Disclaimer: Big Hero 6 is the property of Disney Animation. Also, this story is assuming you have already watched "Countdown to Catastrophe" so if you haven't watched it and don't want to be spoiled, stop reading now.
...OK, I warned you.
Chapter 1 – Results
"I would also recommend taking some sort of photonics class next semester. Even though your specialty is robotics, new discoveries are made all of the time in the field. It's a field that will be beneficial to-"
She noticed her student slouched over in the chair in front of her desk. With a sigh, she smacked the top of the counter hard, jarring him from his sleep.
"Mr. Hamada!"
"What?" Hiro careened back, his chair falling with him. "I'm here; what happened?"
"Mr. Hamada, this post-semester meeting is suppose to help you plan out your classes for the immediate future. It is not meant to catch up on your sleep schedule!"
"Sorry, Professor Granville." He picked up the chair off of the ground. "I was up rather late last night."
"I'm going to assume that you were doing some after school studying, correct?"
Granville closed her laptop, her stern face facing him. "Mr. Hamada, I agreed to keep your 'extracurricular activities' a secret. I did not agree to have them affect your future at this school. Although now that I take more careful thought about that, it does appear I am far too late in that regard."
Hiro grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, it wasn't really that. I mean, the others did patrol last night. But I was actually...at the bay.
Her face immediately softened.
"I tried to find some sign of...him. Baymax and I must've spent almost the entire night there."
"And?" Granville whispered.
"Nothing. No sign of him. Even with us nullifying the shockwave of the star, the damage to his base was so great that a lot of the tech was completely destroyed. The chances of someone surviving that amount of destruction is-"
Hiro saw Granville's sad frown and quickly stopped. "I mean, we'll keep looking. There has to be something out there."
"Mr. Hamada, I am going to give you some advice, and I pray that you actually heed it."
He looked up at her as she took a deep breath. "Sometimes...we are better off not knowing the answers that we are looking for."
"I do not expect you to understand now. I urge you to give it a little thought before you continue on your search."
There was a soft knock at the door that jolted both student and teacher out of their conversation. "Come in."
Hiro, now looking down at the floor, did not hear who the new arrival was even as they walked up to the desk. And then she opened her mouth.
"Am I...interrupting something, Professor?"
"Not at all. Mr. Hamada and I were just wrapping up our discussion on his possibilities for next semester."
"I heard they need a new night shift security guard. He could do that."
Hiro shot her a mean look. Luckily for her, Granville was busy fetching something in her desk, so she either didn't hear her or ignored her comment.
"Now that you are here, Karmi, there is something I wanted to discuss with the two of you."
His second look was one of confusion, one which she returned along with a shrug.
Granville sat up straight in her seat. "I just wanted to say how proud I am of both of you and the accomplishments you've had this semester. I know it has been a somewhat...trying time these past few months, but I know that I couldn't be more thankful for having the two of you as my students. Karmi..."
She turned her face to Karmi, who was steadfastly growing redder. "Your past teachers as well as Professor Callaghan spoke very highly of you when I first appointed here. I am happy to say that you exceeded all my expectations. Getting funded by anyone at such a young age is almost unheard of. I look forward to what you have to offer in the future. Mr. Hamada…"
Her attention was now on Hiro. "We had a rough start at the beginning, didn't we? But I am pleased to see that you have been able to strike the balance (the emphasis was not lost on him) between the difficult tasks that you were assigned and the rigors of a college student. You even managed to teach me a few things along the way. I know that your brother would be very proud of you."
"That's...very kind of you, Professor," Karmi said.
"Thank you," Hiro added. "But I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did without everyone here. You, Professor, my friends...and Karmi."
Granville raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh?"
"Well, it's just..." And this was the part that was going to get him in trouble, and not by the woman in front of him. "Karmi and I...we've had our ups and downs this semester, but it was really nice to have someone to relate to with this sort of thing. Even with everything that happened, and even though I have Wasabi and Honey Lemon and everyone else...I'm glad I have someone like Karmi in my circle."
"Well, I am very happy to hear that. I'm sure she appreciates you in the same way."
Hiro could almost feel the weight of Karmi's stare on the top of his head. He made a point to seem very interested in one of Granville's paintings on the wall.
"In any case, Mr. Hamada, we are at the end of our meeting. As a reminder, you will still have access to your lab and the facilities between semesters. Although I imagine you might be...preoccupied with other things."
Yup, still there. The stare.
"Now, if you will excuse us, Mr. Hamada, Karmi and I need to start on her own meeting. I'm sure we will see you around, but do try to enjoy some time off, OK?"
"I will," Hiro said as he got up from his chair. He scooted over to the door as quickly as possible, opening and closing the door in one fluid motion.
Whew. That was close. Hiro patted the back of his head to make sure Karmi's laser eyes didn't drill a hole into it. Nope. Clear.
He made off down the hallway, heading back to his lab. Maybe his friends would still be around and they could go on patrol.
"Hey, Hiro!"
Or maybe he could get stopped and get throttled by Karmi.
He turned around and saw his fellow student coming in his direction. He raised his arms automatically in defense. She pulled up short, pausing to catch her breath.
"You walk way too fast, you know that?"
"I've never really noticed." Hiro brought his arms down, now feeling safe. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't-"
He didn't get much further than that, because Karmi wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.
...Well, this was different.
Hiro slowly patted the back of her ponytail, not quite sure what to do. Thankfully, Karmi pulled away at that moment…
And then proceeded to punch him in the shoulder.
"You could have told me you were going to do that, Genius Boy."
Hiro rubbed his sore shoulder. "In case you haven't noticed, I didn't really have a plan most of the time."
"Uh huh."
He looked behind her down the hallway. "Don't you have a meeting to get back to?"
"In a minute. I told Professor Granville I had to do something first?"
"And that something was this?"
"Yeah." Karmi tucked a stray hair behind her ear. "Thank you, by the way. I didn't deserve all of that praise."
"You do, though. You're one of the smartest people here."
"And who's the smartest?"
Hiro flourished in his direction. "Well, obviously that would be me."
Karmi shook her head with a smile. "I'm going to make you eat your words, Hamada."
"Bring it then."
She leaned in, their faces almost touching each other. Her breath washed over him as she issued the threat.
"Oh, I intend to."
...And then she realized what she was doing.
"OKGottagobye!" She ran off, her hair waving behind her.
Hiro stood there for a moment, his shoulder still aching. His next sentence echoed in the empty hallway.
"I am never going to understand that girl."
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The first season of BH6 was good for the most part. It was by no means perfect.
The finale, on the other hand, was awesome. I am very excited to see what season 2 is going to offer.
But, in the meantime, we're going to have to hold ourselves over. That is where Clean Up comes in. It's going to be a few chapters (probably 5) consisting of stories taking place after "Countdown to Catastrophe". And no, not all of them will be Hiro/Karmi. Even this one was suppose to be more Granville-centric, but it came out a little different. Not complaining, though.
Looking to update on Tuesdays as well, so people won't have to wait as long.
Read and review, if you like. Until next time.