Abraham doesn't know how many countless hours have unanimously passed as he was exactly sitting there in the fierce cold, shivering from head to toe as he sat there, intentionally trying to warm himself up by curling himself in a small ball.

He didn't mind the snow was covering his back from the small flakes falling from the sky, gently piling on him also from trees too.

Alternatively, they felt like they are ice bags for him to be warm from the visible bruises on his back from those hits of the Scout bot's metal bat.

Nothing but, he couldn't budge an inch.

The apparent reason why is because of his muscles numbed from the wintry wind and apparent coldness around him that gently numbed his muscles, even the visible bruises on his back from that Scout bot.

Suddenly, as hope was all lost to him, naturally thinking that no one else survived that attack from the intelligent robots, as he was merely lost in the lovely woods when the ground underneath his body started to gently rumble, that sounded like… footsteps.

A Heavy bot.

He frantically tried to move any of his specific body parts to get away from the precise spot from where he is precisely, but the apparent coldness that typically surrounds him was numbing his body.

Deep within the impenetrable forest, he instantly saw two pairs of glowing steel-blue eyes appeared from the darkness inside, staring right back at him as he was merely sitting there in his precise spot, frantically trying to instantly get any of his specific body parts to move from where he is precise.

He was fearfully staring eye to eye with the pair of glowing steel-blue eyes that stared thoughtfully at him, as he was merely sitting there in the eternal snow, his back towards the tree behind his back, his hands on his forearms as he shivered, in both cold and fear.

The pair of two glowing eyes suddenly moved out of the impenetrable forest, as the ground underneath him softly rumbled from each step, whatever the body the two pairs of glowing eyes have, thinking that the pair of glowing steel-blue eyes must've rightfully belonged to a massive Heavy bot.

Instead, to his unimaginable horror, it was undoubtedly an enormous dragon appeared before Abraham, at least over 14 or 15 ft tall, towering over him like as if he was invariably a plush toy compared to it, gazing down at him with steel-blue eyes, that looked curious about him.

It was long too, about maybe 30 or 40 miles long like a redwood tree that reaches down from the tip of the bushy tail to the tip of its snout.

The smooth scales along the side of the mythical dragon were lavishly decorated with various unique patterns of the planet Jupiter patterns all over the sides, in different colors that is a delicate blue, dark blue and blue behind the unique patterns.

Its underbelly was naturally in the lovely color of a light blue color, as the fur was lavishly decorated across its back in a straight line in the color of brilliant blue along with other patches of fur underneath its chin, the middle of its head between the long, pointed black horns, and at the end of its tail, even behind the hind legs of the mighty dragon.

Its folded wings about the considerable size of a full-grown seagull's wings if opened up, except bigger and in the color of blue with the tips of deep blue.

The mythical dragon's long underbelly was in the distinct color of lapis lazuli stones as it typically has short whiskers on each side of its black nose, and the inside of its ears is a light green color, as on each four fingered paws, was small black talons, that retracted when first eye connection with Abraham.

Genuinely terrified, his muscles screamed at him to move away from this being, or to pass out from well-founded fear because of what happened when he initially met with a werewolf, but oddly enough, none of his specific muscles operated with him when they were screaming hysterically at him, either pass out from the first sight.

It walked over to him with graceful strides, as he was completely frozen there on the precise spot, trembling from head to toe as it walked up to him, before sitting down in front of him, laying down on the ground, as its tail was moved over to the other side, staring down at him continuously as he stared back at its eyes, genuinely terrified of what could happen next.

Oddly enough, its steel-blue eyes subtly reminded him of someone that he was close friends with.

Suddenly, its long tail gently wrapped around his discovered body without him instantly noticing, as he jolted in startlement, startled that it instantly decided to gently pick him up with its flowing tail.

As it gently hoist him up from the eternal snow that just piled on him from the tree over his head, as he undoubtedly continued to shiver, now without his hands on his forearms, instead his gloved hands on its flowing tail, shivering almost in genuine fear and cold, as he was lifted up to its face, almost near its mouth.

A sudden pale look came instantly across his face when he was precisely possible inches away from its snout, almost close to being bitten when instead he noticed there was a bit of hurt in its eyes as it was gently holding him in front of its snout, as he was just numb, couldn't move any of his specific body parts as he was staring fearfully back into its eyes, couldn't look away.

A puff of gentle and hot air gently blew into his face, instantly making him shiver from the gentle touch of the mild air, gently warming his face and flexible neck with warm from its gentle breath, as his glasses were a bit fogged up too from the gentle puff of its gentle breath.

When the fog on his glasses disappeared, all the color on his face disappeared immediately when the mighty jaws of the mythical dragon slowly opened, divinely revealing the inside of its mouth, seemly beckoning him to come inside.

Horrified, he genuinely wanted to scream out to the mythical dragon to stop instantly of what it was doing precisely, but, the reasonable amount of genuine fear and the mild temperature of the weather was naturally making his body numb as if he was shot accurately with a numbing dose from the RED Medic.

The inside of its mouth was precisely in the distinctive color of a medium blue like the body of the mythical dragon, as the long forked tongue was light cobalt color, the sharp-pointed teeth are pearly without any visible signs that this dragon could've consumed a couple of innocent people during its pleasant stay in the extensive forest.

Bits of continuous strings of saliva dripped from the top of the mouth to the polished surface of its tongue, not too much for his evident disgust, as the back of the mythical dragon's deep throat was opened slightly for him to willingly enter.

He was gently placed right on top of the tongue that was snaked out from the parted jaws, front first, as it was out slightly for him to lay on top of, as he watched in unspeakable horror as he watched himself getting naturally eaten by a mythical dragon, without even getting nicked by a single razor-sharp tooth.

Shuddering as he shakily sighed in profound relief that he wasn't getting bitten by any of its visible teeth, he undoubtedly continued to lay down on its soft tongue, waiting patiently for the exact time to send down to its stomach.

If he were able to fight fiercely against the mighty dragon, it would've won instead of him because of how powerful a grand dragon could be meaningfully compared to him and the intelligent robots.

Instead, he was warmed up slightly as gentle puffs of mild air blew gently onto him, gently warming his cold skin, the saliva soaking through his decent clothes, as the visible bruises on his back and stomach, were covered in warm saliva, not even hurting his visible bruises on his back.

As he was carefully placed inside its mouth, he could naturally feel it genuinely wanted to passionately defend him from the intelligent robots back at the BLU and RED bases, but, have never been placed inside a mouth before from a mighty dragon that noticed him.

Not even meeting a mythical dragon before either!

But, he didn't even feel the angle tipped back to send instantly him down, but, instead, tipped forward, towards the pearly teeth, as he instantly gave out a quiet yelp.

Instead of landing on a razor-sharp tooth to wound him, he landed gently on the gentle curve of the soft tongue, right on the visible bruises on his back, unfortunately, as he instantly gave out a pained yelp, from the gentle impact of the tongue, wincing from the visible pain of the bat marks.

Instantly, he instantly heard a worried snort from the mythical creature, naturally feeling the tongue tip down more towards the lips, as if it was going to instantly spit him out from its mouth to carefully check on him if he was unharmed.

But, he gritted his teeth to intentionally conceal the considerable pain, as it gradually disappeared.

Shakily sighing, he scooted a bit closer to the gentle curve of the tongue, intentionally trying his best to carefully avoid the gullet at the back of the mouth.

He doesn't want to get instantly eaten on possible accident by the mythical dragon that is typically holding him inside its mouth or purpose if he passes out from his wounds.

It didn't spit him out when it heard him cried out in pain when its tongue accidentally touched his visible wounds on his back, but, carefully kept him inside, without even tipping back to promptly swallow him.

Instead, the gentle curve moved down, gently moving him off the tongue, and onto the visible bottom of the mighty jaw, landing gently onto softness of the palate.

Confused, he typically tried to get up to see what was going on, when the rest of its soft tongue, gently land on top of the right side of his hip, typically covering his body in more saliva, as a small pool of it was underneath him.

He huddled himself up into a small ball as he can, not even minding that saliva was coating him everywhere on his body, soothing out his bruised muscles, as he gently laid his head on its gums in front, as its soft tongue was gently on top of his body.

It is passionately defending him from being outside in the apparent coldness and the intelligent robots that might lurk deep within the impenetrable forest to carefully look for any other people that might have miraculously escaped into the impenetrable forest from them.

Before he could politely ask it a specific question, he instantly felt the head rise up more, as he jolted, wondering fearfully about what else might fortunately happen.

But, instead, he naturally felt the entire body of the mythical dragon flew up in the air with a gentle gust of the wind, wisely leaving the specific spot of where he was at, taking flight up in the air, as Abraham jolted from the sudden movement of the mythical dragon's body, naturally feeling his heart beat faster in genuine fear, worried about being accidentally falling out of its mouth, or instantly getting instantly swallowed if by possible accident.

So, just in case, he curled more into the bottom of the tongue, being careful with his visible wounds on his back from the Scout bot, as he naturally continued feeling the mythical dragon typically flying to somewhere safe with the both of them.

But where is the key question?

Where is it taking him?

The gentle ride soon stopped when he naturally felt the mythical dragon gently landing on the ground, being careful with him inside its mouth, not even minding to intentionally injure him at any possible chance.

It walked forward for a possible while, in careful strides instead of normal strides before the familiar sounds of something metal gently moved up, cautiously entering a used facility that probably has been abandoned for a long time before he was even in the BLU team.

Instead of being freezing cold, he naturally felt nuke warm from all the surrounding saliva, but a little cold still, even with the saliva the ground, pooling around his body, even from the tongue above him still kept him warm still, not even injuring him at any possible chance.

But why does it genuinely want to carefully protect him?

Don't mighty dragons hurt people when in their private property?

Suddenly, the tongue was moved up from his body as the mighty jaws parted, revealing light through the visible gap, as he was gently dropped out from the mighty jaws, and into a mighty paw, that was open for him to carefully drop safely onto.

Lifting up his right arm to intentionally block out the apparent brightness, he instantly noticed he landed gently in the mythical dragon's mighty paw, the retractable claws not around on his body, nor unsheathed, gently wrapped around his body, as continuous strings of saliva dripped off his body, typically covering the mythical dragon's mighty paw in the excess too.

After the apparent brightness disappeared gradually, he can instantly see the mythical dragon was precisely inside the BLU base, without anyone instantly noticing that it was inside.


He stopped instantly when he shuddered, feeling slightly cold from the wetness of the saliva all over his body, not even feeling a bit of genuine warmth from the heaters inside.

The mythical dragon instantly noticed that he was cold, and he naturally thought he was typically going to be placed back in its mighty jaws again when it instead placed him down on the coils of its body that were gently wrapped around underneath it, as he curled slightly.

It gently reached over to a white towel that it typically has inside the room, gently picking him up from the ground in its coils, gently wiping him down from the excess saliva.

As he was getting dried off, he instantly noticed that the mysterious room that he was inside looked like… Stephanie's room?

The only way that he knows precisely, it is Stephanie's room is that she once notified him that she periodically has a dragon plush named Cinder.

And Cinder is a green dragon, with a purple underbelly, and short green wings with purple fabric underneath, and enormous purple eyes, with a narrow trail of purple fabric across the back.

The plush dragon was precisely on her decent bed, of where she sleeps peacefully, as the mythical dragon was carefully coiled over him, its coils underneath him as it carefully dries him off with the towel in its right paw, as he was confused about the mysterious room that he is inside.

After it was done carefully drying him off, one of its gentle fingers inadvertently touched his visible wounds on his back, as he winced from the gentle touch, instantly getting the mythical dragon's considerable attention from him to his visible wounds.

Gently as it could, it carefully slipped him around, as he was facing back first towards it, as he was confused about what it is doing next, as he was gently lifted up more to its eyesight.

Glancing longingly over his right shoulder, he watched as the mythical dragon gazed at his visible wounds on his back, looking naturally concerned about the visible wounds, before gently sighing.

Before he could politely ask about what it was doing precisely, it gently coiled its flowing tail around his chest, down to his waist, as his arms were gently pinned to his sides, as he was confused and naturally worried about what else it is doing precisely.

Without warning, the scales on its body gradually turned a delicate golden color, just like how Stephanie's fur color when she is in her werewolf form turn colors.

Instantly he recognizes who the dragon is.

But, at the same time, the visible wounds on his back is gradually disappearing as he waited patiently for him to turn around, as the scales were still in a golden color.

Oddly enough, Stephanie did say she can heal people by using magic, showing an example, when noticing that he was injured without him noticing, healing his wound a bit from that wound.

After a while of being healed, the visible wounds stopped intentionally hurting after the miraculous healing is complete, the mythical dragon gently wrapped a mighty paw around his waist, after carefully unwrapping its flowing tail from around his chest, allowing him to move freely without having a problem, and when he was turned around to the dragon, he gently asked, "Es zhat jou, Stephanie?"

Initially, a startled and anxious look came across the dragon, before the look eased away, as a gentle sigh escaped from it, saying, in a familiar female's voice, "Yes, it is me, Abe."

Abraham couldn't believe his ears nor his eyes, the mythical dragon, that just saved his life is undoubtedly Stephanie, transformed into an enormous dragon to instantly find him and rescue him from being frozen to imminent death.

At that moment, Stephanie gently placed him down on her coils, as she started randomly speaking to him, sounding worried about his reaction towards her about her form.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I should've talked instead of keepin' my mouth shut and explained to ya 'bout what I was doin' I-I didn't-!"

"Stephanie." Abraham interrupted gently, as she stopped instantly, looking anxiously at him with terrified eyes.

He repositioned himself from in her coils, as she released slightly for him to move freely without being uncomfortable, and after he was comfortable, she looked worried and really small compared to him.

"A-Are you scared of me?" she worriedly asked, as her ears were carefully pinned to her head, as a shameful way of her direct actions.

"Nein," he answered gently, gently reaching up with his right hand, gently stroking her black nose. "I vas a moment ago vhen jou appeared, but jou enstead showed me zhat jou vere jou, expect didn't vant me to panic nor passing out ef talking. So, jou used body language enstead."

"I-I did?" she humbly asked, her ears moving up slightly as she perked.

"Of course!" he replied gently, as she leaned in slightly. "Jou vere zhere vith me!"

She glanced away for a memorable moment, as she was naturally thinking to herself for a moment, before sighing gently, as she still looked ashamed.

"I still could've talked to you, though," she mumbled, as she pouted.

"But jou didn't even svallow me, right?" he gently pressed.

"…True," she replied after a frequent pause. "But, still, weren't you a little bit afraid of me when I appeared from the forest back there?"

"Nein," he replied again, reasonably assuring the anxious dragon. "But jou didn't injure me more didn't jou?"

She gently nodded her head yes.

"Und kept me varm vhile on zhe vay back to zhe BLU base?"

She again gently nodded her head yes.

"Zhen zhere jou go." he typically finished, as he gently leaned back into the soft coils. "Jou saved me und I didn't feel scared."

Stephanie was speechless to continue on about her worries about his possible reaction to her.

He wasn't that scared of her?

But, truth be told, he didn't actually run away from her when she instantly appeared.

Although if he could move from his spot that is.

Without thinking twice, she gently lifted him up from the ground with her coils when he was getting up slightly, startled when he was gently lifted up from the ground, as gently head-butted him with her head, being extremely careful with him though to not get him knocked out from her considerable strength.

"Thanks, Abe." she thanked as a gentle rumble from her throat rumbled.

He gently smiled at her sincere gratitude and gently hugged her snout, being careful to not squeeze her snout too much of his considerable strength.

"Gern geschehen, Stephanie," he replied politely in fluent German.

She gently smiled too, as she continued gently rumbling, which vibrated through his body gently as if he was standing on a slightly active earthquake that is gently rumbling underneath his body, but this earthquake is covered in smooth scales and some bits of fur.

After a couple of precious minutes of a memorable moment, Abraham instantly felt another cold breeze as he shivered, instantly getting Stephanie's considerable attention.

"Well, I think you need heat," she replied gently, as she gently moved him away.

"How?" he asked, as he continued shivering.

"For instance, you're not going back into my mouth since what happened," she typically began, as she naturally thought to herself. "And second, I think I can help that."

She gently picked him up from her coils with her right paw, gently placing him down on the ground, as she curled slightly, her scales turning red like how her werewolf form is.

"Go ahead and touch the nearest spot in front of you," she replied gently, waiting patiently for him to gently touch her scales.

He naturally hesitated for a moment first, unsure about Stephanie's next brilliant idea, but, gently touched the nearest spot in front of him, instantly noticing that some heat was coming off of her side.

Confused, he gently placed his left hand on the other side of his right hand, instantly noticing the heat was coming off of her, gently warming up the whole area gently from the gentle heat.

It was precisely like the same heat that was coming off of Stephanie when she was typically in her werewolf form when they first met back in his room before he passed out from being outside.

Naturally attracted from the gentle heat, he curled into the side, feeling warm.

"'Ey, uh, if you want more heat," she replied gently, as she instantly noticed he sincerely liked the gentle heat. "You have to change from your clothes. They are slightly soggy from the saliva."

Instantly understanding what she typically meant, he glanced away from her, blushing slightly as she was confused.

"Oh, that's right," she gratefully remembered, as a light blue blush appeared on her cheeks. "But don't worry, I curl tighter inward so that I couldn't see anything."

"Are jou sure?" he politely asked.

"I'm sure. I have done it a couple of times before… when this idiot wouldn't let me sleep for once."

At first, he felt confused about whom this "idiot" is, but, figured it could be a dumb guy in her past that didn't understand her, so, he shrugged it off.

After she typically used her bubble powers to instantly make his proper clothes instantly appear with her magic; she gently gave him his pajama clothes as she curled, carefully tucking her head in the middle so that she wouldn't look.

"Two pats if you are done." she muffledly replied from in the middle of the curls. "Give me a pat if you understood me."

Smiling gently, he gently patted her side once, as if he properly understood her, as her wing that was facing him twitched once, which typically meant, "Okay."

So, after they properly acknowledged each other, Abraham changed into his P.J.s as Stephanie waited patiently for him to typically finish without even looked.

"'Ey, uh, 'nother thing," she replied gently, instantly breaking the breathless silence in between the two of them.

"Vhat es et?" he asked gently, glancing over at her.

"I'm going to be about… maybe a weenie dog's size so that I can give you heat without bein' uncomfortable on the hard ground," she gently explained.

"But vhere am I going to sleep?" he politely asked, feeling confused.

"On the bed of course!" she replied gently. "I'm givin' you my bed so that you can be warm and comfortable as I am about a dog or weenie dog's size because I want the bed too, so, I was thinkin' of sharin' the bed in between us so that we both sleep comfortably."

"Ah," he properly acknowledged, although he properly understands what she naturally meant because of her fast talk, typically considered that from the BLU Scout. "I understand."

"Though, sorry 'bout my language." she humbly apologized. "I can be a little fast for you to understand and… I shorten my words down to the swag version of the words."

"Et es alright," Abraham replied gently, as he properly finished getting properly dressed in his . "As vell as I speak in German, my accent es different zhan zhe others. But, ve understood each other."

He gently patted two pats on the side to let her understand he was done getting dressed in his P.J.s, as she uncurled slightly, glancing down at him, as he was gazing up at her.

He was wearing a white shirt with long sleeves at the flexible wrists, as he is wearing slightly loose pants too, without his socks on along with his rubber gloves, so she instantly noticed there were invariably bandages on his arms.

"What happened to your arms?" she politely asked, gently nodding her head towards his arms in lively curiosity.

He glanced down at his hands, instantly noticing what she typically meant, and the fearful memory of the terrific fire haunted his tragic memory, so, he was silent when she politely asked.

"Et… vas an accident," he answered after he had paused in his words.

She naturally felt like she naturally wanted to inquire him about what typically happened, but, stopped herself, understanding that she might instantly push it too far, so, she fell silent, understanding his feelings.

"Anyways," she began, shifting the subject. "Let me get down to size."

Using her size change, she naturally shrank herself down to almost like a labrador's size, maybe smaller than that, and she glanced up at him, as he knelt down to carefully pick her up, being careful to not accidentally poke himself in the eyes with her horns.

Like a modern snake, she gently wrapped her long tail around his body, being careful to not make things uncomfortable with him to gently wrap in the wrong way, as she was in his arms.

"My Gott." he gently whispered, almost smiling to himself about her. "Jou are like a very fluffy snake."

"Well, except his snake can talk." she pointed, as she giggled to herself.

"True." he agreed, as he gently stroked her head, feeling the rumbling noise once more coming from her, as he gently patted her. "Zhat es true."

She gently chuckled as he carefully got onto her bed, as she used the tip of her flowing tail to gently move her favorite plush toy to the side, as she was still in the color of red, gently wrapped around his body, carefully keeping her gentle warm to him.

After he got into her bed, she slightly uncurled herself to a more like around his body, as he gently laid down, feeling exhausted from being almost scared to death, instantly running from intelligent robots and getting trapped inside an impenetrable forest.

A few minutes had passed, and Abraham was already asleep, as Stephanie was curled around him, her head on top of his, purring softly as he slept peacefully, sleeping throughout the moonlit night.