Honesty time. I had a bit of writers block so i used my original work of this to make this chapter. I will do better but writers block sucks

Entering the camp Naruto himself had mixed feelings about how this camp was working. He liked the freedom the kids had to live as normal children, the camp director who cared about the wellbeing of the children, and that they train to survive in the real world. He hated that the parents were neglecting these innocent children and the camp god in general. It inspired and disgusted Naruto. Sighing he returned to the conversation he was having with the pathetic camp "God". Honestly he was a spoilt child who couldn't handle being on time out, or handle innocent children. The more time Naruto spent with the so called god the more Naruto desired to kill him like the fates. Percy and Sally didn't like him either, only Sally was discreet about it. "So you are a God? You?"questioned Percy in honest shock. Sally turned to Naruto, who while amused prepared to react if the God did anything. The God sat up straight and took of his glasses, looking into Percy's eyes. Naruto could sense something akin to genjutsu on Percy, which made Naruto smirk. Percy was a prodigy in using illusions. "Nice try. Let me show you how you drive someone insane properly. Hell Viewing:Pseudo Tsukuyomi,"Percy called out. A second passed and Mr.D fell out of his chair, shivering in phantom pain. Naruto smiled pride yet again at how Percy was able to make a technique he didn't know about. "What was that? That wasn't bending the mist. That wasn't a Godly ability. And that surely wasn't reality. What was that? Questioned the God on the ground. Naruto decided to answer. "I'll explain as much as I understand. That is an illusion reality where time is distorted and all your senses are under the users control. I have the real Tsukuyomi which distorts one second to a month. I don't know what the fake Tsukuyomi time is,"said Naruto looking at Percy. "One second in reality is about a week in the illusion. I started off with only a day, but I've been practicing hard. Have to beat you one day,"said Percy. Naruto chuckled. Sally decided to bring the peace back. "So How is this going to work trainer of heroes? My son is already capable of handling himself, but he was discovered by monsters. I know who his Godly parent is as well,"Sally said trying to find out what Chiron would say. Chiron shook himself from the shock of what happened to Mr.D. "Well that is all dependent on the choice of young Percy. He can choose to be here in camp. If he does he can leave at any time, given he tells us first. He can also just go back to the mortal world, but we have a barrier for protection here. Also who is his Godly parent by the way?"questioned Chiron. "Lord Poseidon, god of the seas, earth shaker, etc.,"said Naruto. A bolt of lightning instantly stuck Percy and when it vanished Percy was gone. Naruto turned to see that Dionysius was god as well. Naruto looked at Sally, only for her to tell him to go. Naruto teleports to the marker on Percy. Naruto finds he and Percy are in a throne room with giants where the chairs are formed in a U-shape. The god in the middle created a large bolt of lightning(not the master bolt. This is him creating lightning) and threw it at the two, Naruto was ready to handle it. He moved in front of Percy and activated his Mangekyo ability. The bolt disappeared to a pocket dimension. "What have you done to my lightning!? I demand you to answer me right now! If you refuse my lightning will hit you next time!"yelled Zeus. Naruto shot forward at the God at a normal Jounin speeds. On his way a spear was thrown at him, but he did not need to dodge. Percy shot in out of the air with a water bullet to shoot it out of the air. Athena jumped from her throne and, with a smile on her face, engaged Percy. Poseidon moved to assist his son, but was intercepted by Ares, Hera, Demeter, and Artemis. The remaining Gods stood in their seats, neutral to all of the fighting. With Percy Athena was the type of opponent Percy was warned about, power and mind together. Every move she made was thought out and only due to Naruto's training was he able to avoid her attacks. Eventually Athena stuck a well placed spear in Percy's side, drawing blood. Percy instinctively spartan kicked the Goddess away and began to hold his side. "This will be a great pleasure for me to kill a sea spawn. Poseidon will finally know defeat by my hand," said Athena in a smug tone. Percy smirked. He placed some water on his side and the wound was gone. Athena gave the boy an annoyed look. "You wouldn't know this, but I have Ninja training which makes me stronger than a lot of things on this planet. On my own I discovered my demigod powers, and practiced with them. When I put them together I am even more powerful then before. From what Naruto tells me in terms of raw power I can defeat any Olympian when compared to Dionysius's aura,"said Percy. Athena scoffed at this, even if true Dionysius was the weakest Olympian. Percy began to go through hand seals. "Water Style:Tsunami Wave,"said Percy as a large Wave was blasted at Athena. Athena opened her eyes in shock. She revealed her true form to destroy the Wave and the demigod. The Wave was destroyed, but Percy was still there. "You closed your eyes to not see my true form. Impressive. Your smarter than a normal son of Poseidon,"complemented Athena, still in her true form. Percy smiled. "Actually that was more of me trusting my gut. Something told me if I look as I am now I would've died. So I closed my eyes, and still am. Not like I need them to win this fight,"said Percy confidently. Athena growled. "Are you that arrogant to believe you can defeat a full powered goddess? Blind?"said Athena growling. Percy responded by making using the Hidden Mist jutsu. "You are using a mist to hide yourself? You are nothing but a coward,"commented Athena. Suddenly she feels herself get cut, no shaved all over her body. She loses her Godly form, feeling all of her power leave her. "You are the goddess of wisdom and war, you should know sometimes a head-on assault is not the way to go. Plus in this field I have a lot of advantages. I would prologue the fight but Poseidon needs some help. Water Style:Ten Hungry Sharks,"Percy says. Ten sharks of water form and begin to swim in the mist. They begin to bombards the goddess, and as she can't see she couldn't defend. After a minute Percy drops the mist, to find Athena passed out on the floor. Percy turns to see Poseidon still fighting Artemis and Ares. His other two opponents on the ground defeated. "Water Style:Hydra Dragon,"said Percy as he went through a set of hand seals. 10 water dragons formed and rushed at the two opposing Gods. Ares was swept up by the dragons, and Percy used his new technique. The water froze and Ares was stuck in it. Artemis turned to fight Percy but found a trident at her back, and a Kunai at her neck. Moving her eyes she saw Poseidon and Naruto with a look of death in their eyes. Artemis drops her now and surrenders. On the ground Zeus lay covered in slash marks, bleeding ichor. The Gods turned to Naruto who put away the Kunai. He glanced at them with his War face, and it scared them. He calmed down and got his normal face on. "So we were going to have a talk, right?"Asked Naruto. Percy facepalmed.