Honoka's Bizarre Adventure: µ's Is Unbreakable

Full summary: In the school year of 2013, it was announced Otonokizaka High School would close. Determined to keep their beloved school open, three schoolgirls form an idol group called µ's int he hopes of drawing enough attention to the school in the hopes of keeping it open. But when an arrow awakens latent Stand abilities in Tokyo, these girls find their once peaceful goal of saving their school through singing and dancing mired with deadly combat, where one mistake could mean the difference between life and a gruesome death. Now, these girls fight not only with their singing and dancing to keep their school open, but with the fists of their Stands in order to protect the city they call home and love, not only from those who would use this arrow for their own nefarious purposes, but also from a parasitic demon that rooted itself into their city before they were even born... (A loose adaption of Part 4, Diamond Is Unbreakable, albeit with different characters and Stands.)

EDIT: As of 10/21/18, this chapter has been minorly edited and cleaned up, an edit to a line about "not letting her (Honoka's) friends," knowing what's going on has been changed, as well as a change to the full summary.

Chapter 1: Fight On, Honoka Kousaka! (Part 1)

It was a day like any other when the fate of several young girls in the city of Tokyo was changed forever.

"Honestly, this may sound egotistical -so keep it between us!- but… part of me feels like we're heroes for doing this, you know? Well, maybe that's the wrong word, but when I was a young girl I really wanted to be a somebody who did something important one day. And I love this school, Otonokizaka. I'm… happy. That we're saving it. I don't care about being recognized, but… I don't feel like a nobody right now. I feel like a somebody."

There are many points it could be said a story truly begins. Does it begin at birth? When the action begins? At what point does a plot truly 'begin?'

"Honoka, quick slacking!"

"Uuu, Umi-chan, just give me five minutes to rest!"

"It's only been two rounds already! Did you stay up late or something, Honoka?"

"O-of course not! It's just really hot, Umi!"

"I could go for a break too, nyaaa…"

"I… fine. Everyone take five. Honoka, no more complaining after this, got it?"

"Of course, of course!"

It can be said in the tale of of µ's, there are many moments where it can be said the bizarre adventure of the Otokonizaka High School's Idol Study Club's 2013 school year began. Did it begin when Honoka, Kotori, and Umi formed an unbreakable bond as children? Upon learning of Otokonizaka's was to be closed, or perhaps it was the moment they saw A-RISE perform and decided to become idols? Was it that moment that had not even transpired, when the three became nine?


Or was it that moment that Arrow pierced into their lives, awakening something beyond their wildest dreams?

Honestly, Honoka really did hate waking up at 5:30 AM, she really did. Honoka was never really a morning person before, or the kind of person who went to bed early; the whole thing had been a massive change to her sleep schedule that had taken her a few days to adjust too. And even then, she really missed crashing at midnight and still getting a good few hours of sleep.

But! As far as Honoka was concerned, it was a small price to pay for µ's. Going to bed early, getting up early was just part of the idol's routine. Besides, a better sleep schedule totally keeps you cuter! She thought to herself as encouragement, grinning as she made her way to the shrine for morning practice. "Heeey, everybody!"

"Good morning, Honoka-chan!" Kotori replied happily, nodding at her childhood friend.

"Good to see you made it on time," Umi replied, wiping some sweat off her brow. Having gotten there first, she thought it'd be appropriate for her to go first.

"Good morning, nyaaa~!" Rin took it a step forward, giving her new friend a hug, and Honoka laughed and hugged back while Hanayo and Maki simply gave respectful nods and smiles.

"And remember everyone, we practice afterschool today too," Umi reminded the rest of µ's, nodding in response. "It's gonna be really hot today and we'll have no shade up there; make sure to bring water bottles, and we'll head inside if we have to," Umi instructed, as the girls nodded once more. In truth Umi was rather pleased with how on-board everyone was; she had been disciplined by her time in the Archery Club, and she was pleased that even these first years were so willing to do all the work.

"Alright, everybody! Remember, we jog until it's time to go to school!" and the rest of µ'snodded, resuming the morning exercises. Rin outperformed by far, sometimes sprinting up the stairs when nobody else would go quite so fast (Maki had scolded her more than once about tripping, only to be ignored to her ire). Honoka could not help but frown when she saw Hanayo behind, putting on a smile before walking back to her.

"Come on, Hanayo-chan. Just walk; even that's exercise ya know!" she encouraged, offering a hand to the girl. "We can go the rest up the rest of the stairs together!" Hanayo smiled, but shook her head and try to resume a slow jog. "H-hey, seriously, be careful about pushing yourself Hanayo-chan!"

"I don't want to be a burden," Hanayo assured, trying her best to go up the rest of the way in a jog, nearly collapsing a few more steps up.

"W-whoah, wait a second!" Honoka told her, catching her and resting her down on the stairs. "I'm serious, Hanayo-chan! You don't look too hot… this took some getting used for me and Umi and Kotori too, we've always been kinda athletic," well, she and Umi anyways. "You gotta know your limits…"

Hanayo's cheek flushed with embarrassment. This was her first real conversation with Honoka one-on-one, and she felt like an embarrassment to this group now. What kind of idol couldn't just run up some steps? "I… I…"

Honoka smiled, sitting down next to her. "You know, when I was little, Umi and Kotori and me used to run around and do all sorts of stuff… but we haven't done that in a long time. I miss climbing trees and stuff. It's kind of nice, doing all this stuff with you all, like I'm relieving part of my childhood," she began, much to Hanayo's confusion.

"I'm sorry, what — "

"And now you and Rin and Maki are all a part of it! It already feels like I've known you all for years, and I bet Umi and Kotori feel the same way!" Honoka reassured. "So… don't feel like you gotta try so hard just to impress us, OK? You're already a School Idol, so you don't gotta try kissing our butts! And if you're feeling unwell, you should lie down and rest! If you overwork yourself, it could be really really really bad!"

The words made Hanayo go quiet, before the quiet girl's smile finally returned. Do I really belong here? Hanayo thought to herself in that moment. If nothing else though, at least a measure of ease was brought to Hanayo's mind that she wouldn't be abandoned; at least not at this moment, anyways.

"… Just let me catch my breath, OK?" Hanayo asked, Honoka giving a thumbs up in return. "I can't believe I'm doing this… I-I still can't believe I'm gonna be an idol…"

"Gonna be? You are an idol, silly!" Honoka took a sip of her water bottle before handing it to Hanayo. "You're one of us now, so you're absolutely an idol! Ya gotta stop acting like you're trying to apply or something!" Hanayo smiled and sipped the water herself. "Hey, Hanayo-chan?"

"Yes, Kousaka-san?"

"What would you have done if it wasn't for µ's? Ya know, if we weren't doing this?"

"Well… I wanted to do something athletic. I thought it'd help build up confidence… me and Rin were looking at track."

"Oooo, I almost did that, ya know! Hehehe… I kind of didn't do anything my entire first year, almost applied for kendo though. Kinda made my mom angry with that…" she sighed before smiling. "Just a normal highschool life, huh?"

"Yeah. I-I never thought I'd do anything… you know, really noteworthy when I was in highschool. Just talk to Rin and keep my head low…" Hanayo's tone dropped a bit, sighing. "… I still want to do good in this though, I really do…"

Honoka nodded, before looking up at the sky, smiling at the sun hiding behind clouds before turning to Hanayo. "Hey, Hanayo-chan. Mind if I tell you something? I'd feel super awkward telling it to Umi or Kotori…"

"O-Oh! Um, sure thing, Kousaka-san!

Honoka paused before looking back at the concealed sun once more, squinting before closing her eyes. "Honestly, this may sound egotistical -so keep it between us!- but… part of me feels like we're heroes for doing this, you know?"

"A hero…?"

"Well, maybe that's the wrong word, but when I was a young girl I really wanted to be a somebody who did something important one day. And I love this school, Otonokizaka," it had taken her a while to realize it, but she did. Seeing how happy her mom was in her photos as a highschooler, her grandmother too, all of this history her family had in this school… it made her feel proud. It made her very happy to call herself a second year of Otonokizaka High School. "I'm… happy. That we're saving it. I don't care about being recognized, but… I don't feel like a nobody right now. I feel like a somebody," and she paused, before smiling. "… I'm sorry, that probably sounds super lame, huh? I-if you don't tell them I'll get you some bread later! And — "

"I love it."

"… Huh?"

Hanayo's smile returned once more, one of her hands balled into a fist. "T-that's… that sounds exactly what an idol would say, Kousaka-san!"


"Yeah! All uplifting, confident, full of love, but also some humility… even though you're not singing or anything, that's what an idol would say! It's… it's amazing, Kousaka-san!"


"I-I just said yes!"

Honoka made a happy squeal before hugging the first year, grinning from ear-to-ear. "Weeeeh, thank you sosososo much Hanayoooo! I promise I'm not gonna let you down! I'm gonna — "


… Aaaaaaaand there was Umi, of course. Hanayo gulped, before Honoka faced her. "Let me deal with this, alright?"

"What's going on!? I'd get it if you had to walk, but you two are completely stopped!"

"Hehe… sorry Umi, I got really tired…"

"No excuses! Come on you two, let's go!" Umi demanded, with Honoka sighing. "Honoka, quick slacking!

"Uuu, Umi-chan, just give me five minutes to rest!"

"It's only been two rounds already! Did you stay up late or something, Honoka?" Umi demanded, glaring daggers at her old friend.

"O-of course not! It's just really hot, Umi!"

"I could go for a break too, nyaaa…" Everyone else had came back to check on them as well, and Honoka and Hanayo internally were fairly relieved

"I… fine. Everyone take five. Honoka, no more complaining after this, got it?"

"Of course, of course!" Honoka said with a laugh, nudging Hanayo. "Don't worry, I know her like a book!" Hanayo gave a little giggle as everyone sat down.

I'm doing something worth talking about, Honoka thought, looking at the girls chatting around her. This is a good thing, µ's was a good thing. They would absolutely save the school, she was so sure of it! And then…

Umi's eyes narrowed as she saw a glint of something in the sunlight. Something moving…

We're gonna save the school, Honoka thought to herself. Granny, are you watching? We're gonna save the school you and mom went to. We're gonna make it so even Yukiho wants to go! Every last one of us

"Umi-chan?" Kotori asked, noticing her friend's expression. "Is something wrong?"

"Is that… hey, do you see something over there?"

Remember when I dressed up as Superman when I was six for Halloween? I feel just like that again. We're gonna save everything, just you watch!

"Yeah it's… hey, it's coming fast- hey! Honoka is —!"

Umi's eyes widened in alarm, bolting upright. "HONOKA! LOOK OUT!"

I feel

"… Kousaka-san?"

Hanayo didn't immediately process what was going on when an arrow pierced the throat of Honoka Kousaka, entering the left side of her throat and coming out her right, blood splattering on her face.

"K… Kousaka…!?"

like a baby bird just starting to soar!

And with that thought, she collapsed, eyes empty and expressionless.

At first, there was a moment of silence.

And then, panic.

"HONOKA!?" Kotori screamed, rushing to the side of her dearest friend as fast as she could without tripping on the stairs. "Honoka!? Honoka! Answer me! H-Honoka!" In her panic she tried shaking her, paling at seeing the weapon imbedded in her friend's throat. "Oh God, Honoka!"

Hanayo's mouth contorted into a silent scream, her eyes wide as she backed away. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, but no sounds would come out. Rin quickly hugged her to try to assure her, but her own eyes showed immense panic as well, as Maki covered her mouth with trembling hands as Umi rushed down as well.

"W-what happened!?" Maki asked, unable to move from her spot; from her position she could see the object imbedded in her friend's throat. "Is… is that…!"

"Get to shelter now! All of you!" Umi demanded, kneeling by her friend. "Take cover and get help!"

"S-shouldn't we stay!?" Rin asked, now crying. "Honoka is… s-shouldn't we stay by her!?"

"It's an arrow! Somebody fired it! They probably have more; they're probably getting ready to fire another!" The true horror of their situation was now upon them. Rin attempted to hug Hanayo tighter, not even aware of the discomfort she was bringing to her as Hanayo cried, as she tried to cover her body as she scanned the rooftops. Maki backed herself into a wall as her breathing intensified, and Kotori was in a daze, crying as she gently shook her oldest and dearest friend.

"I'll watch the body! Just go! All of you!"

"U-Umi, you need to hide too — "

"Dammit, just do what I say! Just hide and call for help!" Umi demanded, looking down at Honoka. "AND WHOEVER YOU ARE, THE POLICE WILL BE HERE SOON, DO YOU HEAR ME!? WE'RE GONNA — "

But Umi's train of thought was cut off at an excruciating pain in her hand. As she looked down she saw the arrow imbedded in Honoka's throat had moved, seemingly on its own. "W… wha…?" Umi's breathing became ragged gasps as the pain finally processed, becoming a scream of pain. I didn't touch it, neither did Kotori! She thought to herself, but there wasn't much time to dwell on it; the arrow continued to move on its own, ripping through her hand and seemingly flying into the distance.

"Wha…" Rin's eyes widened as she let go Hanayo, watching the arrow fly off. "W… what the heck…?"

Everyone nearby quickly stopped their own reactions as they heard a wonderful new sound; Honoka gasping for air.

"Honoka!" Kotori hugged her as tight as she could in a panic. "I thought- we thought —!"

"D-don't move her so suddenly Kotori! The impact might've hurt her neck!" She kicked herself internally for how stupid that sounded; she was just pierced in the throat. Despite the pain in her hand however, Umi tried to keep the situation calm, and so she stopped focusing on her own self-pitrying to look at her friend once more. "Honoka, can you hear me!? You've been attacked!"

"A… attacked…?"

"Don't speak! You've been stabbed in the throat- we're gonna call an ambulance right now, just wait!" Yet in her panic Umi brought her hands to the sides of Honoka's throat, hoping she could lessen the blood flow. "Kotori! Call the police!"

"… I… I feel fine though…"

"H-Honoka!? What are you talking about!? You were just — "

"H-Honestly, everyone, I'm fine-" Honoka sat upright, feeling her throat. "I don't… feel anything, you know?"

"W-what are you talking about!?" Now Maki finally spoke, rushing over as well. "You just had an arrow! In your neck! Y-you shouldn't even be able to talk!"

"It's probably the adrenaline," She began to say. Is that even how it worked? Umi didn't know and she didn't care. "Honoka, please, lie… d… down…?"

"Umi?" Kotori asked.

"… T… there's no… wound on her…"

"W-what!?" Hanayo finally spoke out. "L-look- her blood is on me! H-how can you say there's no wound!?"

"I'm saying there's no wound! What more am I supposed to say!? Everyone, look!" and µ's rushed over, eyes widening as they saw no sign of an exit wound on her neck on either side, just some fresh blood where the arrow once was.

"H-hey… Umi, your hand…"Hanayo said, pointing at it.

"T-The arrow went through it too, I know… H-how did it move on its own?"

"N-no, not that! Look!" Hanayo lunged forward and grabbed her hand. "There's no wound either!"

"… No way, that's impossible. Hanayo, I — " but Umi's eyes widened as she looked down on her hand, and sure enough, no wound. "W… wha…"

"This is insane — " Maki began. "T-this is a dream. A nightmare. I'm back in my bed, I need to wake up…" She pinched herself once, then again, and again and again — "Come on, wake up Maki, wake up, you're gonna be late for practice with µ's… I-If one of you are dream please wake up, come on…!"


"I need to wake up or one of you needs to wake up right now —!"

"Maki!" Kotori shook her. "This isn't a dream! We're… I don't know what's going on, but… I-I think we should go to a clinic. E-explain what happened and have them look at them. I-I know this sounds crazy but we need to stay calm! If we call the police and there's no wound we'll just get in trouble, right?"

"Guys, really, I'm fine — " Honoka tried to assure, smiling, before biting on her lip. "… But, if it makes everyone feel better, let's go to the clinic, alright?" The rest nodded, submitting to the collective will. Honka put her hands to her throat, feeling the still warm blood on her, and the lack of a wound that produced them.

Truth be told, Honoka was kind of hoping Maki would wake up from a dream too.

"You know, I've heard a lot of bad lies to get out of school for a day, but this is the worst one yet. Can't you kids just fake vomiting or something? Really?"

It went without saying their story did not go over with the owner of one private clinic, the older man glaring daggers at the teenagers in his office.

"W-we're not joking!" Rin defended, stepping forward. "I-It was crazy! It came out of like, nowhere— "

"Rin, please — " Umi tried to begin.

"L-Like it was just flying through the air, nya! And like, it, went through Honoka-chan's neck, and — " Rin was cut off by a nudge to her side by Maki, who then sighed.

The doctor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Listen. Kids. I get it; you're highschoolers. I know this may not sound like the advice you'd expect from a doctor, but I wasn't the best student myself and if I think I could ditch, I took it."

"Mister — " Honoka began, taking a step forward before Kotori held out her arm.

"Didn't study for an exam? Well, while your parents may be pissed, one bad grade isn't the end of the world. If you're fighting with friends, well, skipping school ain't gonna make it go away. Gotta face that crap head-on if you ever want it to get better," the doctor encouraged, giving a faint smile. "Alright, off to school with you. And seriously; don't pick such bad lies next time."

"We are not — " but Honoka stopped when she saw the doctor glare.

"Go now, or I'm gonna have to call the police about some kids trying to play hookey. Now that's probably not what you want, is it?"

Dejected, all µ's could do was leave, making their way back to Otonokizaka.

"T-that all happened, right?" Hanayo asked. "That… wasn't a dream, right?"

"Of course, it wasn't!" Maki exclaimed, facing her fellow first year. "That was too real- we were all there! That arrow hit Honoka, and…" Maki stopped, noticing how forlorn Honoka appeared. "…'

"… Let's… just stop speaking about this for now. We're already gonna be in trouble for being late," Umi suggested. "We can… discuss this later," Umi said with a frown. She knew that was impossible, but for the time being she just wanted to comfort Honoka. She put on a smile to put her hand on Honoka's shoulder. "Whatever happened, it's over, OK?"

"Yeah, you're right…" It wasn't like Honoka to be so upset, it made everyone else feel more upset just to hear it. "Let's just go, alright? And cancel practice after school. Resting up will probably help us all," the other girls nodded, before making their way back to school.

"… A good heart."

"Eh?" Umi's head turned up, looking around.

"Something wrong?" Kotori asked.

"Didn't you just ask something?"

"… No, nobody did…"

"I… alright."

A minute or two of walking, she heard it again:

"You are a master with a good heart."

She felt uneasy.

Honoka Kousaka was many things. Energetic, loud, boisterous, even words like 'obnoxious' weren't really inaccurate. 'Quiet' however, very much was never one of them. The girl barely said a single word all day. Even during lunch the usually energetic girl sat quietly, her two oldest friends approaching her slowly with a smile.

"At least the weather is nice," Kotori remarked, taking a seat down with Honoka.

"... Yeah..."

Kotori gestured over at Umi, who then took a seat next to her too. "I think maybe we should cancel practice in the mornings for a few days. You never know if that person is still around," she remarked. 'Person,' she wanted to scoff at the word. That arrow moved on its own, and there were no wounds on them. "I'll do research when I'm home. It is a shrine, after all, perhaps there's been supernatural activity in the past." Umi had never been the type for such things, but after this morning nothing was impossible. "You go home and rest up. Kotori, why don't you help her with her homework tonight?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea!" Kotori replied, smiling as she squeezed Honoka's hand. "What do you think? Let's leave this to Umi. Oh! How about I get you some McDonalds after school?" Kotori went on, hoping to lift her spirits. She knew by 'help with homework' Umi really meant 'do it for her —' not that Kotori minded after what Honoka had gone through.

"... A microwave..."


"Once we save the school, we should talk to Ayase-san or Kotori's mom about getting a microwave in the cafeteria!"

"H-Honoka?" Umi could only blink as Honoka literally jumped, pumping a fist as she smiled at her friends.

"Imagine how great it'd be! We can only eat what they have and sell, but maybe if we had a microwave we could heat up water and make ramen! Or... or even the bread! I mean you might prefer a toaster, but warm bread is still super delicious! Umi-chan, what do you think?"

"H-Honoka? I..."

"You're right!" She wrapped an arm around Umi with a grin. "A microwave and a toaster! Then Otonokizaka will really have everything! The cutest idols to ever live, µ's, and the best cafeteria in all of Japan! All our new juniors are going to be so happy!"

"Honoka," Umi's smile was gone now.

"A-And maybe we can try to get them to consider new computers too? The ones we all have are like ten years old, they're so slow and —"


"— they crash all the time! The new students aren't gonna way to stay on Otonokizaka if they can't even do work here. Oh, and the gym! What if-"


Honoka stopped smiling.

"Honoka, we can't ignore —"

"Like hell I can't!" Honoka snapped. "That was... that thing was... in my neck- but I'm OK! Better than ever! So, who cares where it came from!? It happened and it's over!"

"It was in my hand too, Honoka! That thing tore through my hand and flew off! We can't pretend-"

"Yes, we can! We have our hands full with µ's, we don't need this too!"

"This is more than µ's, Honoka!"

"Honoka, Umi, please! Please don't fight —"

"It's not always about what you want! What if I want to know more about what happened to us!?"

"Then learn more about it for yourself! Leave me out of it!"

"Honoka, you're being absurd! We can't just —"

"Yes I can!" Honoka stomped her feet, glaring at her friend.

"You know what- fine!"

"Umi, please!"

"No, Kotori! If that's how she wants to be, fine! I'll figure this out on my own! Will that make you happy!?"

"No! What would make me happy is if you just stopped and moved on!" In her frustration she accidentally threw her bread into the air, eyes widening as she did. "O-oh no, my food!"

Umi sighed as she watched Honoka jump to reach for it, and then for the second time that day she would be struck speechless.

The bread still a good foot away from her reach when something came out of Honoka's wrist. It was undeniable, an orange arm seemingly manifested from Honoka's wrist and touched the bread; and upon a single tap sent it flying. Honoka was so shocked that she fell right on her butt, collapsing on her back.

"H-Hononka!" Kotori rushed over while Umi stared, eyes wide and mouth open. "Hey, what happened!?"

"... Honoka..."


"W-what was that, Honoka!?"

"What was what?" Kotori asked, earning a confused look from both Honoka and Umi.

"D-didn't you see it!? That thing that just came out of Honoka!?"

"What thing? I thought she just knocked the bread away by accident... Honoka, that's clumsy even for you..."

Honoka said nothing, her breathing becoming heavier and panicked, slowly picking herself up and backing away.

"Nurse's office. Let's go to the nurse now," Umi suggested, as Honoka backed away more. "Honoka, something weird is going on. This has to be connected! We need to-"

And before Kotori or Umi could do anything, Honoka sprinted off. She heard her friends yell after her and attempt to give chase, but Honoka sprinted without rest, making her way from Otonokizaka, from her friends, until their sounds couldn't be heard as she made her way into the city. She didn't care about getting in trouble, scolded, or any kind of punishment. All she knew was she needed to be away from her friends in that moment, making her way into an alleyway. "Ah... ahh..." As the stress of the entire day finally caught up to her she collapsed to her knees, vomiting on the ground before her and taking heavy breaths.

This is a nightmare, she thought, just as Maki had earlier. I need to wake up, but how? In her delusional state Honoka punched the brick wall in front of her, wincing at the pain, and forcing back a sob as she didn't wake up. Getting back on her feet she pressed her right palm against the wall, trying to remember what just happened. It just came out of her wrist, right? She took a deep breath closing her eyes. OK arm, if you're really there... come out! And she opened her eyes, but nothing was there. "Of course..."

After everything that had occurred, Honoka decided to just wander the city. Her phone vibrated almost constantly from various calls, but she ignored them; she didn't want to talk to anyone. She knew she was in for a world of trouble at home, but that didn't matter. Food, she thought. She should get a full meal before going home. Didn't Kotori recommend McDonalds or something? Anything would be better than thinking about all this on an empty stomach —

Can I do? I take it, baby! Can I do? I make it, baby!
Can I do? I take it, baby! Can I do? I make it, baby!

Honoka's train of thought was interrupted upon hearing a rather familiar song, turning around to face some TVs on display, greeted by a familiar face: A-RISE hit single. Private Wars, Honoka reminded herself. It reminded her of that fateful day at UTX, when she saw them preform. If it hadn't been for that day, would she even have begun µ's?

Their dancing is nothing like our's, she thought, frowning. They're like real professions. We're still learning the basics, she thought, sighing. If they were going to become more popular, they'd eventually have to compete with A-RISE, didn't they?

Yeah, are you leaving?
I'm not gonna chase after you
Basically, I hate creating crowds

Honoka finally smiled as she watched the three girls dance and sing, though. Just the thought of being able to preform as great as they did make her giddy inside, she had to admit. Tsubasa-san especially seems like the kind of idol I fantasized about being, when she had first bought all those idol magazines to show Kotori and Umi they had all appeared more than once, and especially Tsubasa Kira. Honoka giggled; it had already felt so long ago when Umi was opposed to being an idol. She remembered thinking for a day or two that Umi would never come on-board, and here she was now, one of µ's, ready to help save their school!

… And here Honoka was, running away from µ's and from Otonokizaka. "I'm an ass…" she muttered to herself, sighing as she watched A-RISE preform more.

I'm someone who understands the pain of loneliness
Sometimes we trade words
and think of each other at our own places
Boosting up each other's day

While not the first time she heard Private Wars sung, it was the first time she really listened to the words sung. Umi was lonely when she met her and Kotori, wasn't she? And she felt pretty lonely right now in the city. Umi and Kotori had been trying their best to cheer her up after such a horrifying incident, even if she was upset it wasn't right to just dismiss Umi so entirely was it? "Jeez, Honoka…"

Was this how Hanayo felt hearing her, Umi, and Kotori preform? Just listening to A-RISE seemed to soothe her soul a bit. If they could have a concert that reached more people, could µ's make people feel that same kind of joy?

What'cha do what'cha do? I do "Private Wars"
Hey, get a hold of justice and be sly
What'cha do what'cha do? I do "Private Wars"
Hey, life's got a bit of courage and passion, doesn't it?

Can I do? I take it, baby! Can I do? I make it, baby!
Can I do? I take it, baby! Can I do? I make it, baby!

"Alright, that's it!" Honoka exclaimed, a fist raised in the air. Noticing a few stairs embarrassment settled in, but not enough to distract her from what her new train of thought. "I gotta make it up to everyone tomorrow," she resolved. "I'll give them all fresh sweets from Homura! I'll give up my allowance for a month for it! And extra chores!" Honoka put on a determined smile, walking forward. She'd get on her knees and apologize a thousand times if she had to, anything to make it right!

But the train of thought wouldn't last for long.

Honoka jumped at the sound of a crash, and at a man jumping out of a window. Whoah! Honoka couldn't help but watch as a middle age man sprinted forward, before noticing police approaching, two cops passing by her.

"Fucking goddamn pigs," the man sneered, wiping some blood off his face. "I was fucking one of you- why the fuck aren't you helping me!? What was all that crap about brotherhood for? Assholes."

"Freeze and put your hands in the air!" one cop demanded, one now in front of Honoka. "You, girl! Get cover now; this man is dangerous!"

Honoka gulped and took a few steps back, ready to sprint off one more before noticing something; a threatening blue aura surrounding the man, and the figure that then appeared.

It was like a ghost, hovering behind the man. It was masculine in its appearance, with blue skin and piercing yellow eyes; and what Honoka could swear were red tear marks under its eyes. It wore a policeman's hat and what Honoka recognized as a policeman's uniform, both very dark blue and without any badges or anything. Why is nobody reacting!? Honoka thought, before a thought dawned on her; could it be that they could not see it? Was she the only one that could see it?

Like Umi with whatever had come out of her? Was this... also related to that arrow?

"Alright, alright, you got me?" The man gave a toothy grin, raising his hands up, as the two officers approached. But his grin didn't fade, his ghost-thing reaching for something in his pants; several pairs of knives.

"H-hey, officers! Look out!"

"We told you, go inside!"

Honoka stepped back, and then, it happened. The ghost or whatever through the knives before the officers could react, more focused on the man's raised hands. The knives found their ways into the officer's head, killing them instantly... and one knife was still heading towards her. Honoka screamed and covered herself flutily with her arms, knowing if nothing else this was gonna result in hospitalization. But a clang in front of her woke her from her paranoia, opening her eyes to inspect.

And sure enough, there were not one, but two of the orange hands, protecting her and guarding her front. "Wh..." And so, they disappeared once more, the man not caring.

"Amazing..." the man said with a grin, as Honoka tried to hide between two buildings. "Oi, girl. Forget what you saw, I mean it," he hadn't noticed her own power manifesting, believing he just happened to miss. "Before I would've had to kill you, but I don't have anything to fear from some girl like you anymore," he said, unable to hold back a laugh. "With the power of this Stand at my disposal, I don't have to fear anything ever again!" He said with a laugh. "Yoshikawa Fuhai always prevails, in the end!

Honoka gulped, nodding. That power had a name? What she did, was this a 'Stand?' Her eyes widened as the man walked into the wall besides him, literally walked into it. The man became what she could only describe as 2D, like chalk drawing on a brick building. He didn't seem to care that Honoka could witness it, slinking into the ground, laughing as he crawled into a storm drain.

All Honoka could do was drop to her knees and stare until more police arrived.

The next few hours came as somewhat of a blur to Honoka. Lots of questions at the police station. What he looked like, what she was doing there, if she could identify who it was, why she wasn't in school. Again and again she told the same story; she hid between the buildings as the fight went on and didn't see where he went. The police didn't grill too deep into it, there was no evidence tying her into any wrongdoing.

In truth, Honoka just wanted to go home and think about that ghost thing that appeared behind that man ('Fuhai' she recalled), and what had come from herself. The man called it a 'Stand.' Even her mother coming to pick her up barely registered in Honoka's troubled brain, remaining deathly quiet on the ride home.

"… Honoka…"


Even when they pulled up at Homura, she took a deep sigh and looked at her daughter sitting next to her in the car. "I'm not mad at you, and you're not in trouble."


"It was wrong of you to skip school and I'm disappointed in you. You never would have been in this situation if you hadn't skipped. You've never done this before, and not only am I upset with you, but I'm worried about this change in behavior. I'm happy you've finally dedicated yourself to a club and you're even waking up early for it- but if this is what you're going to be like because of it I want you to quit immediately, am I understood?"

"Yes, mama."

"But I'm not angry at you. I'm just happy you're safe," and as she said that she reached for Honoka's hand. "Your father is also just happy you're safe. So… let's let tonight just be a bad memory, ok love?"

"… Thank you, mama…"

Mrs. Kousaka smiled, now giving her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. Honoka hugged back, smiling gently. "I'll call you in from school tomorrow. How does that sound?"


Mrs. Kousaka blinked. "No?"

"I have to do something. For my friends. I-I'm gonna need to bring some sweets too, like some homemade mochi. Can I bring some red bean mochi tomorrow? Or green tea?"

"I… well, I'll ask your father, but that should be OK."

Honoka smiled wider, hugging her. "I promise this won't happen again, OK? Some… things are just confusing right now. I'll make up for it!"

Mrs. Kousaka smiled, nodding. "I'm proud to hear that. Then go up and rest for now: you're gonna have a long day at school tomorrow, after all."

"Ehehehe…" Honoka hadn't thought that far ahead. She did skip half the day, and she already wasn't known for being the best student in school… Nontheless, she sighed and took a deep breath as she stepped inside her house, gulping upon seeing her father waiting for her, arms crossed.

"… I'm sorry, papa," Honoka said, biting on her lip. "I'm really, really, REALLY sorry."


"And I promise it won't happen again! So… please don't give up on me! It was a mistake, but I promise, I'm not gonna make the mistake again."


"… Are you mad at me, papa?"

Mr. Kousaka did not say anything at first, but took a few steps forward, hugging his oldest daughter tightly.

"… I'm glad you're safe."

And with that Honoka's eyes watered, giving her father a hug as tight as she could, before heading to her room. Yoshiko went to bed fairly early, so it seemed like that was one less awkward conversation for the night. Upon finally looking at her phone she winced at the number of missed calls, texts, and voicemails there were. She'd have to deal with that, but for now she sighed as she dialed Umi's number. "Come on, come on…"

"… Honoka?"

"I'm sorry," Honoka immediately began. "I'm so, so, so sorry."

"It's… It's OK, Honoka. Today was… I'm sorry I snapped at you."

"No, no, you were right. It's not just about me. You have a right to learn and investigate something that happened to you too. I shouldn't have snapped."

"Still, I shouldn't have pushed it so much today. I should have waited, and… I don't know what else to say. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too… but that's not what's important. I-I mean it is super important! I'm super sorry! But there's something else I wanted to tell you. Before I forget."

"What is it, Honoka?"

"What came out of my wrist. The arrow. I think I'm finding connections. Do you have a pen and paper on you?"

"Go ahead, Honoka."

"That man, he had a power too. A… a ghost was with him. It stood behind him, he used it to murder those two cops. Even though I could see it clear as day they couldn't. Remember at lunch, you saw what came out of me, but Kotori didn't."

"So, you think it's connected… to the arrow?"

"I know it's crazy, but think about it! That arrow should have killed me, but there wasn't a single wound! You were just fine too! We got pierced by it and it just… flew off on its own. We suffer no injuries, and we can both see something Kotori can't. A power of some kind- he called it a Stand."

"I've never heard of a 'Stand' before."

"Have you ever heard of an arrow that pierces you and you're just fine after?"

"Point taken."

"I'm gonna start doing research too. I just... I need answers."

"Honoka, are you sure?"

"Yeah… this is bigger than us. A bad guy has this power too," Honoka went on, looking out her window. "'Stand.' 'Arrow.' Those are the words we gotta look into."

"… Ok, Honoka. I'll start tonight. Every day, let's report what we find out, OK? But please rest tonight. You need your rest after tonight."

"I will, I promise I will. Goodnight, Umi-chan."

"Goodnight, Honoka."

And with a click of their phones, Honoka wasted no time passing out on her bed, not even bothering to undress. Umi stared at her phone though, before heading to the window. She remembered that day so many years ago, watching them from afar and when that young girl became her best friend… And in the span of only one day, everything had become so complicated. But she would stand proud alongside not only Honoka, but µ's as well. "Honoka…"

… "Destiny…"

Umi's head shot up, hearing the same voice from earlier. "H-hello?"

"A good friend, a good master, a terrible difficult destiny lies ahead…"

"A… are you… are you a Stand!?"

"Goodnight, mistress. The beginning of your adventure has not even begun."

"W-wait! Answer me!"

But nothing replied.

Honoka had expected herself to have nightmares, but her sleep was deep and dreamless once she had passed out.

It was the screams of Mrs. Kousaka at the top of her lungs that caused Honoka to bolt awake that morning.

"H-Honoka!?" Yukiho peered out her door, terrified. "T-that was mom, right!?"

"Stay in your room!" Honoka demanded her sister. "Call the police, I'm going to check downstairs!"

"A-are you crazy!? Honoka, just hide in here with me!" Yukiho begged, the poor girl shaking. "What if someone's breaking in!? S-shouldn't I try to call mom first!? No, let's go down together —"

Honoka rushed to her sister's side and gave her a hug in an attempt to call her down. "Call the police right now. I'm going to check on mom and dad."

"Honoka, I —"

"Yukiho, listen to me! I'm your big sister. Everything is going to be OK, do you understand?" Honoka smiled for her younger sister's sake, wiping a tear from her eye. "Your big sister is here, OK? Lock your doors and hide and let me and mom and dad take care of you, OK?"

"… Be careful, sis…"

"Of course," she wiped another tear and gave a hug before hearing another crash, before pulling away. "Don't open your door until the police come! No matter what!"


Honoka sprinted towards the stairs, making her way downstairs, hear heart sinking at the sight before her. "DAD!"

Mr. Kousaka laid against the wall, clutching a bleeding wound at his side ass his wife held him, glaring at the intruder while clutching a knife with one hand. "Honoka!?" She yelled upon noticing her daughter in the stairs, eyes wide. "Go upstairs! Lock yourself in your room right now!"

Honoka glanced at the intruder, eyes widening at the sight. "You…"

"Oh, you're that brat from yesterday!" Fuhai Yoshikawa replied, grinning at the girl in the stairs. "Who woulda thought we'd bump into eachother like this, what a world!" The main kept on laughing before making his way to the family's cash register. "Ah well. Listen to mommy and be a good girl and go upstairs: or you can fucking die like your dad probably is," Fuhai said, walking over to the family's cash register. "As long as I have my「Blue Slide Park」I'm fucking invincible! Call the police, I'll fucking kill every last one of them!" The man declared, summoning the familiar aura enveloping around him as the ghost-like figure appeared behind him.

Honoka remained quiet as she watched the man hold up a piece of construction paper, having what he called "Blue Slide Park" touch it; much like Fuhai had back in the city, she saw her family's cash register become thin as a piece of paper, the wicked man slapping it onto the construction paper before folding up that paper like any other and tucking it away in his backpack. Mrs. Kousaka's eyes widened at the seemingly magical sight before him, but she refused to say anything that might earn his ire.

Unfortunately, Honoka made a critical error in that moment, unable to hold back her question. "Was that what you call a Stand?"

"… What?"

Honoka's hand balled into a fist, glaring at the man. "That… that ghost thing! Was that a Stand!? Is that what you were talking about yesterday!?"

"… No way," Fuhai glared. "A little brat like you- so the arrow chose you too? Unreal," he began to advance towards Honoka. "Shit. Should've just killed you yesterday and spared me the trouble now, oh well," Fuhai began to walk towards him.


"Alright miss, I'm not gonna kill a potential partner just like that, so it's gonna be like this; come with me and ya don't' get hurt, maybe ya'll even get to live some of the good life with all the money we can make. Or I'll fucking send you to hell along with your piece of shit hero dad, how's that sound?"

Mrs. Kousaka charged towards the man as fast as she could, eyes full of hate as she intended to stab the man to death. "NOT MY DAUGHTER, BASTARD!" Unfortunately, without any way to see it, she stood no chance against「Blue Slide Park」, who with a single punch to the gut sent her flying towards the wall.


"Normal people can't' do shit against Stands! Can't see 'em, can't fight 'em! Dumbass bitch…"

He was, however, caught off guard by Honoka charging him, as opposed to having a Stand fight against him. Fuhai himself caught the punch, throwing her across the room. "The hell? Where's your Stand?" The man asked with a glare. "If you wanna fight, let's have a proper one. Now that I have「Blue Slide Park」it's undignified for someone like me to have to fight with his fists anymore. So, don't insult me, you little bitch!" Fuhai said with a glare, advancing towards the downed girl.

"Leave… my family be…!" With those words she yelled in pain as she felt a foot stomp on her back: 「Blue Slide Park's.」The Stand stomped on her back a few times before kicking her hard enough to send her flying across the room, Honoka wincing as she clutched her side. The girl had never been a fighter and despite how active she was as a child had never once broken a bone; it was the worst pain Honoka had ever experienced easily.

"Can you not use your Stand? Then how can you see mine? You know what, fuck it, it just makes this easier," Fuhai rationalized, grinning as he advanced forwards. "You know. I've never seen what it's like to see someone die by having their skull crushed. Let's make you the first," Fuhai said to the idol, grinning. "Things like sex and money are nothing compared to watching someone writhe in pain! Being some highschool bitch makes it all the better —"

"Fuck you." Honoka wasn't someone that swore often, but she muttered this one with all the contempt in her voice.

Fuhai just grinned as his advanced continued. But then his eyes widened in pain and the main let out a disgusting roar as he felt something cut his back. Looking at the floor he saw the knife once held by Mrs. Kousaka on the floor, the woman leaned the front desk as she glared daggers at him. Not being the most physically fit woman herself Mrs. Kousaka's throw didn't do much but disturb him; but still, she had landed a blow on him. "You…!"

"Get away from my daughter…!"

"Mama, get away!"

Fuhai took a few steps forward before his Stand materialized once more, throwing Mrs. Kousaka against the wall before delivering a blow stop her stomach; several in a way, to be precise. "STOP IT!"

"How fucking dare you!? You, who doesn't have a Stand, how DARE you hurt someone like me!? Do you know who I am!? I'm Yoshikawa Fuhai! I'm a Stand user! The arrow chose me, not you- how DARE you cut me!? Asshole! Forget your daughter, I'm killing you first!"

Is this how it ends?

Honoka's fists balled as she tried to push herself off the floor, wincing as she collapsed from the pain. Was this man, this thug, really going to murder her at just age 16: and her parents too? At least Yukiho would survive… their maternal grandparents were dead, but their paternal grandparents would dote on her: Yukiho was their favorite anyways, she'd be treated well. I said it'd be ok, I'm sorry Yukiho. And µ's… well, it was a good idea. I hope you five continue the dream with me gone, Honoka thought, giving into her despair. She couldn't truly complain; 16 years was so short, but it was a wonderful 16 years. And in the end, shouldn't she be happy she had those years with such wonderful friends by her side? A good life… It was mine… Yukiho, I promise I'll be your guardian angel from now on, OK? Your big sister won't abandon you ever, not even in death.

And Honoka sighed, trying to come to terms with her fate.

I don't want to die, though.

At that thought, Honoka's eyes widened like dinner plates.

Honoka grit her teeth, trying to force herself up. When had Honoka Kousaka ever given up? No matter what the odds were, Honoka stuck it until the end. How could she possibly give up on her own life of all things? "Dammit… dammit, dammit, dammit…"

She glared as she saw this vile, disgusting man advance towards her mother. She winced in the pain in her side and back and gritted her teeth, forcing herself up. She was in great pain: but nothing was broken. She had heard something like 'pain is just an illusion' once somewhere, she did not recall where but it was there in her head. It only won when she let it. As long as nothing was broken, she could move, she could fight.

Fight on.

"Fight on…"

Fight on…

Instead of the pain coursing in her body she focused instead on her hatred. Her disgust for this man, Fuhai. Her love for her parents and her desire to protect them, and the little sister upstairs to whom she had made a promise. She also thought of µ's, her precious friends whom she would never be able to see again if this man won, and Otonokizaka, the school precious to her that would be closed down if µ's did not save it. And of course, she thought for herself, her life that belonged to her and nobody else, and this man threatening.

More than anything, she was pissed. The pain was almost nonexistent to her now, as a new feeling rose in her. It felt like a raging fire was burning inside her, threatening to burn her alive from the inside unless she unleashed it. "I have to fight… fight on… fight on…!"

Fight on! Her brain screamed. Fight on! Fight on fight on fight on fight on fight on fight on!

"Fight on…!"

"… Eh?" Fuhai finally turned around.

"I have to fight fight fight fight fight fight fight…!"

And then she sprinted.


When does a story truly start? When did the story of µ's truly begin, anyways?

A brilliant orange aura surrounded Honoka as a figure appeared before her. Before Fuhai had any chance to react, a feminine orange figure materialized in front of him. It wore no clothes, but like a child's doll there were no true sex characteristics beyond the shape of its body. Long orange hair flowed, as if a longer version of its masters without a ponytail. Fuhai saw that in its eyeballs were nothing more than stars; a large star also lied on the Stand's chest, kneecaps, and the back of each hand

However, Fuhai did not have much a chance to truly observe the Stand's appearance before the assault began, before he could respond. "「Blue Slide Park!」Help me!" The Stand attempted to counteract the assault, but the opposing Stand's strength as simply too overwhelming.

Did it begin when they were only children? When they learned Otonokizaka would soon close? Could it have been when Honoka finally began to value her school as more than simply a place of education? The first of µ's concerts, in a mostly empty auditorium? That moment the arrow struck two of its members?

Or perhaps, it was that moment when Honoka Kousaka's Stand finally materialized, when she rejected death in order to fight?

Both Honoka and her Stand screamed in unison.


"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" Fuhai screamed, his Stand attempted to deflecting and dodge the blows; but it felt as useless as a small car defending itself from a speeding semi. All he could do was roar in pain as he felt each blow on his Stand reflect onto him, and finally taste his own medicine when Honoka's final blow sent him flying across the room, one final cry signifying the end of Honoka's first Stand rush, screamed as she unleashed one final punch-


Next time on Honoka's Bizarre Adventure!

Chapter 2: Fight On, Honoka Kousaka! (Part 2)