Late night inspiration when I'm meant to be working on... well, a lot of other things?
Oh well!
Hel, she shouldn't have been there. Not again.
"Gods... so good..."
His words melted against her ear, voice thick with the weight of pleasure that each thrust into her gave him. Astrid felt his hot fingers tighten on her chilled hips, his own snapping into her again, again, again...
The fact Hiccup let her turn up and fuck him stupid wasn't that surprising in itself, she supposed. Not when Astrid knew that no human woman could match the thrill of a succubus, and there had been such an intense spark between them the first night that even she had to go back for more.
No, his allowance didn't surprise her.
Astrid's inability to bite him did.
This was the fourth time now. Four times she'd gone to him again, telling herself that this time, this time I'll bite him and be done with it. And every night, when he'd fallen asleep with his arms slung around her, either too high on pleasure or too ignorant to notice her lacking heartbeat while his thrummed against her back, to realise she never warmed up even though his skin was all but blistering against hers... Astrid looked at him. Decided next time, next time for sure.
Then she'd slip out before light came along, knowing without asking that he'd wake disappointed, hope she was there in the morning.
His mind was open, even that shallow human defence down against the recurring guest in his bed. Human minds were easy enough to break in to, but sensitive enough that they'd feel it. Here, with Hiccup wide open to her, Astrid couldn't even look at him when he was inside her. Because then she'd sink into his mind, drink in his ecstacy and remember that the sex was only supposed to be half the meal.
Her fangs tingled, scratching against her own bottom lip, reminding her the last human she'd drank from had been dissatisfying, bland, flavourless. Purely functional. After tasting the lust that poured from the man behind her, Astrid could barely even feel the warmth in other humans, drinking only to keep her undead body alive and going back to him every time she needed this kind of hit.
Fingers splayed across the middle of her back, pushing; Astrid was strong enough to resist, but let him nudge her down until her cheek pressed to the pillow, feeling his pace quicken, the hand on her back moving down to grope her ass between thrusts. His body heat was all but enough to get her off on its own; he burned hotter, somehow, than all the others. Like the most inviting fire, tempting Astrid to walk in and let the inferno consume her.
It did, body pitching, convulsing in ways she still wasn't quite used to at the mercy of a mere human man, hearing him curse under his breath as he felt Astrid shudder, unaware that his answering climax was a second hit, enough to make Astrid tremble anew. Hiccup slumped against her back, arms snaking around her to ensure Astrid tumbled down to the side with him, lips pressing to the back of her shoulder.
"Why do you never stay the night?"
What could she tell him? That the first light of dawn would reveal what she was?
That Astrid resented the need to lie?
That she'd never wished so hard to be human as she did when she watched him sleeping next to her?
"Because then you'll start getting ideas."
"Ideas about what?"
His voice was confused, and Astrid somehow knew if she turned and looked at his face, she'd find a neat little furrow in his brow to match.
"That this is more than just sex. I told you. This doesn't mean anything."
Astrid felt the pulse of sadness; he was getting attached. She was going to end up hurting him, and not in the way she'd originally planned. Even now, his mind hadn't closed off from her. Hiccup was still as weak as ever to her pheremones, but unless she really pushed it, he always lasted long enough for her when they fucked. Normally, she rushed it to get the hit, only letting the sex go on as long as it needed to unless she was ravenous and needed a bigger high. Somehow Hiccup could temper it, hold off so Astrid came too.
He shifted behind her, ditching the soiled condom. Astrid loathed them probably more than he did; she ached to feel his heat inside her properly, that wet, sticky completion. Her body couldn't contract human illness, nor could he knock her up. But the one time she'd asked if he was clear as an opening to that sort of discussion, Hiccup shut her down and said he'd never go unprotected with someone he wasn't actually dating. Astrid let it go. She'd take the slightly dulled end result to not have to deal with emotions.
Even now, with her refusing to even entertain the notion there might be more to them, Hiccup's hands were on her skin, fire on ice as his mouth began to trail along her spine, rolling her on her front so he could map the curve of her lower back with his tongue. The only sweat he'd taste on her skin was his own, but Hiccup probably couldn't tell the difference; he didn't seem to care either way, teeth nipping at the soft swell of her ass, eyes dark and mouth smirking when Astrid twisted to look over her shoulder at him. He repeated the teasing bite, unknowing that he was tempting the beast tonight.
Astrid let him pull her up onto hands and knees, felt his hot tongue delve down, teasing the little patch of skin that had little feeling of its own other than anticipation, an aching need for him to move down, move up, she didn't care so long as he moved. His tongue retreated, but it was only for him to coat it in fresh saliva before Astrid felt the wet, warm muscle against her ass again, teasing over the tight guardian muscle and oh, that was new. Of all the men she'd had, none had put their mouth there - and a couple had fucked her there, when Astrid was particularly intrigued by them or hungry enough for their blood that she'd give them the human-taboo access in exchange for the hearty helping of satisfied blood she got after they fell asleep.
It was strange at first, body unsure how to process the new sensation. Hiccup went slowly, tracing circles, the faint stubble on his jaw just enough to leave a pleasant sort of scratchy friction against the soft skin nearby while the damp swipes of his tongue sent fresh warmth through her cold body. Slowly, the tingles began, starting where his tongue touched her and moving through the rest of her body until she felt them in the tips of her fingers and toes, wetness pooling lower down to coat his fingers when they slid up her thigh, hesitantly checking Astrid was aroused before stroking her clit.
Almost before she even realised it, Astrid felt the next climax curl low in her belly, his tongue moving faster in time with his fingers, all heat and slick and stroking, mixing sensations until she couldn't take it any longer. Hiccup carried her through, slowing his touches steadily down to a stop until Astrid was trembling, limbs feeling jelly-like.
"I'll be right back."
He rubbed her lower back, slipped away while Astrid was still shaking. She heard the water splashing, realised he was cleaning himself up in the bathroom, shivered as his saliva dried on her skin. What was it about him and new? Hiccup had no business giving Astrid some kind of earth-shattering experience every time her resolve weakened and she came back.
Determined not to be at his mercy any longer, Astrid was ready when he came back, erection renewed - without her help, though she'd shortened the recovery plenty of times by now, and Hiccup never questioned the multiple performances a night. She hauled him to the bed, smirking as she heard his pulse rise for her physicality, one hand pinning his hips down while her mouth found his cock. This was her favourite way to torment him; she could drink him down at the end, and the way he twisted and bucked was incredible, those weak sobbing pleas when she used her skills to force his orgasm back until he was fit to explode...
Her name never sounded so sweet as it did dripping from his tongue in the heat of passion, she decided. Taking the firm, hot shaft as deep as she could, Astrid reveled in the feel of his pulse throbbing against her tongue, the twitching of his cock when she held him there longer than he thought she should be capable of, unaware that Astrid could hold him there til he came if she wanted - breathing was no concern of hers.
Stroking the base of his cock a few times to watch him squirm with each pass of her chilled fingers, Astrid tongued his frenulum, sucked the tip in her mouth and peered up at him, tasted the surging lust before resuming her efforts, craving more but not ready for it to be over. She saw his fingers clutch the sheets beneath him as she clamped down, holding him at the edge until he was barely able to breathe for sheer desperation. Only then did Astrid let him go, feel the swelling wave come crashing down as he came, legs twitching, hips jerking, back arching.
He was beautiful like that.
His taste flooded her mouth, his climax singing in her system, filling her with energy, fire, lust.
She wanted more. Always, always more with him.
As Hiccup shuddered on his bed, coming down from the latest wrecking climax Astrid gave him, she glannced at his clock, hearing the tick tick tick of the seconds hand. She should go. If she gave him a little nudge, Hiccup would be ready to fall asleep any minute now. She'd certainly worn him out enough, though of course equally she could raise his... want again.
"Don't go yet."
He seemed to read it in her face, or maybe realised the hour himself. Astrid sighed, not answering except to kick the covers down the bed, trapped between him and the heat-holding blankets the closest she felt to having her own body heat in many, many years. Hiccup didn't comment, but she felt his happiness, the flare of hope that this time she'd still be there when he woke up. She wouldn't be, but she let him have his moment.
Without hesitation or question, he had his arms around her, bodies close, his leg sliding through hers and Astrid wondered if he ever questioned her lacking body heat properly, or if he'd just accepted she ran cold and didn't care why. She couldn't imagine cuddling up with a human-shaped ice block was as pleasant as being held by a human-shaped bonfire was.
He fell asleep without her intervention, breathing slowing to an even lull. Astrid waited a little while, the dark not inhibiting her vision as she glanced around the room, locating her clothes so she could get them quickly. Edging into a seated position, she ran her tongue over her fangs, saw the flutter of his pulse against the side of his throat.
Enough was enough.
Astrid slid from the bed, pulled on her clothes and twisted her hair back into a half-assed braid, intending to shower and fix it when she left. Then she was kneeling on the bed, a brief flicker of ridiculous concern making her tuck the covers back in so no chill would fill the space she'd vacated, so Hiccup wouldn't be cold.
She drew in a deep breath, sex and satiation heady flavours in the air, tempting her closer to his steady pulse, each beat deafeningly loud in her ears now she was focusing. Leaning down, Astrid braced herself to only take what she needed, certain he'd be as irresitible now as he ever was.
The skin tore neatly beneath her fangs, allowing Astrid access to the taste of his lifeblood, barely suppressing a moan of rapture as she tasted him at last. The heat flowed through her, settling in her ice-cold core, something in her trying to remind Astrid that now, now she couldn't come back, that biting him had cemented the seperation. She'd never returned to a bitten one, not when she'd have to explain the bruise they woke with, the pain.
Drawing back, she ran her tongue over the bite, closing it enough to ensure the human wouldn't bleed all over his bed, suffer infection or accidentally open the holes up wider and sustain a more serious blood loss. Astrid's tongue ran over her lips, savouring each drop of Hiccup. Oh, she'd known he'd taste amazing, and he'd not disappointed. Stretching, she felt the strength filling her, a full and proper meal at last. No more half-meals.
Hiccup was stirring, peering up in the dark and his hand searching the empty space. It was near pitch black to him, but Astrid reckoned he saw her for the brief seconds before she was gone. His cat growled from its place in the kitchen as Astrid slipped out, glancing around to ascertain empty streets before she left at a speed no human was capable of.
She wondered how long it would take Hiccup to accept she wasn't coming back. How long until she faded in his mind to just a strange little period in his life, a few chance encounters and the strange pain the final time. Just a peculiar little mystery.
Aww, poor Hiccup. He'll be ever so confused.