Dreams and Wishes

Chapter Three: Triumph

Sorry for the super long wait!

Disclaimer:I own nothing

Description: An Alternate Universe (AU) fic. Bulma/Gohan pairing. How many lives would have been changed if Goku didn't make it off Namek before it exploded? Well, it turns out that things would have turned out very, very different. Although you will probably tell me this is an OOC, I don't think it is because these characters may have reacted this way under these situations. You may say that this is OOC for Gohan, but keep in mind that this all could have been going on in his mind before he met Videl. So, I don't think it really is OOC, just AU. If Gohan and Bulma is too weird a pairing for you, don't read it, because I promise right now this is not going to turn into a Gohan/Videl at any point. That being said, I hope you like it!

"No…please…don't go…" Piccolo silently prayed to the beeping monitors. This was it. My mom was going to die. I didn't feel sad, or scared…just empty.

"Why?" She spoke! Well that was an improvement…but she was going to go, all the same. Piccolo struggled to form words.

"Uh…I…I want you to stay." She repeated herself.

"Why?" He turned away. He was unwilling to dishonor Goku's memory, even if it meant letting Chi-Chi die. I guess he must have figured that she'd be happier in the other world with him anyway.

"For Gohan. He doesn't need to lose his mother and his father, does he?" The monitors increased their beeps. She didn't have long.

"Is that the only reason?" What would he do? I wanted to shout to him to say it, to confess…Goku wouldn't mind. He wouldn't want her to die like this. But it was not my place.

"No…it would mean a great deal to me personally…if you stayed…" Her eyes widened.


"I love you, Chi-Chi." She weakly smiled, and started to say something, but she started shaking. Piccolo screamed at Dendae, "Now!" He rushed over to her, and healed her. If she had the will to live inside her, he could heal her sickness, but if she still wanted to die, it would be no use.

The monitors went back to their original beeping pattern, and Piccolo sighed. She was going to make it. And apparently, so was Piccolo.

I didn't even feel bad that he was sort of replacing my Dad. I should feel very bad, but I don't. I wonder why…

None of us were allowed to talk to my mom after that, until she fully recovered. I felt happy that she was going to make it, but nervous at how Bulma would react. She might decide to celebrate…spend more time with me. I loved our time together, but the mental strain of it was often too much.

"Gohan, let's celebrate!"


When I got home, I felt goose bumps all over me. It turned out to be a very quiet celebration. Dendae and Piccolo wanted to meditate, so it was just us.

We watched a few movies, then simply sat and talked. She looked so beautiful…

"That was a pretty brave thing Piccolo did." I nodded.

"He was a real hero. Not just for saving your mom, but for sharing his secret feelings." I nodded again. Did she have to torture me like this?

"Don't you think love is the most important thing in the world?" I nodded, for a third time. Where could she be going with this?

"I knew you'd say that…" She leaned over and kissed my cheek. I instantly blushed a fiery red. I almost felt anger at the cruel tease. But I could never be angry with her…

"Gohan?" I said nothing. There would never be any time to reveal my secret. Not even in the face of cruel teases.

"Gohan…do you believe in love or not. Because I do. I believe love can happen between anyone. Between a human and a sayin, or a human and a namakien, or a teenager and a girl in her thirties." Was it...true?

"How do you feel about that, Gohan?" It was true! No, no, a dream! That was it! A stupid, good for nothing delusion! This is not happening!

"Please say something to me." A tear formed in her eye. No matter how real she was, I owed to myself to at least have a moment of dream with the love of my life.

"Bulma…I…love you." It was much harder to say than I would have expected. She leaned over and kissed me again, this time a light brush on the lips. Now I knew I was dreaming.

"Even though you are young, I can tell what kind of person you are at heart. You're kind, loving, gentle, and I know how you'd treat me. You've amazingly devoted, and I can see how big a heart you have by how much of a crush on me I've noticed. You have inside yourself a pure kind of goodness almost nobody has, a kind of goodness that just slays me. I've often wanted to tell you how I felt about you, how I wanted to hold you, to kiss you…but I kept feeling guilty, like I would be taking advantage of you or hurting you in some way. Now I know. People like Piccolo do the right thing. I'm not going to wait a second longer to make us happy." Her speech seemed to light up my soul. My Christmas had finally come for my inner child, and her angelic words were the lights on the tree. I felt my mind drift, past my determination that this was all a dream, past all my worries and pains; past even my beloved Bulma…I drifted into the sheer happy glow that I felt. I felt my body lie down, but that wasn't even me anymore…I was just a free floating spirit.

But my drifting spirit returned to me in a jolt as I felt her hand grace mine. Everything that had just happened flooded back to me in a rush, and I was aware of a single tear making its way down my cheek.

I was caught between thinking her words of praise about me were far too grand for someone like me; and believing in their veracity with all of my heart because I knew that the feelings I had about her were unlike the feelings anyone has ever had for anyone else, ever.

Then, the slightest signs of pain returned to me, from remembering my belief that this was all a dream. How cruel it felt, to have the pain lifted off my shoulders and then slammed back again. How cruel it was that I was going to wake up, I was going to wake up…I closed my eyes.

"Gohan? Gohan?" There she is. I must have overslept. My wonderful dream is over.

I opened my eyes. There she was, where she was before. I fell asleep on the couch? No wait, I was on the couch in my dream, not in real life. Furthermore, if it was morning, why was it dark outside?

"Gohan? Why did you close your eyes like that?" It wasn't a dream! I felt like screaming and jumping up and down and exploding all at once.

"I wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming."

She laughed, but it was unlike any laughter I had ever heard before. It was not the cynical laughter she used when she was angry about someone's mistake, nor the relieved laughter she used when my dad had saved the day. It was different…I didn't know how…but I knew that she felt happy inside.

She was amazing…just a simple laugh and I was grinning from ear to ear. I was so lucky…I should tell her that.

"I'm so lucky." She just smiled this time, staring at me.

"I've thought about what it would be like to fall asleep in your arms so many times." Thoughts of that image overwhelmed my mind.

"Gohan, I'm going to go to bed now." She…no…no…all sorts of thoughts streamed through my mind.

"You are welcome to join me."


When I came to her bed, she was already unclad and under the covers. I felt a little nervous about my own nakedness, so I wore pajamas.

I wrapped my arm around her soft, feminine body. She was warm, glowing, beating, exuding life, a goddess…I felt so special with my arms around her.

I intently listened to her breathing pattern. Slower…slower…she was getting less nervous…more used to my embrace…sleep was almost upon her…sleep…

So beautiful…so artfully magical. I leaned my ear a little closer to her back and could hear her heartbeat, too.

Bulma could probably make anyone feel lust for her, but my animalistic sense was not in overdrive tonight. Not even with holding her in my arms. My only thought was to simply hold her, to hug her…to simply lie her with her, and listen to her breath and heart. To be one with her…to simply know that this wasn't a dream, and tomorrow we would wake up together…and I would never have to worry anymore, for love has finally come…

That is the end of chapter 3! I hope you liked it! New chapter will be out soon!