Hey all, sorry for the lengthy silence again. My writing hobby has been shoved to the back burner due to real life busyness, but I've been getting messages from quite a few of you lovely people wondering where the heck I disappeared to, so here's a chapter I actually finished months ago to tide you over until I can kick writing my LOTR stories into high gear again. I kept wondering if I should add more to it, but ultimately decided to cut it where I did since the next chapter will likely be long and drama-filled. I do still have to write it though, but may try to finish Elemental first before writing anymore of this.

Anyone else super excited for the new LOTR series coming to Amazon Prime? I can't wait! Hope you are all doing well. :)

Chapter Thirty-Three

Legolas hopped down from Arod's back after Gimli dismounted, having refused the offer of a helping hand from his elven friend. The Greenwood prince hid a smile when the dwarf stumbled and nearly fell before recovering his balance, clearing his throat loudly to cover his embarrassment. One of the grooms waited patiently off to one side until he could tend the weary horse.

"I am going to have a wash and a sleep before the evening meal. I suppose you will want to go and greet Laurelin, but I hope you'll not keep her all to yourself. I should also like to have the pleasure of the lass's company a bit later."

Smirking, Legolas patted Arod in farewell and followed the dwarf away from the stables. He strongly suspected Laurelin would want to scold him for his absence, which had lasted a full two days longer than he originally thought it might. Aragorn had been very thorough in his survey of Osgiliath, with plans for fully restoring the city in future. The small clusters of orcs found in the general vicinity had been swiftly dealt with, requiring minimal effort from all the warriors and soldiers who rode with the king, but it still took time.

The bond between them had been unusually quiet for days, as he had noticed her having managed briefly only once before, when she was angry with him. That anger had apparently spurred her into discovering how to mostly shut him out of her thoughts and emotions, as though she closed a door separating them. Though she did not seem to realize that was not really a deterrent to him. He found the prospect of an angry Laurelin – with her eyes snapping with displeasure – to be just as appealing as when she smiled and welcomed him with open arms. He still intended to have her arms open to him, but he didn't mind in the least if he had to work a bit for the privilege, always eager to woo his bride to his way of thinking.

"If Laurelin is in an amenable mood, and not too cross at our tardiness, we will see you for dinner. If not..." Legolas shrugged with a small smile that made the dwarf chuckle and stroke a hand down his beard.

"Ah, so it's like that, is it? Well lad, better you than me. I'm off then."

Still smiling as he and Gimli parted company, Legolas turned toward his and Laurelin's suite, idly wondering if she was out socializing, or possibly waiting in solitary disgruntlement in their chambers. He stopped short at the sight of Gandalf sitting in a chair to one side of the door to their room, as though keeping watch. Tension immediately tightened his muscles as he wondered at the implications.

"Gandalf, is aught amiss? Where is Laurelin?" he asked in alarm, swiftly closing the distance between them and frowning when the wizard blocked his path by standing in front of the door.

Laying a hand on the elf's shoulder, Gandalf smiled gently. "Lady Laurelin is within, she is merely resting." Forestalling the questions he could see, Gandalf held up his other hand for silence. "Regrettably, she made the very foolish mistake of trying to remove what she referred to as 'a painful darkness' she felt when she touched Frodo, not realizing what manner of evil she was attempting to battle against. Though vanquished, it will be some time before the last of the dark lord's influence can be fully eradicated. The touch of Sauron and the ring were heavy burdens to Frodo, to be sure, but he had the resilience and fortitude to withstand it, as few others could."

When Legolas sighed heavily and looked away with worry and upset in his eyes, Gandalf patted his shoulder and continued. "Laurelin has suffered these past three days as her body has attempted to expel so much evil she took into the very heart of her being, and her spirit struggles still. She is at her core, pure light, and too much darkness is a serious threat to her. Lord Elrond and I have done as much for her as we can, but I fear she will need some time to recover fully. I suspect your presence will do far more good than a hundred healers could hope to accomplish, for healing the spirit is a much trickier venture than healing the body. And do not be overly alarmed by her appearance, it is merely the outward sign of her struggle within," the wizard finished with an encouraging smile.

"I must go to her," Legolas said with an anguished look at the door. "I suppose I should have known better than to leave her on her own, for it seems only misfortune occurs when we are parted."

The skin around Gandalf's eyes crinkled with his smile and he winked. "You are certainly intended to be near each other, and I think you will soon discover just how strong both of you can be together. I shall leave her to you now, Legolas, but if you have any further need of me I will not be far."

Gandalf departed and Legolas steeled himself in preparation, anger turned inward that he had assumed she had shut him out of the bond due to being upset with him, when he now knew exactly why she had done it. Clearly, she intended to shield him from her suffering by isolating herself, but he wasn't having it.

Closing the door quietly behind him, he stood watching for a moment, deeply pained at the unhealthy look of her, with marked pallor and sunken cheeks. She looked so small and frail under the white blanket tucked around her, and the usual vibrant glow of her inner light was almost entirely absent. Apart from the steady rise and fall of her chest, there was little other sign of life. How had he ever thought it a good idea to leave her side? Clearly, he was a fool. He immediately resolved not to repeat such a mistake again.

"Stop that right now," Laurelin said, her eyes opening and her lips lifting in a small smile. "I can practically feel you blaming yourself from here. It's not your fault that I'm the damned idiot that ignorantly tried to take on evil leftovers from Sauron and his cursed piece of jewelry. Yet another case of live and learn, I guess, which is all I seem to be doing lately."

Quickly setting aside his bow and removing the harness with his quiver and knives, he went and knelt beside the bed, lifting one of her hands to his lips for a kiss and rubbing the back of her cold hand against his cheek. Holding her gaze, he smiled down at her, relieved to see her typical spark of humor shining in her eyes despite her otherwise sickly appearance.

"I regret I was delayed, but you know I would have returned immediately if you had not hidden this by shutting yourself away from me," he said in a reproving tone.

She sighed and lifted her free hand to rub her forehead, pushing back her hair and licking her dry lips to moisten them. Smiling hesitantly, she met his gaze again. "I bet I look awful, don't I?"

He tilted his head in consideration while his expression remained firm. "In fact, you look terrible. Far worse than I ever imagined you could, but I believe I will soon be able to do something about that. Open to me."

She gave him a narrow-eyed glare of annoyance before she looked away in obvious aggravation and embarrassment. "You know, you don't really have to do the thing where you're completely honest with me in every circumstance. And I'm trying to protect you from this crap."

"Yes, I am aware," he replied with a slight smile and a determined look in his blue eyes. "Now, stop it and open."

"Fine," she huffed. "But if you get infected with Dark Overlord Plague, you'll have no one to blame but yourself."

Closing her eyes, she exhaled a long, slow breath and stopped trying to stifle their bond, allowing it to quickly return to its normal state, with the natural ebb and flow of emotions and thoughts coursing easily between them. Legolas leaned down to rest his forehead against hers at the same time she felt the full force of his presence in and around her, his strength of spirit feeling even more pronounced than it usually did, seeming to rise to compensate in the face of her own weakness and need.

As they breathed together, a warmth slowly infused her limbs, and the feeling like a block of ice that had taken up residence in the pit of her stomach melted away, while the ongoing nausea and heaviness faded out to nothing. Opening her eyes, she was surprised by the extreme brightness of their combined light filling the room and grinned in relief, nearly bursting with the raw infusion of health and vitality the focused touch of his fëa had somehow poured into her.

Legolas smiled and lifted his head, gazing down at her. "And there is my beautiful love in all her glory once more," he murmured. "Now isn't that better than suffering as you were?"

"But how?" she asked, her smile turning to a puzzled frown as she struggled upright. "Elrond, Gandalf and Elladan all tried to heal me, and it hardly seemed to do anything, then boom, you walk in and I feel almost normal again."

Standing to his feet, he helped her to sit up and arranged the cushions behind her for comfort, then sat beside her, still facing her, and took one of her hands into his warm grip. "I am your bond-mate and other half, Laurelin. There are many things we can overcome, but only together, in our combined strength. You cannot shut me out when you face a difficulty like this, love, or you will harm us both. You mustn't, please."

Keeping her eyes lowered, she fiddled with his wedding band before looking up at him. "I definitely feel like I just got told off for making poor choices."

"I have no true desire to scold you, sweet, as I know your intentions were pure and motivated by kindness, but I do want you to hear my heart on this matter. You wanted to help Frodo, and I'm certain you did. But by trying to shield me from the consequences, you suffered alone in both endeavors, unnecessarily so, which grieves me. Have you not told me on more than one occasion that my pain is yours?" When she nodded, he gave her a tender smile, mixed with sadness in his eyes. "Then you must surely realize the same is true for me. Don't deny me my right and privilege of sharing your burdens. Am I not your champion and protector?"

"Yes," she affirmed with a contrite smile. "You know you're my everything."

He hooked a lock of her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek. "And you are mine, precious one, so heed the wisdom of your mate and learn from this. You need me, and I need you."

She gave a small nod. "Alright, I hear you, sugar. Loud and clear, and I'm sorry."

"Then I am content and will say no more." Legolas leaned forward and kissed her before he pulled away with a soft smile. "Now, if you have no objection, I believe I am in great need of a bath to remove the dirt from my journey. Would you care to join me?"

She rested her hands on top of her bent legs that were still beneath the covers and watched him get undressed until he was in nothing but his fitted leggings. Laurelin shrugged with a rueful look. "I don't know if I can. I still feel about as weak as a kitten, even though the rest of me seems to be mostly recovered. I guess I can just wait for you here."

Raising a brow, Legolas flipped the blankets off of her, eyeing the long, modest nightdress she wore with approval. Knowing she had been attended by only male healers, he was relieved they had seen no more of her than was absolutely necessary. He quickly scooped her up into his arms.

"That's simply not acceptable. I will not enjoy bathing nearly as much if I don't have you with me. I believe you must now resign yourself to my care, and freely submit to my wishes."

Smiling in amusement, she wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head against his shoulder. "You're so domineering and overbearing these days that I don't seem to have much choice in the matter."

"Am I?" He flashed her an indulgent smile. "I think you may be exaggerating just a touch, love, for I am surely not as bad as all that." He lowered her to the bench near the tub while he started the taps and removed his leggings.

"I never actually said you were bad," she muttered quietly while she stripped off her gown and underthings. Turning to look at the tub, she wondered if she should try and climb in under her own power, when Legolas made it a moot point by swooping her back up and settling into the warm water with her in front of him. Laurelin relaxed against him when he leaned against the back of the tub and pulled her nearer.

"How was your trip, anyway? Did you do anything exciting?" She relaxed further at the light touch of his fingers around her waist, rubbing her skin gently under the water.

"I'm not sure you would find it all that thrilling. Those of us who went as Aragorn's advisors surveyed Osgiliath and the surrounding area with him, and killed all orcs we came across. In future, I will bring you with me if there is travel, or neither of us shall go. And I hope you are prepared for how hard I will be on you during your knife lessons, for if you are to accompany me into danger, you must be made completely ready."

"Yes, dear, whatever you say, dear," she replied in a pert but drowsy voice, smiling when she turned enough to rest her cheek against his chest.

He wrapped his arms more fully around her and kissed her forehead, examining the pink that had returned to her cheeks and lips with satisfaction, but still concerned over her lingering fatigue. "I think after we bathe, I must put you back to bed, for I can feel how exhausted you truly are."

"I didn't sleep very much while you were gone," she admitted. "I'm too used to having you beside me."

Legolas pressed his lips together, able to intuit what she hadn't said. "The nightmares returned in my absence, didn't they?"

Biting her bottom lip, she nodded. "They always do. Don't worry, I'm used to it after so many years. Oh, and guess what? Lady Galadriel and her husband...um, I can't remember his name, but they arrived the same day I got sick. I heard one of the maids that cleans our room gushing over how tall and breathtakingly beautiful she is, and now I can't wait to see her for myself."

"Her husband is Lord Celeborn," he replied with a faint smile. "Perhaps I can take you to meet them both after you are fully recovered. My father was of the mind that she may have some helpful insights regarding your dreams, and Glorfindel felt much the same."

"As long as we aren't pestering her." Laurelin shrugged. "With her granddaughter's wedding coming up, I'm sure she's plenty busy. I know Lord Elrond has been, though he still managed to make a little time for me."

"We shall see if an opportunity presents itself. Let us get clean now, for I am determined to have you in bed again before another quarter hour has passed."

True to his word, they were both bathed and back in bed in less than fifteen minutes, with Laurelin curled around him and happily occupying her favorite place on his chest. With her eyes closed, she let her hand wander across the skin of his lean-muscled chest and abdomen, and gradually lower, wanting to reclaim him with her touch after their days of separation.

"I thought you were ready to sleep, but it seems I was mistaken," he murmured, before she gripped him firmly, bringing him to full arousal and making him inhale sharply. "Mmh, I was most definitely mistaken, as you seem distracted from any thought of rest."

Tilting her head up, she smiled mischievously. "I think I may need a lot more healing, of the kind only you can give me."

"Is that so?" He stroked a hand against her cheek, noting the dark smudges beneath her eyes, undeniable evidence of her recent struggles and still unresolved fatigue. He assumed a musing look, before he sighed with genuine regret. "And yet I am of the opinion that you need rest far more, and so you shall have it." He spoke the words to the spell his father had taught him, pleased when it instantly took affect, Laurelin falling into a deep, healing state of sleep.

He watched her, tracing one of her golden brows, down her cheek and across the edge of her full lips. It was quite possible she would be a bit annoyed with him for putting her to sleep, but he could feel just how weak and exhausted she was. As much as he desired to make love to her, he wanted her well even more, and was ready to brave the possibility of some small displeasure from her to see it accomplished. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, he decided to take advantage of the opportunity for his own rest, and soon drifted into reverie.

Laurelin came awake to a dark, empty room. Pushing herself upright, she looked around in confusion, wondering how long she had slept. She made her way to the bathroom and completed her ablutions, turning the low-burning lantern that hung from the ceiling to full brightness. By the time she was finished dressing and felt groomed to her satisfaction, she heard the door to their suite open, and walked out of the bathroom to see Legolas. He was dressed in one of his nicer green tunics, but wore his hair free instead of in braids, the way she had always liked it best.

After giving her a quick, admiring look, Legolas came closer and pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. "How are you feeling now, laich?" He pulled back enough to look down into her eyes when she tilted her chin up and shrugged.

"Better, I think, but still a little groggy. Kinda like I just slept for a solid week, and I really need a strong cup of coffee. How long was I asleep, anyway?"

Smirking, Legolas tucked a strand of hair behind one of her ears. "You were asleep since yesterday afternoon, and it is now nearly time for the evening meal. Are you hungry?"

"Starving," she replied with a frown, shocked that she had slept so long.

"I'm glad to hear it. We have been invited to dine this evening with Aragorn, Arwen, and their family and friends from Lothlórien and Imladris."

Brows climbing, Laurelin looked down and spread the skirt of the pink dress she wore. "Is this appropriate for the occasion, or should I change to something a little dressier?"

Legolas shook his head with a smile. "I think you look lovely as you are, and you know how I feel about you in pink." When he leaned down to kiss her, she placed her hand across his mouth and frowned with a confused look.

"Wait. Weren't we… We were right in the middle of talking, when I..." She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes in thought. "Did you… What did you do? I've never slept that long in my life. I can't imagine ever sleeping for more than twenty-four hours at a time without some really strong drugs in the mix, or something. Tell me what happened."

Straightening and allowing his face to return to a neutral expression, he gave her a long look. "I used a sleeping spell on you. With how ill and sleep-deprived you were, I felt you needed to recover and heal, and I was correct. Lord Elrond came and looked in on you and assured me that such a deep sleep was exactly what you needed most."

She stepped away from him with her brows drawn together in anger. "You mean you just magicked me to sleep, without asking me or anything? I mean, what the hell?"

He sighed. "Laurelin, I was responsible for your ill state, for if I had been here with you, or had you accompany me, it never would have happened. Can't you see my intent? I take my responsibilities as your husband very seriously, and I don't feel any particular obligation to apologize for giving you what I know you needed to be well."

Her expression darkened as he spoke. "You're my husband, not my parent, Legolas," she snapped. "You don't get to put me to sleep like I'm two, that's not okay with me!"

Legolas gave her a baffled look. "My father is the one who taught me the spell, and he told me he has used it many times on Elizabeth. I am certain she has never objected or felt he was treating her like a child."

She crossed her arms. "Well, you're not married to Elizabeth and I'm not married to Thranduil, so whatever they decide to do together really has no bearing on us, does it? I guess I'll overlook it this time, since you apparently didn't think I would object, but I do object, so now that you know, you won't do it again. Right?" When he made no answer, but merely watched her with an expression as serious as hers, she blew out an angry breath. "Legolas? Are you not going to answer me?"

He drew in a slow, calming breath before responding. "What exactly is it that you object to, Laurelin? What is it about my helping you into a healing sleep that is so incredibly offensive to you?"

"You didn't ask!" she exploded, shaking her head in amazement that she actually had to spell it out for him. "Where I come from, not even a doctor can put you to sleep without your express consent, and even then, it's for a fairly limited time and only under certain circumstances. Why do you think you have that right over me?"

"Because I'm your husband," he said with an expression that quickly grew dark. "Your bond-mate, whose greatest wish is to love and care for you, not attack you in some way as you seem to think. I really did not expect this would be such a point of contention between us. In future, if I feel you have need of help with your sleep, you would rather we speak about it first?"

"Yes, exactly!" she replied as she threw her hands up. "How would you feel if I arbitrarily decided you needed to sleep for a day or two, and you didn't know about it until you woke up? I'm fairly certain you'd be pretty fuckin' pissed off!"

The first spark of true anger showed in his eyes, and he forced himself to wait several seconds before he spoke, in a bid for calm. If his long years had taught him nothing else, it was the need for some reflection when he was gripped by temper, but his voice was still sharp when he spoke. "You are displeased by the choice I made, you have made that abundantly clear. It is not necessary for you to continue to berate me. I thought you would understand that any decision I make with regard to you is motivated entirely by my love and concern for your well-being, but based on your words and reaction I seem to be cast in the role of villain in your mind. Any further discussion seems pointless at this time."

He turned to leave, giving her a parting look of such obvious anger and hurt that she sprang forward, almost on reflex, beating him to the door and plastering herself against it to block his way. "No, wait! You can't leave. Not like this. Please? I don't want that." She ran a hand through her hair, wondering how she could begin to make him understand why she felt as she did, but she decided to start by walking forward and taking one of his hands in hers.

"Look, Legolas, in the world I was raised in, a whole lot of women have very little if any power or say over their lives, and those of us who do have some, have had to fight and claw for centuries to get it, and it's an on-going struggle, and maybe it always will be. Women's rights are a fairy-tale and joke in so many countries, that it's enough to make a person who believes in equality cry a river of tears for all those females who live miserable lives compared to their male counterparts."

Laurelin looked up and met his eyes, able to see that he was actively listening and clearly wanting to understand. "To you, I know I probably overreacted, and I also know you have my best interests at heart and that you love me more than I could likely deserve. But anything that threatens or overrides my personal liberty, or that feels like it does, makes me go into full combat mode, ready to fight like a crazed hellcat. Because too many women don't have freedom at all; not even the freedom to wake up and go to sleep when they choose, which I consider the most basic example of freewill. Just...does any of what I'm saying make you understand where I'm coming from, or not? I feel like I explained it poorly."

With eyes gone soft, he reached out with his free hand and touched her cheek, smiling when she leaned more into it. "I believe I understand. Because of the things you mentioned, and what you have seen and experienced during your life, you have a sensitivity to any male attempting to exert control over you, or that you perceive as trying to command you to his will. You feel that to affirm we are equals, we need to discuss all decisions we make, together, yes?"

She nodded. "Right. Partners discuss, and dictators...don't. I'm sorry I yelled, and I'm even more sorry if I hurt you. I never meant to."

Legolas nodded with an understanding smile. "I know, sweet, I did feel your pain and regret when you thought you wounded me. I regret that I upset you so, due to my ignorance of these things you explained. Let us forgive each other, and try to learn from this. Of late, we seem to be learning a great deal more of one another."

She sighed in relief. "Agreed, but I think I might be ready for a break from newlywed school for a while." Smiling, she reached for him, eager for his kiss and arms around her. When they parted a moment later, she ran her fingers through the silken strands of his hair. "Did you wear it loose just for me, or you felt like a change tonight?"

He raised a brow and smirked. "It was most definitely for you. I am hoping to capture your interest to the point that you are desperate for me by the time we return here, so your desire will hopefully match my own."

She shook her head and grinned. "Listen, bud, I'm pretty sure I can always match you for desire, any day of the week. Especially when you say things like that. I have a lot of love I'd really like to shower on you tonight, in any and every way you want it."

When she winked and started for the door, he pulled her back against him, and stared searchingly into her eyes. "Shall we just stay in this evening and focus on each other? There will always be another night with another dinner we can attend. Right now, I really want to be with you more than I can put into words. I missed you so when we were apart."

Laurelin smiled playfully and pulled away, tugging on his hand to try to get him to follow. "Legolas, will you never learn patience?" she asked, giving him back the same words he had recently begun to tease her with. "We should go to dinner, at least."

Narrowing his eyes, he ran his tongue across his teeth and allowed himself to be pulled closer to the door. "I believe I am already quite patient, Laurelin. I waited most of this age for you to come to me, and I very much enjoy keeping you content, now I have you. But...I suppose now we must both wait for me to demonstrate. And why does it not surprise me that your dramatic increase in patience exactly coincides with your desire to tease me?"

She tilted her head, widening her eyes and affecting an innocent look. "But doesn't being forced to wait a while longer increase anticipation and build excitement, making the payoff that much better?"

Legolas closed the door behind them and waited for Laurelin to wrap her arm around his before setting off. He glanced down at her with a rueful look. "Perhaps in some situations that may be true, but I would say currently, it promotes frustration," he muttered, making her laugh.
