Far, far away, in a magical land called Mewni, lived a prince – Starling Dragonfly. Some people have called me reckless and irresponsible just because...I fight monsters...and tame wild unicorns. I like to have fun! And I'm about to have a whole lot more because today is my 14th birthday! And according to tradition, my dad the king has to bestow upon me our greatest family heirloom: the royal magic scepter!

At that moment, a blonde and blue-eyed teenage boy with red lightning bolts on his cheeks and garbed in a blue suit with royal regalia on it burst into the throne room on a wild unicorn. He jumped off the wild horned horse and sent it flying through a wall, then landed in front of his parents, panting excitedly like a dog. King Moon was a tall man with silver hair and purple diamonds on his cheeks while his wife Queen River was a small woman with long blonde hair...with nothing on her cheeks. And both of them were not impressed with their son's entrance. The prince tried to reach for the scepter but King Moon held it away from him.

"Now, Starling," he said. "this scepter is a big responsibility. If it falls into the hands of evil forces, the universe could be destroyed."

The scepter was shaped like a yellow dragonfly with a crystal head and wings. But when the king passed it onto his son, it changed appearance. The scepter turned light purple with white dragonfly wings attached to the grip. The bell of the wand had a blue circle with a gold star and red hearts surrounding the crystal star inside. There was a yellow crown on the tip of the wand, a blue dragonfly between the bell and grip, and a yellow tip with a blue heart at the end of the grip.

When he had it in his grip, Prince Starling just started cheering. Then he remembered he was in front of his parents. "Don't worry, Dad. I can handle it."


Two seconds later, the entire kingdom was on fire. King Moon, Queen River and a strange blue little...thing with twelve fingers and toes, a long nose, long hair and wearing a brown robe just shook their heads. "He can't handle it," they said.


It was decided then and there. Starling just had so much energy (something King Moon blamed his wife for) and so irresponsible, they decided to put him in an exchange program. Upon hearing this, Starling assumed the worst and grabbed his father's legs. "Nooooo! I can be good. Please! Don't send me to St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princes and Princesses!" Starling heard stories of heirs going in...and coming out completely different. Something horrible happened at that school, and he did not want to find out what.

King Moon sighed. "Laddie, we're not sending you there." A wave of relief washed over Starling. "Yet." And now it was gone.

"We're sending you to train in a safer dimension; a place called Earth," explained Queen River.


Starling was tossed into a royal carriage along with his things before he could get an answer. "Manfred!" shouted Queen River. "Open the portal!"

Manfred, one of the royal servants, took out a strange pair of scissors and mimed cutting a hole. A portal appeared as if from nowhere. The carriage slowly entered the hole and Prince Starling looked out the window with a sad frown. "Goodbye, Mewni."


But something happened that no one was prepared for. A monster hid in the bushes, watching. She was a big, buff frog woman with pointed ears, large breasts and wearing a green, armored tunic.


On Earth, at Echo Creek Academy, located in a state called California, the King and Queen spoke with the principal. "So you say you're from another dimension," she asked, clearly finding it hard to believe. Suddenly, the lights began flickering on and off. The adults turned to find Prince Starling playing with the light switch with fascination. His outfit was changed to more Earthly attire. A light blue t-shirt, a green sweater around his waist, a red baseball cap with a yellow star on the front and purple devil horns on the sides, dark teal jeans, and purple boots with a rhino design.

"And you said there was no magic on Earth?" he asked with awe.

The principal shook her head. "Yeah, this isn't going to work." Queen River placed a huge treasure chest on the desk. The principal had an immediate change of heart. "She's gonna love it here!"

Starling paid no attention and continued to play with the light switch.

"He's going to need a guide," King River said.


In Mister Skullnick's class, Marcia Diaz, an Hispanic girl with short brown hair, matching brown eyes and a mole under her right eye and wearing a red hooded overshirt, brown shorts, and tan shoes, was working on her class essay when the principal's voice came through the speakers. "Marcia Diaz, to the principal's office. Marcia Diaz, to the principal's office."

Marci made a smug smile and said, "Oooooh... looks like someone's in trouble. So, I guess everyone who voted me 'Safest Kid' must be feeling pretty embarrassed right about now." Yeah, Marcia was always called "Safest Kid", but she's been trying her best to prove them wrong. So far, she did a bad job when she asked Mister Skullnick (who was clipping his toenails), "Do I need a hall pass?"

"WOULD YOU JUST GO ALREADY?!" the fat, red-haired teacher shouted in a scraggily voice.

Marcis met the principal outside the office. With her was Prince Starling, playing with a drinking fountain...and getting angry at it when it sprayed him in the eye. "Marcia," the principal said. "I want you to meet our new foreign exchange student – Starling Dragonfly." Prince Starling growled at the fountain and started pounding it with his fist.

Marcia raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"I need a responsible, never-take-chances type to keep an eye on her, and who better than you, the safe kid?"

Marcia waved her hands in front of her. "What?! No-no-no-no! I am completely wrong for this. I'm a misunderstood bad girl."

But the principal just pinched her cheek and teased, "You're adorable! Now I'm off to the ice cream shop. Mommy's getting all 52 flavors!" She took the treasure chest Queen River gave her and ran off laughing.


Marcia frowned as she showed Starling around the school. The prince was too busy to even notice her unhappiness, he was too excited to see all the Earth surroundings and sights. The lockers, the janitor, the banners, the mascot, he loved new things. And this was new for sure. "Thanks for showing me around, safe kid."

"What? No!" Marcia protested. "Look, whatever you heard about me isn't true. I don't know where people get the idea I'm so safe! Oh, watch your step. Loose tile." She moved him away from the tile. "It's ridiculous! Careful." She closed an open locker Starling was about to run into. "You wear a helmet in the gym shower one time, and you're labeled for life! Oop. Broken glass." She lifted Starling away from the broken bottle and put him down safely. "Frankly, I like taking risks and would welcome a little danger in my life."

Starling granted her wish. With a wave of his scepter, he turned a fluttering moth into a monster. Marci watched in shock as it carried off an unfortunate student.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!" shrieked Marcia.

"Oops. Heh, heh," chuckled Starling. "Oops. Heh. I thought you wanted a little danger."

Marcia looked at him with horror. "Who are you?"

Starling waved his scepter, summoning all sorts of creatures. "I'm a magical prince from another dimension!" Then the creatures spontaneously combusted.

This was too much for Marcia. "Well, that brings us to the end of our tour. I'm going home now."

The prince waved him goodbye. "Bye, new friend! See you tomorrow! Bye! Bye, new friend! See you later!"

But Marcia didn't wave back. Instead, she put her hood on and ran away in fear.


When Marcia came home, she was in for a surprise. Guess who was sitting on the living room couch with her parents?

"Oh, Marco," her mother said. "Come meet the new foreign exchange student who's gonna be living with us!"


Starling was still his usual excited self as he dragged Marcia into the house. "WHAT?! I had no idea these were your parents! I just assumed everyone on Earth had the last name Diaz!"

"Won't it be nice to have Star's upbeat, lively energy around the house?" asked Mrs. Diaz.

Marcia and Starling looked at each other. "We could've gotten that from a litter of puppies."

Starling's eyes widened. "I. Love. Puppies!" He used his scepter to summon a litter of eight pitbull puppies. At first, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz loved them. And then they started shooting lasers out their eyes. Marci glared at Starling, who smiled sheepishly.

Mr. Diaz picked one of them up. "Well, they are really cute." ZAP! "AH! My eye!"

"Marcia," Mrs. Diaz asked. "Marco, why don't you show Starling his new room?"

"YAY!" Starling cheered as he ran up. Marci dragged the heavy luggage upstairs with the laser puppies following.


Outside, a monster watched. Laughing, she cut a hole in the space/time fabric with her own pair of dimensional scissors and jumped through it. She was back in Mewni and in the throne room of a castle with scary looking gargoyles, decorated windows and floor tiles. Evil looking masks stared down from the walls and rusted, spiked instruments were hanging from the ceiling. She saluted to her boss and made a croak.

"Luda, mistress," she said in a deep, Russian accented voice. "I've tracked down Starling Dragonfly. They've hidden him in the Earth dimension. Unguarded."

Luda was a small monster with a beak full of sharp teeth and ugly pigtails, wore a dirty green robe and a skull for a helmet and carried a long pitchfork with an eyeball on it. "Excellent work, Buff Frog," Luda said in a high-pitched, annoying voice. "I knew they couldn't hide that royal brat from me for long. Soon, the scepter will be mine. And then the universe. And then...! Actually, the universe should do it. I'm coming for you, Prince Dragonfly."


Back on Earth, Marcia finished dragging the luggage into Star's new room: the guest room. "Here's your new room." She accidentally dropped it on her toes. "OW!"

Starling looked around. "Okay... I can work with this." He raised the scepter. "Sparkle Glitter Bomb Expand!" In a flash of light, the guest room turned into a room straight out of Victoria times. And that's not all. The guest room's exterior had turned into a castle turret. Marci could only think of one word. "Whoa."

Starling plopped onto the bed. "That's better!"

"I wish I had a room like this."

"You do?" Oh, no. Starling ran into Marcia's room and pointed his scepter at it. "Mystic Room Suck Transform!" A black hole appeared in the middle of the room and started to suck in everything, even one unfortunate laser eye puppy. Marcia quickly slammed the door and angrily shouted, "SUCK?! SUCK?! WHY IS THE WORD 'SUCK' IN THAT SPELL?!"

Starling said, "I don't know! It just came out that way!" Marci slammed her head into the door. "I'm sorry, Marci. How about a little sunshine to brighten your day?" With a wave of his scepter, a sun appeared over Marci's head. Then it turned into a storm cloud which rained down on her.

"I can't take this anymore," screamed Marcia. "If you're moving in, I am moving out!" She turned to leave, only to trip on her own feet and fall out the window.

"Are you okay?" called out Starling.

"Luckily, the cactuses broke my fall."

"Do you need any help?"

"I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" And Marcia, covered in cactus spines with a storm cloud literally over her head, walked away. Starling frowned sadly as he watched her go. So far, his first impression with her was not a very good one. He could see Marcia did not want him in her life. Maybe he should just do him a favor and just leave and get out of her life.


That night, Marcia was soaked to the bone thanks to the storm cloud still over her head. She looked like a mess and her demeanor as she stood outside the Stop & Slurp convenience store was psychotic. "Here he comes. Here he comes." She muttered as a man walked by. "Hey, brother, do me a solid! Refill this for me!" The man ran away screaming. "They won't let me back inside because I'm soooooggyyyyy!" A mother and son walked out the store. "Did you bring me my refill?!"

"Don't make eye contact," warned the woman as she led her son away. Far, far away.

"You come to my house, you bring toilet paper," Marcia said crazily. Someone tapped her on the shoulder. It was Starling. Marci screamed. "Wa-ha! Whoa! What are you doing here?"

Starling made the raincloud disappear. "I didn't get a choice about coming here to Earth, and you didn't get a choice about having to deal with me." Marci's expression softened when he said that. "I'll find another family to live with."

Marcia felt bad now. She wanted to say something, but didn't get the chance when she saw something behind the prince. "Starling?"

Starling turned around to see a gang of monsters and the forerunner was Luda. "Starling Dragonfly! At last, I've found you!"

Starling gasped. "Luda! How did you know I was here?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yes. That's why I asked."

"Well, Buff Frog...hey! I don't have to tell you anything! Get him!"

Starling was about to attack when Marcia suddenly jumped in front of him and karate chopped and kicked a monster down. Starling was impressed. "We-heh-heh-ell. You can fight?"

"It's called...karate!" Marcia karate chopped another monster in the neck while Starling started beating up another monster with his own club.

Ludo grabbed Buff Frog by the neck. "You said he was unguarded!" Buff Frog shrugged her shoulders.

"Rainbow Fist Punch!" A rainbow fist flew out of Starling's scepter and punched a giraffe monster through a car. Meanwhile, Marcia slammed the same car's door into a bear monster she was fighting. Then Starling blasted a wave of magic at Buff Frog, making her crash into a light pole.

"You're embarrassing me!" shrieked Luda. "GET UP!"

Buff Frog grabbed the street light and used it as a club, but she didn't even get a chance to swing it. "Rainbow Hallucination Mist!" The mist that came out of Starlng's scepter made her drop the light and look around in awe. "Whoa..what is happening..."

Two more monsters knocked the teens down, only to be kicked away by Marcia. The prince shouted, "Mega Narwhal Blast!" Narwhals burst out of Starling's scepter and pilled themselves onto the monsters. Luda just gulped. "Want some of this, Luda?" asked Starling with a smirk.

"No," Luda said, admitting defeat. She pulled out a pair of dimensional scissors and cut a whole in space/time. "You see, you morons?! This is what happens when you don't work out! Your muscles are like pudding! Come on, back in the portal, back in the portal." Her minions went into the portal, groaning and covered in wounds. "You even retreat like losers!" She turned to the prince. "I'll get you, Starling Dragon-" The portal closed around her neck. Choking, she pulled her head back in.

Marcia was so excited. "That was amazing! I was amazing! You were amazing!"

"Yeah. I guess we were," Starling said, still remembering why he came here. "...Well... I should probably go pack my bags."

"Wait! I don't want you to go. I want you to stay with us."

The prince's eyes widened when Marcia said that. "Really?! Hugs!" He gave Marci a running tackle rather than a hug.

Marcia asked as they walked back home, "Are there gonna be monsters attacking us all the time?"

"Yeah, probably."

"All right! Sounds so dangerous!" Suddenly, she grabbed Starling before he could cross the street. "Whoa! Let's cross at the light."

Starling chuckled. "Okay, wild man."