AN: I was reading sithmarauder's A Seat for the Guest Unknown and got inspired. They are inspired. Go read their stories. Now. Especially the Hetalia ones. sithmaurader, if you ever read this, I see you a SpAus with one-sided PruAus and raise you PruHun with both one-sided PruAus and one-sided AusHun with a hint of SpAus.
Hungary pushed him against the wall, hands fisted in his shirt. She kissed him savagely, shoving their lips together with helpless, desperate anger. Prussia nearly returned the kiss - because it had been her first, after all, their history - then ruffly, he pushed her away, scowling down at her.
Her green eyes glittered with unshed tears but he didn't let it give him a pause, "What the fuck, Hungary?"
Hungary's eyes flicked to his lips then met his again when he shook her slightly. She licked her lips - God, they'd been soft, though not as soft as as- Don't. Just don't. - then she said bitterly, "We can't have him. Either of us."
Prussia didn't get the chance to play dumb because she was plowing on, the words rushed and fierce. "Do you know why we can't have him?" He already knew, it was because of- "It's because he's picked fucking Spain. Spain!"
Prussia shrugged tensely, "Not enough history for us to have a chance, I guess."
"You're damn right," Hungary snarled, kissing him again.
Prussia pushed her back once more, his hands migrating from her upper arms to the sides of her face. "So what's this?"
Hungary echoed his shrug. "Figured it was time to stop pining and set my sights on someone else. Had to have history, though."
They both had history with Austria, history with each other. Prussia realised that was kinda the point, the shared history. He smirked and rested his forehead on hers, that old challenging glint in his eyes. "If you can't have gold, why not silver?"
Hungary brushed her nose against his, glad he'd gotten it. She breathed against his mouth, "Exactly." She met his gaze through her lashes, jade on ruby, "But only if the silver is in the gold's orbit," and kissed him again.
This time, he didn't stop her.