Hey everybody, here's the next chapter of this fiction xD Hope you enjoy it x)


Hall of Receptions, Ministry of Magic, London,

Albus and Harry walked quietly through the door leading to the Ministry Hall of Receptions. On the occasion of Yüle, former Minister of Magic Millicent Bagnold then considered Honorary Minister decided to organize a Ministerial Ball to celebrate both this magical event, and her final departure from the political scene.

It was indeed with a certain shock that the former Minister who resisted Voldemort decided to leave the political scene definitively in January 1990, the date of the elections. Obviously, her support for Fudge would be withdrawn, something he did not like. And for good reason, a formidable candidate was facing Cornelius.

Bartemius Crouch, current Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (DMLE). The latter nearly lost his post and all his political stature when it was revealed through the interrogation of the Death Eater Igor Karkaroff that Bartemius Crouch Junior, son of Bartemius Crouch Senior, was a Death Eater likely belonging to the inner circle of Voldemort.

Fortunately for the latter, Dumbledore succeeds in proving that Barty Crouch Junior was under the influence of the Imperium cast by Voldemort in person. It was surely one of the only true cases of Imperium. This revelation saved Bartemius' political career, although it was slowed down. This explained his defeat to Cornelius Fudge in 1982, with public opinion still divided. But this was no longer the case, and Fudge had benefited from Bagnold's support at this time.

"I love this place," Harry commented as he looked around.

For the occasion, the room was filled with ice statues, tables covered with food and seats forming lounges. Not to mention the centre of the room dedicated to dance.

"I have to admit I love participating in these events, but I still have a small preference for the International Confederation of Wizards Ball," Albus replied with a small smile.

"Will you take me there?" Asked Harry, his eyes full of hope.

Albus chuckled under his breath before shaking his head.

"Of course my son, after all, it would be unthinkable that the great Albus does not introduce his son to the members of the International Confederation of Wizards while he is the Supreme Mugwump," smiles the old man.

A huge smile took place on Harry's face, who was eager to participate in such an event. And above all, he was eager to travel around the world as the seat of the ICW was held in Paris, in honour of the first Supreme Mugwump, Pierre Bonaccord.

They then saw Millicent Bagnold approaching them. At about seventy years old, the woman gave the impression of being much older. Her premature aging was probably due to her tenure while the Ministry of Magic was confronting Voldemort.

"Albus, I'm glad to see you again, and who do I see at your side, would not it be Hadrian?" Asked the woman, leaning on a cane after a leg injury by Dark Magic.

"Indeed Millicent, and I am also delighted to see you again. This idea to organize a grand Ball of Yüle was a fantastic idea! Besides this gives the opportunity to my son to discover the pangs of the political world, and prepare for it, "Albus replied with a big smile.

"Enchanté Madame, I'm Hadrian Dumbledore," Harry said, bowing quickly with a flowless French accent.

Millicent's approving gaze comforted Harry in his presentation.

"I see you've already educated him about the courtesies, I must admit I'm still shocked by this news about the Potters over the years, what a scandal, at least you've proven to be a better parent than they will ever be, "replied the woman with a smirk.

Harry smiled as he leaned toward Albus. Rita Skeeter's article had made a scandal across the Wizarding World, whether in England or the rest of the world. After all, even in the most remote countries one did not disinherit a child or neglect his education. The scandal was such that many families took a distance from the family while others put an end to their relations, be they political or commercial. It was a real blow to Potter internationally, although in the UK not that much as many were still thankful for the fall of Voldemort.

"Still, without their negligence I wouldn't have a son and I'm happy to have Harry for a son, and I will not trade that for anything in the world," Albus replied, hugging Harry against him with his right arm.

Millicent just smiled and nodded. Her gaze went to the right before sighing. Following her gaze, Albus had the same answer as the woman. Cornelius, closely followed by his faithful secretary, was heading straight for them.

"I suppose he'll either try to convince me not to withdraw my support, or try to convince you to support him for the next elections, but I say, more reason to leave the political scene.", said the ex-minister.

"Where are you going to go?" Asked Albus, puzzled.

The woman looked at him, surprised by this question. Nobody had dared to ask her what she was going to do.

"I must admit I didn't think ahead, except that I would love to find a place far from all to rest," the former minister answered honestly.

Harry and Albus shared a gaze, having both had the same idea. They did not, however, have time to make a proposal to Millicent as Cornelius arrived.

"Albus! Millicent! What a great joy to see you! And, of course, young Hadrian!" Cornelius said with a big smile that betrayed his anxiety.

"Lord Dumbledore, Lady Bagnold, glad to see you again in the Ministry.", Greeted them Umbridge before looking at Harry with her most beautiful smile. "Heir Potter, welcome for the first time to the Ministry of Magic, I hope the place is up to your expectations."

Harry arched an eyebrow. He had to admit that she was very respectful of traditions , not to mention her excellent taste for her clothes . Despite all that is said, she is efficient and diligent in her work. She would make an excellent secretary for me, the only problem being her prejudices. I wonder if it would be possible to convince her to get rid of it, at least of those concerning the magical creatures. About muggles, well ..., Harry thought before answering.

"Minister Fudge, Mrs. Umbridge," Harry replied with a simple nod of his head, as his position would have it. "I can only admire the beauty of these premises, it is hard for me to imagine that this place was once built by my ancestors to rule the magical world of the United Kingdom and its dominions. Much people must fantasize about the magnificence of these places. "

Fudge's eyes widened in surprise at such sustained language as Umbridge nodded her head, delighted to see a pureblood exclaim in such a way, able to compliment the place at once, but remind his position in the hierarchy. For their part, Millicent and Albus smiled at Harry's answer.

"Happy ... I ... Glad to know your ... happy," Fudge replied, stammering slightly.

He didn't hear the sigh of Dolores Umbridge. She kept wondering why she chose Fudge for her rise to power. Ah yes ! Because Fudge was an idiot easy to handle!

" Hmm hum ," she thundered in her voice to call Fudge to order.

The latter looked at her before these eyes lit up with a light of intelligence. A rare fact that occurs once a year , thought the woman in pink. Cornelius redirected his gaze to Albus.

"As you know, the elections are close. Of course, I hope I can count on your support to continue to lead the wizards together to a new age of prosperity, when I think that Bartemius Crouch proposed to the post. How can a wizard who has only lived for war with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement understand the mechanics of politics? We do not arrest our citizens, no! And I'm not talking about the sad story with his son ... "exclaimed Cornelius with a smile.

Albus chuckled under his breath as Millicent arched an eyebrow at Fudge's ridicule. But Harry ...

"And the magical creatures?" He asked.

Cornelius broke off abruptly.

"What ... what?" He asked, slightly shocked by this interruption.

Harry looked at him like he was looking at the king of fools.

"You said you want to lead wizards to a new age, yet what about magical creatures, the other races?" Asked Harry, emphasizing the races.

Fudge frowned before smiling. Maybe he understood ...

"Of course we'll take care of magical creatures, more regulation and supervision, yes, I've even imagined laws to ban the employment of werewolves, these frightful monsters. And I don't talk about these vampires that feed on the blood of our poor citizens, what a shame! "Fudge explained, thinking that Harry was the same as Lucius Malfoy after seeing him at the Manor.

…Or not. This time, Umbridge did not hesitate to pinch her nose. But what an idiot! What a slap! she thought vehemently. Everyone knew that the Dumbledores loved magical creatures above all else! The fact that the Dumbledores were friends of goblins was proof of that. Not to mention that Albus Dumbledore had recently passed a Hogwarts law allowing magical creatures such as goblins, veelas, werewolves and many others to begin school at Hogwarts, the place being outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic. The fact that Albus controls the Wizengamot just made things better.

Dolores remembered perfectly the day she had read this very interesting article. The Magical World had been turned upside down.

* Flashback *


Umbridge Pavilion, Upper Flagley, Yorkshire, England,

After leaving the shower and changing, Dolores resumed her bed with tip of her wand. Not being very wealthy, and her house being relatively small, she had not seen the utility of buying a house elf.

She was dressed in her lavender. Dolores began her descent to the ground floor where was the dining room. With a simple wand flick, she summoned a tray of teapot, a cup, a sugar bowl and some pastries to her from the kitchen.

Not a single sound was heard in the room. The perfect silence.

* Hoot! *

Dolores frowned at the sound. Looking at her pocket watch, she arched her eyebrow. 6:45, well too early for delivery of the newspaper usually at 08:00.

* Hoot! *

She sighed before waving open the window with a flick of her wand behind which the unwelcome bird was obviously waiting. Without losing a moment, the owl flew on the table, leaving its feathers on the table to the heartbreak of Dolores. He seemed to be waiting, holding in his claws a basket of newspapers with a small purse hanging on his left paw.

Dolores's gaze lit up with the understanding that it was a special edition, obviously paying and not supplied with the monthly subscription.

"I hope for you that it was worth the stain of my house," Dolores threatened, putting a sickle in the pocket before retrieving a newspaper.

* Hoot! Hoot! *

The owl hooted quickly before leaving the place to surely get to his next delivery. Looking to the direction, Dolores supposed that the bird was heading to St. Oswald's Residence for the Old Wizards, where her father lived thanks to a rent paid by Dolores.

Without losing a moment, she reads the titles of the newspaper as her eyes widened.


Special edition:

Reorganisation of Hogwarts, the First Magical Establishment that accepts Wizards and Magical Creatures!

The Board of Governors of Hogwarts laid off! Albus Dumbledore declares the end of Nepotism and reminds the governors of their obligation to Council!

By Rita Skeeter, Extraordinary Journalist!

Today is an extraordinary news for the Magical World in its entirety.

Under the direction of Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of the Hogwarts School of Magic and Wizardry, a complete reorganization of the Hogwarts curriculum and its authorized students has been put in place. Although such actions normally have to be accepted by the Board of Governors in advance, this is no longer the case thanks to the proxies owned by our beloved Director.

I remind our beloved readers that Albus Dumbledore is the Lord of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Dumbledore and the Lord-Proxy of the Most Revered and Most Archaic Gryffindor and Slytherin Houses through his son, the heir Hadrian Dumbledore.

The Director of Hogwarts, he said, decided to put an end to the racial segregation of races with whom, in his own words, "We share a common bond: Magic". For a better understanding, his speech is transcribed below.

" Today is a great day for the Magical World, and I have invited all of you to announce what will, I am sure, upset our current vision.

After many observations and revisions of the Hogwarts curriculum, verification of faculty accreditations, and collection of faculty advices and requests, I came to a conclusion.

We are no longer at the top of our art, and are no longer the best school that the Magical World has to offer. I then decided to make several changes to improve our image and prove to the rest of the Magical World that we are still capable.

So I announced the opening of a total of five new courses including two Cores of the 1 st to the 3 rd year . The two obligatory ones will be Wizards Studies and Integration in the Magical World , these courses aiming at integrating the students having little or no knowledge concerning our traditions in the Magical World, thus avoiding the major conflicts between Purebloods and Muggleborns.

The three additional courses will be Politics and Magical Traditions taught by Lord Lucius Malfoy, Economics and Magical Sociology taught by Professor Graknok, specially sent by the Bank of Gringotts, and Alchemy by Nicolas Flamel, my mentor in this field.

To allow a better approach for students, several positions are now open. I am announcing the recruitment of new professors to allow a better supervision of the courses. We are currently looking for eight new teachers for the Core Classes of Transmogrification,Astronomy,Herbology,History of Magic, Potions,Charms and Magical Defence. You understand me correctly, the Magical Defence coursenow replaces Defence Against the Dark Arts .

But this speech does not stop here. In order to facilitate the management of Hogwarts and allow for better monitoring of students, I am officially announcing the recruitment of four staff members for the positions of Heads of House to allow current teachers to focus more on their subjects. Of course, Professor Minerva McGonagall will remain the Directress of the Hogwarts Transfiguration Department and the Deputy-Headmistress of our School.

Finally, I have one more announcement to make. An announcement that was jointly made with my son, Hadrian.

In order to put an end to the racial discrimination constantly taking place in the Magical World, we decided to officially authorize members of the various magical races to attend Hogwarts. Depending on their needs, room will be allocated to them as well as devices facilitating their integration. NO DISCRIMINATION WILL BE TOLERATED!

All races will be accepted, and after a study conducted by my greatest care, I am pleased to announce that even Squibs will be able to benefit from Hogwarts schooling by attending classes that do not require active magic.

Thank you !"

As you have seen, dear readers, this announcement has turned the current political climate upside down. Never before has a school accepted other magical non-wizard races, let alone offered so many extra classes.

Fortunately for me, Albus Dumbledore has given me a list of magic races accepted at Hogwarts. Here is the list:






Werebeasts (Weretigers, Werelions ...)

Half Giants




Of course, this list does not represent in any case the students who have chosen to start school at Hogwarts, although thanks to my sources, I learned that already several members of certain races have started their registration at Hogwarts.

The Hogwarts Board of Governors was shocked by Albus Dumbledore's announcement. Some members then wished to dismiss the Headmaster, led by James Potter. Obviously, this action failed as Hogwarts is now owned by Dumbledores. Thus, Albus Dumbledore officially announced the dismissal of the Board of Governors recalling that this Board was intended to monitor the School of Magic and Wizardry in the absence of the heirs of the School, something that is no longer required.

Thus it was decided that the Board of Governors would become what it was created for : A Council and Proposals body to improve Hogwarts. All transactions serving as remuneration for the Governors have been stopped as the advantages allowing them not to pay the tuition fees. Obviously, not everyone has accepted this sudden change and decided to hold a special session of the Wizengamot.

The law is however very precise, and according to the Constitution of the Ministry of Magic and Wizengamot, "The Hogwarts College and its surroundings, including the village of Hogsmeade and the Forest of Secrets (today named Forbidden Forest) , are outside the jurisdiction of the Wizengamot and the Ministry of Magic, total property of the Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff Lines. " This article is directly integrated in our constitution, it is impossible to modify it in any way.

Not to mention that Albus Dumbledore is the current holder of 25% of the Wizengamot's votes and has two vets, thus risking no possible ban from our decision-making body.

To make an example, Albus Dumbledore officially rejected the Lords James Potter, Serratus Parkinson , Alvar Greengrass and Andronic Smith from the Board of Governors , not without revealing an exhaustive list of funds stolen by them. Attached is the total amount of money the Hogwarts governors have been stealing (be it knowingly or not) and their reasons since their tenure:

James Potter, 300,000 G (Salary)

Serratus Parkinson, 300,000 G (Salary)

Alvar Greengrass, 300,000 G (Salary)

Andronic Smith, 300,000 G (Salary)

Lucius Malfoy, 25,000 G (Salary) (Refunded)

Robaran Lestrange, 20 000 G (Salary) (Refunded)

Augusta Longbottom, 10,000 G (Salary) (Refunded)

Arcturus Black, 0 G

As you can see, only three of the governors agreed to repay the money, explaining that they thought they would receive their wages legally. Only the Lord Black has never received a salary, which he said was "useless". We specify that Hogwarts tuition is equal to 3,000 G per year, for a total of 36,000 G for full tuition.

We do not know yet, here in the Daily Prophet, whether the Lords Potter, Parkinson, Greengrass and Smith will be forced to repay this colossal debt equal to 75 years of average salary.

One thing is certain, it's Hogwarts Renewal and its education.

We, the members of the Daily Prophet, are wholeheartedly with Albus Dumbledore and his son, Hadrian.

Dolores blinked several times after reading the article.

"He accepts these ... half breeds, these creatures, as if they were equal," she thundered, glaring at the article.

She closed her eyes before reopening them, determined.

"If Albus Dumbledore has decided to change the political climate, then I will have to adapt to avoid disappearing from the political scene, but I will refuse to associate myself with ... Muggles," she said, spitting out the last word.

Closing the paper, she waved her wand and sent the dishes back before casting a vanishing spell on the newspaper. Without losing a moment, she went to the fireplace to go to work, and try to minimize the damage and the reaction of Cornelius.

* Flashback end *

Yes, Umbridge remembered the day when the British Wizarding World changed drastically, and especially the irascible behaviour of Cornelius Fudge when he learned that Dumbledore had once again proved that he was above the law.

"In this case, we have nothing more to say to you, you can go back to your business."

Dolores widened slightly as she heard Harry's polar voice. The young boy glared at Fudge , the latter completely paralyzed at the answer of the one he hoped to be his greatest support.

"But ... I ..." Cornelius stammered, sweating profusely.

"Should we welcome Lord Malfoy, Minister?" Dolores asked politely.

The latter quickly nodded his head before joining Malfoy in the distance, leaving behind Dolores. Seeing an opportunity, she did not waste time.

"I am truly sorry for the behaviour of the Minister of Magic, and know that his speech and thoughts do not reflect mine in any way, I am one of the first to support your new Hogwarts curriculum and the integration of magical races among our population, but I can not say the same about muggles, "Dolores bowed quickly with a victorious smile.

And for good reason: The looks of Harry and Albus were quite approving.

"It's ... refreshing to know that not all Fudge's government members are racist and recalcitrant to change," Harry said before hiding once more behind Albus.

He chuckled at seeing his son's behaviour. Harry liked to discuss politics but was not yet tough enough for this kind of discussion. Clearly, the conversation with Fudge had tired him, and he preferred to let his father take care of Dolores.

From the top of his glasses, he watched attentively the young woman. The latter was unfortunately not spoiled by nature, possessing a toad look despite her satin skin and her glamorous clothes. From his memories, he had always known Dolores Umbrage as a racist and hateful non-wizard peope. Had she changed? Was this a fake face all along?

No, it was obvious that Dolores had not changed, and yet she was willing to make efforts to stay in the political world and not lose her position. This is an interesting determination that inspired Albus.

"Dolores Umbridge, would you be willing to meet for a certain position for the Dumbledore family if Cornelius did not win the election?" Asked Albus with some curiosity.

Dolores smiled internally. Here is the opportunity! she thought. With the Dumbledore family now the most influential, entering their service would automatically push her up the political ladder, giving her a quiet life.

"If the Minister were to lose the elections, it is with pleasure that I would accept an appointment for a possible post in the service of Dumbledore House in order to start a reconversion. Is it possible to have an idea of this post? "asked Dolores.

"We'll see in due course, but I can assure you that this post will appeal to your skills," the old man answered mysteriously.

Dolores just nodded before turning her gaze to Cornelius. Once again, the man was doing the clown in front of the Malfoys. She sighed rather loudly.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to go and support the Minister of Magic in his ... social interactions," Dolores apologized before joining Cornelius.

"That was unexpected. What are you planning, you old coot?" Asked Millicent with some amusement.

"Me, old coot ? I was expecting better from you, Millicent," Albus replied with a small smile.

Millicent laughed before shaking her head. All in all, she did not want to know.

"Dad? The proposal?" Harry reminded.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled again.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Thanks Merlin you're here to remind this old man of his duties," smiled Albus, looking at Harry with affection.

"You're not that old ..." Harry blushed.

"It is true that I look like a young man from at the height of my one hundred and eight years old," smiled Dumbledore, pretending to admire himself.

Harry and Millicent smiled at the old man's actions. Albus redirected his gaze to Millicent.

"Harry and I had a proposal, we want to invite you to live on our estate, far from the rest of the world, this place is completely secret, I can assure you that we are currently only four to live there, well without counting the House Elves. "Albus offered.

Millicent pretended to think.

"Where is it?" She asked, puzzled.

Harry and Albus looked at each other in complicity before answering together.


Below, a list briefly explaining the wages of the Magical World to give you an overview of the economic environment. Namely 1G equals 4.93 £.

Converter: 1 Gold Gallion (G) = 16 Silver Sickles (S) = 493 Bronze Knuts (K)

1 Sickle (S) = 29 Knuts (K)

So 1G = 4.93 £ 1S = 0.29 £ 1K = 0.01 £

Annual Wages of the Magical World ( Some ) (from Most Important to least Important):

-Supreme Mugwump: 25 000G (123 250 £)

-Minister of Magic: 22 000G (£ 108,460)

-School Headmaster: 21 000G (103 530 £)

-Chief Sorcerer (Leader of Wizengamot): 20 000G (98 £ 600)

-Head of Departments: 19,500 G (£ 96,135)

-Members of the Wizengamot: 19 000G (£ 93,670)

-Wandmaker: 18,000 G ( £ 88,740 )

-School Deputy Headmaster: 14 750 G (£ 72,717)

-Captain of the Hit-Wizard: 14 5 00G ( £ 71,485 )

-Unspeakables: 14 000G ( £ 69 020)

-Auror Captain: 1 1 5 00G ( £ 56,695 )

- Hit-Wizard: 1 1 000G ( £ 54,230)

-Teachers: 9 000G (£ 44,370)

-Aurors: 8 000G (£ 39,440)

-Ministry employees (secretaries etc.): 000G 6 (£ 29,580)

-Aurors in training: 5 000G (24 £ 650)

-Book seller: 4,000G ( £ 19,720 )

-Sellers / Commercials: 4,000G ( £ 19,720 )

Most wizards are employees (trade, administration, etc.), the average salary of the wizards is 6 000G for Administration and 4 000G in non-public.

The person with the biggest salary of the wizarding world is Albus Dumbledore with a cumulative salary of 85 000G (£ 419,050).