Poly ship day three! Theme of the day is Silly.

This was meant to be a different ship, but I couldn't seem to ignore this prompt dancing in my head.

Hiccup/Astrid/Eret. Not intended as a continuation of yesterday. Mostly because its a modern one.


Astrid was a rampant clothes thief. She knew it. Everyone knew it. Hiccup and Eret both immediately asked her if they couldn't find a particular article of clothing. More often than not, she was caught in the act, like when Hiccup was searching for his favourite shirt and found it draped, half-buttoned, over Astrid's otherwise mostly-naked body. He'd sort of forgotten about the shirt by the time she'd winked and slipped it off...

Eret's cosy jumpers were always vanishing from his wardrobe and turning up on Astrid. Hiccup occasionally borrowed one, but he actually returned them. If they didn't physically retrieve it, Astrid would have them wearing nothing but boxers and socks forever while she hoarded all of their clothes.

The fact Astrid had two boyfriends didn't mean she took half as many clothes - she simply two different styles to choose from. And did, often. If she had Eret's jumper on, odds were one of Hiccup's t-shirts was hidden beneath it.

"Astrid? Do you have my red jumper?"

"... No."

When Hiccup entered the room, Astrid was unconvincing in her feigned innocence as a red sleeve hung out from behind her, concealment attempt unsuccessful.

"Come on. I need it, I'm going to visit my grandmother and she made that."

"Ugh, fine! It's your fault really."

Astrid held out the jumper, still pouting until he kissed her.

"How is it my fault?"

"If you and Eret didn't have such comfy clothes I wouldn't have to steal them."

Pulling the jumper on with a bemused chuckle, Hiccup patted Eret on the shoulder before kissing him goodbye.

"Good luck."

"Gee thanks. Tell your grandmother it's not too late to elope with me."

Laughing to himself, Hiccup headed off. He could still smell Astrid on the jumper, soft scent of her body lotion and it did make him smile.

Next day, Astrid stole off to work wearing Hiccup's dragon hoody, giggling when he glared pointedly. It was impossible to stay mad at her, honestly. Shaking his head fondly, Hiccup returned to Eret and leant against his boyfriends side. In Astrid's defence, Eret almost never wore anything on his top half anyway.

"Hey H. I have an idea."

"I'll alert A&E."

Eret feigned being put out, but couldn't fight a smile when Hiccup tickled him, playfully tussling on the sofa until he remembered Eret had said something.

"So, what was your idea?"

"Idea? Oh! Yeah. Come with me."

Astrid came home that day complaining Hiccup's hoody was too warm, only to stop dead in the doorway to the living room

"Is that my bra?"

Hiccup glanced down, as though he was surprised to find the powder blue material on his chest. Eret had been the one to insist on stuffing it with socks.

"Oh. Yeah."

He also had on one of her skirts. Which was admittedly quite comfortable, allowing air to access... places that needed airing in the warm weather. Considerably broader than Astrid, Eret had struggled to find anything of Astrid's that would even fit him. Elasticated dresses were a baffling creation, Hiccup discovered as Eret managed to get it on when it had looked tight on Astrid.

"Is this meant to teach me a lesson about stealing your stuff?"

"No. Just seeing what the fuss was about."

Rolling her eyes, Astrid headed through to the bedroom, and Hiccup waited for the inevitable question as she saw which drawers had been left open.

"Ok. Which of you is wearing my underwear?"


Well, there was only so much I could do with this prompt without smut. And only the last of these one shots will be smut, rounding off poly ship week nicely.