Strolling between the calm winter forest, Jack absentmindedly retells his only friend of the adventure they had that day; from the lady who found her lost dog down south thanks to the leaves he blew towards where he knew the dog would be (how she had sobbed as she took control of its leash to lead them back-- his chest constricted at the display, no one would look at him quite like how she did to her dog. He bit back the bitter resentment as she murmurs soothing words the dog wouldn't understand, and flew away when he realized -- with shame -- that jealousy wasn't something he's allowed to feel) to the quiet company of an elderly man who was waiting for his death.
It was jarring, seeing him sitting on a bench in a lonely park with only a scarf and a top-hat, a shabby winter-coat was the only form of protection against the chill wind that came with his presence; he knew it wouldn't protect him from the harsh cold Jack eventually brought. However, the man didn't so much as move as the day grew shorter, Jack more restless when the man shivers then eventually--
Jack lingered in the presence of the still man, head bowed (whether it is in respect or guilt, he did not know), eyes clouded with unshed tears as he contemplates on the life of a man he had not known, what had brought him to the... choice to surround himself with the cold. Jack questioned himself if he was the catalyst who brought the man demise with his presence.
Jack left the still man undisturbed, leaving traces of fern-like pattern on the metal bench the man sat on.
Behind him, a twig snapped. Making the figure who stepped on it to muffle a curse.
They didn't need to, Jack couldn't hear them anyway.
The wind tried to reassure him that it wasn't Jack's fault the man had died, not when he had been sitting outside for so long his hand had turned blue by the time Jack realized he was no longer breathing.
"Is winter really necessary?" He asked hollowly, to which she answered with a harsh tug on his clothes, blowing the fabric of his ragged cape with indignant shriek. "Why are you so upset? Everyone said winter only bring death and suffering."
Needles to say, the way the wind raged that day brought forth a new meaning of a phrase Jack often heard from human; "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." even though she'd been angry at his behalf, he'd still think she was over-reacting.
Winter does bring death and suffering, no matter how hard Jack tried to lessen its effect.
"Calm down, Wind. It's the truth, I know it hurts me, too-- but what can we do about it? I touch anything," Jack motioned his surrounding area exasperatedly. "poof, it freezes." The wind blew the closest tree branch, making it smack Jack right in the face as he walked through. "Ouch, damn. Why are you so insistent about this?"
They bickered back and forth, with Jack arguing the darker aspect of winter and the Wind trying to point out the good deed Jack does with his power.
"Maybe you're right, maybe I was right," Jack said loudly. "you made me try so hard to prove myself-- to no one. No one saw me, Wind. I can't do anything to prove myself if there's no one to see!" The Wind stilled for a moment, before she caressed him lovingly, the only way she could do to soothe him. "What's the point of doing this anymore? I don't know why I existed, shit, do I even exist in the realm of metaphysical sense?" Jack realised with a start. "Is that why I can fly? Humans can't fly, can they? but they're already making planes to fly..."
As Jack busied himself contemplating on his existensial crisis, he didn't realize the wind had stilled.
Nor did he realized a figure emerging from the shadows. Glaring at him with the intensity of a burning sun, face set in a snarl as they watched Jack Frost mumble to himself.
AN: So *cough* I updated yay. Jack Having existensial crisis is something that I imagined happening to him literally everyday. I'd go crazy if it was me.
I also figure out I'd do a character per chapter but with shorter chapter seeing as I now have such little break that i dont even eat properly. see you guys later. have a nice day.