moment to aim before releasing it back again.
"That's cheating!" The one on the ground yelled, one of Elrond's twins.
He had also never seen a tree have such a strong connection to any but a Silvan before, especially not one so strong.
The one still standing just laughed even more merrily, if possible and the branches shook above him as the tree joined in with his joy. "I would have won anyway."
"That doesn't make it not cheating."
"I never said it did," He might have said more, but the one twin scrambled to his feet and ran headfirst for his middle, tackling him to the ground.
Oropher decided it was time to check and see if his friend was finished with their work yet, and turned away from the crowd, ignoring the continued cheers from them.
The entire market was awash with color and light, brightening the already glowing faces. Occasionally fireworks cracked overhead in various impossible scenes and forms, a sign that Mithrandir had truly returned to these shores.
Oropher had heard many things about the eclipse festival held by the Feanoriens on the other side of island from where those from Doriath had settled.
It happened every 50 years, and he had neglected to attend the last one and his reincarnation had just missed the one before that.
But this time he had decided to come. For curiosity's sake.
"I hope the dwarf is not here." One of his friends mumbled as they settled at a table with plates heavy with food.
"I cannot believe the Valar let one into these shores." Another agreed.
Many of those from Doriath and now in Aman had come from the fall of their city at the hands of the dwarves.
"Leave it." He heard an elf say to his companion at the table next to theirs.
But Oropher's companions had heard it just as well as he; and while he was content to continue observing the dancers his friends were not.
They smelt blood in the water and a fight in the air, and with the wine in their blood it seemed a better idea than usual. Especially over dwarves.
The two exchanged mischievous looks, "Dirty, rotten, horrible creatures dwarves. Eru should have crushed them all beneath the mountain Aule hid them under."
Oropher rolled his eyes, and ignored them. It was unlikely the elf at the other table would do something, he was young Oropher could sense. Much younger than he and his companions.
"I agree, perhaps we should toss him back in the ocean and see if he floats or sinks like the rocks he eats.."
The laughed together as the elf from the other table turned around, eyes ablaze and Oropher realized they both might be in over their heads.
It was the gladiator from years before.
"Uh oh." Another from the other table muttered to their third companion, his identical brother. Elronds twins.
"If any of you lay a single hand on Gimli I will cut off whichever limb it was and feed it to you. It is because of him that you can still live in this blissful land with no troubles except for those you seek yourself. He was apart of the Fellowship of the Ring and you owe him some respect."
They both laughed again, "What do you plan to cut them off with then, child? There are no weapons here."
"I don't need one."
One of his friends stood up and Oropher had to admit this was escalating faster than the thought it might, one of the twins dashed from the table. "Is that so?"
Oropher's other companion stood up as well, "Perhaps we should find the dwarf and test this theory."
The gladiator did not rise, but his voice was big enough, "I suggest you sit back down."
They laughed again, the first to stand asked "Do you plan to make us?"
It was almost like watching two vipers sizing one another up.
The next few moves were fast enough that it as hard for even to Oropher to follow. He knew one of his companions had thrown the first punch, but the elf in the chair dodged it expertly, even while sitting.
He must have landed a hit with his leg, because one of his friends crumpled to the ground and the other sprang to his friends defence.
The gladiator dodged it just as well as the last and finally sprung to his feet himself, punching his opponent solidly in the throat and then the stomach, sending him sprawling and gasping for breath.
Both of his friends got back to their feet and dove for the mystery warrior without hesitation, and so Oropher got up as well. A fight between two disagreers was one thing, but two against one was not fair.
Before he could reach any involved in the scuffle the remaining twin dove in as well; either in an effort to to separate the fighters himself or to assist his friend, it was hard to tell.
Reaching into the scarp he grabbed the closest of his friends, just as two more bodies dove into the scrimmage.
Thankfully, they seemed to be there to put a stop to it as well.
Another being with blond hair who he did not recognize as Glorfindel at first grabbed onto the twin, hauling him back. While Elrond grabbed onto the blond warrior, arms clamped around his throat and other arms securely around his chest.
Together the three there to intervene dragged three of the four components away from each other. The twin stilled almost instantly, while the only unstrained one made another charge for the blond warrior still firmly in the grasp of Elrond.
The blond warriors struck out with his foot befor Elrond had the chance to pull him away far enough and there was a loud crack as various parts of a face were broken.
Glorfindel released the twin and reached for Orophers second friend, pulling both his hands behind his back and out of the others reach, hissing, "You fool, you will not win. Even two against one. Stop it, for your pride's sake. This is supposed a fun and pleasant evening."
There was a tense moment of silence, the twin who had vanished earlier appeared once more. The blood from his friends broken nose dropped onto the tile at their feet.
The first to attack seemed ready to try again, and Elrond released his captive, "If you are so desperate to fight, go ahead. But take a good look at your friend first."
And they all did, his nose was noticeable broken but already his eye was twice the size he should be and Oropher would have been shocked if he could see anything at all from that side; probably a broken cheek bone. There almost seemed to be a missing tooth.
He didn't know why he said it, it seemed his mouth or his mind did it without his consent, "You are the one who brought him here."
To his credit the warrior didn't move an inch, but there was something achingly familiar about those blue eyes and deathly expression. "Yes. I was. And I do not, and will not, ever, regret doing so."
There was another long silence.
"Is there going to be another problem?"
Oropher answered for his friends, "No."
"Then it was a pleasure to meet you all and I shall depart with a small reminder that I do not make empty threats. Enjoy the rest of your evening, and you might want to put some ice on that nose of yours." Elrond let his former captive storm into the crowd, the twins following after him soon after.
Elrond and Glorfindel exchanged a look.
"What?" Oropher snapped.
"If I were a you," Glorfindel began carefully, "I would try and think of a way to mend fences with him over this issue."
"And stop speaking badly of Dwarves." Elrond added.
"Yes, that part is crucial."
The dropping of the blood in the tile continued and Elrond turned his attention to the source of it, "I could reset that for you, if you like."
"No." The word was probably meant to sound stern, but with the degree of swelling already he just sounded drunk.
"Suit yourself."
"And why would I want to do any of that?" Oropher asked, the warrior was fierce no doubt but he did not seem the type to start a fight. He was perfectly fine to ignore the existence of another elf, it did not bother him.
"Well, you see," Elrond laced his hands together diplomatically, "Because that was Legolas. Your Grandson."
Hope you enjoyed, can't wait to hear from you!