Reviews for Digimon V-Tamer 02
Guest chapter 16 . 6/13
love the story! sad to see it hasn't been updated in so long
Guest chapter 8 . 4/3
Still seeing the same kind of errors, but that aside still really like how things are progressing. The training scenes between Taichi and Rika are interesting especially since you decided to hint at why Rikas' father is not around. Keep it up.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/1
Liking the story so far, especially the confrontation between Taichi and Rika. Noticed a few spelling/grammar error that threw me off a little, maybe proof read a couple times before posting.
BlackXANA chapter 16 . 4/6/2019
Accidentally reviewed as "Guest" for Chapter 16 on April 6th. Please change it to "BlackXANA" upon reply for next chapter.
Guest chapter 16 . 4/6/2019
So Zero has managed to get both Gali and Rena as mates, as well as Rena Digivolving into her Champion form... Something tells me it may be a start of a Harem for him, but he'll soon find himself in hotter trouble with those two. As the Old saying goes: Outta the frying pan, and into the fire.

Speaking of fire... **Sniff** something... smells like... **Sniff-sniff, Sniff** Some... thing is...

(The Reviewer slowly smells the smoke to the point where it's coming from, only to find it was the rear end of his pants on fire.)


(He jumps up and runs for the nearest source of water while screaming for dear life.)

Takata: "GALI?!"

Gali: "Gali didn't do that! Gail swear! Honest!"

Takata: "You're sure you didn't use your Pyro Sphere on him?"

Gali: **nods** "Hmm-Mmm..."

Zero: "Taichi and I can vouch. We were playing ball with her a while ago."

Takata: "Well if you didn't... then who did?!"

(Little did they know, the one who really put the reviewer on fire, was none other than Impmon laughing in the trees again at his mischievous deeds.)
Reishin Amara chapter 16 . 4/5/2019
"This-this strength! Let it go! Let it go!" IceDevimon shouted.

"Cant hold it back anymore." Henry sang. Everyone paused their battle to look at him.

Henry sighed. "What? Do you realize how many times my sister Suzie has made me rewatch Frozen?"
Z571 chapter 15 . 4/3/2019
I really don't get why this story doesn't get more reviews, its very good.

Well I guess we know what Renamon's having for dinner, sliced and diced IceDevimon anyone?
Guest chapter 15 . 3/31/2019
I'd recommend you and anyone else who reads this back up their stories because of the EU's article 13. It's given companies more control of copyright and it seems possible that fanfic stories will be taken down.

I Apologise for not leaving a real review but given the current predicament I'm not in a reading mood.
Brawler883 chapter 15 . 3/31/2019
Ooooohhhh boooyyy this story is good. I think it doesn't get a lot of reviews because some people only review if they have questions. Also, still absolutely loving the references to Project Mouthwash and their abridged series. I'm really curious as to whether or not the people from v-tamers will also biomerge because I definitely think that would be a really interesting change and I'd personally love to see Tai and Zero become the true 100% combination. Anyway, keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 14 . 3/30/2019
You're the rabbit Terriermon, one would think you'd be the more energetic of the two.
Blaster chapter 14 . 3/27/2019
Wow! Terriermon got LUCKY!
Wonder if Henry is close behind?
Guest chapter 14 . 3/26/2019
Huh. Wasn't expecting to get a chapter which shows Maria getting champion
BlackXANA chapter 14 . 3/22/2019
Hmmm... I wonder when Renamon is going to Digivolve in all of this?
Which brings up the question if she'll get into it with Zero, and wind up in a threesome trian-

**CRACK!** (The ground starts to give with a sudden crack underneath the reviewer's feet)

Huh?! Oh no... Not a-(and soon collapses as the said reviewer falls in)-GGAAAAAIIIInnnaaaahhh...



(Not far away... Impmon laughs in the trees as he admires his handywork while he laughs)
Redrangerlegacy chapter 14 . 3/22/2019
Today we lost a great ‘mon. His wisecracks and bunny ears will never be forgotten. Poor fool.
Guest chapter 14 . 3/22/2019
Wow... Was not expecting that end
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