Chapter 10
Today we have the Final chapter...of this First Arc of the story. Last time, we saw Peter Conquering Emma Frost, consensualy which makes me wonder if that even should count as 'conquering', and the White Queen become an actual Queen in Peter's Dark Kingdom. We also saw Tony Stark revealing that he has found out about Peter and has been tracking. This chapter will be the final girl of this 1st line of Marvel women that Peter Parker will conquer and the confrontation between Spider-Man and Iron Man and the first little shows of the plot focus chapters coming soon.
After this, the next chapters will be spaced between smut-based chapters, plot-based chapters, and mixed chapters, ie some future chapters will either be fully 100% smut sexy action, some with be 100% plot driven, meaning adventure, action, and fights, and some will be a blend of the two factors. I also won't specify which girls will be up for Conquering next other than a few hints and the direction of the story.
Moving onto some recent events, who else is excited for the new Spider-Man game?! I'm wouldn't know since I don't have the opportunity to buy a PS5 in the future and I'm stuck in XBox land where we are deprived of games like Spider-Man and God of War and stuck with multiplayer shooter games and sport and driving games. Also I'm told that the new Spider-Man Miles Morales game, is not exactly a direct sequel to Marvel's Spider-Man by Isomniac but rather a stand-alone spin-off game that ties with Spider-Man or a DLC expansion. At least, that's what I heard it is. Feel free to correct me in the reviews if I'm wrong.
Anyways, time to move onto Review Answering!
Omni-Creator Kami of Anime: Thanks so much for the high praise! Looking back on it, I agree that it is a major high point in this story and I hope that I can continue this streak or at the very least get better over time. And I agree that just a straightforwards Male MC dominating women without any extra unnecessary attributes like tentacles is just the way to go. I made those decisions in the beginning as an experimental phase, testing the waters to see what clicked with people. Obviously, I'm not going to please Everyone, but I pay attention to what the majority say and your reviews and ideas can help influence the story moving forward. Jean won't have the Phoenix Force currently but that won't be the case forever. As for the pregnancy issue, I agree that not everyone of the Marvel women are the motherly type or willing to be mothers. However, any inclusion of pregnancy will have a purpose in the plot and won't impact the sexual nature of this story in anyway. But just note that there may be only One instant where it will happen and you don't need to be a genius to find out who since I already set the hints in place in the story and author's notes, and no its not Jean.
clown2107: I'm safe and healthy and thank you. Rachel as a Princess of the Symbiote Kingdom will play out an important role in the future. Emma is an opportunist and cunning woman, so when an opportunity to willingly fall in line for potential bonus points is presented you know she will take it. Peter with all the powers he has can definitely take on Iron Man but a straightforward battle when he is working in the shadows would draw too much attention so this confrontation will be different than the standard super-powered beatdown. As for Project SYM, a symbiote/nano-machine hybrid is too big of an opportunity for Peter to pass up.
duskrider: Thanks for informing me of that and thank you as well for the feedback. I checked it out and safe to say that my style of retelling the MCU in story form will be different from his. My story will have actual words and descriptions of the movies and another twist that many Dekuverse readers will be familiar with. Plus, I wrote down the reactions and words of the characters before I even knew this other story existed so I doubt that there are any glaring parallels with my rough drafts.
CRUDEN: I can understand where you are coming from and agree that comic Spidey and Iron Man aren't as close as the MCU versions. My decision to make the two more close was in most part a reference to the MCU and as a useful bond to exploit in this chapter. Thanks for the advice and I try to double-check my chapters for these mistakes yet I somehow always miss a few, I'll strive to improve. I would also totally be down to making a Percy Jackson/Game of Thrones crossover, with hopefully a better ending to what occurred in the last season and perhaps further connections to the book series that the show omitted.
DxD Supreme: Thanks so much for the likes and I hope that this improvement of my chapters continues. There was a reason why I decided to go after the telepaths especially. The power to read minds and figure out your every move and intent is definitely a bane to secrecy and a massive advantage if you have it yourself. Peter's use of telepathy as well as the pheromones that secrete from him after becoming a Symbiote God will definitely be of more use than straight capture and rape. Scarlet Witch and Carol Danvers are definite targets that Peter will conquer soon.
masonyourock343: Thanks and while I understand your humbleness, I still would like to thank you for the help with your idea. As for Peter's confrontation with Tony this chapter, it will definitely be tense and both have aces under their sleeves.
stephen fischer: Approve. 100% Definite! Approve, thanks for that reminder. As for the last one, eeehhh maybe, I always found her personality annoying but I could squeeze her in.
Maximum Rhapsody: I already have a rough draft of the first few chapters and I definitely tried to include Class-1B and others reactions instead of them being boring, wordless statues in the background. As for your potential story ideas...hmm interesting...Fairy Tail is one of my favorite animes...
I don't own Spider-Man or Marvel, they belong to Marvel, Sony, and Disney, and the they were created by the great legendary minds of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, may they rest in peace.
Anyways, like gold old Chris McClain always says: LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION!
Shadow of The Mind: Part 3
Burning Up
Jean Grey
Third POV
Turns out Peter didn't need to worry about hurting Stan.
Peter stood, black umbrella in hand for the rain, by the similarly dressed in black folks as they gathered around a freshly dug grave. The tombstone read:
Stan Martin Lee
Beloved Husband, Father, and Friend
"One Person Can Make a Difference. 'Nuff said."
A few days after Peter's meeting with Emma Frost, Peter received a call from Stan's kids saying that he passed away in his sleep. Peter felt his world rocked at the news. He quickly made himself ready for the funeral afterwards. Peter peered to his right where Stan's kids and their families wept. He felt a wetness track down his cheek and his eyes misty. He was crying too.
Stan was like another uncle to Peter, a best friend of both Uncle Ben and Aunt May since they were kids, a role model and goofy uncle to Peter when he was young and a shoulder to cry on even at his older years. And now that he was gone, Peter felt alone. He was the last link between his Uncle Ben and Aunt May, the last fatherly role model in his life, gone. Peter felt a pain as great as when Aunt May died, the very pain that led him down the path of shadows that he walks now.
Peter felt a comforting squeeze on his left arm. He looked over to see the young red-haired woman holding his left arm: Jean Grey.
When Peter informed his Queens of Stan's death they too shared in his pain. While most of them didn't know of him, their connection to Peter made it so that they could experience his pain first-hand, and so his pain translated to their pain too. MJ, Felicia, Gwen, and Anya were the only ones who met and knew the man personally and they too shared their own pain over the Stan's death with Peter.
Julia likewise comforted her love, her position as Madame Webb and peering into Peter's life, including Stan, meant that she knew what the man meant to Peter. Sable and Psylocke, while not familiar with Stan, understood Peter's pain and expressed their condolences over his loss. Even Emma tried her best at comforting Peter, awkward and as difficult, though Peter knew that the White Queen was actively trying her best.
Rachel and Miles were told afterwards and the two were distraught as well. Miles had met Stan from both his and this world and wept that he had to hear of Stan's death a second time. Rachel had never met Stan but she could feel her father's pain and tried her best to comfort Peter. Peter smiled at how loving and kind his little princess is.
When Peter asked any of his Queens if they wished to accompany him to the funeral, they were otherwise engaged. Felicia had to oversee an Underworld dealing that could bring that Fisk that was too important to pass, while Sable had a similar issue in Symkaria. Gwen, Anya, and Miles were forced to go on an Avengers operation over yet another super-villain fiasco, it also included some of the X-men which also left Psylocke and Emma unavailable. Julia and Rachel had to oversee an issue with the Web of Life.
MJ meanwhile had an important meeting requested by Tony Stark that she couldn't manage to reschedule for the life of her.
When all of them asked if they should blow off of their individual tasks, Peter refused, saying that their secrecy was important and so they should continue so that none may be the wiser. Peter planned on ultimately going alone or ask some of his other females friends, and potentially speed up his plans to Take and Conquer said female friends, but Emma was one step ahead of him.
And now here he was, with Jean Grey herself as his plus one to Stan's funeral. The red head was dressed fit for the occasion, a black dress that ended in a skirt just above her knees and up to her impressive bust. Her legs were covered in black stoking and wore black high heel shoes to match. And to finish the attire, she wore a short black jacket that served to cover her arms and her shoulders.
The contrast of the attire to her pearl skin and flaming red hair made her look like a goddess made human, ironic as it may be.
Emma, with a little help of Psylocke, had been poking at the fragile relationship between Jean and Scott right after Emma joined. Emma proposed that Peter invite Jean to the funeral and at the same time seduce Jean by manipulating her kind and compassionate nature to show empathy for Peter. And then turn that empathy and compassion for Peter into increasing sexual attraction and urge that would only be helped with Jean's frustrations over Scott for the umpteenth time and Jean's crush over Peter in the past.
Peter felt at first guilty for using Stan's funeral and death as a tool to seduce and Conquer another heroine. It was one thing to justify one's crusade of darkness with the deaths of his family in the past, but it was another to use the Recent death of an uncle-like friend. But Peter reminded himself of his mission and that to waste the perfect opportunity presented towards him would be foolish.
So Peter asked Jean to the funeral and the pieces landed into place. Jean, of course, gladly accepted, wishing to comfort a friend in need, but, as predicted, Scott was adamant towards it. 'And by 'adamant',' Peter thought, protected by incredibly strong and unnoticeable mental barriers. 'I mean classic, explosive, jealous Scott Summers raging and trying to control Jean.'
'It is quite humorousss that eventsss played out word for word asss Frossst sssaid.' Venom mentally replied.
Hours of raging later, Jean would all but declare that she is going to help her friend in need and that if Scott had a problem with helping out Peter, who everyone knew was going through a hard time since the events of Knull's invasion could take it up with Kitty, now Kate, Laura, Angelica, and her. Of all the women of the X-Men, they were the closest to Peter, baring Emma and Psylocke's secret connection with Peter, and Scott for once decided to shut his mouth, the thought of pissing off not only his girlfriend but Kate, Angelica, and freaking Laura, who's even more ferocious than Logan, ill-advised.
Peter smiled at the former holder of the Phoenix's comforting support. Jean faintly blushed but smiled nonetheless. Peter made sure to use his combine use of his pheromones and telepathic powers to slowly but surely break through Jean's inhibitions.
As the funeral came to a close and the gathered crowd dispersed and went their separate ways, Peter and Jean were the last to stay behind. Peter looked towards the graves that were adjacent to Stan's. To Peter's left stood Stan's wife, a kind woman who, by Stan's jokes, had a feisty attitude and fury that could put the Hulk to shame. Peter chuckled at all the times that Stan got a rolled up newspaper smacked into the back of his head for that comment.
Peter then looked right and saw the two headstones that Stan, in his will, wished to buried with a passion. Ben Parker and May Parker.
"Do you miss them?" Jean asked, her head leaning on his shoulder.
"Always." Peter replied.
"Good." Jean said. "It means they live on in you. They will always be with you, in your memories and in your heart."
"Sometimes it just makes the pain worse." Peter said.
"True." Jean said. "But if you try and let go of their memory, to remove the pain, you start to forget them. How they were, how they look like, the lessons they teach."
"With Great Power comes Great Responsibility." Peter said with a smirk. "The famous Parker family words."
"Your Uncle was truly a great man." Jean said. "He shaped you into who you are."
"I didn't really take those words to heart until he was gone. I regretted not listening to him sooner."
"But you do now, don't you." Jean said as less of a question and more of a statement, a fact. "And the fact that you learned it and continue to heed them, makes his life have meaning. But if you try to let go of the pain, you let go of his memory, and the those same words can ring hollow and without meaning."
"I'm guessing you are talking from experience." Peter said.
"Yeah." Jean said, solemnly. "My parents, Charles during that war between the Avengers and X-Men-"
"Yourself." Peter quipped.
Jean giggled. "Yeah, funny how often people in our line of work die only to get brought back to life."
"Including people close to us." Peter said. "I gave up my marriage to MJ to save Aunt May. I, unknowingly, gave up my own future daughter for my Aunt to live on. She was everything I had. And then Knull happened. And I lost her, along with a friend in no less the same day."
"I'm truly sorry Peter." Jean said. "You've been through so much. Probably more than any of us have ever gone through. But the fact that you are here standing means so much. You escaped death countless times and still stand tall and the same. They would be proud."
"Yeah." Peter said, not believing himself, not after everything that he has done, what he is doing, and what he plans to come. "I guess they would." He turned to face Jean. "And they would be too."
Jean dipped her head down, the memories of loved ones going through her head. "I don't know about that. Remember what I did as the Phoenix."
"That's in the past, Jean." Peter said. "I know it might not compare, but I don't exactly blame myself for what I did when I had the Symbiote." He tried his best to ignore the pinch that Venom gave him as retaliation.
"Still, I couldn't even protect my own son." Jean started to tear up.
"Cable died protecting you and your past selves." Peter said, holding Jean by her shoulders. "He died a true hero. Take some of your advice and stand tall and honor his memory."
Jean chuckled. "And here I thought I was suppose to cheer you up."
"What are friends for if not to cheer each other up over their shitty superhero lives and dumbass past decisions."
"Language, Peter!" Jean chided jokingly. "Your Aunt and Uncle and here."
Peter chuckled as well. "I think they would be more ticked that I would be, from what they would see as, flirting with a married woman."
"Ugh, don't bring up Scott right now, Peter." Jean said, rolling her eyes with a frown. "I'm still ticked that he thought going to your friend's funeral was such a bad idea."
"Then how about I take you around New York." Peter offered. "Think of it as a little thank you treat for coming with me. It will help take your mind off Scott."
"You know that I've been all around New York before, right?" Jean said smiling. "The world's ever constant doomsday events always seem to happen here."
"I know." Peter said. "But have you ever been sightseeing with a friend before?"
"Yes." Jean said. "Along with on a date with Scott."
"You're killing me here, Grey." Peter whined playfully.
Jean giggled again and said "Fine, you win Parker. I would love to go sightseeing with you, but as two friends, with shitty pasts, looking to drown their past sorrows with some sightseeing. And maybe some ice cream. No need to give me a thank you gift."
"Now that won't just do, Grey." Peter joked. "I think my Aunt, Uncle Ben, and Uncle Stan can help me out when I say that it is rather rude of a gentleman to not gift a lady a thank you present for helping him out."
"Since when have you ever been the gentlemanly type?" Jean asked, her squinting eyes and cracking smile showing that she was trying not to laugh.
"Always have been! I seem to recall some training lessons between us, when you were just Ms. Grey, that would have gone a little too far if I wasn't the gentleman and reminded you of your commitment to Mr. Grumpy Scott." Peter teased.
"And now? Do you ever regret not taking that leap?" Jean teased as well.
"Oh yeah, straight up one of the dumbest decisions of my life! And that includes hanging out with a drunk Johnny Storm!"
Jean wailed in laughter, Peter joining in as well. When they both recovered she said "Ok ok, you win. You are a true gentleman, Mr. Parker. Hm, how about accepting this as a thank you for avoiding some bad decisions in the past?"
Jean leaned forward and planted a kiss on Peter's cheek.
Peter smiled and said "Thanks. But that still leaves us with me having to pay you back for coming if our little hang out isn't payment enough."
Jean giggled. "I'm sure you can figure something out while we walk around New York. Maybe a nice necklace or bracelet?"
"With my money, you'll be luck enough that I'm paying for ice cream." Peter quipped again.
They two made their way out the cemetery, Peter looking back towards the graves of his family. 'I'm sorry, but like you said Uncle Ben, great power comes great responsibility, and I'm going to put this god-level power to good use in my duty to this world and save it.'
He looked to Stan's grave. 'You are right Stan. One person can make a difference. You'll see.'
Peter gave Jean a smile, saying he was ok and the two walked off.
Hours Later...
Peter and Jean walked around New York, Peter showing Jean the sights and the views, some sights that Jean hadn't ever seen before in her date with Scott. The two wandered from street to street, store to store, and sight to sight.
Peter indeed ended up paying for ice cream, much to Jean's enjoyment and the two had a great time as friends.
At least that's what Jean thought was happening.
Throughout the 'hang out' between the two, Peter would continue increasing his pheromones and probing Jean's mind without her noticing. For being perhaps the greatest telepathic mind on the planet, surpassing Emma and Betsy and even Xavier in some ways, she can be quite clueless and naive.
Peter would sense Jean's emotions and thoughts in her head, sensing that she was indeed thinking of Peter in ways that Scott definitely wouldn't like. Peter secretly smiled when he telepathically overheard that she had indeed had feelings for him in the past, feelings that he was oblivious to and that were muddied and thought buried because of her complicated love triangle with Scott and Logan. When Peter found that little spark in Jean's heart, he just added some fuel and watched in dark revelry at the fire blazing larger.
His pheromones were that fuel, his godly presence and power luring the former Phoenix like a moth to a flame. He barely gave a glance to the passing females that looked lecherously at him, a little side-effect of having his pheromones increased in such public areas. He, however, smirked internally at seeing Jean notice the same stares with jealous and angry glares.
He had to try his very hardest to not burst out laughing as Jean telekinetically caused that one store attendant lady to trip over onto a rack of clothes.
And now the unofficial date came to a close as they reached Peter apartment, Peter shaking his head at the feeling of deja vu from his date with MJ. By the time they reached Peter's room, Peter could practically feel Jean's arousal without having to use his telepathy.
As they neared his apartment door, Peter said "You sure you don't want me to walk you to the Krakakoa portal? I'll pinky swear that I won't tell people where it is." Peter already knew where all the portals to Krakakoa around the world were, but best not to tell Jean that.
"I-I'm sure, Peter." Jean said. "Besides, I would prefer not to be nagged by Charles and Magneto that I took an outsider to the secret portal, even if it is you."
"Fine fine, I understand." Peter said. "Oh you just can't trust ole Spidey-chatterbox. I'll just somehow tell the bad guys in my latest quips. 'Those portals got nothing on Krakakoa's portals, Mysterio. Now those are truly mysterious'."
Jean laughed and said "Well I guess that this is where we part ways, at least until the next team up with a certain blue and red arachnid themed hero that just started to come back."
"Maybe." Peter said. "Oh wait, Shoot! I didn't get you that thank you gift that I promised you!"
"Oh well, looks like you failed at being a gentleman after all." Jean joked, her eyes narrowing in mock anger. "Aunt May would be so ashamed."
The two heroes chuckled. "But seriously, you don't to give me thank you gift, Peter." Jean said. "This day of being just two normal friends hanging out, no politics, no running a Mutant-only island, no jerk husbands, it was fun. Definitely worth it."
"I know Jean." Peter said. The two hugged, Peter smirking as he could feel Jean's beating heart, feel her subtle rub against his muscled chest, and her very imaginative thoughts. He gave a tiny nudge of his crouch and quickly pressed in onto Jean's thigh, the red-haired telepath letting out a tiny moaning gasp.
"Are you sure that there isn't anything I can do for you?" Peter whispered seductively.
The two broke their hug to look eye to eye. Jean's eyes narrowed in lust and smiled
Peter shoved Jean into the wall of his apartment, lips crashing in a wild, lust-filled desire. The two ravaged each other's mouths like they would go starving without it, their hands ripped into each other's sides with primal passion.
"This is so wrong." Jean moaned out as she continued making out with Peter. "Mmph so so wrong."
"But Mmph so right?" Peter asked. He latched his mouth to Jean's neck, sucking on her tender flesh as if marking his territory.
"AAAH, Definitely!"
With no further restraint needed, Peter went all out at the hot telepath. He ripped off her black jacket and lifted her up, Jean's hugging her legs around Peter's waist as she desperately clawed Peter's suit off. Unbeknownst to her, the torn pieces of Peter's suit, aka Venom in disguise, reattached onto Peter and sunk into his form.
Peter carried Jean to his bedroom, tossing the Omega-level Mutant onto to the bed. He descended onto her again and returned the favor by ripping off Jean's dress. Jean's near naked form seared into Peter's mind like a brand. Her pearl white skin mattered in sweat that glowed in the moonlight, her curves that were perfection incarnate, her wild, blazing red hair spayed out on his bed, her most private areas covered in sexy black lingerie, her DD-sized breasts looking like trapped melons of pure sexiness, and her emerald green eyes staring at him with both maiden-like innocence and pure sexiness.
Jean Grey was the very definition of a goddess, even without the Phoenix Force.
"If we want to keep this secret from Scott, I doubt tearing my dress apart is the way to go, Peter." Jean said with a sexy smirk.
"Who says I want to keep this secret?" Peter whispered huskily. Using his left hand, he traced Jean's thighs up to her alluring hips.
"Maybe I do want good ole Scott to know of this." Peter slowly brought his right hand up Jean's back, Jean breathing harder and more huskily. "Maybe he needs to know not to take you for granted, like he has done many times."
"With Emma." Peter's right hand reached to Jean's bra strap. "Betsy." Peter unclipped Jean's bra, her glorious melons released in all their glory. "Your own clone, Madelyne." Peter gripped Jean ass and her right breast at the same time, Jean gasping. Peter brought his lips to her ear, licking the side.
"Why can't you have a little fun, too?"
Jean latched onto Peter, her final barriers broken, and sought to make his mouth her tongue's home. The two's tongues danced in a tango of passion. Peter groped and gripped Jean's form like it was a pot of clay, sculpted perfectly by some unknown creator. Jean ceased her attempts and allowed Peter to ravage her tongue, clawing on his muscular back, submitting to his will. She ground her still covered crotch on his hardening member.
'Its so big, so thick, so hard. He's even bigger than Logan!' Jean mentally praised and drooled. 'How could I have passed something like This for Scott's puny 4 inches?'
'Who cares! Just lay back and enjoy the ride.' A voice sounded in her head. Jean almost questioned it, but Peter conveniently latched his mouth onto the side of her neck, snapping Jean out of her thoughts and into a world of pleasure.
The voice sounded like herself, but if Jean were to have focused more on it, it was actually Peter.
Peter sucked on Jean's neck, his fingers teasing her covered pussy as Jean squirmed and moaned. Peter descended onto her breasts, kissing and licking all over them, especially teasing around her nipples. His right hand joined the fun and massaged Jean's neglected boob, flicking and pinching her nipples. Jean screeched in pain that quickly turned to pleasure.
"You are so beautiful, Jean." Peter whispered. "Scott was a fool to give you up so many times."
"Enough about that prick." Jean gasped out. "Just fuck me until I'm yours forever!"
"You just read my mind." Peter quipped.
He descended onto Jean's lower half, swiftly tearing off her last piece of clothing. He began his work, teasing her clit with his fingers as he kissed her thighs. Jean breathed hard. She gasped out as Peter licked her clit.
Peter licked his fingers, making them more wet as he stuck them into Jean's pussy, said red-head gasping in pleasure. Peter continued licking and sucking on Jean's clitoris as he fingers drilled into Jean's velvety, tight walls. Peter hooked his fingers inside Jean, the telepath arcing her back and gasping at the sensation. Peter smirked darkly and sped up his efforts.
"Yes. Yes. Yes!" Jean gasped. "So-So good! Mmph! Fuck! Fuck! Oh My God! More!"
Peter obliged and stuck his tongue into her pussy, Jean shrieking more as she gripped his head deeper. Peter's longer tongue curled around in her velvety walls, Peter enjoying how incredibly wet and hot she was.
Jean gyrated her hips, bringing her cunt closer to Peter's face, shrieking like a banshee. 'Jesus.' Peter thought. 'Its clear that she has never had this much pleasure before. Just how incompetent was Scott?'
"Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck! Yes! Keep Going! I'm Almost There! Keep Licking and Sucking my Pussy! Make me Submit To Your Tongue!"
Peter heeded her request, licking and sucking on her pussy, his fingers flicking her clit and massaging her thighs and legs. Finally, the former Phoenix cried out as she unleashed waves of her juices onto Peter's face and tongue. Peter smirked at the taste. 'Fitting for a literal former goddess to taste like nectar.'
Peter crawled up, looking to Jean like a predator, dominate and hungry. Peter brought his fingers up to Jean's mouth. "Suck." Peter demanded her. Jean opened her mouth and sucked on Peter's fingers, moaning at her own taste, her eyes slitting in drunken pleasure.
"Good girl." Peter said before jamming the licked clean finger back into her pussy.
"AAAH!" Jean wailed.
"You like being dominated don't you?" Peter asked as he pumped his fingers in and out of her. "You like it when a big, strong, and powerful guy pins you down and makes you his bitch? That's why you kept crawling back to Scott, why you were so attracted to Logan, but they are just mutts, barking up weak bites. But me-" Peter latched his other hand onto Jean's breast and squeezed hard, causing Jean to gasp in pain and pleasure.
"I rather make you the one barking like a hot, mindless bitch in heat."
Jean moaned and felt her mind turn more and more to mush as Peter latched his mouth to her neck, his fingers drilling into her like jackhammers, his hand groping and slapping her tits. Jean gritted her teeth at the pleasureful pain and ecstasy that flooded her senses, clawing at the sheets around her like a lifeline.
As Jean neared her release, she felt Peter stop. As her release neared away and before Jean could complain, Peter would start up again, fingering and teasing her breasts and body again. Jean was caught off-guard and wailed in pleasure.
"That's what I like to hear." Peter said. "A nice little bitch so close to pleasure but can't because I'm the one in charge."
Peter did this again a few more times. Jean attempted to use her telepathy to control him but was instead met with a flood of power that overtook her weakened and pleasure drunken mind. "You think that you could just brainwash me? Didn't I already tell you? I'M In Charge! You Come When I Say! And Before I Let You! I Want You To Admit It!"
"A-Ad-AAAAH-Admit...*pant*...w-what..." Jean asked.
"That You Are a Bitch! My Bitch! One that cums when I tell her to. One that likes submitting to her Master!" Peter said. A wave of powerful telepathic power washed over Jean and what little resistant was left in her mind was washed away.
"Good girl." Peter went into hyperdrive mode and pleasured and teased every pleasurable spot that Jean did and didn't know. It took seconds before Jean wailed out as she came again, harder than before.
Jean was panting, her eyes half-close and hiccuping in pleasure. She twitched as mini-orgasms erupted out. Jean did felt a strong hand grip her hair and pull her up. Jean was lifted to her hands and knees and was met with a nine-inch rod of manliness smacking into her face.
"Lick." Peter ordered.
Jean wordlessly complied, licking up Peter's cock like a dog, licking up its tips before going to its sides. She traced her tongue over every part of Peter's cock, tracing up the bulging veins, tasting the head of the cock, even licking his large balls the size of oranges. Jean felt her body tingle and buzz in pleasure, the smell of his manhood making her shiver in delight, his taste lightening up every nerve in her body. She licked and pleasured her Master's cock with half closed emerald eyes, darkened in lust and mindlessness.
'How the mighty former Phoenix is brought so low.' Peter said. 'Thanks for being so incompetent Cy-cunt. You made my job all so much easier than expected.'
Jean captured Peter's cock between her glorious melons, pumping them up and down Peter's package while she licks the tip.
"Open wide." Peter ordered. Jean complied and opened her mouth wide, only for her eyes to widen as a nine-inch monster was suddenly rammed all the way to the back of her throat. Jean gagged and sputtered on Peter's cock, the sheer size and girth causing Jean's mouth and throat to widen so much that Peter thought her jaw would dislocate.
Peter started thrusting his nine-inch monster in and out of Jean's throat. Peter breathed and gasped in pleasure at Jean's hot and tight throat, her moans vibrating throughout his dick. Jean would moan and release mini-orgasms from the sheer pleasure and feeling of submission.
Without so much as a warning, Peter released his load down Jean's throat, the telepath's pleasure-filled and tearing eyes rolling up as she felt the hot, tasty spunk shoot down straight to her stomach. Her cheeks swelled with cum before gagging and sputtering Peter's spunk out, it sliding down her mouth and Peter's dick. Jean was almost motionless for a moment before she starting swallowing more of the leftover cum, desperately licking up the cum that fell out.
Peter inspected his work, with Jean Grey's eyes glassy, her tongue out as she panted and gasped for air. She looked almost completely ruined and broken. Almost.
Peter telekinetically moved a cup of water towards him and handed it to Jean. "Drink." He commanded. Jean complied, paying no attention or acknowledging Peter's telepathic display. As Jean drank and his seed was washed from her mouth, Peter brought her to his arms and crashed his mouth on hers, Jean kissing back just as fiercely. Peter carried Jean in his strong arms, holding the telepath by her perfect ass. Jean wrapped her arms and legs around Peter as she clashed her tongue with his.
Peter lifted Jean Grey up, lining his phallus above Jean's pussy. "Remember when I said I stopped you from going too far with me back in training?" Jean nodded, breathing and gasping as Peter's tip brushed ever so slightly with her pussy. "Allow me to fix that mistake." Peter dropped Jean straight down onto his dick.
"AAAAAAAHHHHH!" Jean screamed in pleasure, Peter's phallus piercing straight into her womb so deep that Jean could feel her stomach bulge slightly. Jean gripped onto Peter so hard her nails drew blood, Peter wincing slightly before growling in excitement. He lifted Jean up till the tip of his dick was all that remained in her, before bringing her down once again onto his dick.
Peter would time his thrusts with Jean's drops, Jean reciprocating by gyrating her hips in time with his thrusts as well. Peter pressed Jean to the wall and pounded her into it, Jean holding on by her legs around Peter's waist and her hands by the wall.
"Gah!" Peter groaned. "Your pussy is tight and warm, Jean. I could pound into it forever."
"Yes! Yes! Oh-Fuck!" Jean yelled. "Keeping Fucking Me Peter! Master! Pound My Slutty, Tight, Submissive Pussy! Don't Stop! Don't Stop! MMMH! Keep Pounding That Monster in Me Forever!"
Peter would continue pounding into Jean, her vaginal walls clinging onto Peter like a vice. Peter thrust his lady conqueror into the former Phoenix with vigor, its tip smashing past her womb's entrance and pounding its walls. Jean panted and gasped in pleasure, dragging her tongue along Peter's neck and jawline, before Peter brought her mouth to his.
Meanwhile, inside Jean's mind, Jean's mental version was naked, surrounded by a sea of darkness. Before she could ask or gather herself, the darkness lashed out, restraining her limbs. She struggled and tried to use her telepathic training and experience to destroy her bindings, but her best attempts failed.
A voice chuckled out of the darkness, its voice haunting and yet, to Jean, it was causing herself to shake in euphoria. Suddenly, Peter, dressed in a black and white version of his suit with his face revealed came out.
"P-Peter?" Jean asked. "W-What's going on...What-"
She was cut off by Peter jamming his telepathic cock into her ass. Jean screamed in pleasure as Peter pounded her ass in the astral plane while fucking her womb in the physical plane. The pleasure she experienced doubled and and the mental world around her slowly grew darker, her cries and moans echoing around her.
"Sssilence, dear Jean." Peter said. "Just lay back. Relax. Let yourssself go."
"I-I...AAAAH..c-can't...*pant*...I-I m-must-" Jean moaned out.
"What? You mussst hold yourssself back?" Peter questioned. "Hold back your dessiress? Hold back who you are inssside? Why ssshould you pretend to be thisss? A hero, trapped in a sssystem of good and evil, where you are rewarded with nothing back sssuffering, losss, hatred, dissscrimination? Forced to hide away from the world that hatesss you and your kind?"
"AAAH! B-Because...we are s-suppose to be...MMMH...better-"
"NO!" Peter shouted, ramming both his telepathic and real phallus deeper into her. "There is No Point in trying to be better in a flawed world! No point in hiding or changing onessself from who you are! No point in sssubmitting to a world of flawed sssystemsss, a flawed world where good rissess againssst evil only to repeat over and over with no end or peace! The only cure for a flawed world isss to break your chainsss, embrace the truth, and break the cycle that oppressess usss forever! Embrace it Jean! Be one with me! Like you alwaysss wanted!"
Jean was bombarded with memories of her past, memories of her times with Scott and Logan, but she slowly saw them fade away and replaced by Peter's form, their lips kissing, their hands, one with matching golden rings, holding each other, looking upon each other with love and devotion. A love and devotion she never had with Scott.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Jean shrieked in pleasure as she came and released the biggest orgasm she ever had. The world of her mind shattered and broke apart into pieces, and she practically was consumed in dark fire.
Peter gasped in unbelievable pleasure that he never encountered with the other girls. A wave of pure telepathic power and pleasure incarnate washed over him as Jean's real world self was outlined in dark flames and heat. Peter and Venom hissed at the heat and tried retreating away, but Jean's legs wrapped around him and locked him in place. Jean bounced on his member like a mad woman, shrieking and moaning in pure euphoria, her hair combusted in flames and emerald eyes replaced by dark red flames.
The two crashed onto Peter's bed, Peter groaning and hissing in pain at the flames, but that pain quickly turned to pleasure and a rush of primal hunger. Peter thrust back, their hips colliding with loud smack, the flames around Jean growing darker and darker as burns and started appearing over Peter's body, but the two were oblivious and just continued their lovemaking.
Finally, with a final clash of hips, they climaxed together, the two crying out in pleasure. A river of cum blasted into Jean Grey's womb, her stomach swelling at the amount and the rest flowing out of her battered pussy. The flames died and Jean unconscious collapsed onto Peter's body. Peter panted and winced in pain, feeling his newly strengthened healing factor slowly repairing his burns.
'Damn!' Peter cursed. 'I got too careless. I should have known that probing and breaking down Jean Grey to her core, primal urges would have awakened and release whatever connection to the Phoenix she still had left.'
'*growl* That hurt like hell!' Venom mentally yelled. 'I knew that we should have Taken a hero or villain with fire ressisstance or abilitiesss before we made a move on the former hossst of the Phoenix! We are lucky that we had the foresssight to line our apartment with telepathic barriers. That wave of telepathic power could have alerted every telepath and mystic user on the planet!'
Peter looked down to the unconscious Jean's form. The red-head was panting and out cold and completely vulnerable. 'Regardless, what's done is done and the results I can't deny. Better begin before she comes too.'
Peter unleashed his Takening power, Venom coming out and wrapping around him, forming the black Spider-Man suit. Venom spread further and started wrapping around Jean's naked form. 'As much as our Symbiotes are loyal and powerful, a regular Symbiote won't simply cut it for Jean here.' Peter made sure to infuse Jean's encased body with a special Symbiote of his own design, one strong enough to successfully with Jean.
Peter's glowed in ethereal purple and white light, Taking Jean and bounding her to him. Peter chuckled darkly. Despite the reckless finish, Jean Grey was has been Conquered, in Body, Mind, and now Soul.
As Jean's black cocoon glowed in ethereal and white light, Peter gasped, his world turning to black.
Peter found himself, decked out in his Symbiote suit, floating in the middle of some unknown part of space. Peter looked around and saw several planets and moons that he doesn't recognize, a faraway red glowing sun. As Peter squinted towards the light, he saw how it was getting closer, and as he expanded his vision outward, he quickly realized what it was.
'That's no sun.' Peter thought.
The light gained form of a massive raptor made of fire and pure psionic energy, its wings of fire brushing past moons, without a care that they would explode and crumble behind it. Peter could feel the psionic aura from here, a while he was now a Celestial God himself, he still shivered at the pure psionic power of this creature, who looked right at him with fiery yellow suns for eyes.
The Phoenix. Looking straight at him.
Peter's vision suddenly abruptly ended with a final voice, feminine and with an echo of a bird's cry, saying 'I'm coming."
Peter found himself back in his apartment, in the same position he was in and the cocoon of black Symbiote goo still shining in ethereal and white light.
"Huh." Peter said. "That complicates things."
Before he could ponder more over his vision, the cocoon ceased shining and started to shrink down, revealing Jean Grey in a black Symbiote suit. Jean murmured and shook her head before waking up. As she got up and rested beside him, Peter got a good look at Jean Grey's new suit.
It was a similar to her yellow and blue X-Men suit but with a Symbiote twist to it. Her suit's legs were mostly black, stripes of white around her thighs and heel, her arms were sleek black with white and black-striped armlets, and her shoulders had black and spiked plating. Her chest was colored black with a white spider insignia spread out like an X, the front legs connecting to her shoulder plates, and the bottom legs tracing around her waist and snaking down her legs to the stripes on her thighs. Jean's face was mostly uncovered, with the Symbiote covering up her neck and the sides of her head and ended in a V-shaped crown around her forehead, leaving her now wavy and pristine scarlet hair, now with black tips, flowing out, and her gorgeous face revealed.
(Based on Jean Grey's outfit from X-Men Gold)
Jean opened her eyes, Peter seeing her emerald eyes darken fully in black and white for a millisecond. She looked upon Peter and smiled seductively, fangs now more present.
"Massster." Jean said. She crawled over to Peter, placing her clawed hands onto his muscled pecs before laying her head onto his chest and rubbed against him affectionately. "We are now yoursss. Me and my Sssymbiote are now bound towardsss your will."
"Excellent." Peter said, wincing in pain as Jean rubbed against a still sensitive burn.
Jean looked up to Peter, concern and sadness in her eyes. "We're sssorry, my love. We hurt you when you Conquered usss, didn't we?"
"A necessary sacrifice for me to be less reckless and more prepared." Peter said, cupping Jean's face. "And for you to have found your home."
Jean purred and rubbed her head into Peter's hand. "We have. We have ssseen the Light in the Darknesss, the truth behind thisss flawed world. A world me and my Sssymbiote will help you dissposse of and replace with a Kingdom of Sshadowss."
"I'm glad to hear, love." Peter said, awarding Jean with an affectionate kiss. "Speaking of your Symbiote, I've taken the liberty of letting you name her."
"Thank you, my King." Jean said. She pondered for a moment, clearing communicating with her Symbiote. She then said "We have decided on Sssmolder."
Peter chuckled. "A fitting name for a smoldering Queen like yourself."
Jean giggled. "It appearsss that even bonded to you for eternity, I cannot help but laugh at your horrible quipsss, and neither can Sssmolder."
"Hey! I only make the highest quality of quips thank you very much!" Peter said. "My humor is just ahead of its time."
'More like stuck so far in the past, that even Neanderthals would look at you like your an idiot.' Venom said dryly.
Jean, hearing the Symbiote, laughed while Peter blushed embarrassed. Jean then asked "I alssso know of your visssion, Massster. Doesss it mean that-"
"Yes." Peter said, interrupting her. "The Phoenix sensed your bond to me and it now makes its way to Earth. What its intentions for us are I do not know. Regardless, it will take a long while for it to arrive. For now, we must celebrate your-"
Peter was cut short by a call from his phone.
"Who could that be?" Peter questioned. He went over to the phone to see that it was from MJ.
"Hey Red, what do you got for me?" Peter said.
"Hey, Pete." Tony Stark's voice called out, Peter tensing at the billionaire superhero's voice. "You mind coming over for a chat? I feel that we much to catch up on."
Peter swung towards Stark Tower, landing onto the landing pad donned in his Symbiote attire. He carefully walked towards the lab entrance. He entered to find MJ, tied up in a chair, a series of devices and weapons aimed at her.
"Hey Spidey, been a while."
Peter narrowed his eyes at the form of Tony Stark, donned in a new suit of his own. The suit was colored white and blue, a contrast to the standard red and gold of most of the Iron Man suits. It had a more sleek appearance, appearing more like a blend of a body suit and high tech armor. The suit's shoulders had glowing blue circles, much like the one in his chest, the sides of his arms and body showing sleek looking gears and lights. Tony's face was revealed, his jawline, sides and forehead covered in the white armor, allowing his black hair to stick out and revealing his smirking, smug face.
To Peter, Tony's new suit looked something out of Tron.
"Love the new look by the way." Tony continued. "Honestly, I preferred that look than the red and blue tights. Too bad, the sweet look comes with a psychotic, evil Symbiote. Guess there's always a catch."
"Says the guy who's wearing a Symbiote himself." Peter said. "Didn't you get rid of it after your whole evil Superior Iron Man shtick?"
"What can I say, I had a soft side to it." Tony said. "It comes with some cool upgrades, like lightning absorption and resistance towards psionic based powers like telepathy, so I doubt you should bother trying to zap me or brainwash me like the others."
"Ok, I'll bite Stark." Peter conceded. "How long have you known?"
"What? That you killed that Doc Ock guy, started swinging around Manhattan with a Symbiote, raping and brainwashing the gals, and even brainwashing and corrupting or killing villains and heroes?" Tony listed. "Not long after you brainwashed my assistant here." Tony pointed out towards the captured red-head. "You didn't think that I didn't notice that lapse in F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s systems, did you?"
"Really?" Peter questioned. "So why let the secrecy continue, Tony? Why continue to let me go around freeing people instead of blasting down my apartment with all the Avengers as back up?"
"That's what you call raping and brainwashing our fellow heroines? Freeing?" Tony questioned. "Just how far down the rabbit hole did that Symbiote drag you down?"
"Oh, I see. You just wanted to have a little heart to heart, a little explanation for my actions while F.R.I.D.A.Y records what I say and you use as blackmail, while you have MJ tied up there with what I'm guessing is means to either neutralize her or 'free her' from the Symbiote."
"More or less." Tony admitted.
"In that case, I'm sure you can guess when this all started."
"After Knull?"
"Ding Ding, we have a winner ladies and gents." Peter joked. "But yeah, happened six months after Knull showed up with an army of Symbiotes and murdered my Aunt and I had to kill Eddie. Turns out, good old Venom here is a hard space parasite to kill."
"And Knull?" Tony asked. "Is he really dead, or is this a taking over your mind and living on inside your own brainwashed head kind of deal?"
"Oh no that bastard is dead alright." Peter clarified. "Died after I jammed that Necrosword of his down Eddie's chest. What you see here is 100% pure Spidey goodness, well with some new upgrades."
"You can understand how that doesn't exactly make things any better." Tony said, frowning.
"Yeah yeah, I know." Peter said. "Believe me Tony, I know how this whole thing goes, I mean I've given the same speech multiple times. You are going to say that deep down I'm still the same old Spidey that fights for good, great power comes great responsibility, what I'm doing is wrong, but I can still make things right blah blah blah. Did I get that right, Tony Stank?"
"Right on the money." Tony said. "Also I'm still ticked that Rhodey told you that."
"And I'm still ticked that you bought and stole my company instead of helping me rebuild in a partnership deal that Pepper suggested after I destroyed it so that Ock and Hydra wouldn't use it, and yet here we are."
"That was to help you, Parker." Tony said.
"That's Bullshit and you know it!" Peter yelled. "You were nervous and scared that Parker Industries was beginning outselling your company and growing more popular, not because you were trying to help me! You bought out my company and its tech just so that you can sell it and its products yourself, or am I suppose to not notice that that those commercials for Webware are something completely different."
"I'm a business man Peter." Tony said. "If I didn't do it, Alchemax or other companies would have done it. I kept your tech and work safe. I did you a favor."
"I highly doubt leaving me penniless and leaving millions of people that put their trust in me and my company out of a job as a favor." Peter said.
"So is that why you are going Supervillian mode? Revenge against me and the world for your company going under?" Tony asked.
"No. What you see here, isn't just me bitching about me losing my cool company or going broke, that was just another blow added to the hundreds of other blows this flawed world has done to us." Peter said.
"What are you talking about?" Tony questioned.
"I'm talking about this flawed world of heroes and villains fighting each other over and over, with no end or progress of our efforts to bring peace and justice." Peter said. "For years we have fought evil after evil, world ending catastrophe after catastrophe, trying to uphold good, peace, and whatever reason or excuse we heroes take to put on our cowls and fight villains and scum that keep coming."
"And what do we get as as rewards? Dead friends, hatred from those we protect, relationships destroyed, and another villain or evil Celestial or universe ending baddie just waiting around the corner to bring chaos and destruction all over again. An endless cycle of destruction. What I'm doing is showing people the truth, showing them that the only way to have any semblance of peace that this messed up universe can have, is to break this cycle and tear it all down."
"Just so you can rule over the new one?"
"If I have to." Peter said. "Trust me Tony, if there was any other path, any other way that was any better I would have taken it. But sometimes you need to go down a path of shadows to find the light at the end of the tunnel."
"You know that you are talking like those same baddies you are bitching about right?" Tony said.
"Touche." Peter said. "However, unlike them, I'm not trying to destroy the world or kill anyone that gets in my way. I simply trying to cleanse it of the sickness that this endless cycle of fighting has caused it. A world where Humans, Mutants, Inhumans, and all species of this world won't have to worry about another big bad monster or villain, where they can live happy, peaceful lives. If it has to be with a Symbiote Kingdom with me as its head, so be it. But I'm done trying to play this sick game that heroes and villains go through. I'm just trying to let this all be over."
"Whatever happened to Great Power comes Great Responsibility?" Tony asked, trying desperately to play his last card to get through to Peter. "Did you suddenly forget your motto all of a sudden?"
"I've forgotten nothing, Stark." Peter said. "And that's what I'm doing. I'm just using this great power towards another responsibility. A responsibility that I have been given ever since I killed Knull."
"So, I guess that's it, huh?" Tony said. "No chance I can snap you out of whatever funk you got into?"
"Alright, can't say I didn't try." Tony said. His face was covered in a blue and white iron Man helmet, coming out of the suit like a Symbiote. "I wanted to settle this peacefully because of who you were, because despite the mistakes I made, I still saw you as that goofy fanboy that looked up to me. That I saw as like a son or successor. But now I'm going to have to bring you in Spidey. "
"Its cute that you think you can try." Peter said, crossing his arms. "But what's going to happen more likely is I'm just going to have another servant in my Army of Darkness."
"Looks like you really have gone off the deep end." Tony fired back, a couple of the weapons aimed at MJ now targeting Peter. "This suit is half Symbiote and regenerative like yours. I've come prepared with every weapon perfect against your Symbiote and even if you somehow escape, I still have MJ here to snap out of her brainwashing and your little secret takeover will be exposed."
Tony raised his hand, the palm glowing and ready to fire a repulsor blast. "You're done, Spider-Man."
Peter smirked and clapped his hands twice. "Impressive Tony. You haven't lost your step throughout this whole time. But you did miscalculate something."
"And what's that?"
"You assume that We are just a regular Symbiote." Peter clapped his hand a third time.
Tony made a move to fire only for nothing to happen. Tony tried again only for his systems on his hub to haywire. "What the-" Tony grunted as the suit started moving on its own. "What's going on?!" Tony's raised hand lowered and was forced to take a knee.
"What we have here is just a neat little perk with being the new God of the Symbiotes." Peter revealed.
"What?!" Tony asked shocked.
Peter brought his hand back and brought out a black and familiar looking sword. The Necrosword. "Turns out, when I jammed this thing down Eddie's chest, it did more than kill the two of them. Apparently by some cosmic law or some shit, I took over Knull's job. You are looking at the New God of the Symbiotes and that makes me their King. After I killed Ock that fateful day and began this Conquest of Shadows, Venom here told me about this upgrade to Celestial God status and that the Symbiotes are willing to follow me in my path."
"So you can control them." Tony figured. "But this suit is-"
"Only half Symbiote I know." Peter said as he walked over to MJ and cut down her restraints, freeing her. "But after I Conquered MJ here, she told me all about your little Project SYM suit and saw an opportunity. So I decided to give your little Project a will of its own."
"Thank you, Father." Tony heard a voice sound around him. He didn't have to be a genius to know it was the suit itself. "I thank you for giving me a purpose beyond a suit. I exist to serve you."
"Tony meet Virus. Seemed an appropriate name, considering this predicament." Peter informed. "Also, I take offensive to the whole 'control' part. They don't follow me because i control them, they follow me because they want to."
"F.R.I.D.A.Y! Activate Failsafe Klyntar!" Tony ordered.
"Voice Authorization Denied!" The A.I. called out. "Sorry Mr. Stark, but Master Parker has removed your security access for the time being before the Taking is complete."
"Surprised?" Peter said. "You didn't think that MJ could let me mess around with Virus without F.R.I.D.A.Y. blabbing to you, did you? Turns out another little upgrade I got with being a new Celestial God is that I can also absorb and duplicate the powers and skills of those I Take or just those I see as expendable. My intellect combined with Ock's made it easy combination to hack into F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s systems. I like to think that I has Taken her like the rest. She has been very helpful with setting up this whole thing."
"You knew." Tony revealed in shock. "You knew that I discovered who you were. So this whole thing was-"
"A trap." Peter finished. "Ironic don't you think."
"So what now?" Tony asked. "You going to kill me, blackmail, jam a Symbiote up my ass and become some brainwashed puppet in your army?"
"Tempting." Peter said. "That first option sounds tempting considering all the shit that you pulled on me. Creating a Civil War between superheroes. Convincing me to reveal my identity, saying it was the right thing to do, that my Aunt would be safe, only for her to get attacked and when I spoke out you tried to have me arrested. Back-stabbed me and the other Avengers and heroes more times than I can count. Stole my company. I am tempted to just have you decapitated here and now." Peter edged the Necrosword near Tony's neck.
"But that would raise too many alarms, that the great Tony Stark, the Iron Man, suddenly became headless. No, I have a better idea." Peter said, moving the sword away. "I will rather Take you, let you see the truth for yourself, and realize in that realist mind of yours that I'm right."
"Oh so brainwashing, just checking." Tony said.
"That would mean that I would be changing how you think, how you act, but really I find it more of stripping away the fog in your mind that keeps you from the truth, to show you the truth that I found, forcing you to accept my path and follow it willingly." Peter said. "In the end, you'll see it as liberation, just like the rest."
"You won't get away with this." Tony said with one last air of defiance. "Even if you win, you will be damn sure that they will avenge us."
"Who, the Avengers?" Peter questioned. "That's the beauty of it, Tony. In the end, there won't be Avengers to avenge anything. Because they won't fight against me, they will fight for me. Like you."
Peter, hand raised, glowed in ethereal light, and that was the last thing the old Tony Stark saw.
*Lick* *Lick *Suck*
Peter, his mask off, stood on a throne made of shadows and black webs, looking over at the kneeling army of Symbiotes in front of him and the Symbiotes yet to have a host hanging off the walls bowing their heads to their King. A few feet away on either side of him, kneeling down with bowed heads, were his various lieutenants and heads of his core groups.
Miles, his Lieutenant of the Dark Web Warriors, knelt by his left, with Rhino, the first member of his Crasher Unit, Electro, of the Electroling Squadron, Vulture, member of his Dead Sky force, and Scorpion and Mr. Negative, who's places in his army is left to be decided, though Peter smirked with a few ideas.
To his right knelt Rachel, Princess of the Kingdom of Darkness, suited with a Symbiote, called Dreamer upon her request, and appeared like a true Princess of Darkness. Her appearance was similar to her mother's outfit, with the black and white Symbiote bodysuit attire, but instead of her mother's trench coat, she wore a short black jacket, a black and white sequence skirt, a spider medallion hanging from her neck, and a short tiara made of shadows resting on her head. Rachel stared at her father with devotion and amusement.
*Lick* *Lick* "Aaah!"
Iron Man, fully bonded with Virus and subservient to him and his cause, knelt beside them too. The circle in the middle of his chest was replaced with a more solid spider insignia, and the neon blue of the suit was replaced with blood red light.
*Lick* *Suck* "More"
"So, let me get this straight." Peter said. "You five are the apparent children of Venom and you were birthed by the five women Eddie raped when he was on a rampage under Knull's influence?"
Kneeling down before him, were 5 individuals with multicolored Symbiotes bonded to them. The two on the right were male, fairly muscular but more lean and skinny. The first of the two was colored poison green and black, its Symbiote eyes white and angled like blades but with no visible mouth shown on his head, his hands were razor claws, his feet talons, and several tentacles protruded from his back with devil-like pointed tips. The other one was rusty yellow and black, his hands and feet similar to the green Symbiote next to him, but jagged spikes and blades stuck out of his wrists and thighs, his white Symbiote eyes plastered together at the ridge where its nose would be, and his mouth was wide and filled with razor sharp teeth.
The two on the left were male and female. The female one was colored dark purple and black, its feminine physique apparent with its D-sized breasts and wide hips, but had similar claws and talons to its 'brothers'. Two curved black spikes stuck out of its arms, one for each arm, his white Symbiote eyes were more spread out than the yellow one and more wide than the green one, his razor-sharp teeth filled mouth was more smaller, and it had flowing dark purple and black hair. The one next to it was a mix of black and blood red and stood out more than its 'siblings'. Its had the standard clawed hands and razor sharp tooth mouth, but its Symbiote eyes were shorter and colored blood red, its shoulders and wrists were covered in blood red plating like armor, and its feet appeared more like boots than talons.
The one in center was the biggest and bulkiest of the five, standing taller and possessed a more Herculean figure, similar to Venom when he was with Eddie. Its coloring was silver grey and black with patchy white Symbiote eyes, and had sharp talons, claws, and a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth.
"Indeed, my Lord." The green one said, its voice a mix of husky and harsh. "Asss we Ssymbiotess grew in the wombsss of our ressspective mother, we sssomehow knew how we were created and our full recollection of eventsss that transsspired to our birthsss were made clearer upon our gathering."
"Upon our birth, sssix monthsss after our conception, our ressspective mothersss died and we were left wondering, hungering for hosstss." The yellow one jumped in, its voice more raspy and sharp. "It wasss then when we found our hosstss that we convened together."
"But we ssstill yearned for purpossse, for meaning." The purple one voice out, her voice hissing and soft like a snake. "And then you awoke, our King. We heard your messsage through the dissstance and sssought for you."
"And I am to understand that you claim to wish to join my Symbiote Kingdom and serve under me in any shape and form that I desire?" Peter questioned further.
"It is our duty to you asss your loyal sssubjects." The black and red one said, his voice lighter and more normal than the rest. "Otherwise, I would probably would have been ripped apart by thessse guysss."
"Sssilence, brother!" The bulky silver one shouted. "Mind your tongue in the presssence of our King and God. Apologiesss my King. My brother is quick of tongue and little of thought."
"It is quite alright." Peter chuckled and hissed in pleasure. "I don't mind a little bit of spunk and attitude in my subjects. I'm not one for much of etiquette and formalities. Otherwise, this would be far from appropriate."
The five Symbiotes looked upon their King being surrounded and pleasured by his Queens. His right hand was sucked on by Jean Grey while his left was teasing and pleasuring Emma's pussy and clit. Betsy and Julia latched onto Peter's sides and licking up and down his pecks and chest. Sable and Anya sucked and kissed Peter's balls. And Gwen, MJ, and Felicia took turns licking, sucking, and kissing Peter's manhood, not caring at all at the watching audience.
"I sssee." The silver bulky one said. "Asss what my brother sssaid, it is our duty asss your loyal ssubjectss to ssserve under our King and God, but for usss, we have a larger duty towardsss you. For while you may not be our human father, your Sssymbiote, Venom, our Father, makesss you our Father too. We are you humble children, begging to serve under you command."
As the girls continue pleasuring him, Peter mentally talked with Venom. 'Are they truthful?'
'If you mean that they are my kidsss and all what they sssay of their originsss, ssshouldn't you already know?" Venom mentally replied. 'You have been reading their mindsss this entire time."
'Maybe, but I wanted to see how you, their biological father, feels about taking in more kids, especially after the last five kids you had." Peter said.
'All Klyntariansss are your children.' Venom replied. "Comesss with the title of God of Ssymbiotess that you flaunt around.'
'Venom, be serious.' Peter demanded.
The Symbiote of the Celestial God was silent for a moment before saying 'Yes, let them join. I don't sense they same insanity as the other five nor do I wish to reject them like Brock did with the others.'
Peter hummed and nodded, turning his attention back towards the five kneeling Symbiotes. "It is settled then, you may indeed join in my Kingdom of Darkness. Do each of you possess a name?"
"No, we do not." The silver one said. "We have been nameless since our births and saw our potential names as your right to give."
"Very well." Peter said. He turned his gaze to the green Symbiote and said "Before your time, Venom bore five other children, one of which still roams free and is yet to return, the four have been lost through the years. It seems only fitting to name you after your deceased siblings. But first, show me your faces, my children."
The Symbiotes complied and they receded back to show their hosts' faces. The green one was Hispanic male, tan skinned with curly black hair, roundish nose, and brown eyes. The yellow one was revealed to be a man of Indian descent, with a roundish curve chin, light tannish skin, short brown hair, and amber eyes. The purple one was a female with pearl white skin, light brown hair, ocean blue eyes, and peachy cheeks. The black and red one was male, with pale white skin, rusty blonde hair, violet eyes, and sharp, long nose. The silver one was also male with short golden brown hair in a slight curl, grey eyes, white, and with golden brown sideburns.
"You," Peter gestured to the green one. "You shall be named Lasher, after your deceased brother of the same color and look."
"Thank you, my Lord." The newly dubbed Lasher replied.
"You will be named Phage." Peter said to the yellow one. "It is the name of your brother of the same color and appearance. May you carry out his name."
"As you command, my Liege." Phage said.
"I shall call you Agony, the same name of your sister that is no longer with us." Peter named the purple one.
"Thank you so very much, my King." The woman named Agony said, smiling seductively as she directed her stare onto Peter's phallus that was currently being sucked by Gwen with hunger.
Peter smirked darkly, already sensing the lust coming off Agony but proceeded. He turned to the red and black one and said "While you share no resemblance to the first five, you bear a striking resemblance to Venom's grandson who has likewise passed. As such, you shall bear the name Toxin."
"Thank you, Father." The now named Toxin said.
"And finally, you will be Riot." Peter said. "You share the same appearance and as such you shall bear his name. May you bear it well."
"I shall carry this name with honor, my God and King." Riot said.
As they stood and brought back their Symbiotes faces, their chests shifted and glowed in ethereal light. Their chests morphed into the spider insignia, each of their own design and color.
Peter smirked darkly, and as he turned his gaze towards his ever growing army, his lieutenants and commanders, his Princess, and the loving gazes of his Queens, he let out a dark, sinister smile.
"It has begun."
AAAAAAANNNNNDDDD SCENE! Phew, that took a while! I'm so sorry that this took longer than expected. This chapter was originally supposed to have come out around the beginning of July, but I had to take my computer to the shop to have it fixed and updated. And now I just recently got it back and after resetting a few things, I am back and dropping this chapter as quickly as I could.
Anyways, another excuse of my inconvenient as hell life aside, I hope you guys liked this chapter and the story that I have been focusing more on. Again, I understand that comic book Spidey and Iron Man don't share the same surrogate son/father-mentor relationship like the MCU, but the perks of having this world be a different universe and with fanfiction is, and I say this like the Boys's evil Superman, Homelander, does, "I can do whatever the fuck I want."
So, I imagine that you all are wondering what will come next of this story? Well obviously, the Phoenix is flying its way to Earth once again, but for what purpose, who the next Marvel female to conquer, and what crazy shit I'm going to reveal next, I'll keep it to myself, for now. I will be working more on this story and my others, so expect updates to drop on my other stories too
With all that said and nothing more to state, as always, leave your comments in the reviews, constructive and positive criticism is always welcomed, and check out my others stories if you have the time.
This has been Zayden StormVoid, signing off True Believers. Excelsior!