Disclaimer: I own neither RWBY nor Fate/Extra, they belong to their respective owners. Also major spoilers for the Fate/Extra PSP game, and spoilers for RWBY up to Volume 5. Also this is my first story and I do not have a set schedule for updates.
"Normal Speech"
"Skill/Noble Phantasm"
"Incantation/Code Cast"
A young girl lies in the middle of an endless sea of data, her body being eroded by the very thing that gave her life. The victor who has slain many to reach the end of her journey has led to her death. The device known as the Moon Cell would erase any and all irregularities even if it meant losing the victor.
Hakuno Kishinami felt what limited amount of life she had in her spiritron-based body being eroded from the Moon Cell's data. If she was a normal victor she would've been given a wish and sent home perhaps stored in the Moon Cell's memory for eons to come, but she is not normal for she is an AI based off of a frozen girl with a deadly disease.
Her thoughts lingered on the people she has slain in this war the ones who wishes she has trampled on with her own, a wish in which she has stopped the Holy Grail War.
Shinji Matou an eight year old boy who had no idea what he got into.
Dan Blackmore a soldier who imparted wisdom to her and yet with nothing left to lose.
A tortured child net-ghost by the name of Alice looking for a friend in a world where one must fight and kill every week.
An arrogant bastard of a man named Atrum Galliasta so blinded by winning he would do anything to succeed.
Julius Harway a born assassin who led a life full of sorrows and regrets all for slain young King.
Rin Tohsaka the girl who saved and helped her so many times, a girl that could even be considered her best living friend.
Even the remnant of her own body who managed to survive until the end and just wanted to live and prove that he existed with a broken down Archer.
She has won and obtained her wish. She has put an end to the suffering of countless mages, she has spit in the dreams of the ones she has slain and all they have slain, all to end the accursed cycle of death over a wish that can reshape anything and everything.
She feels two large tugs on her soul as she faintly smiles. How could she forget about her servants that fought with her during her short life? Even being deleted together meant nothing to them as they continued to be by her side.
"Wife-Sama, I will even grow my tails back again if it means I can save you! So please. Please don't leave your Tamamo alone again."
"Maestro, do you truly wish to sleep and leave me? Umu, it is just the Moon, I shall stand by that Vixen and cut it down to save you."
Who they are flashed briefly in her mind; a woman in red wielding a flame shaped sword as long as she is tall an arrogant tyrant who loves to be pampered, and a woman in blue using spells and sorceries who just wishes to be the best wife she can be.
Her magic circuits flared the command seals on her hand shined brightly as she thought of the very thing that has saved her in the beginning of her life. A small spark of courage as she asked herself How can I survive?
She used what little power she had to scan through the Moon Cell's information for any chance to live, a chance to be with her servants once more, a chance to live a fulfilling life. One thing comes forward to her mind, something that has a minuscule chance of success, one that will slide her out of this realm to another.
"Let Spiritrons and silver be my life.
Let stone and the archduke of the Moon be my foundation.
Let the four cardinal gates close."
The Moon Cell has found my plans! The deletion has quickened! I must hurry!
"Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.
Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply shattering asunder with every filling!
I shall declare here! Me and my Servants shall survive against the dark!
We Shall face even the Earth and the Gods Together!
May the Regalia Shine Brightly forever more!"
Her body was mostly deleted her Command Seals were gone, but her core was fine! She has found a way out of the Moon! What was left of her hand glowed with the intensity of the sun, blinding what little she can see with light.
Data flowed through her mind at horrifying speeds, if her body was not mostly deleted before she would be screaming, teaching her of a land far distant from her home. A world were the dark has almost won. Her hand shined brightly, a simple looking ring fusing with her very soul. And so she felt her broken body flying to the land of the broken moon.
[Rebooting…Rebooting… Reboot Successful
Scanning for Damages
Archives damaged… 99% corrupted
Core Damage 99%
Reconstructing Link to Throne of Heroes
… Link Restored
Beginning reconstruction
Holy Grail Victor Found
Regalia Given to Winner
Scanning Winner Hakuno Kishinami
Error Unable to Send to Throne
Changing Course of Action
Creating Body For Winner
Summoning Servants
Connecting Regalia to Core
…Connection Completed
Supplying Mana for Servant Sustainability
Renewing observation]
Three slightly different red circles appeared in the middle of the Emerald Forest Temple. One had glorious burning roses added to the runic lines, another had sakura petals added, the final had cubes and data particles being discharged from it. A flash of bright light emitted from them as the light died down it left three young girls, two standing and one laying on the floor.
Hakuno's eyes slowly open her vision hazy as she slowly sat up. She looked around and saw a ruin made of stone and her two servants standing near her. A forest surrounded the ruins as the moon light shined down on the group of three.
"…Saber? Caster?" Hakuno asked, her voice sounding hoarse, their previous battle with Savior and Twice draining the young magus.
"Good morning Maestro." The one in red said, her sword disappearing in a puff of rose petals.
"Awww, Husband-Sama you were making the most peaceful sleeping face it was so adorable." The one in a blue that was almost purple said, her bushy tail wagging slightly at she eyed her master.
"Umu Caster, it was truly a beautiful sight to behold." Saber said, and with that comment Hakuno's face flushed slightly at the praise from her two servants. Idling wondering why her servants weren't in the astral state as they used to do.
Hakuno collected her thoughts, the strange dream from her wish, the change of location and the fact that she was still alive meant something went wrong with her deletion. Perhaps they actually made it out?
"In any case," Caster began saying, her voice drowned out by a low growling sound from around them.
Dozens of red eyes appeared from the forest in front of them as a single large black bipedal wolf like creature with bone spikes on its body appeared in front. The bone mask covering its face brought to mind an Assassin class servant. Waves of disgust and hatred came to Hakuno as she eyed the mysterious creature.
"Saber! Caster!" Her two servants already beginning to engage, the Red Saber rushing forward with rose petals being left in her wake as the Blue Caster stood in front of their Master several ofuda appearing in her hand.
The beasts gave them no mind for to them they were just humans and in accordance to that they were their enemies. Four of them broke off from the rest of the pack and charged at the three.
"Caster Skill!" Hakuno yelled, as she did the one in blue threw a ofuda at the few that charged, "Curse: Fiery Heaven!" she said, as the beasts erupted into flame as they screamed as they turned to ash.
Enemy Programs don't feel pain, what are these things!? Hakuno thought, her mind racing as more beasts charged towards her and her Servants.
The one in red was on them in a moment her sword slicing through the first two like butter, she jumped up from their bodies and brought down her sword on another slicing it in half. One of the beasts managed to slip around her but was met with a quick end as a floating mirror slammed into its skull mask.
She eyed the ones cut in half as they slowly turned to black smoke instead of turning to pixels like enemy programs, and in no time more was coming charging with anger and hatred at the Humans who killed their brethren.
"Saber Skill!", as she said this Saber twirled her blade as the Roman Emperor brought her sword to shoulder height and sped through the incoming beasts leaving rose petals in her wake, slicing through the few remaining beasts and several nearby trees.
"Maestro." The two servants turned towards their master as Saber spoke, "We should find our way out of this forest before we are overran."
"I agree, you seem tired so I'll carry you out of this depressing forest master!" Caster said opening her arms towards Hakuno.
Hakuno blinked and looked around, her curiosity took her as she felt her hand. The ring on her hand to be exact, shining with three stones stood a ring. The Regalia she remembered from the strange dream.
"Saber, Caster I believe we are in a different world." She told her two servants who were staring blankly at the moon, The Shattered Moon.
"Glynda," a man in a black suit with messy grey hair called the woman in his office as he stared out towards the Emerald Forest, "Prepare an airship we have someone to meet in the Emerald Forest." His assistant look at him in complete and utter confusion.
"Ozpin you can't be serious at this hour? Who in their right mind would be in Grimm infested territory in the middle of the night?" She exasperatedly said, knowing her boss has said outlandish things in the past and hoping it was yet another.
He took a sip of his hot cocoa and looked at her with a serious expression on his face,"Glynda the Moon has sent some help our way. It has been far too long since the Moon has interfered with humanity, would it not be impolite if we did not welcome its heroes?"