Reviews for Starling vs The Forces of Evil
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
It doens’t matter how many times I read it this always cracks me up: It was decided then and there. Starling had just so much energy (something king Moon blamed his wife for).
Guest chapter 7 . 4/25/2019
Don’t worry Starling, you bundle of joy, you will have in the future enough girls after you!
Guest chapter 6 . 4/22/2019
Yeah you are back! I can’t wait for more and see the changes in the story now that the characters are the opposite gender, for example Moon and River’s relationship.
Guest chapter 5 . 1/5/2019
Happy New Year!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/24/2018
Guest chapter 5 . 8/5/2018
Tango Soo Do? Ihave never heard of that,but a nice personal touch.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/5/2018
Dum dum dum! I wonder if the monster arm makes a reappearnce in season 4.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/4/2018
Hahahahahahahahah, whenever Star is a boy or girl, he is stil the characters we fell in love with
Coco chapter 1 . 8/3/2018
Yes! A genderbend in English! All the good genderbend Star vs the forces of evil are in Spanish and it is such a pain to translate it each time. Anyway like the little changes you made and I am curious in which direction you take this story.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/1/2018
Nice story you have goimg on here
Guest chapter 1 . 8/1/2018
Yes a great genderbend SVTFOE! I have been searching for one for a while. What I especially like about yours is that you also use a bit of their pov (what they think) than to just write what happens and that Moon knows how his wife can be. I wonder what changes and what stays the same. I can’t wait for more.
Cressida123 chapter 2 . 8/3/2018
Nice chapt. Though you slipped a couple of times and called the characters by their true genders. But that's alright.
Cressida123 chapter 1 . 8/3/2018
Hmm interesting. I like these kind of stories, and you're a good writer! Though-if you don't mind me saying- I'd like to see Comet's or Marcia's feelings and reactions to different things. I think it would make the story more interesting-instead of it being exactly like the show, but with different genders. But that's just my opinion. You're the author, after all. Anyway, bye! Keep up the good work!