Author's note: I am so incredibly sorry for taking this long to finish this two shot. This was meant to be finished way earlier, but real life and other projects started kicking my arse until I sat down and finished this basically in one setting. Again, I'm so sorry for taking so long! I never intended to have you waiting for a couple of months for this *winces*

If you've read "Throughout the Years" you might notice that certain scenes in this chapter seem familiar. That's because I've decided to make this a compagnon fic to Sasuke's birthday fic as his theme was similar to this one.

Thanks to the following reviewers: Mila Pink; Ern Estine 13624; GAARA12223; PinkiePieParty122894; babyvfan; cake0108; solitare1; Kay Stars; yukino76; Sweetciel; TheBeauty; Meehalla; Tee; SehunsBae37

Warnings: Drama; violence; canon character death; implied mature content; time skips; some lines in some scenes were taken directly from the manga; short implied relationship between Naruto and Hinata; fluff

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Kishimoto owns it.

I hope you'll like this and again my apologies for posting it so late!

Part 2

He leaves with Jiraiya practically as soon as he's discharged, Tsunade seeing them off with her lips pursed and her arms crossed underneath her large breasts. She isn't happy to see them leave, agrees with Jiraiya that Sasuke is a lost cause, but Naruto is nothing if not stubborn and determined and after two days of him needling her and pestering her at her office, she's given in.

She allows him to leave the village in order to train with Jiraiya, but not before cautioning him to be careful and to focus on other things besides Sasuke. He nods obediently, but all he can think of is getting strong enough to get Sasuke back, powerful enough to bring his best friend back to the village and save him before it's too late.

He knows Jiraiya doesn't agree with his goal, but he doesn't care. Yes, he wants to become Hokage, but attaining that position will be worth nothing if it means he can't even bring his best friend back. How can he be responsible for an entire village if he can't even save his friend?

No, he'll train with Jiraiya, do his best to develop that damn Rasengan properly, and by the time he and Sasuke will meet again, he'll have become strong enough to drag that idiot back to Konoha. Seriously, Sasuke loved calling him an idiot, but who's the one who willingly went to a creepy snake bastard? That's right, that bastard! So who's really the idiot now?

"Keep it up, brat, I'm not about to go easy on you," Jiraiya warns him when they leave Konoha far behind them; the trees of the forest separating them from the village.

"Never said you had to go easy on me, Ero-sensei!" Naruto retorts, sticking out his tongue. A grin unfurls across his mouth when Jiraiya launches himself from the ground onto a tree branch and he follows the older man quickly.

He can't wait until he's grown strong enough to see Sasuke again!

Travelling with Jiraiya is … interesting.

He's travelled outside the village before, naturally, during missions with Team Seven, but there's something different about travelling with just one other person. A person whose complete attention is devoted to him alone – unless there are pretty women nearby then Naruto might as well just be a plant.

He doesn't really mind. Sure, he doesn't really understand why Jiraiya is so interested in women; nor does he understand his proclivity for booze, despite the fact that the older man has told him several times already that shinobi have to follow three basic rules: no booze, no women and no money. Personally Naruto thinks Jiraiya isn't very good at following those three important prohibitions, but whatever. He's still a rather cool guy and he's teaching him all sorts of techniques!

He's also one of the very few adults who willingly spends time with Naruto, without looking at him like he's a monster. He jokes around with him, tells him all kinds of stories of things that happened to him during his travels, and if he's not distracted by beautiful women, he's a really good teacher as well.

They're somewhere near the Hidden Stone Village in the Land of Earth when they celebrate Naruto's fourteenth birthday. It's the second time he celebrates his birthday with somebody – somebody who actually wants him near – and the whole day he feels like he's going to cry.

Not because he's sad, but because Jiraiya's going out of his way to let him have a great day. He even puts training on hold – "Only for today, squirt. Tomorrow's back to business as before." – and takes him to a hot spring. For once he doesn't even attempt to take a peek in the women's bath and that only makes Naruto's grin wider.

"Here." Jiraiya breaks a popsicle in two and shoves one half at Naruto, who accepts it startled.

"What?" Naruto can only stare at the blue popsicle, not entirely sure what is happening right now.

The white haired man shrugs and pays the cashier. "For you."

"It's October," Naruto points out, but it's a rather moot point given that the weather is still relatively mild for the time of the year. There has been some rain in the past week, but overall it looks like summer is still fighting autumn for dominance and it's currently winning.

Jiraiya raises an eyebrow. "And your birthday. What's the point, brat?"

His heart skipping a beat, Naruto grins and stuffs the popsicle in his mouth before it can start melting. "Nothing!" he exclaims cheerfully, following the older man outside the store.

They sit together on a bench near the border of the village and Jiraiya doesn't pull away when Naruto leans against his shoulder.

Silently Naruto wonders whether this is how family feels like. He decides he likes this feeling – whatever it may be – very much.

He ends up stuffing the stick of his popsicle into his bag when Jiraiya is not looking. He knows it's stupid to keep something like that as a memento, but he doesn't want to part with it either. How many times hasn't he watched parents sharing popsicles or other candy with their children, wishing he had someone to do the same thing with him?

Unknowingly Jiraiya has made his wish come true and this stick, small and dyed blue, will always have that amazing memory attached to it.

So he carefully puts it away in his bag that evening before he crawls into his sleeping bag and rolls onto his back. The old pervert is snoring softly next to him, his mouth parted slightly, and Naruto crosses his arms underneath his head and looks up at the sky.

Sees the millions of stars twinkling in the darkness and wonders whether Sasuke is looking at the sky tonight too.

He's nearing his sixteenth birthday when Jiraiya decides it's time to go back to Konoha.

Naruto hasn't set foot in the village since he was thirteen years old, beaten down and weak after losing his best friend, and he wonders how much it has changed.

Questions quietly, deeply at night when he's supposed to be sleeping but can't because he's becoming a bit nervous with every step closer they take to Konoha, how much his friends have changed. Is Kiba still training with his loyal dog Akamaru? Has Shikamaru grown out of his laziness or will Naruto still find him spread underneath a tree, catching a nap? Is Bushy Eyebrows still fixated on his idea of youth and training like a mad guy together with Gai-sensei?

And Sakura; what is she doing now? Sasuke has been with Orochimaru for these past years – not that he will be there for much longer if Naruto has a say in it – and Naruto has been on the road with Jiraiya, training. Has Sakura been training with Kaka-sensei all this time or has she found another sensei? If so, who? How much will she have changed since he last saw her?

He's both excited and apprehensive, wanting to rush to Konoha at once while at the same time wanting to stretch out the time he has left alone with Jiraiya for just a little bit longer.

He's changed a bit, he knows, and not only physically. It's just that he's a bit worried about how much his friends have changed.

Well, he'll find out soon just how much, won't he?

Witnessing Sasuke disappear – leave him behind for the second time, despite the fact that Naruto had been so sure today would be the day he finally brought his best friend back home – watching those dark eyes remain locked onto his until he's gone, hurts.

It makes his chest hurt so much that it makes breathing harder and he clutches his jacket tightly, sinking down onto the ground on his knees; his eyes stinging with hot tears.

He has failed again. For the second time he couldn't bring Sasuke home. For three years he'd trained – and yet he still couldn't do it.

All that time and yet … nothing.

For years he has assumed he knows Sasuke, understands him at a level that others can't even hope to reach.

He realises he's never truly understood the Uchiha heir until he's told that Jiraiya died during a mission. His godfather had been looking for information about the Akatsuki and had encountered the leader of them: Pein. Jiraiya's body won't ever be retrieved; the only reason Konoha knows he's dead is because he sent a frog with the information he'd gathered.

Jiraiya, the man who always appeared larger than life, nothing and nobody able to bring him down, is dead.

Someone Naruto considers to be his family, the closest link to his parents, is no longer there. He won't ever hear the older man's boisterous laugh again, he won't ever share ice cream with him again, he won't get to train with him anymore, won't ever get to talk to him again …

He's gone, wiped away from the earth by the very same organisation that almost killed Gaara, that's systematically finishing off the Jinchuuriki one by one. That's hunting down Naruto at this very same moment.

Naruto's sixteen years old and loses his family for the second time. But it's not the same, is it? Yes, he's said he never got to know his parents, but their absence doesn't really hurt that much as he never knew them in the first place.

He has got to know his godfather, though, has come to experience how an actual family feels like. And now he's gone, killed. Leaving Naruto without a family again.

Right then and there, as tears drip down his cheeks and his fingers are like claws digging into his bedsheets, he realises for the very first time how Sasuke actually feels. He's claimed to have understood him for years, but he hasn't really. He never understood Sasuke's need for revenge, his obsession with it to the point he's willing to give up his body to a snake creep if that means he can extract his revenge on his brother.

But now … He thinks he finally has an inkling as to how much grief Sasuke is actually carrying around, the burden of his family's deaths heavy enough that he's forsaken everything else for a chance to get revenge.

It hurts. It hurts so fucking much and all he wants to do now is lash out, get his hands on the bastard who'd ripped his godfather away from him and make him hurt too. He wants to find Pein, wants to hurt him over and over again if only to make him feel just a fraction of the pain, the agony which feels like it's ripping him apart.

Has Sasuke felt like this for all these years? No wonder he'd been so angry during their fight at the Valley of the End. His friend had been right – Naruto hadn't known how Sasuke felt.

I'm sorry, Sasuke, that I thought I knew you.

Next time he meets Sasuke it's going to be different, he promises.

He turns seventeen on the final day of the war, after dying once before.

He's forced to say goodbye to his dad, the jutsu no longer in place to sustain him, and he keeps standing there for a long time, all too aware of the gazes trained on him. He's especially aware of one particular gaze and he knows he can't escape it. He can stand here for as long as he likes, but the outcome of today won't change.

He and Sasuke are going to have their fight. Either they both survive or they both die – Naruto won't allow any other possibility. He's sworn to take any burden Sasuke has on his shoulder, has promised him to take his anger, because he's the only one who can withstand it.

It's going to be all or nothing.

No matter what happens, though, he's not going to let Sasuke be alone. He has missed his chance once before, he's not going to let this second one slip through his fingers. He'll fight for them, he'll fight for Sasuke, for his best friend.

They end up at the Valley of the End, which is rather fitting he supposes. They had their first fight here and they will have their last one here; the cycle will be complete.

As punches rain down on him, as he blocks kicks and fists, curses when the bastard uses his own hand to form a fucking fire jutsu, determination burns brightly within him.

Sasuke's snapping at him, sneering, begging for him to give up, to just die already, but Naruto refuses. He's not going to let Sasuke be alone again.

Never again.

This last attack will be his final one, he acknowledges, ignoring Kurama scolding and hissing at him, as he concentrates on forming a Rasengan. Already weakened from fighting a war, his body is ready to give up, bruised and bleeding, his headband already drifting away on the water.

One last attack and then it will be over.

Blue meets black. They clash, Rasengan meeting Chidori for the last time.

White fills his vision and he's gone.

He lost his right arm partly. He can feel his blood sluggishly dripping from the stump that's now his arm and he stares up at the darkening sky with one eye; his other one too swollen to open.

Everything hurts; an agony unlike anything he's ever felt before. They're probably going to die soon if the bleeding doesn't stop.

Next to him Sasuke lies, his own left arm a victim of their attack. His blood is sliding down the rock they're lying on, pooling together with Naruto's. He's not looking any better than Naruto feels and that makes Naruto want to smile. He finally succeeded in making the Uchiha look any less than perfect.

Sasuke's questioning him, asking him why he would go so far for him when everyone else has already given up. Naruto considers not answering, because seriously, it's a stupid question and how can the bastard still not realise it? Isn't he supposed to be some kind of genius?

"Because we're friends," Naruto mumbles exhausted. Isn't that obvious?

Sasuke stares at him for a while before narrowing his eyes and of course the bastard has to be difficult again, even whilst bleeding out. "You've already said that … But what exactly … does friend mean to you?" he asks slowly; his eyes dark and heavy.

Prepared to give his usual answer, Naruto parts his lips before closing them and thinking. The way Sasuke words it warns him this is an important question. He'd answered the black haired man before when he'd asked him why he refused to give up, but obviously that in't the answer Sasuke is looking for now.

What does 'friend' mean to him? It seems such a simple question but he quickly realises it's anything but simple. Well, it's a simple one if Sakura or Kiba or Gaara would be the one asking the question. Sasuke, though … He's a completely different matter. He can't be added to the same category as his other friends and he realises with a growing sense of frustration that he can't even exactly explain why Sasuke is different.

He just is. He's always been different and always will be, no matter how old they'll become.

"Even if you were to ask me to explain it, I honestly don't think I'd really have an answer … It's just, when I see you carrying that burden and going on about everything the way you do … Somehow …" Naruto pauses and he flicked his one working eye up to the dark sky. "I just … hurt."

From the corner of his eye he can see black eyes widening and Naruto sighs softly. "It hurts so much inside, that I can't just leave it alone, you know?" he continues and turns his head with some difficult to Sasuke and a chuckle escapes him, even if the action hurts him even more. "Though right now, I'm in a lot of pain all over, and I can't do anything about it." His weak grin turns wryly and can't help but moan softly in pain as another bolt of sharp stabbing pain travels down his spine.

Fuck, this isn't how he'd expected to spend his seventeenth birthday. Hell, he may not even live past the next day at this rate.

Unwillingly his eyes slide back to Sasuke, whose features are soft and delicate even with the rusty colour of blood marring his porcelain pale skin.

Then again, he can think of worse places to spend his birthday at than lying next to Sasuke. If he dies tonight, at least he can die with the knowledge that he got his best friend back in the end.

When Naruto regains consciousness next, the sun is rising slowly, colouring the sky a soft yellow. Some white clouds drift aimlessly above them and he blinks dazedly, wondering if perhaps this is heaven after all.

"Where are we?" he muttered bemused. "This isn't heaven, is it?!" Shit, it would suck so badly if he had ended up dying after all!

"Looks like we fell asleep and slept all night," Sasuke answers, proving he's awake too. "We've failed to die again." He sounds vaguely amused even though he looks paler than yesterday.

"G-Gah! I still can't move my body!" Naruto utters in frustration after trying to rise up. Every cell in his body is screaming in pain and he's on the verge of blacking out again when he stops moving. "I was hoping to clobber you and make you finally, really open your eyes!" How the hell is he supposed to smack some actual sense in this idiot if he can't even move his damn toe without his body screaming in pain?!

He's utterly shocked when Sasuke suddenly starts laughing. It starts out as a weak chuckle at first, a bit wheezy even, but it quickly evolves into an actual full blown laughter; the sound filling the air between them.

"Wh-what's so funny?" he sputters gobsmacked. He can't recall one moment in which the last Uchiha had actually laughed this loudly before, but now the bastard has suddenly found a reason to laugh? Maybe Naruto punched him too hard in the head after all.

"We're all messed up and you still want to fight?" Sasuke questioned amused; his one eye – the one which is not heavily bruised – gleaming when he gazes at the blond.

That fires up Naruto immediately. "Of course! No matter how many times it takes …"

"I admit it."

Those words shock Naruto into silence and he stares at the other man.

"That … I've lost," Sasuke continues with a smile, not looking upset at all. In fact he looks even somewhat relieved as if a heavy burden has at long last left him.

"Fool! This fight isn't about winning or losing! It's about punching a sulking friend and making him snap out of it!" Naruto snaps furiously and if he could move without hurting too badly, he would have punched Sasuke again, because clearly that fucking idiot still doesn't get it! "The real match that I want comes after that!"

That gets him an odd smile as Sasuke closes his eyes for a moment and begins, "Hey, Naruto."


"I've acknowledged you now … If I die here, the long cycle of destiny the Sage of Six Paths mentioned will probably end as well."

Naruto remains quiet, even as the words, the memory of the old man, make his stomach squeeze and flip uncomfortably.

"This is a type of revolution too," Sasuke goes on serenely. "You can undo the Infinite Tsukuyomi after I'm dead … By transplanting my left eye into Kakashi or someone else. I … will put an end to myself."

That's not an option. Naruto's not going to allow that, is not going to stand by and watch Sasuke, the one person in the world who completely understands him, off himself. That's not going to happen. No way, no how, never.

Anger, blazing hot, courses through his face and he snaps furiously, "Don't you dare! You dying isn't going to settle things! If you'd go that far, then live and help me instead! What I want to do is get all shinobi to cooperate with each other! Including you, of course!"

Don't die and leave me all alone again.

"Just because you want that doesn't mean others will agree to it," Sasuke remarks, because of course the bastard has to be contrarily all the fucking time.

"Yeesh! Fine, go ahead, keep sulking and whining … I'll beat you up again!"

"There's no guarantee I won't stand against you again," Sasuke warns him, the look on his face dark and solemn.

"Then I'll stop you again! Actually, I know you're not going to do that kind of thing anymore!" Naruto says triumphantly and wants to cross his arms, before ouch, fuck, yeah, he can't do that. Still his point remains: no matter how much Sasuke worries he'll slip into the darkness again, Naruto is sure that won't happen again.

"How can you say that? How can you be so sure?" Sasuke wonders and he looks so lost, so young, like he can't believe, like he doesn't dare to believe what Naruto's saying, that the blond's heart breaks a bit.

He hides his own heartache by getting pissed off. "Don't make me keep repeating myself! Do you still not understand anything?! Now that I think about it, you were always pretty stupid too!" he huffs irritated.

When Naruto looks at him next, he's stunned when he sees tears sliding down Sasuke's face, even as the man smiles.

"Shut up … usuratonkachi."

Naruto smiles too, his chest warming. They'll be all right, he knows.

Naruto's turned nineteen a month ago when he has to fight a crazy bastard on the moon and get back Hinata before it's too late.

She kisses him when they're back home and it feels nice. She's nice and sweet and pretty and for a while everything is good between them.

He should be happy now, he knows. Everything's been rather peaceful lately, the villages are cooperating with each other now instead of waging war, and he has a sweet, beautiful girlfriend – what more can he want?

He slowly finds out that while he loves her long, dark hair, he finds himself wishing it was a lot shorter and spikier. When she looks at him with her pale lavender coloured eyes filled with love and admiration, he can only remember black eyes, sparking with a fire only he can elicit in them.

When he hugs her soft, curvy body against his, he catches himself wondering how it would feel to hug a body which is a lot firmer and more muscled, even a bit taller than him. He listens to her bidding him a good night before they part ways and recalls a low voice whispering into his ear, telling him if he had time to chase him, he should be training more.

She kisses him and all he can think of sometimes is the way firm lips had melted against his for a brief second all these years ago.

He may be dense at times, but he realises quickly that what he wants, he can't find in Hinata, no matter how hard he tries.

"I'm sorry," he tells her on a beautiful spring day, feeling guilty, but knowing he can't keep stringing her along. That wouldn't be fair to her.

She nods and smiles weakly, brushing the back of her hand over her eyes. "It's okay. I understand," she says and the worst thing is – she probably does.

When Sakura finds out he broke up with Hinata, she shouts at him, calls him an idiot and punches him, raving about his stupidity and wondering what he hell he was thinking.

He doesn't tell her. Doesn't want to admit that that is something he asks himself as well. He gave up something real for something that might not ever come true.

Maybe he really is an idiot.

He's almost twenty years old when Sasuke tracks him down, his eyes blazing Sharingan red and Rinnegan purple. He's furious, looks ready to punch Naruto in the face, accusing him of not getting it.

"What don't I get?" Naruto yells in frustration, throwing his hands up. What the fuck has he done to piss off the Uchiha this badly when they hadn't even seen each other in nearly a year?!

Sasuke stares at him, his chest heaving up and down, looking equally frustrated before he suddenly strides over to Naruto, cutting the distance between them. His right hand shoots out and snatches blond strands tightly, making Naruto hiss at the sting. Before he can complain, Sasuke crushes their lips together, kissing him deeply; the kiss so full of frustration and longing and despair that it leaves the blond stunned.

On his own accord, his hands slide up Sasuke's cloak, reaching for his shoulders, for anything to grab on so he can steady himself against the hurricane that is the last living Uchiha, but before his hands can reach their goal, Sasuke pulls back, staring at Naruto with wide, dark eyes.

He breathes out slowly and steps back, snatching his hand back. "That's what you don't get," Sasuke says roughly. He clears his throat and his cheeks fill with red. "That's what I thought you understood when I … It doesn't matter. I'll understand if you – if you hate me now. I know about you and Hinata and … I wanted you to know this."

He's gone before Naruto can recover.

Naruto wastes no time in tracking the idiot down, fury spurring him on and when he finds Sasuke, he punches him straight in his stupid pretty face and kisses him.

"Would you fucking stop running away?!" Naruto demands angrily and his nails dig into Sasuke's hips while he peppers Sasuke's shocked face with light, soft kisses. "Why do you always think that running away will help?! For once in your goddamn life, stay! You stupid bastard!"

He nearly chokes on the last words, but Sasuke nods and his touch is gentle when he cups Naruto's cheek and kisses him back.

They celebrate Sasuke's twenty-first birthday in the small cottage they share together, one built deep within the woods near Konoha. He and Sasuke had had a lot of arguments about their living arrangements. Naruto doesn't want to leave Konoha behind, but Sasuke can't stand living in the place that ordered his family's death and yeah, Naruto can understand that. Doesn't blame Sasuke for it.

But he can't just completely leave Konoha behind either, because he still has his friends there and baa-chan and Iruka-sensei and he can't just abandon them.

They compromise by building a small cottage in the woods near Konoha, together with the help of Kiba and Chouji. It's close enough for Naruto to pick up missions and meet up with his friends on a regular basis, but it's also far enough for Sasuke to feel at ease.

Sasuke still refuses to carry out missions like other shinobi, but he helps Kakashi by gathering information about criminals and travelling across the world to search for knowledge about Kaguya. She's completely gone, sealed away by them, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Naruto has just turned twenty-one when he and Sasuke make love to each other for the first time.

Naruto's missions and Sasuke's quest have made it difficult for them to spend a lot of time together and whenever they find a moment, their touches are hurried, rushed in order to make the most of it. They know all about pleasing the other one with their hands and mouths, but they haven't found the time yet to go one step further.

Until now that is.

As the wind whistles softly through the trees, making branches creak and leaves rustle, they flip off the lights in the rooms downstairs and go up to their bedroom. Moonlight spills through the only window in the room, painting everything it touches in silver.

Sasuke's hair glints black and blue when he steps into the moonlight and awe fills Naruto at how ethereal Sasuke looks right now. They undress each other slowly, taking their time to brush against warm skin, mapping out muscles, skimming across sensitive places and caressing firm stomachs. When they're completely naked, Sasuke pushes him on the bed and crawls between his open legs. They stop for a moment and stare at each other, both very aware that nothing separates them anymore. Naruto should feel vulnerable now, but he doesn't. He knows he can trust Sasuke.

Something passes between them and then Sasuke catches his mouth in a soft, deep kiss and they start moving once more.

It's everything Naruto has hoped for and more. It's in the way Sasuke moans softly when he flicks his thumbs over his nipples at the same time; the way Sasuke kisses him back eagerly as Naruto takes his time caressing and stroking Sasuke's chest and back, before his hands dip down to touch firm legs. It's the way their hips roll together, pleasure making Naruto's fingertips tingle.

It's the way wonder fills Sasuke's face when he pushes forwards and breaches Naruto, opening him up for the first time, entwining their bodies completely. It's dark eyes gazing at him with so much love and tenderness, it makes a lump form in Naruto's throat and he has to blink tears away.

It's those same dark eyes slipping close, a sob escaping Sasuke's red swollen lips and an arm tightening around his shoulders when Naruto leans up and murmurs roughly, "I love you, Sasuke."

It's simply everything.

It's him and Sasuke together.

When they're both twenty-five and spring is hesitatingly making its way into the country, Sasuke shows up with a little boy and a baby girl. Siblings, the only two survivors of a small town decimated ruthlessly by a criminal gang.

The two year old boy is named Ken and he stares at Naruto with wide, terrified eyes from his place next to Sasuke, his little fist clenched in the man's cloak. His little sister, barely one year old, is cradled in Sasuke's arm, and is named Haruka. How fitting both their names are.

The story leaves Sasuke in rush; his cheeks tinged pink and while he may not even realise it, longing rings loudly in his voice when he explains he couldn't just leave them behind.

Naruto listens and already knows his answer before Sasuke even finishes his tale, has known it from the moment Sasuke stumbled inside the cottage with two small children clutched against him.

Naruto kneels down and spreads his arms, wraps Ken in a warm hug; the hug he'd wished he'd got when he'd been Ken's age and feeling lost and alone in the world. He promises the boy that everything will be all right, you'll see, he and Sasuke will make everything better, and when he looks up, Sasuke is still standing there, cradling Haruka against his chest.

Blue locks onto black and Naruto smiles. "We're going to be your family from now on, okay, Ken, Haruka?" he murmurs and the boy sniffles, his cheeks tearstained, but he tucks his face into Naruto's neck and allows the blond to pick him up and settle him on his hip. He walks over to Sasuke and extends a finger to carefully caress Haruka's rosy pinked cheek. The girl looks at him sleepily and blinks.

"Thank you, Naruto," Sasuke chokes out and neither of them comments on the fact that their lips taste rather salty when they meet for a sweet kiss.

Naruto celebrates his twenty-sixth birthday a year later. But he doesn't celebrate it alone. He celebrates it with baa-chan and Sakura, with Shikamaru and the rest of his friends, with Gaara popping by for a visit.

More importantly, he celebrates it with Sasuke, his best friend and lover, and their son Ken and their daughter Haruka.

From now on, he won't ever have to celebrate his birthday alone again.

With Haruka on his lap, Ken colouring a picture at his feet and Sasuke's arm wrapped around his shoulder, their bodies pressed against each other, Naruto has never been happier.

He has a family now and that's all that matters.

He won't ever be that lonely, sad boy again. A bright future awaits him and he knows he can handle everything it will throw at him.

Because he has Sasuke and their children at his side.

The End

AN2: Will I ever not suck at endings? It's a mystery *shrugs*

I hope it wasn't too bad! Please leave your thoughts behind in a review; should you spot any mistakes, please point them out to me.

I hope to see you all again in my future stories and I wish you all a Happy New Year!



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