Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this chapter.

Chapter 6: Endgame

While Jiraiya and his team travelled to the Sun Empire Minato directed his ninjas in the battles. They didn't have much time that's why he hoped Jiraiya would come back with an army. Bacause of the work he didn't have much time for his family and they worried about him especially Kushina. After the meeting was ended about the empire Kushina went to Minato's office to talk to him.

''Minato do you think the empire will help us?" Asked Kushina with concern. ''I don't know but if they don't help us, 2 months later Konoha will be defated." Answered Minato. ''You can't be serious only 2 months?" Said Kushina with fear now. ''Our children are out there and fight for Konoha….for nothing?" Said Kushina with pure anger. ''We wouldn't be here if you didn't want to banish Naruto." Finished Kushina. ''Naruto couldn't control his feelings. You heard what happened in Wave country and on the Chuunin exam. I had to do something and it was the only way or the prison. I did what was the best for the village." Said Minato without any regret what he did. ''Maybe we were harsh with him but we wanted to protect him. Maybe we should have trained him." Said Kushina with tears in her eyes. ''Kushina you know we agreed that we couldn't train him because of the kyuubi would have got out. This was the reason why Kakashi didn't teach him anything. However I was surprised when Naruto said it was the kyuubi who trained him for the exam." Said Minato but before he could continue Kushina interrupted him. ''But we should have done something to help him carry this burden, it was terrible to see the village hate him, his siblings abuse him. But we didn't do anything because we were scared!" Screamed Kushina now. ''Kushina you know his seal wasn't that strong like yours was." Said Minato but Kushina interrupted him again. ''So we had to just push him away and hoped the seal will be strong enough. Minato this to much for me." Said Kushina while she collapsed on her knees and started to cry. Minato tried to console her. ''I know it's hard Kushina but if we didn't do it maybe a lot of innocent people would have died." Said Minato but it only angered Kushina. ''And because of this I lost my son!" Screamed Kushina with her full of anger. Minato looked away and said. ''I am sorry Kushina but you know the village is the first. I know I did terrible thinks that involved Naruto but I did that to protect everyone." Said Minato then Kushina looked at him with pure hate. ''Except one person." Said Kushina then left Minato's office.

In the next 6 weeks they didn't really speak to eachother. Few days before Jiraiya and his team returned Arashi and Kasumi had returned from a battle that they have won. When they were in front of their father they talked about Jiraiya and his mission. ''So Jiraiya will return soon. Do you think he received any help?" Asked Kasumi. ''I don't know but we need some help or we will be destroyed. Now go home and rest a bit. Who knows when will you have to go back." Said Minato and they only nodded and left. Minato thought about everything that happened in the last 5 years. He did a lot of things that was bad and because of them he would be sent to the hell. But this time he hoped they would receive some help, because if they did he would walk in to hell with a smile on his face. Then 2 days later Jiraiya and his team returned. They had to report immediatly. In the room there was everybody, Minato, Kushina, their children, the civillian council, the shinobi council and the advisors too. When everybody arrived and sat down, Minato started.

''So Jiraiya, did you talk to the emperor?" Asked Minato then waited his answer. ''Yes we talked to the emperor but he won't help us." Said Jiraiya without looking up. ''What? But why? Wait where is Tsunade? Jiraiya what the hell happened?" Asked Minato while he started to get angry. ''Tsunade betrayed us." Said Jiraiya without any feeling. ''Why?" Asked Minato with anger. ''Because the emperor is your son Uzumaki Naruto." Said Jiraiya then waited the answer. When he saw their faces they were shocked.

''What do you mean that Naruto is the emperor?" Asked Minato with astonishment, fear and anger. ''I thought I was understandable. Naruto is the emperor and won't help us because of the terrible things we did to him." Said Jiraiya with sadness then Kushina run out the room with tears in her eyes. ''Impossible. How is it possible that Naruto, our dead last brother is the emperor?" Asked Arashi with so much anger that would have destroyed a town. ''Arashi-sama is right it is impossible that they let him become an emperor." Said a councilor from the civilian side. ''It is the truth and I am sure they didn't use genjutsu to trick us." Said Jiraiya then Minato started to talk again. ''Are you sure Jiraiya." ''Yes Minato because they don't use chakra but something they call Mantra. We witnessed that power by one of the guardian generals and Naruto too. I can say for sure he is far stronger than any of us right now. He hits stronger than Tsunade with her full power. And it is terrible to say it out loud but he is faster than you Minato." Said Jiraiya and when he finished everybody started to protest everything that Jiraiya said, because everybody thought he was tricked someway. It was Hiashi who stopped the arguing with a question to Neji.

''Neji did you sell Hinata to the emperor while you knew it was Naruto?" Asked Hiashi who was angry because he didn't like his daughter but he didn't want to sell her to Naruto. ''I sold her but I didn't know that time it was him. Behind him were windows and because of the Sun shines we didn't saw his face. However he said if we try to kill her then it is an act of war so we can't do anything. And here is the gold he gave us for her." Finished Neji then gave the scroll to Hiashi. When he saw the gold he was somewhat happy but he still didn't like the fact that his daughter is with someone who is able to deactivate the curse seal. ''Minato we have to send somebody to kill Hinata because I am afraid yous son deactivated her seal and the byakugan is in danger." Said Hiashi but it didn't touch Minato. ''I am sorry Hiashi but we can't do anything. Neji sold her so she is Naruto's slave or maid, moreover we don't have anybody who would go there. Besides if they don't have chakra the byakugan is useless aginst them so you worry for nothing." Finished Minato and Hiashi thought maybe he is right. The other countries won't try to kidnap her because the war right now and because of Naruto.

When Minato and Hiashi finished the talking an other councilor started to talk. ''Isn't there anything that we can offer for him?" Asked a councilor. ''We tried but we doesn't have anything and it will be a cold day in hell when he will give us help." Said Jiraiya with a tone that said he gave up. ''He can't do this he is a Konoha ninja, his banishment wasn't finalized because he run away so technically he still under your comand Hokage-sama." Said the same the councilor. ''Even if you are right it won't touch him because he has what we are lack off, power and a huge army. If he felt like it he would vanquish us. Minato I don't want say this but you have to negotiate with the enemy because we don't have time and ninjas enough for continuing this war." Finished Jiraiya. ''Jiraiya-sama with all respect but we can't do that they would kill us all ." Said one of the fattest councilor who have ever lived. ''Maybe yes but it's the only way to save the country and its people." Said Jiraiya then another councilor started. ''My collegue is right we can't negotiate with them. They would kill us or bankrupt us so I think it would be better to find some way to get some help from the emperor." After he said that it only made Jiraiya mad. ''Are you listening to yourself you narrow minded fools. We can't ask help from Naruto because of all the wrong doings that me, Minato, his family, Kakashi and especially you did. You are so afraid that you will be bankrupted that you have forgotten every men, women and children in the country? For the first time in your life start thinking about others and not yourself, because you are the reason we are here. You wanted to send only half of the army, and Minato is only wrong sbecause he let you do it. Minato it is time to do something that helps us. Negotiate with them and fire this idiots who are only thinking about money and position." Said Jiraiya then stormed out of the room. After he left Minato asked the others what else happened in the empire. They told him everything about the capital and what was inside of it. They spoke about the warriors they saw, the generals, that Naruto was married to a beatiful woman etc. When they finished Minato let them go home and started to talk with the council about everything the heard. Some people thought the negotiating is useless that's why they should try again with Naruto. Someone suggested to kidnap Naruto's wife and if he helps them they will release her. A lot of plan was created but any of them were good and Minato had enough of the council. ''That's enough!" Screamed Minato. ''All of you are fired, from now on only Jiraiya will help me with the planning. Now get out all of you." Said Minato, everyone wanted to protest but on second thought it was better to leave the Hokage alone to let him think.

Outside Arashi and Kasumi talked about the situation. ''We have to do something or Konoha will be destroyed." Said Kasumi while he hoped his brother will help her. ''What do you want to do? Father just fired everyone. Moreover our dear brother won't help either. We are strong but we can't defeat more than 5 countries's army." Said Arashi with a rude tone. ''At least I am trying you should do that, because I don't want die just yet." Said Kasumi with an angry tone. ''Well my cute little sister there is nothing you can do." Said Arashi while he walked away. ''And what will you do?" Asked Kasumi. ''What a stupid question. I will do my job I will fight until I am out of chakra, breath and life." Said Arashi but before he left his sister alone a messanger arrived. ''Out of the way I have to speak the Hokage right away." Said the messanger and went inside the council chamber.

''What happened?" Asked Minato. ''The enemy retreated Hokage-sama." Said the messanger. ''What do you mean? They just retreated?" Asked Minato because he felt something isn't right. ''Yes Hokage-sama we just saw them return to their country." Said the messanger but Minato knew they were planning something big. ''Send message to every ninja to return Konoha right away." Ordered Minato. ''What's the problem sir, the enemy retreated we are saved." Said the messanger. ''No we are not they are planning something I just feel it. We will need everybody so do it. Then start the evacuation too. Every civillian has to go to the shelters." Ordered Minato and the messanger did it right away.

The truth is the retreating was an order by Naruto. After Jiraiya and his team left the empire he summoned the Iwa-Kumo fraction to talk to them. The meeting was in Kumo and everyone was there. Not just the Kages but the Daimyos too. From the Sound village Orochimaru came. It was a surprise but Naruto hoped he would be there because he wanted to kill him. When everybody sat down Naruto started. ''Respected Kages and Daimyos it's a pleasure to meet you all my name is Uzumaki Naruto, but before I say the reason of this meeting I have to do something." Started Naruto and everyone stared at him. ''And what would that be?" Asked Orochimaru. ''To kill you." Said Naruto then he disappeared and reappeared before Orochimaru. He grabbed him by his neck and lifted him up while he put a seal on him. ''That seal will destroy every curse seal that you put on the people moreover deactivate every regeneration jutsu so you can't escape from death this time." Said Naruto while Orochimaru wanted to say something but he was unable to because Naruto's hold was so powerful that destroyed his larynx. ''Say hello everyone else I will send after you." Said Naruto then he knapped his neck then his head, finally he asked somebody to burn the corpse. With this Orochimaru was dead and every pieces that he put into others were destroyed too. ''Now then we can start." Said Naruto with a smile. Everybody was shocked and only a minute later started to speak the Raikage. ''What do you want from us." Asked the Raikage. ''I want you to retreat from the Fire country with your army." Said Naruto. ''Why would we do that when we are so near to defeate them?" Asked the Tsuchikage. ''Because I want to be the one to destroy Konoha." Said Naruto then started to tell them his past about Konoha. They were shocked but not suprised about Minato but the fact he did that those awful things to his own son. ''Alright you had a terrible childhood. And now you want revange. So why don't you help us instead? We would finish it faster." Said the Raikage. ''No, I want to do it alone, but I have a deal that would make everybody happy." Said Naruto and everybody became curious. ''And what would be this deal." Asked the Raikage. ''First of all you and your army will retreat. Then I will capture Minato and destroy his precious village with everybody who is inside. However here comes the good part for you. Raikage-sama I will give you every Hyuga and a scroll about their curse seal. With that you can activate or deactivate the seal. Morover every other bloodline users I find and don't want to do anything is yours. Tsuchikage-sama I will give you the scroll of seals and scrolls about every jutsu that Minato created." Said Naruto then he offered jutsus and everything else that Konoha had to the smaller countries too. ''So do we have a deal?" Asked Naruto. Then everybody nodded to eachother then said in the same time. ''Yes". Naruto only smiled and said one last thing. ''The retreat must be held 2 weeks from now because I want Jiraiya and the others who came to me to be there when I kill them." Said Naruto and everyone nodded and started to plan the attack.

Minato needed 3 days to call everyone back and send the civillians to the shelters. Now they were waiting. A day later they saw a person who walked to the gate. A Hyuuga saw it was Naruto, but he wasn't alone. Ninjas were everywhere but they were out of the range of byakugan. They were waiting for the signal when they can take everything that Naruto promised them. Minato didn't want to wait for Naruto to do something so he ordered everyone on the wall to attack. Every ninja threw their kunais or shurikens and used their fire, water, lightning, earth or wind type jutsus. After 10 minutes they stopped and waited for the ash to be distributed. When it happened everybody was shocked and started to fear because Naruto didn't even have a scratch and the earth around him was destroyed except where he stood. ''Well then I think it's my turn." Said Naruto then he contrated his Mantra into his arm then threw a Mantra orb to the gate which exploded and killed everyone who was around it. After this everyone started to run his direction because of Minato's order. But everyone was killed before they could touch Naruto. Naruto combined his speed and strenght to kill them like Yasha taught him. When he was before the gate everyone trembled because of the fear. Naruto wanted to attack but they run away, only Minato stood before him. ''So father what do you think? Am I strong enough now to train me?" Asked Naruto while he stared at Minato with his cold blue eyes. ''What have you become Naruto? You want to destroy Konoha? Only through my dead body." Said Minato who tried to hide his fear. ''Not yet because I have to do something before that." Said Naruto while Minato was confused. ''What would that be?" Asked Minato then Naruto disappeared then reappeared behind Minato. ''This." Said Naruto then knocked Minato out and put a seal on him. After this Naruto took Minato to the ruined Hokage Mountain and binded him. Naruto knew he wouldn't wake for a time so he started the next step to destroy Konoha. He lured eveybody to the center of the village and while everybody said that they have won because he was sorounded Naruto only smiled and said. ''Kuchiyose no jutsu." After this Kurama appeared and started to destroy everything around himself. While he destroyed the village Naruto started to collect everything that he promised the others like the Hyuuga clan scrolls etc then he signaled them with a Mantra orb. After that they started to run to the village for their prize.

While they took everything that was movable Naruto met his ex-family. ''Mother, Arashi and Kasumi, what a pleasure. I would talk to you but I have to destroy a village." Said Naruto while Arashi wasn't in a good mode so he attacked him. However he was knocked back by Naruto. ''Arashi please you aren't strong enough now to defeat me. Our father tried too and I knocked him out with one punch and one seal. So do you think you do have a chance against me?" Said Naruto but Arashi was too angry that's why he tried again but the result was the same except this time he was knocked out too.

''So who is next?" Asked Naruto then Kushina started to talk. ''Naruto please stop. I know we were a terrible family to you but it's not too late. If you finish this madness we can start again and this time we will be a real family. Please stop this and come home." Begged Kushina who was on her knees and started to cry. ''Do you think anybody wants to see me after this? Kurama and I already have killed half of your ninjas. Who wouldn't want to kill us from here right know? Tell me mother who?" Asked Naruto but Kushina couldn't answer. ''That's what I thought." Said Naruto but before he could live Sasuke and Sakura appeared.

''Hey loser I see you came here to destroy the village." Said Sasuke while Naruto only smiled at him. ''Sasuke what a surprise. You came for another beating?" Asked Naruto but it only made him angry. ''Shut up Naruto I came here to kill you." Said Sasuke and Naruto started to laugh. ''You want to kill me good joke. However the sad truth is that even the Hokage couldn't defeat me and you think you can." Said Naruto while he laughed. ''Last time you were lucky but now I will show you the power of the Uchi…ahhh." Said Sasuke but couldn't finish it because Naruto hit him where he hit the last time. ''Sorry but I was tired of your preaching. So because I have a busy shedule I will kill you right now." Said Naruto and started prepare a Mantra orb. ''You can't kill me. I am the last Uchiha." Said Sasuke with a weak voice. ''You are the last because of Itachi and some narrow minded fools sorry for you. But now there isn't anybody to protect you so bye bye." Said Naruto then threw the orb at Sasuke. After Naruto saw Sasuke body he was still alive but just barly. He had wounds everywhere on his body moreover he bleed and burned most of his body. ''See you can't kill me." Said Sasuke but Naruto only smiled. ''Your wounds are crytical. Only Tsunade would be able to save you but she isn't in the village moreover her apprentice Shizune won't help too because my friends took her out in the chaos. So I will just destroy your eyes then leave." Said Naruto then he tore out Sasuke's eyes and destroyed them. Sasuke screamed like a pig then Sakura did the same. Naruto had enough of her so he hit her once but it was weird for him. He barly felt any resistance. Sakura flew back 50 meters before a wall caught her, when Naruto examined her he thought she was dead. One punch was enough to kill her but then Naruto saw her body. She made changes on her body. Naruto thought she did that because she wanted to be pretty for Sasuke or something. But she didn't train so her muscles were weak and the hit was strong enough to destroy her organs and kill her.

Naruto wanted to leave again but this time Jiraiya and Kakashi attacked with Kasumi. ''Naruto stop the attack right now." Said Jiraiya with anger. ''Oh and why would I do that?" Asked Naruto with a creepy smile. ''Because if you don't stop it we will kill you." Said Jiraiya while he hoped his threat caused something in Naruto. However Naruto only laughed. ''You try to threat me? I destroyed half the village and killed almost every ninja moreover I captured Minato but you dare to threat me. Are you brave or stupid Jiraiya?" Asked Naruto but Jiraiya only stared with wide eyes. Jiraiya didn't think the situation was this bad. ''But since all of you are here I can capture you to show you the endgame." Said Naruto and Kakashi answered him with his monotone voice. ''You can't run away from here Naruto you are sorounded." Said Kakashi but Naruto only laughed. ''Kakashi, the others said the same thing before they died moreover there is your precious student you love so much." Said Naruto and after Kakashi saw Sasuke's corpse he just lost his mind attacked Naruto. But Naruto knew he would do that and when he was close enough Naruto grabbed his head and hit it to the earth. With this he was knocked out and before Jiraiya or Kasumi could do anything Naruto knocked them out and put on the same seal that he used on Minato. Then he took them to Minato. Now he captured all of his family, Kurama almost destroyed the village and the other countries messangers told him they finished while he took his family to the mountain. Kurama destroyed the mountain with the shelters then destroyed everything that was under his paw. Because when Naruto still lived here he found an underground base by mistake and learned it was the ROOT base that Danzo created. Kurama destroyed the base with Danzo and civillian council who tried to survive the attack there.

After 10 minutes everybody woke up then saw a horrific scene. Konoha was in flames and they even could hear the screaming in the village. ''So what do you think Minato? I did what Orochimaru only dreamed of. I destroyed Konoha." Said Naruto then saw his family's face. ''Naruto, how could you do this? Konoha is your home and you destroyed it." Said Minato with anger. ''Minato you are wrong again. Konoha Isn't my home moreover it never was. My home is the empire where my wife and my people waiting for my return. Now it's time to end this." Said Naruto then stepped in front of Kakashi. ''You were an awful sensei and now I will take everything from you." Said Naruto then he tore out Kakashi's sharingan and destroyed it then broke his neck. The next one was Jiraiya. ''Before I kill you I want to ask you something. Did you find the warrior that the prophecy talked about?" Asked Naruto and Jiraiya only looked down then said. ''Yes I did. It is you Naruto. If it matters something I am sorry I just wanted peace." Said Jiraiya with a tone that said he lost every hope. ''There will be peace after I destroyed every pieces of Konoha and its corruption." Said Naruto then he broke his neck too. The next one was Arashi. ''I will be honest I never liked you, because you never protected me, when somebody bullied me you joined them instead of doing your job." Said Naruto then Arashi screamed at him. ''You were a weak piece of shit Naruto and you never tried to protect yourself. I can't protect you everytime that's why I never helped you because I thought you are tough enough to stand up for yourself." Said Arashi but it didn't touch him. ''Maybe you are right but you never tried to protect from our father's abuse or degradation that's why I kill you." Said Naruto then before he could broke his neck he said his last words. ''Just do it but remember when you die I will wait you in Hell." Said Arashi then Naruto killed him too. The next one was Kasumi. ''You were a little better than Arashi but not much so for a time I won't kill you and I will do the same for our mother too. However you will die here Minato. I already killed your apprentice, your master and favorite child." Said Naruto then Minato asked a question from Naruto. ''Then why don't you kill Kushina and Kasumi too? I don't believe it is because they were a little better than Arashi was." Said Minato then Naruto thought a little. ''You are right it isn't the only reason. The real reason is I saw the hate in Kushina eyes but it isn't aimed at me. It is aimed at you. In Kasumi's case I am not sure yet because when I was a child she sometimes helped me then she changed. I am sure you did something so I will give her chance to redeem herself." Finished Naruto then he stepped behind Naruto and asked his last question. ''Do you regret anything in your life?" Asked Naruto then Minato gave his answer. ''No." Said Minato then Naruto killed him too. Naruto knocked out Kushina and Kasumi again then waited for Kurama.

2 minutes later Kurama arrived and saw Kushina and Kasumi were still alive. Naruto explained everything to him then asked him to destroy the others corpse. Kurama only nodded and did it. After this they went to talk the Kages. When they arrived they saw they already finished with everything and only waited for Naruto. They gave Shizune, the Ichiraku family and the the tree tails jinchuuriki to Naruto. Naruto wanted to save the Ichiraku family because sometimes they hide him from the villagers moreover gave him the best ramen on the world. The tree tails jinchuuriki will be given back to Kiri because with this the peace will be restored moreover Konoha doesn't need it anymore. However Naruto had one last request. He asked the Kages to treat their jinchuuriki better or the same thing will happen with their village like what happened with Konoha. They gulped and nodded then they promised they would do it. Naruto thanked and the Kages made the same then everybody left and returned to their home.


After Naruto gave back the tree tails to Kiri he returned to the empire with Kurama and the others. When they returned Mithra and the generals have already waited for them with the people. Naruto's first task was to kiss her beautiful wife. After the kiss she said she had to tell him something important. Naruto said she could tell him everything then she said she was pregnant. When Naruto heard it he just couldn't say anything but after a minute he hugged her and kissed her again said he was the happiest man on the whole planet. However his happiness wasn't long because Asura started to chase him and screamed he will kill him because he get her pregnant too early. While Asura did that Tsunade came and introduced Mithra to the others. While Mithra was pregnant she became friends with Shizune, Kasumi, Kushina and the Ichiraku family who opened a new restaurant in Shinto. It was one of the most famous one because Naruto liked to come here to escape from the paperwork. After all Naruto forgave his sister and mother and let them to be in his child's life. When Naruto asked about Hinata Mithra told him she left Shinto and started to travel around the empire to find a new purpose. Later Naruto heard she married to a trader and had 2 children and lived happily with her family. After 9 months Mithra gave birth not one child but twins. The first one was a boy with blond hair and blue eyes, they named him Uzumaki Karma. The other baby was a girl with blue hair and brown eyes, they named her Uzumaki Durga after Mithra's mother. Everyone was happy especially Kushina because she at last had grandbabies. They received their Mantra reactor so when they are a little older then Naruto could train them. While Naruto became a dad Tsunade and Shizune learned everything about the eastern medication then worked in the hospital. Kushina retired from the duty and helped with the children, while Kasumi became Naruto's bodyguard. The elemental nations made a peace with eachother then with the Sun Empire. Fire country still existed but it was banned to create a new hidden village. The years went and Naruto's children grew up. Both of them became strong and wise. When they were 20 Naruto named Karma to his successor while Durga became the new commander for the guardian generals. They accepted it and then Naruto lived his life with Mithra without any problem. They travelled all around the empire and the elemental nations. They saw new places and meet new people and when the angel of death came for them they died with a smile on their face because they knew the world was in peace.

The End

Hello everyone here is the last chapter. I hope everyone liked it. It was fun to write it and I hope you had fun to read it. I am planning a new fiction but it won't be a Naruto fiction but a Loud House fiction. I hope you will like that too. I am planning to write another Naruto fiction too but only in the future.

Rate and tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading!

See you later!