Hello, everyone. Centurion here. Here is another chapter of Rwby Cinema: Multiverse Version. This fiction is back to being updated. Sorry that I've taken so long to upload anything. I've been going through a little bit of a hard time. Anyway, this chapter is special to me as it is from a fiction I'm working on that I hope to post for everyone to read and critique. This chapter however, will be OC-centric as it is not a chapter in the fiction it's from, but rather a character short or promo. As usual, please enjoy.
Warning: This chapter contains some talk of experimentation. If you don't like that kind of subject, don't read.
Inspiration: N/A
"Man, that last one was fun." Yang smiled.
"You're only saying that because you got the cute robot." Velvet pouted.
"Yep." Yang grinned.
"That robot was awesome though." Ruby said.
"I want a robot like that." Nora pouted.
"Again, robots like that don't really exist, Nora." Ren reminded.
"My brain's still trying to wrap my head around the robot transforming into a car and back." Blake said.
"In the franchise of Transformers, nothing is as it seems." Centurion said.
"That's encouraging." Weiss groaned.
"In fact, people have actually requested that I actually show you bits of the actual Transformers war." Centurion explained.
"You will really show us?" Ozpin asked.
"Yes." Centurion answered. "You all deserve to know what that war was like."
"Keep in mind that I might show more universes like the one you just saw." Centurion continued.
"Really?" Nora asked excitedly.
"Really." Centurion said as he went into his collection. "Now, on to the next one."
"I wonder what we're gonna see next." Jaune said.
"Maybe it'll be like the dark one we saw." Nora suggested.
"Nora!" Weiss screamed. "Don't even say that!"
"Please Nora, don't remind us about the first one we saw." Ren added.
"Agreed." Yang, Tai, and Qrow added.
"I hope the next one has cute moments like with Bumblebee." Kali thought to herself.
"Huh. I don't remember this one being here. I must've put it here when I was tired." Centurion said quietly as he picked up a particular disc.
"What is it?" Ruby asked.
"Well, this one just wasn't expected to be here, that's all." Centurion said.
"Is that bad?" Ilia asked.
"No. Not at all." Centurion said calmly.
"Aaaahhhh!" A boy with looked to be about 14 years old wearing a pine green t-shirt, black sweatpants with violet eyes, onyx black hair, and a small scar on his left arm woke up with a scream. He was sweating and panting like crazy. Tears were falling from his eyes. He looked down and saw that his clothes were soaked with sweat. He sighed, got up getting a fresh pair of clothes, and went to his kitchen to get something to eat to calm his nerves.
"Well, this isn't a particularly happy start." Winter remarked.
"You don't say." Qrow and Yang replied sarcastically, causing Winter to glare at the two.
"Please tell me that this won't be as dark as the one with the Sentinel grimm." Velvet hoped.
"You mean involving various people you know and love getting horribly murdered outright? Don't worry. This doesn't have that." Centurion answered, having the bunny faunus sigh in relief. "It's dark in other ways."
The viewers paled at those words.
While the boy was walking to his fridge, he stopped to look at himself in a mirror, seeing bags under his eyes from nightmares.
"Poor guy." Yang said.
"Yeah. Nightmares are never fun." Ilia added.
"Tell us about it." Ren said, a little somberly.
Also, the boy looked behind him and saw his trusty metal walking stick. Smiling, he thought about how he first got it, although he was contemplating upgrading it.
"Not a bad idea, kid." Qrow said.
"I could help him upgrading it!" Ruby shouted, starting to jump up and down.
"Ruby, calm down. You don't even know him." Yang reminded.
Who was this boy? This was Andros Pax.
"Okay. We have a name for this kid." Nora stated.
"For a 14-year old, his sense of style isn't that bad." Coco complimented.
"I still hope this boy's okay." Pyrrha said.
Someone who still has nightmares about certain past events.
"Oh, hearing that is never good." Jaune said.
"Centurion. What happened to this boy?" Ghira asked.
"Are you sure you want to know?" Centurion asked, concerned.
"Well, I do." Weiss answered.
"Then you'll find out soon enough." Centurion said somberly.
As Andros reached for orange juice in the fridge, he suddenly heard a knock on the door. He was instantly suspicious of it and was trying to decide whether or not to answer it. He grabbed his walking stick, put it on his back, and started tip-toeing to the window to sneak out.
"Good idea to be suspicious." Sienna observed. "You don't know who's there."
"At least there's an escape route." Ilia added.
"I'm still wondering what happened to this kid." Qrow said, taking a small swig of his flask.
"Well, at least he doesn't seem to be doing too bad." Ruby said, hoping to calm herself of the tension.
"That is true, Miss Rose." Glynda said.
However, when he got to the window, something grabbed him through the wall, throwing him out into the open, resulting in him hitting the ground and rolling a little. When he was able to get up, he was surrounded by Beowolves.
"Oh, no! I jinxed it!" Ruby shouted.
"It's okay, sis." Yang said. "Maybe we'll get to see him fight now."
Andros carefully but slowly took out his walking stick while looking at the Beowolf in front of him. These grimm must've thought he was an easy target if he was armed only with a walking stick.
"Look out!" Kali screamed.
The Beowolves all charged at Andros, aiming to claw him down, but he ran at one of them, then ducked down his head facing upwards as to keep looking at his opponents. He then swung his walking stick at the Beowolf's feet, catching the creature off balance, knocking it down.
"Whoa!" Velvet breathed.
"Sweet move there." Tai observed.
"I want to learn how to do that." Jaune quietly said to himself.
"An impressive maneuver." Ozpin said sipping his coffee. Seriously, the man loves his coffee.
"Agreed." Ironwood said.
The other Beowolves continued charging straight at Andros. He ran to a tree and just stood there.
"What is he doing?" Weiss screamed.
"Just watch and you'll see." Centurion said calmly.
One of the Beowolves increased it's speed, aiming to catch Andros in a tight hold, but at the last few seconds, Andros jumped up, not only dodging the Beowolf's attack, but also leading the grimm to ram it's head right into the tree, hard. Andros used the grimm's body to run and gain momentum before jumping again, whacking another Beowolf on the head with his walking stick, all the while smiling.
"Good evasion." Blake said, cupping her chin with her hand.
"Indeed, Miss Belladonna." Glynda agreed.
"Seeing this guy make these grimm hurt themselves is funny." Yang chuckled, Tai joining her.
"Nice to see humor in this one." Jaune said, smiling.
"You said it, Jauney." Coco said while Velvet was giggling.
"Renny! I want to do that!" Nora exclaimed with a wide smile. Ren sighed at her friend's energy.
The Beowolves were being humiliated. Andros was just either whacking them around with his walking stick or making them hurt themselves. However, before Andros could perform more slapstick, the Beowolves were all killed via direct shots to their heads. Andros just stood there, stunned at the sudden deaths of the grimm. He then heard multiple pairs of footsteps. Turning his head to the left, he saw multiple people wearing black suits and lab coats.
"Who are these guys?" Nora asked.
"I have a feeling we're about to find out." Blake replied.
Coco was partially appalled at the ones wearing black lab coats. "Ugh! Why have black on a lab coat?! That does not work at all! Do these people have no sense of fashion?!"
"Apparently not, Coco." Velvet said, now calmed down.
"Who the hell are these guys?" Andros thought to himself. Then, he spotted a figure walking up wearing a black hooded cloak and was barefoot. His eyes widened merely seconds after seeing the figure which then morphed into a serious expression. "How the hell did you find me?" He seethed.
"It has been a while, Subject P-A-6." The hooded figure announced calmly.
"Wait a minute." Winter said quickly. "Subject?"
"So, does that mean..." Kali started, tearing up.
"It has to be." Ironwood finished.
"Finally figuring it out, huh." Centurion said.
"What happened to the kid?" Glynda growled.
"The kid: Andros Pax has been taken from his family and experimented on!" Centurion announced and the reactions were what he had expected.
Ozpin's grip on his cane tightened in growing anger at the group Andros was staring down.
Glynda was glaring darkly at the screen, her aura beginning to show through.
"Those fuckers..." Tai muttered quietly. Family was obviously something very precious and if anyone without good intentions touched them, they would have trouble with being able to move around. Ghira was pretty much the same as Tai.
Qrow put his flask down, wanting to see the kid kick this group's asses.
Kali, Blake, and Sienna all made feline hisses at the group, very tempted to give in to their instincts to beat them bloody.
Weiss and Winter were seething with anger. To take a child from their family and experiment on them was inhumane. Ironwood wanted nothing but to incapacitate them, and heavily interrogate them.
Coco and Velvet were glaring at the screen while growling darkly at the same time.
Jaune had his fists clench tightly to the point of drawing blood. He hoped no one had the gall to touch his family, otherwise them living would be unlikely.
Yang's eyes were red with anger and her hair glowing brightly wanting to rip that group apart.
Pyrrha had her aura glowing, beginning to move objects around the room. Everyone was pissed at the group, but the ones most pissed were Ruby, Nora, and Ren as those three were livid.
"TEAR THEM APART, KID!" Nora screamed angrily. She had a dead serious expression which was really rare for someone like Nora.
Ren was more in control of his outbursts, but he had the same level of anger as Nora.
Everyone, even Centurion looked at the little reaper in utter shock. They'd never hear Ruby have an outburst like that. As for Ruby, she was shakily panting heavily from her outburst. When she looked around seeing everyone stare at her, she blushed a deep red, pulling her cloak over her head.
"It's time for you to come back." The hooded figure said holding out a hand.
"To hell with that!" Andros shouted defiantly.
"Yeah!" Yang cheered.
"You go, kid!" Nora shouted.
"Then I suppose we'll just have to bring you back by force." The hooded figure said calmly. Waving a hand, the others moved in to capture Andros. No way Andros was going back to that dreaded place. He got into a combat stance, his walking stick ready to start whacking fools.
Within seconds, the group except the hooded figure spread around and started running to Andros. One of them brought out a modified, onyx black Atlesian Military Revolver, shooting at the boy. Andros ran to the side to dodge the shots. It almost worked, but he was slightly grazed in the left side while another continued running at him, throwing a straight punch, but he blocked it, delivering a roundhouse kick to the guy's head, sending him to the ground and knocking him unconscious.
"Nice." Coco said.
"Good performance with his roundhouse kick." Weiss complimented.
"I agree, Weiss." Winter said.
"That's one down." Nora said smiling.
Andros then ran towards the others, dodging a kick from his blind spot. He jumped up, whacking the person trying to kick him on the head with his walking stick, just like he did with the Beowolf. The person was seeing stars before he fell over.
Another that was running brought out a sword, attempting to slash at him, but Andros blocked it with his walking stick. Luckily it was made of metal. He performed a sweep kick, knocking this person off her feet onto the ground. He was about to knock her out, but someone else tackled him down to the ground. Andros knew what to do, headbutting him, then kicking him away.
"That has to hurt." Jaune said.
"Enough." The hooded figure said suddenly, making the rest of the group that wasn't unconscious back off. "It seems I must bring you back myself."
"How are you gonna do that, tough guy?" Yang grinned.
"I'm never going back!" Andros shouted at the figure. Suddenly, the hooded figure took off his hooded robe and began changing. Claws began protruding from his toenails, red eyes suddenly started glowing in the dusk, claws grew from his fingernails as well, his skin became pale white, black veins appeared all over his body, the sclera in his eyes went black, and Nevermore wings burst out from his back.
"Holy shit!" Velvet shrieked surprised jumping into Coco's arms.
Yang's grin instantly faded. "Oh. I guess that's how you're gonna do it."
"You just had to jinx it, Yang." Blake said quietly.
Ozpin's eyes widened at seeing the transformation. Something like that couldn't be achieved with magic, could it?
"Well, that's something I thought I'd never see at any point of my life." Sienna muttered.
"That's a little scary." Winter admitted as she felt a chill go up her spine upon seeing the change of this person.
All of a sudden, the humanoid grimm flew towards Andros, an arm reaching out. Andros tried to block the attack, but the grimm being grabbed him, pinning him to a tree. "Did you think you could escape?!" The figure shouted, his voice darker and and a little hoarser. Andros retaliated by kicking him in the head, making him release his grip. The grimm figure flew up while Andros rolled, grabbing a collapsible staff from one of the knocked out members of the group, aiming to hit the figure, but the latter just swatted it away. the figure attempted punching Andros, but the latter blocked. However, the figure grabbed Andros, throwing him to the ground.
"Man, this guy is fast." Qrow said.
"I hope Andros can beat this guy." Ruby hoped quietly.
"Now you come back willingly or die screaming." The figure said darkly. "Like the other..." He didn't get to finish as Andros knocked him down. Andros then pulled out a knife, hoping to stab the figure, but the figure flew up again, dodging the attack. Grabbing Andros yet again, the figure started dragging him on the grass.
"Come on, Andros!" Yang shouted. "You can beat this guy!"
"Get up, kid!" Tai shouted.
"You can do it." Velvet said.
Andros however managed to release himself from the grimm figure's grip, climbing onto his back, and using the knife to wound one of the wings, which actually worked as the grimm figure started losing speed and altitude, eventually crashing into the ground next to a cliff while Andros jumped, landing in front of the figure.
"Okay. That was kinda cool." Blake said with a small smile.
"A smart move." Ozpin commented.
The grimm figure then started firing feathers from his Nevermore wings, forcing Andros to block the projectiles until he slipped off the cliff with the figure grabbing him at the last minute. "You will come back to the facility."
"No he won't!" Nora shouted defiantly.
"You said it, Nora." Jaune said, high-fiving the ginger bomber.
"I'll die before I go back!" Andros shouted angrily.
"Is that right." The grimm figure said. "Then let's make that official." The figure suddenly dug his claws into Andros's body. Andros screamed in pain as he felt a vital organ get hit. Then, the figure took out it's hand, revealing a chunk of skin torn off, resulting in Andros bleeding quite a bit.
"NO!" Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Nora, Velvet, and Kali screamed.
"Oh god." Ironwood grimaced.
"He'll definitely feel that in the morning." Qrow said, taking a swig from his flask.
The figure then threw Andros down the cliff, watching him hit multiple rocks on the way down. Soon, Andros his the ground hard with the figure suddenly kicking him into a tree, breaking a couple of ribs. On the ground, he was having flashes of the place he escaped from. Seeing himself strapped to a table, various tools and fluids, multiple people performing tests on him.
"That's horrible." Kali gasped, covering her mouth with a hand as tears began forming in her eyes.
"Come on. Get up." Ilia said quietly.
"He's in pain with a chunk of himself missing." Ghira said somberly.
The figure picked up Andros. "Subject P.A.6. By refusing to return to us, you are now labeled as a failed subject. You are hereby liquidated and sentenced to death." At that moment, Andros found the strength to pull out a fire dust crystal, stick it in the grimm figure's wounded wing, and kick himself to the ground. The figure tried to pull it out, but it was too late as Andros pulled out an Atlesian Military Revolver like the one the guy who shot at him had. He lined it up, then shot a round, hitting the dust crystal dead center, igniting it, making the figure explode.
"Jeez!" Ren shouted, losing his composure momentarily.
"Renny! Did you see that?! He made that guy explode!" Nora shouted with a wide smile.
"At least that humanoid grimm is gone." Weiss sighed in relief.
When the smoke cleared, Andros was still on the ground, holding the revolver. He slowly got up and looked around. He may have lost his walking stick, but he had a revolver now. He might find his walking stick sooner or later, but at least he still had a weapon to defend himself. He started walking slowly in the direction of a clearing. This was the start of something new for Andros Pax.
The screen lit up. Centurion looked at the viewers. "Well, what did you think of this one?"
"This one was dark at times, but satisfying in the end." Jaune answered.
"Plus it was funny seeing Andros whack that Beowolf on the head."Ruby said, giggling.
"Andros's fighting skills were a little unorthodox, but overall effective." Ironwood critiqued while Winter nodded in agreement.
"Well, I'm glad you liked this one overall. Who knows what the next one's gonna be." Centurion said smiling.
Hello, everyone. I hoped you liked this chapter. Yes, I know this wasn't what people were expecting or wanted, but honestly, I've had this for a while now, and I figured to put it in this fiction to maybe get some critiques for it. Still, this chapter was fun to write as well were the other two. I'm glad I finally managed to get back to this fiction. Sorry for making you all wait for this update. Like I said, this chapter was OC-centric, so please don't get mad.
Also, that battle at the end was inspired by a battle scene from the Bumblebee movie which I have seen. Judging from everyone I've talked to that's seen the movie, this one movie has seemingly restored hope in the Transformers franchise.
Anyway, if anyone wants this character promo to become the start of an actual fiction, please either let me know in the comments of PM me. Also, if you have any story ideas or characters ideas if you do want this to become an actual fiction, please PM me or leave it in your reviews, but remember that experimentation is involved with this one.
As usual, please let me know what you think in the comments.