no regrets


rated m, the one-time souma is rational and erina is emotional and wants a different type of comfort.

The night was to end. Their talk had waged until deeper waters threatened to spill into things that shouldn't be said. This was where they should end. If she said too much, Erina knew she threatened to break whatever bubble she had made for herself. If she said too much, she threatened to let him in more than she had initially planned.

This was where the night should end, that's what she told herself.

But as his last words were spoken, the "Goodnight, Nakiri." and the dopey smile he had thrown her way from across the hall, Erina had felt something spark within her. And while the last word had always been on her lips, this time she doesn't know what comes over her to stall him. Exchanging 'good nights' with words of desperation were unlike her.

Maybe the night wasn't to end like this, she thinks.

"Wait." She says just as his hand makes contact with his doorknob. And when he turns, her lips capture his and his back is at the door.

It's unilateral, the decision to pull her into his room and against the door; away from prying eyes and the heedless gossip of his dorm-mates. What is also unilateral is the thoughts that run through his mind as his hands ran up from under the hem of her dress and up her body, thumbs brushing over the underside of her breasts.

Had she not been wearing a bra this entire time?

"Ah - wait."

The words brought them back to the present; spoken between heavy breathes and lingering hands. Relayed in the past few minutes from when Souma had spoken his last words and Erina couldn't leave it at that. Hand on the doorknob, Erina had captured his attention with one word only to completely flip his world upside down when he felt fingers coiling into the neck of his shirt and lips crashed on top of his own.

"What?" Erina asked, head dropped back against the door. "Why'd you stop?" She was taking an infinite amount of breaths, as if kissing had depleted every oxygenated resource she had; fingers finding their way back down from his neck to a loop of his jeans, tugging at the fabric.

"What are we doing, Nakiri?"

She blinked, wasn't it obvious? But of course, she was with Yukihira Souma, the densest person in the history of the world. She licked her lips, "I was about to take off your pants." Erina was sure his hands had been doing delicious things to her breasts. "You had your hands under my shirt." She hadn't really thought it through but at the pace they were going, Erina had assumed they were going to move this to his bed, or he was just going to fuck her senselessly against the door.

Or both.

Both sounded like a good idea, too.

"No, I -" Souma seemed to be at a loss for words, despite the numerous tries, the right ones never seemed to come. He huffed, dragging a hand over his face before he looked at her, studying her eyes. A depth that penetrated into Erina scarily, his stare was one she had spent all night avoiding. "I just think we should talk about this."

She rolled her eyes; words were something she didn't want right now. Hadn't they just spent the last few hours dissecting each and every possible fucked up feeling she had stored in her heart? "Okay, you can talk, and I can just -" Actions lead way for unspoken words as the lips that had just been moving against his own traveled south, lingering against the pulse in his neck.

"Nakiri, I'm serious." The hands that had been at bare skin of her hips were now at her shoulders, pushing her back into the door gently. Gone was the arousal from earlier, the lust-filled gaze she had induced just moments prior and it irritated her. "I don't want to do anything stupid."

"We're not doing anything stupid." She started, if anything, Erina's mind had felt the clearest it's been in days.

If only he would just shut up and kiss her then maybe she wouldn't begin to regret this. There was no telling when the embarrassment would start to set in.

"I -" He breathed in deeply, "Look, Nakiri." His fingers pried from her shoulders, falling to his sides as he looked at her. Taking a moment to remove himself from the intimate breathes she expelled between their close proximity, deftly ignoring the obvious arousal in those deep-set violet made his own lust burn deeper into the pit of his stomach. If he didn't say no now, he knew his resolve would continue to weaken the longer they played this game,

"You just ran away from home; your emotions are everywhere, and I get you need someone but -" No matter how much his arousal was weeping at the thought of him declining this delicious invitation that would probably never come again. He couldn't do this; he wouldn't take advantage of her. Not like this.

"Yukihira -"

"I'm not about to take advantage of your vulnerable state or be the bad guy in the morning when you decide that this was all a mistake," he spoke slowly, shaking his head, taking a definitive step away from her, eyes never once lingering from her face.

A fact Erina took obvious notice of, "Okay." And decided it was wholly hers to exploit.

"I get that, I respect it. If you don't want to …" she breathes, rolling her shoulders as her back drops against the door, movement causing the remnants of her nightgown that had clung to her hip to fall against her calves. "Have sex with me, that's fine. I'm just saying, I'm here, I'm horny and emotional and yes, I just want someone to be with me. But above all, I'm saying yes and that," She breathes, glancing up at him from under her lashes. "I'm not going to regret this in the morning."

Surely, he had caught her there when he had said she already knew this would be a mistake in the making come morning but details in the moment didn't matter to her. For once, Erina wanted to live in the moment.

For now, Erina was convinced she wouldn't regret it and that's all that mattered.

She watched his pupils darken with desire as his conscience stood proudly at either shoulder, his options at each hand, at the ready for his decision to make his night or to leave him sorely blue-balled.

"So, you can either feel self-righteous and I'll leave," she huffed, straightening up as she let her eyes run over his body shamelessly. "Or I can take your pants off and you can fuck me into this door right now." Her fingers flipped a tuft of blonde over her shoulder, tongue running over her bottom lip. "The choice is yours."

Contemplative embers met rowdy amethyst in concession as he unraveled his fingers from tight fists and looked at her, this time without the wrestling of emotions holding him back.

"Well?" She was growing impatient.

Souma finally felt a heavy breath rip through him before he lurched forward, hands at her neck as his lips captured hers. "You better not regret this tomorrow, princess," he muttered under his breath, hand running from the nape of her neck to her hips, biting into the bone from over her dress. He pressed her harder against the door, knee breaching the gap between her thighs as he pinned her.

Teeth knocked against each other as they kissed. Her hands were under his shirt, fingertips tracing the depths of his abdomen until they were pulling the article of clothing from his head. And then they were at his belt, undoing the clasp in three flicks of her wrists; pulling the zipper down painstakingly against the bulge in his boxers and tugging until the heap of clothing had fallen to his ankles.

"Fuck, aren't you in a hurry?" His hands moved between them, pushing the hands that were skirting against the edge of his boxers to lock them against the door as he ground against her, eliciting a low moan from her. Another pulled the hem of her skirt up until it exposed the plane of her stomach and the skin beneath her breasts, brushing against puckered nipples as the swell of her breast filled his hand.

"Says the one who kept me waiting." She murmured against his lips, the tip of her tongue brushing against the seam of his lips. A promise already at work to make him pay for the lengthy intermission.

The arousal was fast working, what had been doused before had come back with a startling force, rippling heavily to the pit of his stomach and further against her thigh, hard. To make matters worse, Erina had gotten free from his hold, hand immediately moving beneath the elastic of his drawers to envelope her warm hand around his shaft.

Fuck. "Slow down." His voice was gruff, strangled, jaw set when he pressed his forehead to hers. A hand squeezed at a breast, earning another moan from her.

"What?" She laughed quietly against his lips, hand slowly caressing up and down his length. Each word pressed a feather-light kiss to his lips as she spoke. "Too excited, Yukihira?"

Souma dropped his head to her shoulder as he felt her hand increase in speed, pumping him until his breathing had grown hoarse and he was sure stars were blinding his sight. "Fuck, Nakiri," he moaned, he could feel his release coming; couldn't stop the way his hips moved in time with her hand until his own clamped around her wrist to stall her movements. Pulling her hand out from her his boxers, he heaved a heavy groan at the loss of friction against his dick, eyes opening to see the smirk on Erina's face. One that was easily wiped away as his hands pulled the rest of her dress upwards and from her body and shoving his hands into her cotton white panties.

"Guess I'm not the only one who's excited," he smirked, feeling her wet his fingers. Her hands pushed at his shoulders, anchoring her weight against the wall to cross her ankles behind his back, pushing herself down against his fingers. His thumb swirled around her clit, pressure light, teasing as he looked at her. Watching her fall apart at his hands was something he had only dreamed of doing, to see it actually happening brought a sharp shudder that went straight to his arousal.

He pressed a kiss to the spot behind her ear, teasing his tongue against the shell of the lobe as he guided his index finger inside of her. Souma moaned when he felt her clench around his fingers, she was tight, brushing against her clit once more. Another finger made its way into her, curling them as he gave her sharp, shallow thrusts; thumb stroking at her swollen clit, drawing another whimper from her lips.

"Yukihira -" she grunted, thrusting against his palm.

He slowed down, pulling out almost all the way, caressing her walls with brief strokes. He spoke roughly. breath fanning out over her ear. "Say my name," he commanded; thumb brushing at the bundle of nerves harshly.

She whimpered, eyes rolling to the back of her head at the sensation. Pleasure rippled through her body, "Yukihi -"

Souma pressed into her further, nailing her to the door as the hand that had held her up moved to her chin and forced her to look at him. Wide violet eyes were blinking awake, lust-filled and wanton as they were. "Say. My. Name." Each word was emphasized with shallow thrusts of his fingers, giving her just enough but not quite where she wanted them to be.

Erina gulped, the feeling of Souma's fingers running against her clit was sending sharpened nerve-ending throughout her body. And every second she didn't say his name, the longer it took for those same treacherous fingers to repeat those desirable movements.

She cursed, feeling her hips pinned as she tried to grind down on his fingers. "S-Souma -" The moment the name left her lips, his fingers had slammed back in and were quick to work her to her release.

Her fingernails dug into the slab of muscle in his back, decorating the flesh with marked crescents, racking them up and down as she felt herself get further from coherency. Her toes curled and she could feel the heat smother her, a strangled gasp and deep shudder moving through her when she did finally come. Her body felt weightless, putty in his hands as he held her to the door, continuing to move his fingers in her until she rode the last wave of her orgasm. He released her then, her weight wholly on him as he sucked at his fingers clean; tongue languidly running over the pads of his fingers, capturing every drop of her that he could. And she watched, concealing an onslaught of moans at the sight to gulp in air, feeling the collapse of her lungs as she tried to breathe, instead.

When he released his fingers from his lips, her hold tightened on him, capturing his lips; disregarding permission as she stroked her tongue against his. Hand once more at his length, she stroked him from the base to the tip; feeling the pebble of pre-cum at his slit cover her fingers. The thought of it, hardening in her hands, in her - bringing her to another high made her shiver.

Souma stepped back, hand at her wrist, once more stopping her. He pulled his boxers all the way down, kicking them to the side, cock standing at attention, shrouded by the darkness of the room and outlined by the hint of moonlight from the windows. He reached over somewhere as Erina gained consciousness.

With both feet on the ground, Erina pushed her panties off, unceremoniously slipping out of them as she followed him into the room. Ripping the wrapper, the condom fell to his hand.

"No regrets, right?" He said, one last time as the last of the condom was rolled onto his length.

His words made her laugh, irritated beyond belief as she kissed him breathlessly, "No regrets." Souma pushed her into his desk, pulling skin into his hands, thighs up as he threw her onto the top of his desk. The squeak of furniture hit the wall with a heavy thud. He pulled her into position, dragging her ass against the cold wood until he could drag the tip of his cock over her wetness, coating himself with her essence, moans falling from her lips at each move.

Yellow eyes sparked with mirth, a smirk at his lips at watching her breathing heavily from under him.

"Move," she whispered, bucking her hips at him. Her hands clawed at his chest, pulling him to her, doing anything she could to keep her sanity, her hands on him, his heartbeat beneath her fingertips. It was faster than hers, fluttering beneath the pads of her fingers, jumping at every brush of her fingertips against his chest, along his nipples, against the veins in his neck, into his hair. Every move made his pulse jump, and she felt it all.

All while his hand held his cock, thick and hard and weeping, still; continuing to run this dangerous game, the tip was at her clit, running against the bundle of hot nerves in strong circles; up and down, higher than lower. If every move she made had made his pulse quicken, every brush of his dick against her swollen clit had her haggard, crying out. He would dip his cock in, the tip, only, and feel her clamp around him just as he would pull out. He was there, almost but not entirely and it was driving her mad.

"Come on, fucking - move," she whined, back arched, pressing further into him, wantonly.

"Souma!" She cried when she finally felt him slam into her, filling her to the brink.

Souma's hands tightened against her hips, locking her against him as he gave her a moment to adjust to him. He could feel her widening to accommodate his girth, a heavy breath and a shoddy resolve keeping him from moving immediately. Erina felt sparks fly from behind her eyes, the beginning of tears at the corners of her eyes as she felt him move, finally; nails digging into skin as her muscles twitched and convulsed and fluttered around him.

"Fuck, you're so tight, Erina." She doesn't miss the way her name is spoken so softly from his voice, and she closes her eyes; breathing in through her nose as she concentrates on the feeling of him inside of her.

He moved with her, sliding in and out of her as she collided with him in a frantic rhythm, each of them trying to get to their releases as fast as possible. The heights of their desires bottoming out well over each other; Souma's hands moving over her body. Grabbing what he could as he felt her walls constrict around him.

"Oh my g - Yes!" She was almost there, back arched, breasts pressed into his chest as he drove her into the desk. His hand flew to her clit and stroked with a fever, much like he had earlier but clumsier, faster; shoving himself into her deeper, more and more until he felt his own release edge up on him.

Erina whimpered, pained as she ground against him. Desperation led her to unforeseeable heights as her voice started to echo in the quiet room. Souma was losing control, bruising her hips as he dragged her onto his dick, and off, and on again - trying to sate the both of them and their desires as they move against each other.

One last thrust had her body falling into consecutive spasms as she felt her lungs collapse, the world around her going white as she burned in what felt like endless splendor and pleasure.

And he was still moving, heavy pants, as his hand came up from below to hold her face to his; watching her, open-mouthed as he moaned, forehead pressed into hers. His eyes were hazy, lust-filled and if Erina wished it, she thought should could see something else.

It was two, three, four thrusts after when Souma clenched his jaw and shuddered, head thrust back as his eyes fell shut and he came. Erina watched, fingertips running up the base of his neck, teeth sinking into her bottom lip, because damn, he looked kind of hot when he came.

And when he opened his eyes, dark and heavy, never once straying from hers as he breathed in air and his exhales were sharp and harsh, mingling with her own; chest bumping into his.

She couldn't help but laugh, pressing her lips into his. "Round two?" Erina mumbled, sighing when she felt him slip out of; her hand at his heart.

Souma smirked, "Anything for you, princess."

Aka +1 for the sex-positive erina because it was about time for this trope / and if you didn't already know, this is way back during the Central Arc. I didn't feel like writing too much about that because it wouldn't be porn without plot if I actually added a plot. Thanks for reading guys!