"Minister please, can't you just assign someone else? I can take care of myself perfectly, accepting an official security detail is just a formality."

Kingsley Shacklebolt shook his head no. "Hermione, you are not traveling on personal business. You are a Ministry asset. Your protection is a matter of national security, not a reflection of my opinion of you as a very capable witch. I will assign whomever I consider the best man for the job."

Hermione let out a loud breath, a bit disrespectful considering that she was talking to the Minister of Magic. But this was one of those times where she had trouble keeping her cool.

She was going on a diplomatic mission to Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Ministry intelligence had shown that rogue Dark wizards were hiding in that region, using their wealth as a shield. Having the British Ministry Undersecretary on a diplomatic mission walking the streets of their turf was too much of a temptation. They would probably try an attack, even a botched one, just to make a point. She knew this, and she also knew it was better to have with her the man who had successfully tracked and infiltrated those groups: Draco Malfoy.

After the war Malfoy joined the aurors in an effort to put his past experiences to good use. The thing is, he was really good at his job. He became the number one asset for the ministry double agent division. He was a natural spy, since he spent his adolescence hiding his feelings and real motives from his own family and even from Voldemort himself. He was an accomplished Occlumens and Legilimens. He had infiltrated the rogue wizards hiding in Asia easily, playing the part of the rich brat that had bribed his way in to the Ministry. He sold Ministry secrets to the dark wizards for vast amounts of money and then spent it ostentatiously, a pattern that kept the thugs pleased with themselves and with him. Only Minister Shacklebolt was privy to the details of the secrets sold. It was a game of smoke and mirrors, where they carefully chose what could be sold at an exact time before that piece of information became obsolete, so no real danger was posed to National security. It was a dangerous game, and Malfoy played it well.

On a personal level, to say that Hermione Granger felt conflicted about Draco Malfoy was an understatement. As Ministry Undersecretary she knew she could trust the Minister's judgment, but to trust Malfoy was an entirely different thing. Or maybe it was not a matter of trust. It was a matter of chemistry. Hermione was the Ministry's straight and narrow. Malfoy was the fog. But also there was the other type of chemistry. The kind that made it difficult for her to fall asleep every time she had to interact with him. His cocky playboy attitude was infuriating but also insanely hot. He would always stand too close to her, checking her out with obvious lechery. After their meetings were adjourned he would find a way to sneak close to her to speak in her ear "always a pleasure Granger". And then he would walk away without looking back.

In an effort to regain a sense of control before the assignment, Hermione sent Draco a memo requesting a meeting in her office. Maybe if she could set some ground rules she would feel better about the whole debacle. A week of diplomatic work was a lot of time to be thrown out of focus by this man and his unbridled sex appeal.

She heard the firm knock on the door and answered "come in".

He walked in looking smug as always, that infuriating smirk of his painted in his stupidly handsome face.

"Good morning Granger" he said without looking at her face. His eyes went straight to the cleavage of her buttoned up blouse.

She had picked a silky white one that a minute before had suddenly felt a bit too tight to breath, so she undid the two top buttons, leaving for him a hint of what was underneath, not that that was her intention. She had just find it hard to breath when the meeting time had approached.

"Good morning Malfoy. I'm finalizing the details of the diplomatic mission and I wanted to check in with you to make sure we are on the same page".

He chuckled "It's your mission Granger, and I do love a woman on top."

She rolled her eyes at the innuendo "obviously I am aware of the image you have projected to the rogue elements hiding in that region, and they will see you as a corrupt member of my party. Still, you will be coming as my official security detail, so you would need to keep appearances for the foreign diplomats. No extracurricular activities that can be seen by the press please. You can go back to your philandering ways when this week is over."

Draco lifted an eyebrow "meaning?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and stood up from her desk, feeling uneasy "I see the reports Malfoy. There are always pictures of you and your rogue targets in strip clubs and brothels, women and liquor everywhere. That is acceptable when you are pretending to be in your own personal time. But this is an official mission, not an undercover one. All I'm asking is that you stay sober and keep your trousers zipped for one week."

Draco stood up and walked around her desk, standing way to close for comfort

"My my Granger. Are you jealous?"

She tried a dismissive snort that came out quite pathetic.

"Just keep things professional and clean for a week Malfoy. That's all I need."

He leaned in to speak in her ear
"I wouldn't mind getting dirty and unprofessional with you Granger. And if you must know those pictures are all for show. I do not put myself at risk letting my guard down with those women. Actually I haven't had a good shag in a very long time. Would you like to help me with that?"

She stood there, frozen, breathing in shallow gasps.

He chuckled and gave her his usual parting phrase

"always a pleasure Granger."