Eleven! Given that a fortnight ago I didn't think I was going to commit to Kinktober at all, frankly I think its a miracle we made it this far.
Today we have Hiccup/Astrid/Valka.
Kinks of the day... oooft. Incest! Leather, suspension, BDSM, handjobs, toys, object insertion/pegging, gags, blindfold, fucking machine, bondage. Wow. That's not even all of them... I had to cut a few parts out, maybe a part two in the future can fill the space.
This was one of the last prompts I got, but it was Valcupstrid and so it ended up landing quite early on the list. Let's see where we end up tonight shall we?
(at some point this became an odd mix of obeying rules and me going FUCK THIS)
"Are we really doing this?"
"The worst that happens is we leave."
"I guess."
Hiccup sat down to put on his boots, Astrid watching as she waited for the view of his ass when he stood up in those gorgeous leather trousers. They were off out to a club - a fetish club. They'd been to a few before, but not play clubs, just to socialise with like-minded people or attending a fare to buy new toys.
Tonight, they were going to a new one. One they could, for example, play in, or hire someone to be their Dominant or submissive for the evening. It wouldn't be the first time a third person was involved in their sex life, but it would be the first time they would pay for it, the first time Hiccup and Astrid would both be taking the same role. Not that they had decided yet. Besides which, they would have the opportunity to simply be voyeurs - the club catered almost exclusively to couples or groups. So if they chickened out of hiring, they could still have plenty of fun.
"I'm changing my top when we get there."
Astrid nodded, grabbing her own gear and boots to change herself when they got there. Hiccup in his boots, leather bottoms and a simple t-shirt was quite amusing as a contrast, but he had a gorgeous fishnet vest to put on, as he wasn't a fan of things like latex or leather on his nipples. Unless it was Astrid wearing the leather while pressed against him, in which case Hiccup made an exception.
The club didn't look scary or seedy, which Astrid expected anyway, but was always a minor relief when visiting a new club - not all of them were reputable, good places. This one so far looked good and had plenty of good recommendations online.
They paid their entrance fees and were shown to where to change, stepping out onto the floor soon after. It was that strange mix of dark but brightly lit, no strobe lighting but some bright bulbs shining spots alight - like the man currently strapped up on a St Andrews cross, being caned by someone in head-to-toe latex. The outfits always grabbed Astrid - virtually nobody was dressed like anyone else save for the few in full body suits. Atmosphere layered with the rich smell of leather, the whistling sound of a cane or crop or whip, several people displaying interesting contraptions as Hiccup and Astrid walked around hand in hand, not wanting to lose each other in the crowd.
"So" Astrid pulled Hiccup close, mouth against his jaw so her boyfriend could hear over the steady thrum of music "have you decided?"
Hiccup shivered pleasantly against her, hand splaying over the bare skin at her back - her choice of attire tonight didn't cover too much flesh, and her boyfriend (amongst others) was appreciating the view.
"I'm flexible. You?"
"I kinda want to play sub tonight. Is that ok with you?"
Hiccup nodded, dipping his head to leave a kiss on her neck.
"Fine by me. Lets go find ourselves a dominant."
The playrooms at the back had a few people milling about, Doms and subs looking for work most likely. They were pretty easy to tell apart here; a submissive rarely met their eye, while a Dominant eyed them like a hungry lion. There was a handy list, letting the couple peruse at their leisure as even the workers gave them space until one asked for something. Astrid mostly watched Hiccup, seeing if any of the women caught his eye. His face shifted, eyes widening and hand stilling on the page. Turning her own attention to it, she could see what gave him pause - the photos didn't show faces, but there was something in the shape of tall and thin, in elegant hair braids and the shadow of fingers that curled around something.
Astrid knew. There weren't quite words for it, but she'd seen something simmer between them once or twice. She'd given her son up for adoption, and they hadn't met until Hiccup was nineteen. He understood, he'd had good parents and grown up happy, and they got on well.
But a different kind of tension always lingered. So when the option arose to give Hiccup an outlet for that tension, with the Dominant who reminded them of Valka? Astrid was game. It might even be fun. His birth mother was damned attractive, especially for a woman in her forties.
"It's ok."
Astrid reassured him, seeing the way his Adams apple bobbed as Hiccup swallowed thickly, knowing that to agree would be to admit... whatever it was. His fingers shuddered over the booklet, and Astrid saw he was ready to say no, as though it would prove something to her. Astrid took the booklet from him, handed it back to the... whatever passed for admin here.
"The Dragon Lady?"
Well, it made a difference from ten variations of 'Mistress Pain', Astrid supposed, even if the name didn't immediately bring to mind what the lady might be capable of. Astrid nodded as they paid for the time, confused when they were taken through to a very tame room with a sofa and little else in, handed clipboards with papers on.
"Fill these out. Soft limits, hard limits, safeword, any injuries or conditions you might have and so on. Then sign the bottom."
"What's this for?"
"Consent form. We had trouble with someone trying to sue us for the beating he asked for, so now we get proof of what a customer asked for."
Astrid imagined that the lists she and Hiccup filled out were nearly identical - they had fairly similar limits. Particularly hard limits, like blades or blood. Scrawling at the bottom, Astrid imagined someone breaking in to the clubs records and finding a massive stack of peoples kinks. She wasn't embarrassed; Astrid had once detailed her enjoyment of various restraints until her father covered his ears going "la la laaaa" because he'd been trying to steal her pizza. It got rid of him. And possibly gave him nightmares.
"You done babe?"
Hiccups mouth puckered up in thought as he scanned the list again, scribbled his messy signature at the bottom and nodded, handing them back to the person who would presumably deliver them to the Dominant.
"This way."
Standing up, they followed through to a play room. It was clearly soundproofed - Astrid could barely hear the club music anymore, only the sound of her own breath, the pounding of her heart.
"Face the wall, she's gotta say you can look."
Sharing a look with her boyfriend, Astrid turned and faced the wall as instructed, Hiccup doing the same as the door closed. There were all sorts of things to look at while they waited anyway, the fixtures on the wall obviously designed to support someones weight in various forms of bondage, restraints, all sorts of things one could be bent over at different heights. The last one they'd seen on a demonstration night had contained a cage, though this one didn't Astrid doubted anyone with all this to hand would struggle to make someone feel captive.
Astrid heard the door open again, surprisingly gentle footsteps entering the room. It didn't sound like the person was in heavy boots or heels, that much was sure. She exhaled in surprise when fabric fell over her eyes, tied behind her head and the sound of movement, of Hiccup making a short sound too as she assumed he too was blindfolded. A hand on Astrid's shoulder pushed her forward, made her brace on the wall in front and the softest whisper to every carry such demanding weight brushed past her ear.
She nodded, drew in a shaky breath as she heard Hiccups boots on the ground as he too was moved, the metallic click of restraints for him.
The sound of surprise in a voice Astrid recognised.
Knowing it was against the rules - and prepared to accept punishment if she was wrong - Astrid turned toward the sound, pulled down her blindfold.
It was more than someone who looked like Valka. It was Valka. Standing there, staring at her son in his leather and fishnets and his hands cuffed over his head, twisting to work out what was going on beyond the blindfold he still wore. Astrid took a minute to fully comprehend that Valka actually worked there.
Valka curled her fingers over the fabric obscuring his vision, green eyes blinking a few times before they adjusted to the sight before him. Astrid didn't miss that Hiccup looked her up and down, though it could have been some sort of "is this real?" moment, she felt more as though he'd noticed Valka cutting such a fine form in a deep brown leather, patterned in places to look as though she had dragon scales on her skin, catching the light well when she moved. And she couldn't really blame Hiccup for noticing.
Because Astrid had noticed too. Seriously, it looked like it had been painted on her, hugging every slim curve and why was Astrid not saying something about how they should stop? More to the point, why weren't Hiccup or Valka?
Valka snapped out of the reverie first, reaching for Hiccup's restraints to presumably free him. Hiccup watched her, brow furrowed.
Her hand stilled, and Hiccup looked as surprised as anybody that he'd stopped her. His eyes turned to Astrid, confusion and something altogether more raw and vulnerable there in his face. Astrid knew this was crossing a line somewhere, but... somehow, she didn't care. Even now, there was a spark in the air, waiting to be ignited and allowed to burn. And here... there would be no secret between the three, but nobody else would ever know.
Astrid nodded.
Valka glanced between them - Astrid's first proper look at her face, seeing the sweep of black on her eyes that made those green orbs pop, the way her neckline plunged and revealed bare skin Hiccup's eyes were following. When she looked back to Hiccup, he seemed to be marshalling his nerve.
"I don't want you to stop."
He let it hang in the air, the confession so weighted his words were almost visible. Valka, clearly not used to being so completely thrown, took a minute to compose herself again before any kind of decision from her was clear. The hand still extended to Hiccups cuffs finally came down, reaching for his face in an almost tender way, only to change tack and grip his jaw rather forcefully, dragging his eyes from her chest to her face.
"Then I suggest you behave yourself."
Her voice dropped, the usual warm honeyed tones now a biting sweetness, addictive and Astrid wanted, needed more. Hiccup's blindfold was pulled back up, obscuring his eyes but it wasn't like he didn't know who was there anymore. Astrid didn't escape it either, those delicate-looking hands shoving her forcefully back to her original position, blindfold retied even tighter.
"Don't. Move."
Gods, it shouldn't have turned her on but Astrid could already feel that low, pulsating warmth in her groin, knew that any reason they should stop was long gone. She heard Hiccup's zipper pulled down - his weren't skintight fetishwear, instead a heavy pair of biker trousers that he found much more comfortable but still looked incredible, and carried that rich leather scent. The way he sucked in a sharp breath told Astrid that Valka was touching him, that his cock probably rested in the hand of the woman who birthed him. Morality be damned, Astrid felt a fresh wave of heat at the thought. How could it be so indecently erotic?
Metal clinked, the sound of fabric on skin much louder than usual; Astrid's every sense was alight with her sight gone, body already thrumming with the atmosphere.
Hiccup whined, the image in Astrid's mind that he was facing away, possibly struggling to stay balanced with the chain of his restraints turned and twisted, shortening their reach. Valka hummed, pacing for a second.
"Hush. Or shall I gag you as well?"
His voice was already a little strained; Astrid could picture the thin sheet of sweat beginning to form on his skin. Knew Hiccup's cock would strain upward and twitch. Material scraped as something was lifted from a shelf or holder, that faint whistle deafening when Astrid heard something impact her boyfriends skin.
Valka didn't answer; apparently Hiccup was allowed to react to whatever she was hitting him with. Unable to see, she could only imagine Hiccup, panting and shaking as his mother took a riding crop to his backside. In some ways, Astrid supposed it was almost poetic - a mother spanking her son. Her son in his twenties who she hadn't raised, but still. It was an incredibly effective way to get Hiccup tightly wound, sensitive and enthralled by painful stimuli, Astrid knew how his cheeks flushed and arms trembled in response. They often used implements on each other, but that often entailed picking one to submit and one to dominate - they had come here for a more... shared experience.
And somehow, Astrid found just hearing Hiccup being flogged in some manner as intoxicatingly arousing as she would find taking the hit herself, or dolling it out. It was so... wrong, so taboo that it all twisted inside her and came out as lust. Apparently satisfied Hiccup was sufficiently high on the rush of pain, Valka stopped and let him breath, moving about for something else while Astrid listened to her boyfriends ragged panting. She recognised the next sound he made too, a low hiss, a deep sigh and finally that little gasp of surprise - Valka had put something inside him, something that could reach the little hot spot inside him and undoubtedly only feed his heat.
"I would tell you not to move, but it's not like you can anyway."
At first, Astrid thought, it wouldn't be too bad. But every time Hiccup moved a little - because she knew he would, balanced precariously and with his stinging backside making him shuffle - whatever Valka put in him would nudge his prostate, and time would only make him hotter. Hiccup had no route for relief, so if Valka opted to leave him there it would be torture. Soft steps, then hands on her waist, thumbs tracing bare skin as Astrid shuddered, already hypersensitive.
"Did you fear I had forgotten you?"
Unsure if she was supposed to speak yet, Astrid just let Valka do her thing. Undressed bit by bit, she stood bare and braced her hands back on the wall, having moved them to facilitate the removal of her clothes. Valka pressed to her back, leather chilled on Astrid's flushed skin. She shivered, felt warm breath on her ear.
"I'm really supposed to wear gloves when I touch..." Astrid shook her head, already craving the soft skin of her fingers "but I think I can make an exception for you. One second."
Astrid frowned as Valka moved, perplexed until she heard a plastic-y 'click', then the sound of something starting to vibrate. It didn't take a genius to work out why that noise coincided with Hiccup swearing.
Gods, Valka was evil. It was glorious. Sliding fludly against Astrid's back, Valka's long arms let her cuff Astrid to something in front of her, holding her in place so Valka could explore at her leisure. The heady mix of soft and rough she exuded was like a drug, Astrid aching to feel the same sting as Hiccup yet hooked on the gentle touches Valka gave her. Swollen nipples begged for more than the ghosting strokes, her thighs quivering as her hips tried to encourage Valka's hands to her need. A sharp slap to the side of her hip reminded Astrid she wasn't in control.
Finally there were two fingers against her clit, rubbing in sharp circles that threatened to make Astrid's knees give out, her own mewls mixing with Hiccup's pleading whines only to become a groan when Valka stopped again, stuffing those wet fingers in Astrid's mouth and her body obeyed on instinct, licking her own arousal and sucking as ardently at Valka's fingers as she would Hiccup's cock. Even made a sound of complaint when they disappeared too.
Sharp spikes rolled down her spine, pinpricks of pain that sent jolts down her nerves and she keened, Astrid's vocabulary reduced only to wordless noises already, whimpers of want for more, rougher, harder. Valka had them both already wanton messes, and Astrid doubted she was even properly started yet.
"What about you, hmm? I imagine you rather like a gag now and then."
Hel, Astrid wasn't cut out for this. Valka was an artist. She could only nod, waiting for Valka to come back. Still blindfolded, Astrid felt surprisingly gentle fingers on her face, encouraging her mouth open to fit the ball gag inside. It wasn't overly large, just enough to keep her mouth open but speech difficult without straining her jaw. Strapped behind her head, Valka stroked her hair for a second.
Astrid nodded, felt fresh wetness coat her thighs as she squirmed. Valka unhooked her restraints, turning Astrid around and shoving her roughly to her knees over a supple leather seat of some kind, wedged between her legs. Soft then hard, her approach made Astrid dizzy with want. Instead of cuffs again, Astrid felt rope wrap around her upper arms, pinning them to her torso. The rope felt nice, actually; it wasn't too heavy or scratchy, and Valka seemed to be tying knots with magic, she did it so quickly. Testing her bonds, Astrid felt very effectively trapped. Valka wasn't done yet though, using Astrid's position on the ground as the perfect time to push a dildo inside her; it was thick, stretched Astrid a little at first before she sank down and stayed there, body clenching to try and pull the toy up higher.
"Don't lose that now. I'd ask if it was too big, but I've seen what you're used to."
Oh wow- was Valka actually referencing that she'd thought about Astrid being fucked by Hiccup? So damn blatantly too... Astrid felt herself tighten again, blind and gagged and tied and not-quite-filled, drunk on Valka's dangerously alluring voice.
The buzzing stopped, the sound of Hiccup's restraints clinking as he likely fell a little limp, whimpering in that desperate way Astrid knew meant he needed to come, and needed it bad. Valka hushed him, then came over and stripped Astrid of her blindfold. Blinking against the light, Astrid looked down, saw that what she was sat on had buttons... oh. Oh. Oh. Hiccup was still suspended by his cuffs, leaning forward and panting like he'd just run a race, his ass painted with red welts that Astrid knew were the result of a riding crop. His hair stuck to his face with sweat, blindfold in place for now.
Something pinched at her nipple, not excruciating but still biting into the tender skin. Valka put a clamp on each side, joined by a short chain that would pull at the clamps should she twist or move. Astrid had no intentions of doing so... until Valka nudged a button on the contraption with her soft-leather-booted-foot. The toy Astrid had lamented didn't fill her pushed up, thrusting it into surprised blonde and Valka smirked, the devilish expression alien on a face Astrid was only familiar with on the fairly reserved, sweet woman. This other side to her... it was a little dark, a ltitle terrifying.
Astrid loved it.
The machine had no recognisable rhythm, almost as though Valka had hit 'randomise' so Astrid had no idea whether it would be a deep, reaching shove or a shallow, quick jab. Trapped so effectively with only rope and the rubber cock inside her, Astrid moaned pathetically against her gag as Valka left her there to suffer it, reaching to check Hiccup's hands weren't deprived of circulation. So hungry to be touched, even her hands on his made Hiccup sigh happily. Seeming satisfied with his blood flow, Valka circled back behind him, turned to throw Astrid a wink before reaching for a new toy. One that fitted to her body, slipping around her slender waist until Valka fixed her new... appendage in place.
Astrid knew Hiccup liked to be pegged. Loved it, even. She'd had him that way a few times. Actually, quite a lot of times. But always when he was relaxed, prepped with fingers and toys and almost always on a bed. Not when he was a writhing beast desperate for anything to make him come, stood up and restrained and unable to do anything but take it. Valka was a couple of inches taller than her son, meaning she didn't have to compensate for any difference in height as she rolled a condom over the toy, coated it liberally in lubricant and oh gods Astrid was about to literally watch this woman fuck her son and how the Hel did that become such a turn on?
The thing fucking her had almost been forgotten as Astrid lost herself in the visuals before her, watching Valka's sheathed toy slide into Hiccup. He took it easily enough considering, but Astrid reckoned he was so aroused his body was willing to push itself more than usual. Valka wrapped her arm around his chest, other hand going to his hip to hold him where she wanted, hips moving in such a lazy, effortless thrust Astrid could scarcely believe it was only a toy the woman used. The motion was utterly natural, as though Valka had been... actually, she probably had fucked countless people like that as a Dominant.
A steady stream of filth and begging left Hiccup's mouth, unable to so much as rock himself back on Valka in the position she had him in; right from the start, she'd had him exactly where she wanted, had everything planned. Astrid marvelled at it, before a particularly deep thrust from her own tormenting toy sent her mind blank for the moment. It was maddening; Astrid needed consistency to come, and the constant shift between the bite of clamps on her nipples and the random thrusts of the machine fucking her were not consistent enough to do more than drive Astrid to the brink of madness.
Hiccup was already there, Astrid could see it in the tension of his upper body, in the way he was wound tight as a bow string, ready to snap. Valka was skilled at drawing even the final hurdle out, every move calculated as she took her son to pieces before Astrid's very eyes. Her arms flexed against the ropes, fighting to get to her clit so Astrid could come, but it was not to be, she was too expertly restrained and the ropes too strong. Every time she tried to move, the clamps gave her a jolt of pain. Even the rapid rate of her breathing was threatening to jostle them and give her another jolt.
"F-fuck, mom!"
On many levels, Astrid knew who Valka was and how wrong everything was, but hearing that word on Hiccup's tongue as Valka fisted his cock, the last push he needed to completely devolve and tumble headfirst into shattering climax... it brought it all screaming home and yet Astrid could not summon the energy to care. Instead she watched Hiccup come, thick white spurts coating his mothers hand as she continued to stroke him, splattering over the floor as he arched, exhiliration clear in the primal sound he let out as he broke.
Hiccup went completely limp then, feet on the ground only for show as the strain above his head became clear. Valka pulled out of his body, still occasionally showing a weak spasm as aftershocks undoubtedly made themselves known. She kept one arm around his chest as the restraints clicked open, catching Hiccup as he slumped and leaning the jelly-limbed man against the nearest sturdy object.
"Are you alright?"
He was a mess, debauched and trembling. Hiccup scrunched his face up when Valka finally gave back his sight, the light visibly affecting him for a minute before he adjusted and dragged his eyes to Astrid. With nothing to distract her, the continued torment of the machine only served to push her further and further without ever letting Astrid completely topple, while Valka rather lazily unfastened her strap-on paraphenalia.
"How do you think she'd like it son?"
Hesitation long gone, Valka was actively bringing up their biological bond as she spoke to the overstimulated wreck she left Hiccup.
"Hard. Fast. It needs to be consistent though, or she can't come."
Hiccup's voice was in no better shape than the rest of him, roughly strained as though it was his throat Valka had fucked, not his ass. Astrid hoped, squirming in her bonds as Valka approached and gods, yes! The setting changed, a repetitive, brutal pace now and it was everything Astrid had been craving for what felt like forever, so deep it ached and Astrid would have tried to ride with it if she could only move. Jaw slack, she drooled a little around the gag, knowing she was little more than a captive of Valka's whims but more than happy to go along with it as that blissful peak approached at last.
Base, wanton, uncaring, Astrid shuddered and struggled in her ropes, crying out against the rubber ball between her lips and able to do little more than take the burning waves of ecstacy, whole body jerking with each additional thrust into her spasming body. It felt like it could go on and on and on, but eventually the rush eased, the rough pace inside her beginning to edge toward discomfort, pain now she'd come.
Valka took mercy on her it seemed, nudging with her foot again and the whole thing stopped, left Astrid naked and sweaty and sticky. The gag came out first, letting her catch her breath properly in deep gulps, clamps releasing pressure enough to make her tremble. Expecting to be freed of her bonds next, Astrid looked up in confusion as they stayed where they were.
"Are we done yet? Do we need to go?"
Glancing at a clock, neatly hidden amongst other things and unlikely to be spotted by someone having their ass railed, Valka shook her head.
"Not quite yet. Why?"
"I think Astrid should stay tied up a little longer."
That traitorous bastard.
Astrid loved him, felt a thrill run through her body at the new timbre of his voice. Valka raised an eyebrow, considering things for a moment before her hand was in Hiccup's sweat-damp hair, tugging his head back and kissing him. Hiccup returned it with equal fervor, growling when she tweaked harshly at a nipple through his fishnet vest, still not removed though it was probably soaked in sweat. They seperated, and the look in their eyes was eerily identical as they advanced on Astrid. She might have safe-worded, knowing it would stop them dead in their tracks...
but the word melted on her tongue as Astrid considered all the things that both of them could do to her.
I did not expect this to get so long! And I didn't even get everything I wanted to put in it... and it kept growing and growing and I'm sorry if its awful or parts feel rushed but ahhhhh. It will almost definitely get a sequel in the future though... I had more fun than even I expected writing this.