Chapter 1
The clacking of the train did not annoy everyone on it. It just zoomed on the tracks and everyone just enjoyed the ride. They were either listening to music or watching their kids or doing something to entertain their time. One person, a teenager wearing a skull cap, was fiddling with his guitar. He was dressed somewhat like a hipster but he was anything but. He just kept fiddling with the instrument until he saw a small girl out of the corner of his eye. He winked at her, making her giggle and run off. The teen just smirked and turned back to his guitar.
As he messed with the strings, a voice came over the P. A. system.
"Peach Creek Station is the next stop. In thirty minutes, Peach Creek Station." The voice said. The teenager became solemn after her heard that. He didn't like that fact that he would returning to Peach Creek. If he had it his way, he would have stayed in Arizona. He really didn't feel like returning after the incident four years ago.
Edd sat alone with his suitcases. His parents flanked him, serious expressions on their faces. Edd had his head down as they waited for someone. The skull cap wearing kid was sad and it showed. Everything was going so good and it all went bad because Eddy couldn't just accept how things were. All because of one stupid scam.
In hindsight, he really shown have known better. After the whole thing with Eddy's brother, he thought that his short friend would have changed. He should have known that he would have used the new friendship with the other cul-de-sac kids to plot something. However, they had been friends for so long, so he didn't think a small scam would hurt. He was so wrong. People did get hurt and they were not happy.
The other residents of the cul-de-sac were enraged and wanted all three of them gone. The friendship they created with the other kids were gone and they were shunned. However, the worst of it came from Eddy himself. He blamed him for everything that happened. While that wasn't surprising as he never took any responsibility, Eddy's anger at him was. He viciously berated him, calling him stupid and other names. He mocked him and insulted his creativity. The final nail was when he told him that they were never friends, that he was nothing but a tool to make him money. That hurt more than anything.
His attention turned to a car pulling up. A large man stepped out. Edd looked up and saw that he was clean shaven and wore clothes that a trucker would wear. He walked up to his mother and gave her a hug. The look he gave his father was not one of kindness. He then faced him and he was scared. He looked at him for a while before kneeling down to his level. He gave him a smile.
"Hello Edward, I'm your uncle Richard. I'm happy to meet you."
He remembered that day and saw it as the start of his life. While in the beginning he had been fearful, he enjoyed the time with his uncle. The four years he spent in Arizona opened his eyes to a whole new world to him. Uncle Richard was supportive of his inventive mind. He helped him come out of his shell and he made true friends. However, after four years, his parents wanted him to return just as he was about to begin his junior year of high school. He really didn't understand why this was. It wasn't as if they cared.
His mother might have kept in contact with him but it would only be once a month. He didn't hear anything from his father but he expected that. So, he wondered why either one of them would want him back in Peach Creek. Edd just sighed at the questions he had and saved them for when he got back. He would either get his answers or nothing at all.
Edd looked out the window of the cab. The cul-de-sac hadn't really changed. There were a few new things but it wasn't much. It seemed like everything was just frozen in time. The cab stopped in front of his house. Edd grabbed his things and got out of the cab after paying him. He made his way to the door where he saw a sticky note that had a taped key on it. Edd just used it to enter the house.
Inside, Edd wasn't surprised by what he saw. The place was in order and clean as a whistle. The teen made his way to his room. He entered and found it the same. Nothing was touched and everything was in place. Edd dropped his stuff and fell onto his bed. He looked up at his ceiling and just waited for sleep to claim him. It would be hours later when he was awoken. He opened his eyes to see his parents. Edd sighed and sat up to greet them. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
"Mother, father," Edd greet with a neutral tone. They both noticed it but did not say anything.
"It is good to have you back Edward." His mother said. "How was Arizona?"
"It was… different, better. I was doing well with Uncle Richard." Edd said. His father looked displeased by Edd's words.
"I'm glad that you had your experience but it was time to return home. Dinner has been prepared so let's go and eat." His father said. He walked out of his room, followed by his mother. With a sigh, Edd also followed.
Dinner was a quiet affair. Everyone ate in silence. After a while, Edd decided to get some answers.
"So, why bring me home?" Edd asked. His mother looked confused while his father looked stern.
"Did you not wish to return?" his father asked sternly.
"To be honest, no I did not wish to return. I know that you got daily reports from the school I was attending. I excelled in all my classes. Also, Uncle Richard saw no issue with me staying with him until I went to college. Even Aunt Susan saw no issue. I do not understand the decision for my return." Edd said. He paid attention to their reaction and noticed the slight flinch when he mentioned his aunt from New York. She was his father's sister and had met her during his summer vacation. Richard took him to meet his father's family as a graduation present. It was very eye opening.
"I don't really have to explain anything to you Edward. Your mother and I wanted you to finish your academics here, not in Arizona." His father said in a displeased tone.
"And after I graduate? Do you believe that I'm the same child you raised?" Edd asked. His father narrowed his eyes at him. Edd also saw that his mother was also sending him looks. With a sigh, Edd just decided to drop the matter. "May I be excused?" All he got was a nod from both parents. Edd stood and walked out of the kitchen. He did not go to his room but toward the basement. It was where he kept his inventions over the years. He was happy that all his stuff was still here.
He never stopped inventing. He loved to discover how things worked and he loved to create. His uncle, his aunt and his cousins encouraged his inventor side. They all never saw it as a stupid hobby like his parents thought. He took several classes and even entered a few contest. He continued to further his learning and improve his inventive skills. A lot of his friends in Arizona found it fun and were always interested in seeing more. He was turning in a real engineer.
He walked up to his desk and stared at it for a while. He opened up the drawers of his desk and saw his tools. He walked over to his wall of inventions and grabbed one of them. He took it off the wall and moved it to the table. He then grabbed a trash can and his stool. He sat down and looked at his pass invention. He picked up one of his tools and began to dismantle his creation. He would save some parts, separating them and cataloging. It didn't take him long to finish and he threw away the scraps. He stood up and went for another invention. He would do this for most of the night.
Exiting through the back of his house, Edd cut through the alley and started walking. He made his way toward Peach Creek Junior High. His reason was to shoot around the basketball under his arm. It was the only sport that he had an interest in. His very first friend got him into the sport and he enjoyed. He developed a frame to play the sport and was a pretty good shot from a distance. While he preferred distance shots, it didn't mean that he couldn't take the ball to the rim.
When he arrived, he saw a few people there already playing. He saw that they were using the full court so he made his way over to one of the free half courts. He just started to dribble the ball and work on his jump shot. He was five minutes into his routine when he heard someone shake the gate. He looked to see someone his age. He was of Latino descent with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a Bull's jersey.
"Hey, I was wondering if you can help me out. I need a fifth guy to help me out." The guy said.
"No problem. It beats waiting my turn." Edd said. He walked out of the gated court and walked up to the guy. He put his hand out for a shake. "Edward."
"Leon." He greeted and shook his hand. He led Edd to the court they were using. Leon went up to a brown skinned, shaved black haired teenager who was also wearing basketball attire.
"This guy your fifth Leon?" he asked. He gave Edd a look over and smirked. "Must not want to win." Edd just smirked and rotated his shoulders. Leon scoffed at the teen.
"Laugh it up Wendell. When we win, don't come crying to me." Leon said. The teen scoffed right back. Leon's five got ready to face Wendell's five. The tall teen turned to the bleachers and told the others to turn the volume up on the radio. The game started with Wendell getting the ball first. They dribbled the ball down the court. Wendell looked to post up and raised her arm for the ball. His teammate passed the ball but it was picked out of the air by Edd. With surprising speed, Edd ran down the court but one of Wendell's teammates, matching his speed. The two of them went up and Edd did a reverse lay-up to avoid the block. The ball went in, making it 0-2.
"Ohhh, that was nice!" Leon cheered. Wendell wasn't worried as the ball came down the other side. Again, Wendell looked to post up. He got a good pass and began backing down the defender. He was about to turn when he was stripped by Edd. Edd started a fast break when he saw Leon ahead. He lobbed it toward him, making him go airborne. The slam dunk made everyone watching and playing jump up in excitement. Leon ran over to Edd and gave him a 'five'. He then mocked Wendell who just looked at him.
"Alright, you want play it like that. Alright, let's go." Wendell said. Everyone watched as the game continued. There were a lot of 'ooh's' and 'aah's' as the two teams played. Edd play his position well and kept his team in the lead. However, Wendell and his team chipped away at the score and was only a point behind. Edd had the ball and was at the three point line. Wendell was guarding him this time and was in his face.
"Come on skull cap, let's see what you got." Edd dribbled and tried to get to the rim but Wendell was in his way. Edd suddenly dashed forward, tripping Wendell up. Edd did again only adding a crossover, making Wendell drop to a knee. The crowd was going wild and Edd ended the game with a fall-away jumper. Leon was going just a crazy as everyone in the stands. Edd walked over to Wendell and held out his hand. The taller teen took it and was brought to his feet. The two shook hands and were all smiles.
"Next game, I got you. Believe that." Wendell said with amusement. He gave Edd a friendly pat and Leon a five. He and his team made their way to the stands as another team got ready to play Edd and Leon.
Edd grabbed his ball and headed out of the courts. As he made his way to the street, he heard Leon calling his name. He turned to see him run up to him.
"Those were some nice games man." Leon said, giving Edd a 'five'. "Not only did I finally beat Wendell but the first time that I haven't lost a game. Thanks for your play man."
"No problem man. Do you come here every weekend?" Edd asked.
"Yeah, I do. Even when it gets too cold, they open up the gym for us to use." Leon informed. "Hey, you hungry man? Wendell's paying."
"Well then, who am I to ignore that invite?" Edd said. Leon let out a laugh and the two went to meet up with Wendell.
A small teenager with ginger hair and onyx eyes was walking down the street. She was in a hurry as she was meeting up with her friends. They only had two weeks to get ready for high school. One of those weeks had to be spent on buying clothes. She had the money from her small job that she had. As she was rushing, she turned and caught sight of two familiar people that she knew would be going to her school.
She recognized then as Leon and Wendell. She knew Wendell because she attended a few of his basketball games. Leon she knew from the few concerts that he was a drummer for. She noticed the third guy and could have sworn that she had met him before. She didn't really have time to think about it and quickly made her way toward the bus to get to the mall.
Authors' Notes
Hello everyone, welcome to the new version of my Ed, Edd n' Eddy story. Sorry that I haven't updated the old version of my story but i've been going through some things. Anyway, I'm back and I've decided to start my story over. However, instead of taking down my old story. I'll keep it up so you can enjoy it.
Since I am re-writing this, I've decided to go in a all new direction. Some things will stay the same but I will attempt to develop my characters a bit more. Reading my old story, I felt that there wasn't any character development with my Original Characters. I will try to do better and hopefully make the story better.
Anyway, enjoy the new story.