Author's Message: Upcoming Canon-Compatibility ReWrites

Hey all, SomeSortOfCat here. This last year or so that I've spent writing 'STRQ' has been quite a ride, to say the least. All the way from my first story follower, the first favorites, all the way on up until now, where 'STRQ' has risen to become one of the most popular (If not THE most popular) pure retelling of team STRQ's story available in the RWBY fanfiction listings. I've got a long way to go before my work is worth mentioning in the same breath as Coeur Al'Aran's, but I'm awful proud of what I've managed to accomplish in this short time, regardless.

Now, the process of writing 'STRQ' has taught me a lot. No, seriously. I'm a completely different writer now than I was when I began this project. And that's something I can say could serve as a lesson to all of you aspiring writers… Writing well is very much a learn-as-you-go process. Just because you don't think you can write well now doesn't mean after practicing for a year that you won't begin to scratch your potential as I have.

And that brings me to the main point of this whole Compendium entry. The personal stylistic development I've undergone since starting 'STRQ' makes it necessary for me to look back on my work and seek ways it can be improved. The fact that the current volume of RWBY, Volume 6, has dropped an immense amount of detail about Remnant's past is a convenient excuse to go back through all twenty-four chapters I have published and update the narrative for canon-compatibility. Compatibility has always been one of my overarching goals with 'STRQ', so re-orienting the story to better fit what we now know about Remnant's forgotten past is a necessity for me, not a preference. Faithfulness to the world Monty left us is a core tenant of my writing style.

So, between updating for canon-compatibility and taking into account my personal development as a writer, there's no small amount of changes to be made to my work, as I see it. Here's a short list of things that I've discussed with some of you that I intend to go in and re-work.

Pacing: Increasing the amount of time between encounters with the Syndicate, delaying Jade's death until a few weeks into the semester, and possibly introducing her as a live character. We'll see, but basically I need to not jump into the Xiong story arc so quickly, and try harder to establish them as a real threat to our heroes.

"Inappropriate Stories": Qrow alluded to shenanigans in the day-to-day life of the members of team STRQ that the rapid pace of events thus far has made it impossible for me to really explore properly. That's going to include more development of relationship dynamics, some mischief, a few hijinks… Hey, it's monster-slaying high-school with co-ed dorms. Beacon needs to get crazier.

Re-tooling fights to show skill progression through the semester. Summer rolls up on campus and immediately asserts herself as a badass… But then proceeds to lose or nearly lose every fight after? Yeah, I'll fix that. And Raven and Qrow have barely had a chance to show of their capabilities! Such injustice.

A better-explored dynamic between Summer and her Father, Cedric. As close as the two are, she'd be calling him way more to ask for guidance, don't you think?

Renaming of some characters to better fit the color-naming rule. Now, I know the CNR is not absolute law. Names like Gretchen Rainart seem to ignore it, so I know I don't have to name EVERY character that way. But I ought to adhere to it more than I have.

More stuff about the Faunus. I need to show just how bad the racism is at this point in time, even in Vale. Get the White Fang Progressive Movement involved more (Ghira's good-guy WF, not Sienna's terrorist version.) I mention the WF one time, but never again. They should be much more of a symbol than they are now.

Now, that's not a complete list. I can almost guarantee that, as I move through and rework 'STRQ' chapter-by-chapter, changes and tweaks beyond what I've outlined above will manifest themselves.

And of course, I'll need YOUR participation. Yes, YOU. You, reading this, right now. I need YOUR suggestions and feedback too. PM me your thoughts, and also let me know if you feel up to acting as a beta reader for changes and chapters as I complete them.

Once again, thank you for helping 'STRQ' get where it is in the Fanfiction universe. I'm looking forward to working with y'all to create the RWBY prequel we all truly want RT to make someday.