Co-Writer: GhostKaiser23
Disclaimer: We do not own Digimon, that belongs to Toei
Authors Note:
Oh HELL yeah!
Another new, fun story.
WARNING! If you have not read the V-Tamer manga... you probably won't understand this story.
So this is a sequel to the V-Tamer manga which takes place in the Tamers universe.
Now let me explain!
In V-Tamer the V-Pet was already super popular. And the V-Pet is the early days of the Digimon franchise so I can see it growing into the mega popularity it was in during Tamers, plus Taichi in Tamers has teamed up with both Davis (from the Adventure universe)and Takuya, but not Takuya... plus they both have Tamers in it
Yes, to be clear, I am doing a story about the Taichi from Digimon Adventures and this fic is about the Taichi of V-Tamer I will be clear. When I say Tai, I am speaking about Digimon Adventure (the anime) and when I say Taichi I mean V-Tamer (the manga)
Taichi is also getting a bit lucky here. Rei, Rika and a female Takato. Just read and have fun.
I hope you all enjoy it!
Digimon V-Tamer 02
Chapter 1: Return of the 100% Combination!
We go to a lot house in Japan, next to a bakery.
A brown haired teen, age sixteen, looked out of his window at the sky. His hair could be described as a mess as it stuck out like a bird's nest, almost. He had brown eyes and a toned, athletic build. Hanging around his neck where a pair of large circular goggles, pilots goggles, a present from his grandfather. He wore a blue long sleeve shirt with a stylised yellow V over his left breast and a pair of brown cargo pants. In his hand was a black and red device, square with a few buttons.
This was Taichi Yagami, the Victory Tamer.
It had been three years since he had gone to the Digital World and saved it from Daemon. The item in his hand was a V-Pet, what was once the home of his trusted companion Zeromaru or just Zero for short. The two of them, partners, where the perfect combination, the 100% victorious team.
Of course when he returned to the human world the V-Pet lasted another few months until the devices battery died and Zero's 'programed lifespan' ended. The screen having been black since that day.
Tai had been sad for months after that event, like a piece of him died. But he recovered and felt at piece eventually, as he still felt his partner with him. He knew they'd meet together again one day.
Over the years the Digimon craze had only grown. It had gained a card game, dozens of video games and an anime which lasted two seasons. A lot of his friends liked to joke he looked like the shows original protagonist but he didn't see it personally. He smirked, standing straight as he took a deep breath of the fresh air.
That was enough of that for today.
He grabbed a deck box from next to his window, a stylised blue box with the same yellow V that was on his shirt, and clipped it to his waist before he left his room.
His parents where are work so he simply grabbed a piece of toast, chewing on it as he left his home and saw a figure emerge from the bakery next door
It was a brown-haired girl with brown eyes, wearing a blue button jacket and white shirt with grey shorts and slip on shoes. She was a few inches shorter than Taichi, her hair tied into a small ponytail and a semi-athletic figure. She was clearly healthy, not overweight, but she didn't do much exercise as she did not have much muscle/tone. Her legs where long, small B-cup breasts and an 'average' backside. Overall she looked what could be described as average "Hey Taichi." She smiled with a small blush, some flower on her cheek
"Morning Takata." He greeted, pointing at her cheek "You had a bit of an accident?"
"Huh? Oh." She blinked and laughed nervously, whipping it away
"I was helping out my parents. Baking and such." Takata answered
"I'm teasing." He smirked, patting her head
"Will you stop that? I'm not a kid anymore." She grumbled and blushed
"Yeah, I know." Taichi nodded. "But it's only a little fun." He grinned, waving as he walked away "See you later." He called to his neighbour
"Seeya." Takata waved and tussled her hair back. She walked off, preparing to play Digimon cards with her friends Kazu and Kenta before school started
With Taichi he was walking, calmly with a smile as he arrived at what looked like a large mansion. He arrived to the front gate and pushed the buzzer to the voice box.
"Hello?" A voice answered
"Hello. I'm here to pick up Rei Saiba. It's Taichi Yagami, here to take her to school." Taichi said as formally as he could
"Ah, Mr Yagami. One moment please." The voice responded and clicked off.
Thirty seconds later the door opened revealing a rather pretty brunette with blue eyes and a C-Cup chest wearing a white shirt and jeans with slip on boots. However she was only eye level with Tai's chest, despite her long legs. The reason?
She was in a wheelchair
"Hey Taichi." Rei smiled, a cheerful smile showing she was a girl with few worries
"Hey, Rei." Taichi smiled back looking at her. "How're you doing?"
"Good." She nodded "I finally got my brother to help me build a deck so hopefully we can have a game of Digimon soon." She said with her almost blinding smile
"Sounds fun. I'll go easy on you." He chuckled
"Look after my sister, Yagami." An older, annoyed sounding male voice said from the house
"Oh calm down Neo, like If let her get hurt." Taichi smirked at the 19 year old who was hiding around the was Neo Saiba, Rei's big sister.
Neo was a tall teen. Like... Really tall. Like nearly a foot taller than Taichi. However, almost like it was universal compensation, he was also very skinny and lanky. The body of someone who spent all their time on a computer but eat a good balanced diet, not a sports person's body. He was rather pale with spikey white hair and blue eyes. He had an earring hanging from his left ear and some lines coming from his eyes, what looked like tattoos. He wore a white shirt with black sleeves, the sleeves having white peace sings on them, and black pants with white shoes.
Neo looked at Taichi and huffed gently, and sighed "Yagami." he grumbled
"Don't worry, Neo. If he DOES hurt me, I'll kick his ass." Rei smiled back.
"Yeah." Taichi laughed
"Good." Neo answered and went back inside.
"M'Lady." Taichi bowed with a smirk and helped push her in her wheelchair.
"Very funny." She giggled, letting herself be rolled down the street. She smiled, relaxing in the sun's light "... You doing okay?" She asked softly "It's nearly the anniversary of... You know."
Taichi sighed and continued to push Rei. "I'm fine, just...thinking." He assured "I know we will see each other again. Zero wouldn't leave me, he's part of my soul. He'll be back. And the first thing he'll do is ask for food."
Rei giggle and nodded. "I'm sure he will."
"Heeeeey~! Taiiiichiii~!" A female voice called from a car making Taichi sweat drop and groan while Rei giggled
'Why? Why this early?' He thought to himself in irritation 'It's too early to deal with her.' He looked up and saw the expensive silver car besides them
In the driver's seat was a nineteen year old blonde girl, her hair done up in pigtails, with green eyes. She wore a leather corset, a leather mini-skirt, a purple top/jacket and some knee high boots. She had DD breasts and a tattoo of some lines on the left side of her face.
This was Mari, one of the people who worked alongside Neo in the Digital World. She was a girl who made music videos in the internet and was a flirt. She didn't mean it, of course, she just used it to put people off balance and to get her way
"Hello, Mari." Taichi sighed as he looked at her.
"You and little ReiRei off to school? Or a date?" She smiled, speaking like the ditzy blonde she looked like.
All a mask.
She was as sly, cunning and clever as they came. The ditz/flirt act was to throw people off... Plus she found it fun. She knew when to be serious but she also loves messing with people
"Mari." Taichi blushed and groaned
"Where are you off to Mari?" Rei asked
"Shopping, of course!" She grinned "I need some new cloths for my next video!"
"Still getting Sigma to do your effects for you?" Taichi smirked
"He's just too easy sometimes. Can't say no." She pouted "Want a lift? ... Crap, sorry. Forgot my car hasn't got space for your chair, Rei. I really should get a new one."
"It's fine." She nodded and smiled "Schools not too far anyway."
"Are you sure?" Mari asked
"I'm sure." Rei nodded
"Just go so your shopping. We'll meet up with you and the others after school." Taichi smiled
"Okay, see you later." Mari nodded, hugging Taichi...and 'inadvertently' slid his arm between her bosom.
"Mari." He coughed with a blush, pushing her back into the driver seat of her car
"Oh you're no fun anymore." She laughed and drove off "Later love birds!"
'L-Love birds?' Taichi blushed
"Bye." Rei waved, looking over her shoulder and poking his arm "Taichi." she said, snapping him out of his shock
"Huh?" He blinked.
"School?" She pointed, reminding him
"Oh, r-right." He came back down to Earth and pushed her with quicker speed.
*time skip*
Taichi was at lunch now, sitting with Takata "You were sent out of class again?" He asked
"Yeah, cause I was drawing." Takata admitted.
"Yeah? Drawing what?" Taichi asked
"Th... this." Takata blushed and pulled out a small notepad
Taichi gently took the notepad and looked at the contents. Inside he saw doodles and designs of a red dinosaur creature with little bat wings for ears, a white belly, yellow eyes and black triangle markings "What is this?" He asked with a cheerful, gentle smile
"It. It's a Digimon. I made it up." Takata answered with an embarrassed blush. "I call it...Well I haven't THOUGHT of a name for it yet."
"It looks cool!" He smiled
"R-Really? You don't think it's dorky?" Takata asked
"Of course not, I like Digimon as much as you." Taichi responded as he picked up and flashed his deck of Digimon cards
"Oh, whoa. I didn't even think you HAD some of these cards." Takata gasped, seeing Taichi's cards. She practically ripped the cards from his hand, looking through the deck in wonder "Whoa! A 'Chrome Digizoid Shield'? Isn't that ultra-rare?" Takata asked
"Got lucky." Taichi shrugged and pulled several cards out of his deck "These are my ace." He smiled, flashing them
Veemon, Veedramon, AeroVeedramon and AlforceVeedramon
"The 'Veemon' cards?" Takata asked
"Yeah, I never leave without them." Taichi answered with a nostalgic smile as a flash of his partner appeared in his mind "And I never loose with them."
"Whoa." She whispered with a gasp "I feel jealous. I need to get a new card scanner. I found a weird blue card amongst my collection and when I tried to scan it the thing started freaking out."
"Sorry to hear that." Taichi flinched before he smiled "Here." He said, holding out the Chrome Digizoid Shield card
"Are-are you sure?" Takata asked in shock
Taichi nodded. "Yeah, take it."
"I... Thanks." She blinked
"I barley use it anyway." Taichi shrugged "So, want help in your Digimon?"
"Y-Yes please." She nodded.
"Let's get to work." Taichi nodded, smiling
*Time skip*
Taichi arrived home later that day, Rei waiting for outside his house. He just had to grab something and then they'd be off to meet up with the others.
As he entered his room his eyes widened, seeing a strange glowing blue card on his desk "Wait... What's this?" He wondered as he picked up the card 'Is this the card Takata told me about?'
Taichi looked at the card for a few moments. It felt... Familar. He knew he had never seen it before but just HOLDING it sent sparks up his arms.
Excitement, danger, laughter.
He frowned, grabbing a backpack and putting the blue card into his pocket. He then move quickly, getting out of the house and locking the door
"Hey Taichi, you okay?" Rei asked
"Yeah. Just need to talk to the computer geeks about something." He joked softly, pushing Rei down the road. Quicker than normal but nowhere near a dangerous speed
"Really? What?" She blinked
"I... Think it has something to do with the Digital World." He frowned
"Are-are you serious?" Rei asked as she felt the wind through her hair.
"Yeah." Taichi nodded "And if they need our help again, best not to go alone."
"Do you want me to come?" Rei asked
"Do you want to come?" Taichi grinned
"...Yes." Rei blushed and nodded. Taichi nodded, arriving at the Saiba mansion
Back at Rei's home, Taichi and Rei entered, with the former given permission. They soon entered a room on a higher floor where Neo and Mari where waiting, but the two were also with two other males around their age
One was a black spiky haired boy, wearing a black jacket, blue shirt and blue trousers. He looked to be about 19, the same age as Mari and Neo.
The other boy had long white hair with two 'hair-antenna' at the front, wearing glasses; a white jacket and light green shirt and black trousers.
"Guys! We got an issue." Taichi said, basically slamming the blue card onto the table
"What's this?" Hideto asked, looking at the card. However as he reached of it, he understood. He nodded at the others and one by one they reached for it
They all felt the same 'spark' as Taichi did; only they understood it more.
This was the feeling of something Digital made into reality, all six of them having had this feeling throughout their body for nearly a week after they returned. Each of them looked at each other and nodded. Knowing what the others were thinking.
"It's from the Digital World." The four said as one
"That must mean that Digimon are coming into this world." Neo commented
"Yeah. That's what I thought." Taichi nodded, some excitement in his voice as he pulled out his V-Pet... Which began to glow, as did the V-Pet's belonging to Neo, Hideto, Mari and Sigma
"Whoa! Whats going on?" Mari gasped, seeing there V-Pets gasped and then... The devices began to change shape.
They became large cross snapped devices with velvet straps, the straps ending with clips to hook it to a belt loop. In the centre of the cross was a screen with a ring around it. Below the screen was a large circular button, the button having two thin oval buttons either side of it the same colour as the devices ring. And down the side of the device was a slot, thick enough for a card and a strange thing was that they were all different colours
Neo's colour was a purple device with a black ring and buttons hanging from a black strap,
Hideto's first V-Pet was now a white device with an orange ring, button and strap whole his second was a blue device with a yellow ring, button and strap, Mari's was a rose-red colouree device with a green ring, buttons and strap, Sigma's was a dark yellow ring and buttons on white device with a dark yellow strap.
And finally Taichi's. Taichi's device was a light blue colour, hanging from a white strap with a red ring and white buttons. The colour was the same pale blue as Zero's skin.
"Whoa. This. This is amazing." Mari gasped
"Digivices?" Sigma commented as he picked his up carefully
"Looks like a new model." Neo commented casually as he picked his up as well, only less carefully, and pressed the circle button. The screen shone to life... And revealed static. Static that lasted for several moments before it cleared away, revealing an egg
"Wait. What's-what's this?" He asked, looking at the egg.
"It. Looks like a-" Mari followed up, seeing her own screen with an egg.
"DigiEgg." Taichi answered. Sigma's, to, had this egg.
However Hideto's both shook this trend. It showed images of a small orange dinosaur on one and a yellow two-legged wolf wearing a blue belt on the other "Warg? Melga?" He asked in awe.
Taichi looked in wonder, preparing to press the button on his device... When another light filled the room. The group looked, seeing Rei drop her card scanner which she had tried to swipe the blue card through. Said card scanner now glowing and changing shape, the blue card fading as the card scanner became like their devices. It was pink with a purple ring, button and strap and, strangely, a gold clip
"My... My... I have my own." Rei whispered as she tried to reach down and pick it up.
Neo sighed, picking it up and putting it in her hand "Why did you do that Rei? We just lost our chance to examine it."
"I'm sorry. But I just wanted to see if it would work." Rei apologised and looked at the Digivice and awaited for her own DigiEgg. However when she pressed the button... The screen was blank "Huh?! Why?!"
"Well yours wasn't a V-Pet." Mari pointed out
"Maybe if you scan a card?" Sigma suggested
"What was your decks ace, Rei?" Taichi asked, glad the pressure was off him now. He... Didn't know if he wanted to press the button. What if he was wrong all this time? What if... What if Zero WAS gone? Could he handle that?
"This." Rei smiled, pulling out a card and showing them. The card showed a Rookie level Digimon, a white ferret looking Digimon with golden ring patterns on its body called Kudamon
"Why don't you scan it?" Mari suggested
"Okay." Rei nodded, sliding the card through the slot on the side of the device. The Digivice soon began to spark within the slot as a small spark of pixel snow appeared on the screen. The snow soon combined, forming a DigiEgg "N-Neo. Neo, look. Somethings forming!" Rei almost bounced in her chair.
"Yeah." Neo smiled lightly, barely noticeable. However he was concerned and everyone understood that.
Rei... They were in the real world. Rei couldn't walk. Would she... Be okay if a Digimon attacked?
"Takata said she scanned a blue card this morning and her scanner started making a fuss." Taichi commented, the group sitting around the table
"Your neighbour?" Mari asked
"This is worrying." Sigma frowned "If random kids are getting these cards and, potentially, Digimon."
"And if it's not JUST us...It could be the whole town." Hideto agreed, coming to that realisation "The town could be destroyed by random Digimon attacks and fights!"
"Why do these new Digivices interact, and accept, the Digimon cards?" Neo commented seconds later, changing the subject "It seems suspicious. Human influenced."
"We can ask when we get to the Digital World... how do we get to the Digital World?" Hideto commented
"We only arrived the first time because powerful Digimon pulled us in. It might be impossible without that." Sigma theorized
"Then if we are stuck in this situation, it'd be best to optimise our card decks." Neo ordered "If these things scan the trading cards then they most likely use them to power up our Digimon. We need to strengthen our decks, streamline them to best fit our partners."
"Got it." Taichi nodded, knowing that Neo was speaking sense.
"Um, Neo...I don't have that many cards." Rei answered
"Don't worry; I'll help you with that. Okay?" Neo knelt down and spoke kindly to her.
The group layed out their cards. This was not a game, not about cardboard with pictures. Not about a collection or OTK's or fancy combos or OP cards.
This was battle, a war, and the five being experienced made it easy to prepare
"Here, take this one." Mari spoke, handing over a card for Rei to have. "I've got triples."
"Take this. Attack Up." Hideto added, passing a card over.
"This would work better for you, Mari." Taichi said, giving her a card to block fire damage
"Thank you, everyone." Rei answered, getting a very balanced and strong deck of cards.
'This is amazing.' Taichi smiled, sitting back as he saw his deck
"Hey Taichi, you still got that Chrome Digizoid Shield card? Piedmon never had the best defence." Sigma asked
"Oh. I, err... Gave it to Takata." Taichi admitted
"You WHAT?!" Neo snapped
"Hey, she was feeling down and I wanted to cheer her up!" Taichi raised his arms in defence.
"That thing cost me 40,000 yen!" Neo snapped
"Sorry! I... Oh crap! Takata!" Taichi gasped
"What about her?" Mari followed up with Taichi running out of the room
"Should we follow him?" Sigma asked in confusion.
"Of course." Neo scoffed
"He left this." Rei added, picking up the box Taichi brought with him from his house "Let's go!"
"...Fine." Neo sighed.
Over with Taichi, he was running back home, going to try and find Takata. And stop her before something terrible happens. He noticed it was already dark, pulling out his phone he called her 'Pick up, pick up, pick up!' Taichi thought in a rush, worried about what might've happened
"Ah... Hello?" Takata's voice came through the phone, echoing slightly and small noises showing she was crawling through someplace... A pipe?
"Takata, where are you? Do you still have that blue card you told me about?" Taichi asked in a panick
"What? No, it.. it disappeared. I'm fine Taichi." She said quickly, trying to avoid the subject
"Takata. Where. Are. You?" Taichi responded, nervous about her avoiding his question "That Digivice is dangerous!"
"I-I'm sorry. I'm going through a tunnel at the construction yard." Takata responded, hanging up "Wait! You know about my Digivice?!"
Tsi sighed, changing direction and running "Damn it, Takata!" He frowned and bolted, trying to find her. He soon entered a construction yard... Only to be surrounded by mist "What the? What is this?" Taichi wondered as he looked around, trying to see through the mist, while not trying to bump into anything
"GAH! What's going on?" Taichi gasped, covering his face before putting his goggles over his eyes to look through the mist. He ran, soon seeing into a pit...
Where a red dinosaur with wing-like ears nuzzling against a laughing Takata
"Err... What?" Taichi blinked in shock, seeing this red dinosaur and Takata together.
"Huh? Taichi!" Takata gasped, still laughing as the dinosaur was still plying with her.
"... Is that...?" Taichi blinked, recognizing the Digimon from earlier today
"Yeah. Taichi. This is Guilmon." Takata smiled stroking the dinosaur on the head
The Dinosaur smiled and growled playfully, tilting its head to Taichi "Grr."
"G-Guilmon? Your made up Digimon?" Taichi asked "You... Brought it to life?"
"I. I think so. I mean, I used that blue card and put it next to my notepad...It must've scanned it while I slept." Takata admitted
"Hi." Guilmon smiled as Taichi walked down, now able to get a good look at the Digimon while also noticing it's voice sounded like a young girls
"Err... Hi?" Taichi waved his hand at her
The Digimon was very raptor like and looked like it would be as tall as Takata if it wasn't hunched over. It's body was covered in red scales except for its stomach and chest. It had three white claws in each hand and each foot. Black ring like patterns decorated its upper arms, thighs and the tip of its tail. On its chest where four triangles which where positioned so that three of the triangles where meeting, point to point, with the fourth that was in the middle. The Dino had yellow eyes and a large snout. Finally its figure was curved and muscular, showing it was strong physically but also a hint of femininity
"You Mama friend?" Guilmon asked childishly, tilting her head and confusing the two
"Huh?" The two asked as they looked at each other.
"You. Mama friend?" Guilmon responded, pointing to Taichi and then to Takata.
Taichi began to think "Err... yeah. Yeah, I am." He nodded. "I'm Taichi."
"Mama?" Takata mumbled
"Taich... Papa?" Guilmon blinked
Taichi's eyes widened under his goggles. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. 'D-Does she think-?'
Taichi's eyes widened under his goggles. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. 'D-Does she think-?'
They were interrupted as the others arrived, Hideto pushing Rei's wheelchair
"Taichi!" Hideto called out
"Huh?" Takata and Taichi turned around
Guilmon's eyes turned to pinpricks and growled at Hideto like she was defending herself from a predator. The group stopped, staring in shock and confusion
"Is that a-?" Mari gasped
"Digimon." Neo nodded
"G-Guilmon. It's okay. It's okay. They're friends." Takata tried to soothe her, keeping her new friend calm.
"Guilmon? I've never heard of that one before." Neo frowned, the mist slowly fading
"It's a Digimon Takata made up." Taichi explained calmly. "And... It's JUST come to life. Okay?"
"Interesting." Neo hummed, remembering the monsters he made as the group walked closer
"Taichi? Who are they?" Takata blinked before she added "Wait! How did you know I had a Digivice?!"
Taichi rubbed the back of his neck and showed her his. "They're my friends. Mari, Hideto, Neo and Rei." with the others showing their Digivices as well
"Oh wow!" She gasped
... And they all heard a deep growl as the most faded
They were not alone
"Oh no." Mari gulped in worry.
"Neo." Rei held her brother's hand.
"I'll protect you." Neo answered
Guilmon growled back, glaring at the voice's origin.
They all looked behind them and saw... A Gururumon looking over them, snarling.
"Is that a-?" Rei asked as Neo backed up with her.
"A Gururumon." Hideto nodded, knowing the difference between the two.
Gururumon roared, pouncing at them
"What's the difference between this and a Garurumon?" Mari asked as they dodged out of the way
"Aside from the name?" Hideto responded. "Their blue accents are darker, their fur is paler and their pink claws are purple!"
"Well Garururmon's markings are more blue than black, Gururumon's being more like black." Takata interrupted, getting a bit nerdy
"Thanks, Taichi. I REALLY needed to know that!" Neo rolled his eyes sarcastically.
Gururumon lunged at them with its claws, only to be met by-
"PYRO SPHERE!" Guilmon's voice called out, shooting a blast of fire at Gururumon which just wanted over its fur
"I didn't say anything, that was Takata!" Taichi called, making Takata blush at being called a nerd but also the slight pride in Taichi's voice
"Grr!" Gururumon growled, at Guilmon, to which Guilmon growled back. The two charged, acting like animals
"Guilmon!" Takata yelled but she didn't listen
"What the hell?" Mari frowned "Why is that thing ignoring her?"
"It's like a wild animal." Sigma noticed
"Warg! Malg! Come on!" Hideto yelled whole pressing the buttons on his Digivices but nothing was happening "Come on! Come on! What's going on?!"
"Taichi! We need Zero!" Neo ordered
"I know!" Taichi answered. "Zero, come on buddy. Where are you?"
He held up his Digivice, about to press the button... And he freezed, again
"Taichi! What're you doing?" The others voices became distorted, trying to reach him.
It felt like he was fogged over, like he was distant from everything.
All he could do is look at his Digivice, his finger shaking
He couldn't do anything. His memory was glaring right at him...He didn't know if he could do this.
He began to cry
His hand reached up, to try and whipe the tears away... And his hand hit the goggles still sitting over his eyes
He forgot that he had them on... His time with Zero. His best friend.
His grandfather's voice echoed in his ears
"Taichi. Courage will give you the wings to fly."
"... Why am I being such a coward?" He mumbled, smiling
"CHAOS BLASTER!" Gururumon roared, unleashing a blast of black fire at Taichi
"TAICHI!" everyone yelled
"LET'S GO, ZERO!" Taichi roared, holding his Digivice forward and pressing a button
The others where silent, staring in shock and horror as Taichi seemed to have been obliterated by the flames
"Taichi..." Takata mumbled as she fell to her knees
Gururumon smiled toothily as he looked at his handiwork "Grr."
As the flames disappeared a figure was found within. A tall figure horned with a tail, bulky yet strong, a dragon looking humanoid.
The figure growled as it's back turned from Gururumon and revealed a protected Tai.
"You can't do anything without me, can you Taichi?" The figure smirked as the flames disappeared, revealing the large bulky blue dragon to the world
"Z-Zero?" Taichi whispered, looking up at him.
"Grr." Gururumon glared and snarled, seeing the being.
"The Best Team... Is back again." 'Zero' responded, whipping his tail and snuffed the Chaos Flame out.
Taichi sniffed, rubbing his eyes as he moved his goggles up "It took you long enough." He mumbled before he stood tall, a confident smirk
"Taichi!" Rei yelled as everyone got over the shock, throwing the box she had been carrying at Taichi
Catching it, Taichi knew what it was. "Thanks."
"What's that?" Zero asked
"I'll explain later, we've got to take this guy down." Taichi responded
"You got it!" Zero smiled
He opened the box, pulling out a familiar yellow cape. He set it around his neck, clicking it closed as he smirked "This is better." Taichi smiled. He raised his hand, a single finger raised "Taichi." He stated simply, clicking
"Zeromaru!" The blue dragon smirked as he punched his hands together
"Together, we are the 100% combination!" The two called together, a light in their eyes that was unmistakable
True, unmatched joy
The perfect partners, together again
The sound of whistling wind flowed through the construction site.
... Gururumon stuck his tongue out and pounced at Zero, thinking that they were just having their guard down.
Zero grabbed the Gururumon by his claws and slammed him into the flaw.
Wanna be the Biggest Dreamer
Running full speed ahead
Through both the present and the future!
Gururumon was sent rolling away, quickly pulling itself up and snarling
"Bring it, fur ball." Zero said, using his finger to urge him on
"RRRAA!" Gururumon snarled and charged once more
"HAMMER PUNCH!" Taichi and Zero roared at once, Zero punching at his own feet making a large chunk of ground fly up and hit Gururumon in the jaw making it back up
That's right, I've realised it
I've always been forgetting my homework
"Zero, sideways!"
The mighty blue dragon started running to the left, moving much faster than you'd expect giving his size.
Gururumon snarled, unleashing more and more blasts of black flames but they kept missing
"Jump!" Taichi ordered
Zero answered without hesitation, Gurumon lungining at where he once was
"MAGNUM PUNCH!" Zero roared, striking right down with a glowing fist. Fist met back, crashing it into the ground hard
"He hasn't lost his touch." Neo commented, smirking
It's one riddle, riddle, riddle
"Just who am I?"
Even if my knees hurt from sliding and getting skinned...
"Incredible." Takata blinked
"Huh?" Guilmon blinked
Zero jumped back, landing next to Taichi "Got everything you need?"
"Yep." Taichi nodded, making notes in a small blue book that had been in his cloak "Fur as hard as steel. Fast but basic. Sharp claws but more relies on its fire breath. Strategy set."
I know that if I don't get right back up,
My chance will slip away!
"I could have told you that about the fur." Zero said, shaking his hand a bit
Gurumon snarled and charged
Taichi and Zero shared a look, both smirking with Zero nodding. And the blue dragon charged
"CHAOS BLASTER!" Gurumon roared, the two near face to face
"ZERO!" they yelled in worry, seeing the flames about to hit the dragon in the face
Big and Bigger, Biggest Dreamer!
Dreaming is the start of it all, I'm sure that's the answer!
"Nice try puppy!" Zero smirked, tilting his head to the side. The flames shot past his head, Zero grabbing the Champion tightly. His arms around its shoulders, neck and back where he squeezed tightly before he twisted his body a bit
I'll show you that I can fly father then anyone,
Going straight through tomorrow!
"Get over there!" Zero yelled, throwing as hard as he could and sending Gururumon flying into the air like a missile
"Now!" Taichi ordered
"CHAOS BLASTER!" Gururumon roared again, unleashing another blast of flames as it stabilized itself in the air
Wanna be the Biggest Dreamer
"V-BREATH ARROW!" Zero unleashed a massive blast of blue energy that flew through the air. It cut through the flames like butter, racing towards Gururumon
Running full speed ahead
The attack entered Gururumon's open mouth, making its eyes widen before it howled in agony as it exploded and was reduced to data
Through both the present and the future!
"YEAH!" The two cheered, linked arms and spun around in a dance.
Their famous victory dance, spinning in a circle as they laughed and did a silly chant
"Yep. They haven't changed at all." Neo and the Alias III through, sweatdropping while Rei giggled and Takata blinked in confusion. Guilmon, meanwhile...
"Guilmon wants to play to!" Guilmon yelled, running towards the two and laughing
"Huh?" Zero asked, seeing Guilmon. "Who's this?"
"Guilmon." Taichi responded
"Hi!" Guilmon cheered
"Hi? What's a 'Guilmon'?" Zero responded and whispered to Taichi.
Taichi sighed and chuckled. "I'll explain later, Zero...It's just good to have you back."
Suddenly Zero disappeared and a small blue dragon took his place. The dragon being blue with red eyes and a yellow V on his forehead "Whoa! What happened to me?" Zero asked in shock, looking over his body.
"Y-You De-Digivolved." Taichi responded. 'Kinda convenient now.'
"Why?" Rei asked, wheeling towards them
Zero shrugged in confusion. "I dunno." He responded before he grinned "Rei!" He cheered in realisation, hugging her
"Hello, Zero." Rei smiled, hugging back.
All the while, Guilmon sniffed and pondered WHERE the big blue Digimon went. The new Digimon did smell nice "Ah~." Guilmon smiled
"Good to see you again, Zero." Hideto and Mari spoke
"Zero." Neo nodded
"Neo." Zero responded. "How's it going, Sigma?"
"Okay." He nodded shyly
"... I... Who are you?" Takata blinked
"Digimon Tamers." They smiled