The Goddesses were too lax in their duties. The evil dwelling deep from the shadows of Gamindustri terrorize the peacefulness of the continent while the CPUs relax in the confines of the basilicom. Hero had enough and swore to take matters into his own hands and save Gamindustri.

However, while his goal was just in arm's reach, in the end, the Goddesses succeeded in thwarting his plans and Gamindustri was back on the verge of instability.

All because of the most laziest and irresponsible CPU of the four.


She scribbled on a piece of paper. "I have a great idea for a new chapter."

"Don't talk to me," Hero said as he readied all the kitchen utensils.

"What are you making?"

Hero cracked an egg into a bowl. "Pancakes."

"You always make pancakes." Neptune groaned. "What about pudding?"

"Pudding is a dessert. Pancakes are a breakfast staple."

"Sure, but everyday?"

"It's all we have. You didn't buy groceries like Nepgear told you to."

Neptune collapsed on the table. "Histy made it your job to babysit me."

"So you are self-aware."

"But it's like I'm the one who has to tell you what to do."

Hero lifted the spatula over his head and took a deep breath, contemplating the very next action he was about to take.

"Fine," he said. "I'll make you pudding."

"Yay!" Neptune jumped back onto cushy pillow beneath her butt. "I love ya, trusty servant of moi."

Hero cracked another egg. "But we're still low on food. Once Nepgear comes back from her playdate, she won't be able to make dinner. Or lunch."

"Relaaax. Once my tummy is filled with delicious custard, I'll take a nap and when I wake up, I'll go out shopping with Iffy and Compa."

"Not a single word out of your mouth made me believe you're going to take responsibility. You know she told you to buy groceries three days ago, right?"

"You're so stiff. Like Noire. Once your time here is up, I bet you and Lonely Heart will do well together. Or worse."

"She did leave the impression she's the type of Goddess that takes her work seriously," Hero said as he leaned against the counter. "Do you think Histoire would allow an early transfer? Ow."

A rubber ball ricocheted off his head and knocked over the salt and pepper shakers.

"Is there a problem with my beautiful Planeptune?"

"The nation is the least of my problems." Hero cleaned up the mess and resumed mixing the ingredients. "I was born here, you know."

"The capital of Planeptune was the final bastion against your empire, and I have to say, I'm proud having to be the one to deliver the final blow."

"Don't talk like you killed me."

"Sorry. I'm just surprised the transition ended up so smoothly, you know? One day you were on the verge of dethroning us, the next, you're our— well, the other gals say prisoner, but I'm fine having you as a servant."

Hero sighed. "It's a disappointing outcome, personally, but I appreciate the sentiment."

"Anyway, about the new chapter I thought up. Look at this." Neptune held the paper she had been scribbling on the past few minutes.

Hero raised an eyebrow. "That's a drawing," he said. "And you draw like a two year old. Is that a robot?"

"I'll pretend I didn't hear half of that. I do not draw like a two year old."

"That's the wrong half."

"It's Nepgear and her Nepgeardam, see? You're going to be in a scene with her."

"What am I going to do with a Nepgeardam?"

"Who knows, but I bet it's hilarious."

"So you didn't even think how it's supposed to go down. Is that you right next to her?"

"I gotta be with my baby sister."

"So you're going to be there, too, just so you don't have to buy groceries?"

Neptune flailed the picture around in the air. "Do you always have to ruin it? I'll go buy the groceries, okay?"

"That's good to hear." Hero brought over a plate of pancakes and sat it in front of Neptune. "Eat your breakfast."

"Nep!" Her eyes were distraught. "You lied. Where's the pudding?"

"Didn't have enough ingredients."

She sulked over the food. "We don't even have any more syrup."

"Here's butter."

"That's cream cheese."

"Should have bought groceries."

Neptune reluctantly grabbed her fork and stabbed the stack of pancakes once she felt her stomach roar. As much as she didn't want it, believing the first bite would be the last in her life, she forced herself to down the hot cakes while tears flowed down her cheeks.

Hero sat down on the opposite table. Huh. Turns out he forgot to make himself some. Well, it's too late now. It would feel embarrassing having to stand up to make more immediately after sitting down, and he wasn't feeling too keen about taking Neptune's pancakes when she's eating them despite in a state of despair.

He sighed once more. Guess he'll just watch. Lunch is soon anyway, and he's probably going to be the one to buy the groceries anyway. Under the pressure of gloom and doom, Neptune planted her face on the table. She just couldn't handle it anymore. Hero chuckled to himself. That was pretty cute, he thought. While his story may have stopped on a bad end, maybe it will still be okay. He gets to keep the Goddesses in check, which also means he's indirectly responsible for keeping Gamindustri safe and sound, and all he has to do is, while a bit degrading, be their servant, which further adds on to him being partly responsible for Gamindustri's stability.

Things didn't turn out the way he imagined they would, but at least he can be assured he can keep Gamindustri's peace with his own two hands.

A whine slipped through Neptune's lips like air slowly deflating from a ball.

There's also the added bonus of watching this marshmallow goddess suffer just a little bit. He reached over and took a piece of the pancakes. After tossing it in his mouth, he quickly covered it with his hand.

The salt and pepper. There's too much salt and pepper. They got into the mixture when the ball knocked them over.

All because of the most laziest and irresponsible CPU of the four.


How's it going, everyone? I rarely ever make an Author's Note anymore, but I hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter. It's only 1k words, but that's the point. I wanted to try my hand at flash fiction. Figured it would be a good way to churn out more content and rev up my creative juices and prevent writer's blocks on my much larger projects. The next chapter of Age of Adventure won't be released for some time; currently working on a NoirexUni one-shot that's only half-way finished. Hopefully I can get it done by next month. End of June would be ideal. That being said, I plan to update Neptunia Flash once a week, so please look forward for more! Thank you!