A/N: Well, this the last chapter. cries I hope you all enjoyed this fic as much as I did writing it. If you really liked it, I suggest you read some of my other stuff, especially Gone With the Squall and its sequel Ummm.Yeah. Both are hilarious in my opinion with me and my friends very odd humor. So…yeah. Thanks for reading! Thanks to my reviewer.

chococat2 – Yay! I'm glad you liked it.

Day Fourteen – The Last Day

Squall, thinking he was the only one up, skipped into the kitchen…he wasn't the only one up. Selphie, Quistis, and Rinoa were giggling like mad. He scowled and made himself some toast.

"What are you so happy about?" Rinoa asked.

"What do you think I'm happy about?"

"That it's a beautiful new day?" suggested Selphie.


"It's because it's the last day in this dump." Seifer said, coming into the kitchen.

"Thank you." said Squall.

Suddenly, two simultaneous thumps were heard, followed by two, "Ow!"s. Irvine and Zell came in rubbing their heads. They looked up to see Seifer, Squall, Selphie, Rinoa, and Quistis looking at them.

"We fell out of our bunks…for the last time!" Irvine cried, throwing his hat into the air. "Yeeeeehah!"

"Booya!" Zell exclaimed, pumping his face in the air. Everyone started to cheer except for Selphie, who began to cry.

"What's wrong, Baby?" Irvine asked, putting his shoulder around her.

"I-I'm (hic) gonna miss it here! (hic)"

Everyone stopped, and glared at the brunette.

"You're joking, right?" asked Zell.

"Tee-hee. Yeah, I am!" Selphie said, jumping into Irvine's arms. After the commotion had died down and everyone was eating, a question popped up.

"What time is Cid letting us out?" Quistis asked. They all stared at each other.

"I dunno…" Rinoa answered for them. "Soon hopefully. Well, I need to go pack up before he does get here."

"Same here," Irvine said. Everyone else also decided to go pack.

"Don't forget," Seifer started to say, "I get the first blow to Cid!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." they replied.

After everyone was done packing, they sat around in the living area, watching TV.

"Oh, Zell. I forgot to ask. What were you trying to get us to look at the other day?" Quistis asked.

"Umm…actually…I kinda forgot. I'm sure it wasn't important though." he replied.

"Yeah, probably not."

"Hey! What should we do with all the leftover food?" Selphie asked from the kitchen.

"What do we have left?" Rinoa asked.

"Uh…some pasta, bread, Tonberry, sodas, juice, icecream, well, a little bit of everything."

"I guess we can have the rest for lunch…you know, no set meal plan."


So they ate lunch and went back to the living area…waiting for Cid to open the door. And they waited…and waited. Around five, they started to get really impatient.

Seifer was breathing heavily, trying to fight the urge to punch the wall.

Squall was holding his gunblade, wondering if Cid liked to be sliced vertically or horizontally in half.

Selphie was biting her nails…actually, she had gotten to the pink part and didn't notice her fingers were bleeding because she was so angry.

Irvine was debating whether he should just kill Cid right off or make him suffer by shooting off every appendage.

Quistis was trying to control her anger by plucking her hair out one by one.

Rinoa was brushing up on some spells that would have all elements cast at once, making the victim suffer horrible.

Zell was trying to remember what he had been trying to show them all the day before.

"Oh. My. Hyne! Where is he?" Rinoa screamed, breaking the silence. "I'm going to kill someone! I truly am!" Her pupils disappeared and her eyes started to turn white. Everyone scrambled on top of her, trying to calm her down.

She eventually got back to her normal state and decided to take a nap on the couch. She laid her head in Squall's lap and went to sleep. Selphie did the same with Irvine, as did Quistis with Seifer. Eventually, Zell was the only one awake. And he still couldn't figure it out what it was he was trying to show them.

"C'mon Zell, think!" he said to himself. It suddenly came to him.

"Guys! I remember! I remember what I was trying to show you!" he yelled happily.

"Be quiet, Zell! We're trying to sleep!" Squall said groggily.


"BE QUIET!" they all yelled.


He walked into the guys' room. Quistis wasn't able to get back to sleep and she heard him scuffling around in there.

"He's probably doing some re-packing or something," she said to herself. She fell asleep again.

A couple of hours later Selphie ran into the living area.

"Guys! Wake up!"

They jolted awake.

"What's wrong Selph?" Rinoa asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I can't find Zell!"


"I've looked everywhere, I have no idea where he is!"

"What? How would he even be able to get out?" Quistis asked.

"I have no idea. Could y'all help me search for him, just in case I missed. For all I know, he could be asleep somewhere."

They all searched for Zell, but they couldn't find him anywhere.

"Well, he obviously found some way to get out, lucky bastard." Irvine said, flopping onto the couch.

"He isn't going be so lucky." Squall said, sitting down in an armchair.

"Why not?"

"Because he'll have to answer to Cid, that's why."

"Haha! What an idiot!"

Quistis came in saying, "Well, Cid better get here soon, because I'm going to kill Zell, when I see him next."

"Same here." said Seifer.

They heard the doorknob rattle. Everyone looked towards the door and jumped up. The door opened and everyone ran out.

"FREEDOM!" yelled Irvine, getting down on all fours and kissing the ground.

The rest looked at who opened the door. It was Cid, with Zell by his side. They glared evilly at both of them. Cid smiled.

"Well, you should have listened to Zell when he tried to show you that certain something." he said.

"You mean he's not in trouble!" Selphie asked.

"Why would he be in trouble?" asked Cid.

"Am I the only one who read the flier in the kitchen on the fridge?" Zell asked.

"What flier?" Rinoa asked.

"The one that said, 'If you can find a way out before the two weeks are up, your pay will double.'"

Everyone's jaws dropped ((almost literally)) to the floor.

"I was trying to tell y'all that there was a window behind that SeeD poster in the bedroom!" Zell said. "So don't blame me."

"Believe me. We don't." Squall said, glaring at Cid. "Seifer, you do the honors."

"Oh, I've got something better planned." he said.

Having said that, Seifer lifts Cid up by the sweater-vest and tosses him into the room that they stayed in for two weeks, slammed the door, and locked it. Everyone cheered.

"C'mon guys. Let's go get some hotdogs from the cafeteria." Zell said. They did just that.

The End