- Merlin and Arthur go on a hunt and play a medieval version of '20 questions', Arthur suggests it in order to get to know Merlin better. Merlin agrees reluctantly.

-They come across bandits threatening two people- Arthur and Merlin fight off most off them- and they save the two people who turn out to be Sophia and Aulfric Tir-Mor.

-Sophia and Aulfric follow Merlin and Arthur back to Camelot where the King welcomes them to stay in Camelot as long as they want.

-After this the story follows the canon - until it is time to take the Royal blood to sacrifice, this is where Morgana dreams that Sohia was going to sacrifice the 'most powerful Royal'.

-Merlin fights Aulfric and Sophia- and he is winning until Arthur goes through Merlin's shield seamlessly, and Merlin who is shock that his Magic does not affect Arthur- is vulnerable to the attack of Sophia, which leaves him unconscious.

- During their fight, the Tir-Mor's realise that Merlin is Emrys- after feeling his power- and Emrys is hailed as the 'Prince of Enchanters' by the Sidhe.

-Emrys is technically worth More than royal blood, so they take Merlin hostage instead of Arthur.

- Arthur wakes up to Gaius, who tells him what really happened.

-Arthur takes Thunder, at break neck speed, he rides to save Merlin. (Awww)

-He puts his knife throwing skills to use to kill Aulfric and Sophia.

-He pulls Merlin out of the water and saves him from drowning.

-They head back to Camelot. (BuT not before seeing something on Merlin's back that which makes Arthur gasp, while Merlin is changing his clothing.)

-Arthur does not apologise for the way he acted whilst Sophia was here. He remembers most of what happened but DOES NOT REMEMBER Merlin using Magic as by then he was completely under the Sidhe's thrall.

Chapter Text

Shovel Talks, Jealousies and Dragons.

Merlin sat at the breakfast table in Gaius's chambers, reading over a letter that had just been delivered to him by an owl.

An owl.

Merlin had shooed the poor animal as soon as he had untied the letter tied to its leg, for both his and the owl's safety.

But all worries about being found out because of an owl were put away as the letter he started reading got more and more worrying by every sentence. The letter stated that his father, Balinor, had broken the enchanted mirror through which they had been conversing for the past few months and hence the letter.

They had been able to fix the shattered mirror and enchant it again but were unable to connect to Merlin, which was understandable as it required his own magical signature to be able to reach him.

Next it stated that his dragons had been acting strange and that Kilgharrah and Balinor both thought that it would be better if Merlin came and had a look at was making them act out.

What worried Merlin about this part of the letter was the doubt he was facing. He had known that his dragons were old enough to be without him and that the presence of both Kilgharrah and Balinor would be enough for their growth.

But now he was left to wonder.

Was his decision a right one? Was he repeating a mistake already made by him in the past with Aithusa? His Dragon's well-being worried him and he had to force himself not to teleport straight away.

But then again what could he do even if he was there, he had almost next to no knowledge regarding Dragons that wasn't gained by Kilgharrah himself or the few texts on them that Gaius owned.

The last part of the letter stated that his mother wanted him home for a visit too. That part left him confused. His mother loved him, he knew that, but he also knew that she would never call him back unless she had something to say something of import. The examples in the past proved that theory.

The first time she had arrived in Camelot in the Past was when Kanen was threatening Ealdor and the second time was when she almost died due to Nimueh taking her life instead of his after the Questing beast accident.

This letter made a few things clear.

The most immediate of them was that he was needed in Ambrosia.

And the second was that he need to find a healthy balance between his life and destiny in Camelot and his responsibilities in Ambrosia. He could not just put one on hold for the other.

He had thought that Ambrosia was going to be fine without his constant presence and the presence of his Father and Mother to balance out his absence, but now he knew that was not going to be always possible or enough.

He breathed in deeply and with a flick of his hand set the letter on fire, leaving almost no evidence after a second or two and then made his way to the royal wing to request the King's time.

Merlin knocked on the door that he had been advised to knock on in case of emergencies. A second later the door was answered by Uther's manservant.

"You are expected by the King."

Merlin blinked but did not let his bafflement show on his face, nodded and walked past the servant, into the room.

Merlin saw Uther in his usual garb reading over some papers and gestured to the seat opposite him once he noticed Merlin standing there.

After a few minutes of silence Uther finally finished reading the paper in his hands and looked at Merlin.

"Yes, Merlin. I was expecting some news on Arthur's…Tir-Mor situation."

Merlin nodded as if this is exactly what he was here to do.

"Yes, my lord. The Prince… has gotten over his infatuation with the female Tir-mor."

Merlin continued by saying, maintaining his cold façade which he knew Uther appreciated,

"Unfortunately, both the Tir-Mor's had to be dealt with as they were caught using magic to aid their escape from Camelot. Which also explains the sudden… love… the prince felt for Sophia Tir-Mor."

Uther went through several expressions, vindication, satisfaction and understanding warring for a place on his face. He motioned for Merlin to go into a bit more detail and the witchfinder di just that and once Merlin finished recounting his account, Uther nodded and smiled a small smile he always smiled whenever someone pleased him.

"You have been an asset to Camelot, Merlin. Since you have graced us with your presence Camelot's security has never been better, Arthur is protected better than ever and I am told that his recent bouts of maturity are your doing. Gaius also tells me that you have been a great help with his patients- some even prefer you over him, which is a great achievement in itself."

Merlin smiled and tried to seem as if the King's approval was all that he had ever hoped for but low-key shuddered inside. Uther needed to stop smiling, it was giving Merlin the heebie-jeebies.

"I had just hoped to be of the best use to you sire, not that I have done anything much. Gaius is the one who has trained me so whatever I have managed is due to him, your security measures were also already in top form, I just helped the council execute them better."

Uther huffed out a chuckle and said,

"I see that you didn't say anything about Arthur. I thought that you both were getting along well together, almost very well."

Uther smirked, which confused him but before he could question it the King continued,

"Would you tell me what irks Arthur currently. He rarely comes to me- which is how I have trained him to be- but I need him safe and him being at odds with you doesn't help."

Merlin breathed in deeply and thought about his reply,

"The Prince is… angry. Angry, that I am under your employ and command rather than his. I believe he hates the supervision, hates knowing that my loyalty is to the King above all else."

Uther nodded but kept looking at Merlin, a sure sign for him to continue.

"I believe when it comes to choosing between his every action being watched or being somewhat less safe… he tends to choose the latter. Hence his decision to choose Leon as his bodyguard."

Uther stared at Merlin for a while and if Merlin had been a lesser man he would have squirmed but the stare did not bother him.

Finally, Uther spoke,

"What I understand from what you have said is that Arthur does not know that you do not report everything to me. Or the fact that you only come to me when there is a magical threat- sometimes not even then unless I order you to keep me informed. You are telling me that he does not know that you do not even submit reports, like every other knight, noble and even the physician in this kingdom, submits?"

The King of Camelot paused still looking at Merlin with an intelligence that only a man who had eradicated almost all things magical could have before continuing.

"Did you warn the Prince that you suspected the Tir-Mor's could be magical? I know Arthur is arrogant enough to think himself more knowledgeable than you in matters concerning magic."

A bit like you then, Merlin thought spitefully in his head, whilst nodding on the outside.

"I did, my lord. But I think by then the sorceress had already started enchanting him. For a second he even accused me of being fond of the witch." Merlin huffed out a laugh, remembering Arthur's accusation of liking the female Sidhe.

Uther did not laugh which made Merlin feel that the King was looking for something…

"I am not surprised Arthur would think that. You do tend to gather admirers wherever you go… much like the Royal ward, the lady Morgana."

Ah, so that's what this is about.

"It is just an infatuation, my lord. I am sure she will get over it, with time."

"You see, I do not think so, Merlin. As the King, it is my job to know the ins and outs of this kingdom, it is my job as King to know each subject of mine and a duty as a Father to know who Arthur and Morgana set their eyes on, after all it is their age to think of such… things. To make friends and relations outside family."

Before Merlin could respond, Uther continued, " You see, it is because I know Morgana so well, that I know that she does not get infatuated- she loves, she obsesses, she covets but she is above these childish feeling, that's Arthur's job."

Oh god. He hoped to god he was not going to get a shovel talk by… Uther.

"I know Arthur's had a few friends - infatuations if you may- but never have I seen Morgana express an interest in anyone. I just wanted to ask if you felt anything towards the girl who I treat as my daughter."

Hinting a bit too hard today aren't you Uther?

What crimes had he committed in his very long life to be subjected to this?

Merlin cleared his throat and tried to remind himself that he could not magic himself out of this situation.

"My lord, I have not encouraged Morgana with whatever feelings she has towards me. In fact, I have been very clear that I do not think of her that way. She will have my friendship and my support whenever she needs but I cannot afford to invest in a relationship."

He was already being stretched in two different directions. Ambrosia and Camelot. He did not need another direction right now. Thank you very much.

Uther nodded and clasped his hands in front of him, leaning forward. "I understand that and I admire you for making your intentions clear from the start. Which is why I know I can trust you with her-"

Oh, he doesn't like where this is going. How does he land himself in these things?

"—I love Morgana as if she were my own daughter" which she is, "I was hoping that I won't have to part with her once she gets married, I don't think my heart could handle it after … Ygraine, and with you, I won't have to.

Uther paused and looked into Merlin's eyes, trying to convey how serious he was.

"And that is why I suggest that you both should spend more time together… maybe once you get to know her better you might love her too."

Merlin's eyes were as wide as saucers. He just couldn't… nope. Just no. This escalated way too quickly for him to even follow.

Was Uther.. no it wasn't a question. Uther is suggesting that Merlin should get married to Morgana.

Merlin realises a second late that he said that thought out loud.

"Not immediately, but sometime in the future so that it will keep Morgana still in Camelot and as bonus will also tie a capable Witchfinder- which were rare in itself- to Camelot- permanently." Uther croons, proud at his own horrific matchmaking attempt, never mind the fact that Morgana will kill Uther, King or not, if she ever heard of this.

He had known Uther was a bastard but he had thought that he was not completely heartless when it came to his children. He had apparently thought wrong-Uther was basically bartering Morgana for more power, even if the lady liked him- for the time being- she would hate him forever if he said yes to this stupid proposal, not that he wanted to say yes.

But on the other hand, all Uther was suggesting was that he spend more time with Morgana- which if he thought in long term could be very helpful with Morgana's growing magical powers.

He could take her to the druids while making Uther think as if they were going out for picnics and whatever couple-y things couples did. She could even visit Ambrosia on one of these dates and realise that there is somewhere she can go if she feels trapped. He could also encourage Morgana's relationship with Leon by bringing the man along sometimes, as chaperone.

And it was this that made the decision for Merlin.

"Sire, I can see the sense in what you suggest and I applaud you for caring so much for Morgana. She is an amazing woman and I have told her as much. She has no one she call her own in this world and she is lucky to have you in that aspect."

Uther didn't show it but Merlin could almost feel his protectiveness towards Morgana. Sometimes... sometimes Merlin had this insidious thought that maybe, just maybe, Uther loved Morgana a bit more than he loved Arthur. Merlin couldn't prove it but he thought it anyway.

He pushed the thought out of his mind and continued his talk with Camelot's King.

"But I must ask you to keep our arrangement a secret. If I do decide on spending time Morgana, then I want her to be comfortable and I know she won't be that if she knows that we arranged it."

Uther smiled and said, "It is scary how well you have come to know my children Merlin, in such a short time too."

Merlin just smiled and said,
"Another thing that I must make clear is that all I will do is spend time with Morgana- it is ,emnot courting, or romantic in any way- is it just two friends spending time with each other. If she falls in love with someone else, I will not stop her. And if I fall in love with and she still likes me, then I can think of courting her."

Uther nodded and raised his hands in front of himself,
"That is all I ask, Merlin."

Merlin nodded back and then brought out the real reason he was here.

"Sire, I was also wondering if I could take a few days off. My mother has seen some suspicious happenings in our village lately and has asked me to come take a look at them."

Uther turned back serious,
"Of course, Camelot is not the only place riddled by the disease that is Magic. You must leave as soon as possible and report me your findings."

Huh, he had known the excuse would work But still it felt nice to confirm it.

Merlin replied to the King, "I will, sire. I hope to return in a week, if the problem is more serious then it will probably take more time- if that is the case then I will be sure to send a letter to Gaius. In my absence he will keep you informed."

Uther nodded and smirkingly said, "Very well then, I wish you all the best on your endeavour and may your hunt be fruitful."

Merlin smiled tightly and left the royal chambers as quick as possible without seeming like he was trying to get away.

Merlin started walking back to Gaius's chambers and he warmly greeted the servants who had already woken up to either serve their masters or clean the Castle on his way.

He stopped to greet Gwen when he saw her and told her about his impending trip home but didn't stay for long as he could almost feel Kilgharrah urging him to hurry through their mental link- which was muted due to the distance.

He got to Gaius's chambers and quietly locked the door. Then he used his magic to put on breakfast, clean the chambers and start the potions that Gaius might need for his patients during his absence, usually the other common ones- like the potions for cold, headaches, sleep, mild pains and the knight's massage and bruise salve.

He knew that Gaius liked to make them himself but… he liked helping his mentor as much as he could and by doing this he was making sure that Gaius had some reprieve during the day, especially since Merlin was going to be gone for at least a week. Gaius was run off his feet on a busy day, this might take some load off.

He also made sure that all this happened in silence as he wanted the old man to get a full night's sleep and it was only dawn yet.

While his magic did all the work he went to his room to pack and write a few letters to let a few people know regarding his short vacation.

It was just a bit of formality that he had to do. He told them in writing that he had been called back to his home for an errand and if everything went smoothly would be back in a week, if not then he will send Gaius a letter, to inform him.

He added a few more lines in Gaius's letter, telling him about the patients he had been treating in the lower town and who needed to be seen to by Gaius in his absence. He also told him to send him a letter if a threat came up- of the magical sort- in Camelot.

To Leon, he informed of his absence for the coming days and recruited him to keep guarding Arthur. He asked him if there was something immediate that needed his attention then Leon needed to write it in a letter and pass it to Gaius, who will see to it that Merlin gets the letter.

To Morgana, he just told her to not to worry about her dreams and that if she had trouble sleeping, she was to meditate and try the tricks Merlin had taught her until she felt calm enough to go back to sleep. These were tricks that Merlin had learnt in 'Calm to the Core' classes in his past, they helped manage anxiety and calm the mind.

He also3 thought about writing a letter to Arthur but didn't have anything pressing to say to the Prince and knew that the Leon will inform him about Merlin's absence.

By the time he was done, his magic had packed his bag, the physician's chambers were squeaky clean and so was the leach tank. The potions were done and cleanly poured into glass bottles, marked with names and purpose.

He left the written letters on the breakfast table, where Gaius was sure to see them.

He then went outside Gaius's chambers and tagged down a young servant, ordering him go into the forest and gather the required herbs for the physician, so that Gaius had all he needed to start the day.

This time around, he had promised himself to take care of the man who had basically brought him up from his teenage years. Had protected him in Camelot, had taught him the healing arts and had also given him the means to handle his magic better.

Merlin then started towards the stables to make the show of leaving on the horse. He greeted Thunder with an apple and attached his bag to the stirrup, got on the horse and rode out of Camelot.

As soon as he was outside Camelot and in a hidden clearing, he got off Thunder and mentally communicated the Pegasi to fly off towards Ambrosia without him.

He watched Thunder safely fly away before apparating without a sound to Ambrosia.

He arrived in his Royal chambers and no sooner had his feet touched the floor, Friggo- the elf- came in with his Royal Garments ready and started efficiently undressing him to help him into his clothes.

It was a sign of Merlin's urgency that he did not try to deny the elf's help.

As soon as he was dressed, the elf handed him his crown- more of a circlet- which he placed upon his head and felt the Dragon motif's of the crown settle just over his ears.

He then exited his chambers and was greeted with a grinning face of Gwaine.

Merlin smiled widely and hugged his old friend for a long minute, but worry must have shown on his face and in the tense way he held his body as Gwaine patted his back soothingly and said, "They are waiting for you in the council chambers, mate."

Merlin nodded and started walking beside Gwaine as two Catha Guards followed them at a safe distance.

"What is this about, Gwaine? Are my Dragons ok? I know they haven't yet learned how to communicate mentally but I know that all of them can speak the human tongue fluently. I know during our last Mirrortalk that Yddraig and Ryojin, had been arguing but that's normal. What went wrong in a few days that it was necessary to call me back to Ambrosia?"

Hearing his dragons speak for the first time had been an experience.

He remembered hearing a musical voice shout, "Pater!" when he had been speaking with his mother a few weeks before Morgause had dragon-napped his Ryojin. He knew for sure that he had never heard that voice before but an instinctive part of his brain somehow knew- knew- that it was Aithusa that had shouted.

Another voice, just as pleasant had joined Aithusa's and the voice asked,

"Can you hear us Pater?! Look we are speaking the human tongue."

Merlin had not realized that he was crying tears of happiness until his children had pointed out.

"Pater! You are leaking." And Merlin hadn't been able to stop the laughter that had bubbled out from him.

His Dragons were perhaps the only children he was ever going to have.

His mother had patted his shoulder and had left to give him some alone time with his younglings, but not before giving him the most tender smile and saying, "You look like every parent when they hear their child call them mother or father for the first time. I know I cried when you called me 'mama' when you were just 9 months old."

Later, Merlin's mother had made him and his father laugh by recounting the similarities between his childhood and his dragons- expressing that toddlers and young dragons were not that different.

He had stayed up all night speaking with Aithusa and Kalinda while Yddraig and Ryojin sat quietly by the females, just listening as they both had yet to speak. He knew that Ryojin's first few words had been his name, "Merlin", when Morgause had taken him away and Yddraig's first word had been Ryojin's name, when he had finally seen the blue dragon safe and sound after his rescue.

Since then they had learned how to speak better day by day and now even Ryojin and Yddraig were fluent, as he had judged from many of their mirrortalks.

He came out of his reverie when he heard Gwaine sigh.

"I don't want to make you worry Merlin but 3 days ago, after you last spoke to them… they seemed a bit agitated. I know Balinor spoke to them but they just claimed that their inner vision- the thing that makes Kilgharrah almost omniscient- seemed blinded."

Merlin nodded, a little headache was guaranteed as the vision needed a strong influx of magic and so much magic at once can be overwhelming for such young dragons.

Before he could comment though, Gwaine continued.

"Both Balinor and Kilgharrah thought it was nothing serious as their inner eye is starting the development process and it could have been growth/magical pain."

Merlin was nodding, his mind working out other reasons related to this symptom.

Gwaine breathed in deeply and stopped walking, turning towards Merlin and looking at him seriously. His friend raised his hand and removed a raven curl obstructing Merlin's crown, carefully mapping out Merlin's face.

He then lowered his hand and grasped Merlin's shoulder in reassurance,

"There is more but I suppose it will be better if Balinor tells it to you. I am sure you will be able to figure it out mate." Gwaine patted his shoulder and smiled reassuringly. Merlin smiled but it was a bit strained. He was very worried already and according to Gwaine there was more.

They had been standing outside the council door and when Gwaine removed his hand from the shoulder and turned to face the door, Merlin nodded at the guards as a signal to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, all the people inside went quiet, stood up and kneeled except his Mother and Father, who bowed their head in formality.

Merlin dipped his head back when he reached the head chair and bid everyone to rise.
No matter how many times he told them it wasn't necessary to kneel or even bow, his own people brushed aside this particular order of his.

He shook his head but smiled when his saw his own happiness reflected back in his people at seeing him back in Ambrosia.

Yupp, he definitely needed to balance out his time in Camelot and his duties in Ambrosia. He had genuinely missed Ambrosia.

"Hello council members. It is good to see you all after almost a year. Let's take a seat and then you all can update me about your specific departments."

They all sat down in a circle. His mother and father beside him on each side.

Gwaine, Alice, Alator, Iseldir, Ruadan, Iseldir, Finna, Friggo and Grettir sat around them in an enlarged circle.

He started off with the financial head, which was headed by his mother Hunith and Balinor.

"My Regents, the last time we spoke we discussed a new way of taxation that would replenish Ambrosia's money-which we almost used up for helping people set up houses, trade agreements, food and various other things- but would also not burden the people of this Kingdom. How is the taxation policy coming up?"

Hunith passed Merlin the document she had made which held detailed account management system and Merlin copied and levitated the duplicate of the same document to each council member and kept the original to himself.

His mother then started explaining the document.

"The taxation policy has gone over well with people. The people who earn more- pay more taxes while the people who earn less- pay less. The taxes are coming in on time. Families that have more children to take care of are given benefits- aimed specifically for the betterment of children. Ambrosia is coming back to the amount of gold it had before so many people migrated- it's much better every month."

His mother continued expanding other ways money was coming into the Kingdom while the others readied their report on how they were using that money and what other plans they had for the future.

Merlin nodded his head in satisfaction and so continued the account of every department- not all were as smooth as Hunith's account. Friggo certainly was nervous due to his master's presence but he pulled through.

Grettir had never been sassier than he was today whilst recounting the Kingdom's security- it was his personalised version of welcoming Merlin home.

Crime in Ambrosia was next to none as the Geas did not allow violence and kept special watch on intent but Grettir kept whining about how Merlin's apparition always distorted his security measures.

Gwaine piped up from his seat on the table with a smirk, "Are you seriously telling your King how to enter his own Kingdom now, Grettir?"
A few around the table laughed at this comment.

Grettir didn't take even a moment to reply, "He should be more concerned about the security of this Kingdom than getting somewhere quicker." Even Merlin laughed at this comment as everyone in the chambers knew that it was Merlin magic that held Ambrosia together.

Merlin then moved to Gwaine and Will's department. They decided to change the training regime as it was good to shake things up in that department. Gwaine was surprisingly competent wile coming up with new strategies and workout plans.

Finally, when the council session got over, Merlin along with his parents remained seated whilst everyone – even Gwaine- got up and left. Although, Gwaine did not leave until he had given Merlin another reassuring press on the shoulder and nodded in respect toward both his parents.

When the council doors were closed behind Gwaine, Merlin stood up along with his Mother and Father and hugged them both.

There was something… different about his mother but in the split second between her getting up, hugging him and sitting back down- Merlin couldn't be sure.

His father took his time embracing Merlin. Worry for his dragons and his kingdom being eased somewhat during those hugs.

His mother looked at him with a tired smile and asked,

"Good news or bad news first?"

Merlin blinked.

There was good news?

"Bad news first." Merlin replied and he saw his mother look towards his father and thus so did Merlin.

Balinor breathed in, as if to calm himself and started.

"After you spoke to your dragons the last time, three days ago, an hour later they claimed to be feeling a headache coming on."

His father's eyes moved past Merlin, as if recounting the scene in his mind and Merlin resisted the need to slip into his father's mind.

He would not break his cardinal rule just so sate his curiosity and would respect people's privacy. It was just so difficult to not give into that feeling.

"At first, Kilgharrah and I put it out of our minds as a little headache was not so serious especially for a dragon- a species that sees several possibilities of the past, present and future."

That was true, Kilgharrah always had stated that Merlin was a Migraine among his headaches.
Whatever that meant.

"But a few days later, the headache persisted and Kilgharrah was confused, it has been a long time since he has taken care of young Dragons and there was no one we could consult."

Merlin nodded, urging his father to continue.

"Alice, Iseldir and even Rigga tried to sense what the problem was but it has them as well. We didn't think it would be prudent to call you back from Camelot as it was still just a headache. But then… Kalinda stopped being able to speak. It was as if- as if someone made her mute. Then it happened to Aithusa. Now it is starting to happen to Yddraig and Ryojin as well"

Merlin had stopped breathing. Concern for his dragons pulling him into shock but he resisted and gave into the other feeling he was feeling. Anger. His eyes were blazing at this point. Why had his father waited so long before contacting him? Losing voice suddenly was not a small matter. But still he did not interrupt his father. There must have been a good reason. He knew there had to be a good reason for being called so late.

"That only happened a few days ago. It was when Aithusa lost her voice completely that I tried contacting you- when even Ryojin showed signs of losing his voice. Seeing Ryojin unable to speak… or perhaps I think because of it, Yddraig went into a… rage of sorts. A fit, almost. Trying to set fire to everything in sight. Since the only human in the room was myself, it was ok."

Merlin nodded. It was a well kept secret that fire did not affect Dragonlords the same way as it did a normal human. We will get hurt, but not burn completely. It was also the major reason why all dragonlords had died on the run and not on the pyre. They always just seemed to escape.

He still let his eyes scan his father for injuries. His father noticed what he was doing and waved his worries way and continued onwards with the story.

"It was in that fire that the enchanted mirror that allowed us to speak with you broke and I was unable to reach you until now."

Merlin finally stopped pacing and nodded at his father and asked.

"Where are they now?"

His father gave a tired smile and replied,

"In the nest you built for them, with Kilgharrah."

His father must have seen his disbelief- His dragons had never liked staying anywhere but his rooms even though The Nest was perfectly equipped with everything a dragon could need- which is why his father expanded.

"Once they grew in size and were not able to fit themselves in your room anymore, they decided to go to the one place that still held your Dragonlord magical essence. The Nest."

Merlin's heart was breaking into pieces. He had known- known - that he shouldn't have left them alone for so long. They needed their father, the dragonlord that birthed them. And now look what he had done, they were taking refuge in the only place that they could feel him still.

Merlin closed his eyes and bowed his head. Weariness seeped into his bones.

What was he doing? He was unable to do justice to both his destiny and his dragons like this.

He felt his mother hug him from behind while his father rested a hand on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault Merlin. One Dragonlord should have been enough to handle young dragons. What we are missing is Knowledge. Once we have it… I am sure we will be able to solve this."

He nodded his head and without another word left for the Nest.

He would ask his parents about the 'good news' later.


It was the day after the Tir-Mor's and Arthur was making his way down to the Physician's chamber to see how Merlin was faring.

He knew he should have apologized as soon as Merlin had woken up from almost drowning- for being an absolute… what was that Merlin loved to call him? A Prat.

Arthur barged into the physician's chamber to see Gaius reading something at their usual breakfast table- their's because that is where Gaius, Merlin, Arthur, Morgana and Gwen usually broke their fast made by Merlin himself every morning. If they didn't have duties to attend to, that is.

What struck Arthur as strange was that the chambers were cleaner than usual, the breakfast made but still on simmer and Gaius still in his night robes.

"Gaius." He called the physician's name to catch his attention. The old man turned to look at Arthur and bowed once he realised he was in the Prince's presence.


Arthur waved away the formalities and asked,
"What's that you got there?"

"A letter" came the sardonic reply.

"By whom?"

"Merlin." That made Arthur stop, first in confusion then in shock and as soon as he got over both those feelings he rushed to look into Merlin's room.

"Where is he?" He shouted the question and rushed back into the physician's chambers to get an answer to his question.

Gaius waved the letter and Arthur grabbed it from the air making Gaius's eyebrows rise on his forehead.

"Who gave him a holiday? I don't remember giving him- ah, right, what was my father thinking?"

Arthur read further and only took him another half a second to come up with another question.

"What does he mean, 'It might take more than a week but I am hoping that it doesn't.' Why would my father even agree for such a long break? I mean Merlin works for Camelot, shouldn't that mean that he stays in Camelot to do that work?"

Once Arthur reached the end of the letter he reread it. And then saw the tiny script at the end of the page which told Gaius about the other letters.

"There are other letters? Who are they addressed to?"

Arthur saw the letters that Gaius had found and saw the letters addressed to Leon and Morgana- when he didn't see his, he turned to Gaius and asked,

"Right, give it to me, then. "

Gaius's baffled eyebrow rose even higher on his forehead as he questioned,

"Give you what, sire?" In a tone Gaius said that gave away his bafflement.

Arthur made an impatient noise as he made grabby motions with his hand,

"My letter. Obviously, Merlin gave it to you to give it to me specifically, that's why it is not here."

Gaius shook his head and said,

"I am sorry sire, Merlin left before I woke up and the only letters, I saw were the ones on the table addressed to Morgana, Leon and I."

Arthur's stared at Gaius as if by staring at the old man alone he could determine the truth- and it must have worked as a minute later Arthur's shoulders drooped.

Why would Merlin leave a goodbye letter for Morgana and Leon? He understood Gaius's letter- he was a father figure to both Merlin and Arthur… but why the other two?

Merlin was His bodyguard, his friend, his spar partner, his protector.

The Witchfinder spent most of his time bickering with him.

Then why write a letter to… To Morgana and not Arthur? It made no sense at all – but, wait a minute.

Technically… he never apologized to Merlin yesterday, so considering that Merlin was still mad at Arthur while writing these letters, Merlin would say the things he wanted to say to the person placed closest to Arthur- which would mean... Leon. Right? That's what girls did when mad.

And since Leon was employed by Arthur… and the letter was indirectly addressed to Arthur, then that made that letter... Arthur's. Indirectly.

He picked up the letter addressed to Leon and showed it to Gaius.

"I will pass this on to Leon. He must be waiting for me in my chambers."

Gaius, still sleepy as it was still quite early nodded his head in acquiesce and asked Arthur to direct Morgana to his chambers.

He replied with a nod and left the physician.

He found an alcove closest to the physician's quarters and ripped open the letter addressed to Leon in neat handwriting.

Sir Leon,

I am afraid that you will have to continue to serve as the Prince's bodyguard for a week or so as I have been called back home to deal with a situation forthwith.
I suspect that the situation is of the magical kind and I am expecting some delays although if everything works out then I hope to be back with the weeks' time.

The Witchfinder.


Absolutely nothing.

There was absolutely no mention of Arthur in any way except Merlin asking Leon to fill in as a substitute for the Witchfinder in protecting the Prince.

Arthur crushed the letter in his fist and walked to his room, when he saw Leon there, he let him know in a cold tone,

"Merlin has taken a few days off to deal with something of magical nature in his village. You are to substitute for him till he returns."

He heard more than saw Leon swallow before hearing,

"How long is Merlin supposed to be away, sire?"

Arthur didn't even turn to address the question, finding the act of looking out the window more calming.

"A week or more."

Just then there was another knock on the door and Morris entered with a breakfast plate laden with food.

He dismissed Leon until afternoon when he knew he will be leaving his chambers for the council meeting and then later training but until then he had to look at papers and reports that had accumulated over the past week while he had been procrastinating.

But he paused on his way to the table and asked Morris once Leon had left,

"Morris, how did you know to bring me breakfast?"
Morris, who had been making his bed and paused to look at the Prince to answer him,

"My lord, I am in the stables every morning from dawn to brush down Hengreon and Llamrei, I met Merlin when he was about to leave on Thunder. It was then that he told me I was to resume full duties for a week or so."

Arthur waited for Morris to leave before moving away from the window and over to the fireplace where he made an attempt at straightening the crushed letter to re-read it one more time before throwing it into the fire. He didn't know why he was angry, just that he was.

He doesn't know what possessed him to do that- to burn a letter that wasn't even his. Recently though, he had noticed that he did things that hardly made sense to him anymore and somehow they were all connected to just one man.


A deep rooted feeling kept clawing at Arthur. Kept saying that Merlin's place was by his side, the same voice that told him that Merlin was his. Always had been.

Something that sounded much like Arthur himself but just a bit darker, more jaded, something... more


So, how was it? Any thoughts.

Literally the only thing that made me write this chapter were the comments I received on it- be it critiquing or complementing my work. So, please continue doing that, you have no idea how much it helps.
It is possible that I have overlapped some ideas from the previous book. If you see something like that- please lemme know. I wrote the first book 2 years ago so it is very much possible.

Also, please lemme know if you spot any typos!