Epilogue: Beloved

Draco stood in front of a small, plain grave. The only marking was the years, and the initials LM. This was where his sister had been buried seven years before.

Of course, only a very select group of people knew that Lucia had committed suicide. Draco wouldn't even have known if he hadn't seen the green light flash in his sister's room. It hadn't been until 5th year DADA class that he recognized the light as a sign of the Killing Curse. And after finding the letters, he knew for certain what his sister had done, and why.

The official story was that Lucia became sick, and died in her sleep. Despite the comfort from this lie, Draco was glad he knew the truth. And he was also glad that he had come here to the grave, to meet some Lucia loved very much.

Bill Weasley apparated minutes after Draco himself arrived. Without a word, Draco handed him the letter Lucia had written. And then he moved away, leaving Bill alone with his beloved's words.

Bill read the letter over and over again, and Draco could see tears glistening in his eyes. Finally he closed the letter, folded it up and placed it in his pocket. Only then did Draco approach the older wizard.

"Thank you," Bill said to him, his voice a bit muffled by emotion.

Draco nodded in reply, as they both stood side by side, before Lucia's grave.

"I knew that story your Father gave out couldn't be true. She wouldn't have let an illness kill her."

"No, she wouldn't have."

Bill knelt down, picking up a rose bush that Draco hadn't noticed before. He walked over to the grave, and planted it before the stone.

"It's a black rose. Lucia always loved black flowers," Bill explained, and then he took out his claw earring, placing beside the rose. "And she was always after me to grow my hair out, or pierce me ear. She always said that it would make me look so cool." Bill laughed, then choked on a sob.

He turned back towards Draco. "Well, I better be going before Mom looks at that clock of hers, and starts asking questions. Thank you again."

After Bill disappeared, Draco approached the stone. He looked at the blank stone and suddenly knew what he needed to do. He took out his wand and spoke a few simply words, and engraved his own message to his sister, finally showing how deep he cared for her.

Beloved sister.

(A/N OMG, it's over. I think I'm going to cry. I'm going to miss my characters SO much, and all my devoted reviewers.

I'd like to take this time to dedicate Confessions of the Firstborn to my reviewers, who really supported me in my writing. It was because of you that this story was always on my mind, and why it rocks so much. I'd also like to just say how incredibly long this story is. It takes up 58 pages on Microsoft word, has over 23 000 words, and the file size is 202KB.

I'm so glad I had a chance to write this story. But now it is time to put Lucia behind me. I often seem to get almost possessed by a character. It happened with Lucia, and with Circe Dumbledore before her. The newest character to do this is named Oleander Snape. She is going to appear in my story "Betrayal", though not for a while. I hope you guys give that a read, because it is now going to be my only WIP for Harry Potter.

So, I want to bed you all the fondest of farewells, and thank everyone who read this story from the bottom of my heart.)