"It was snowing, and it was incredibly cold, even for February."

Isabella was wearing her coat over her thickest sweatshirt and three pairs of pants— it was dipping into the negatives, but Phineas had said the first part of this had to be outside. Unfortunately, it was almost -5 degrees, so that meant Isabella was putting on many layers. Was the snow really necessary, universe?

"He showed up hovering outside my window."

"Oh my goodness, I did. I forgot all about that."

A second later there came a knocking, and Isabella turned to the window to see Phineas hovering there and grinning. She couldn't help the laugh that escaped, and she pushed her window open.

Phineas wiggled his eyebrows. "Do you trust me?"

Isabella laughed again. "That requires a magic carpet, you weirdo."

Phineas just grinned bigger. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her outside.

"Woah!" she called in surprise as Phineas swung her around. The wings automatically attached themselves to her.

Isabella looked back at them. "I like the upgrade." she said.

"Thanks. I spent most of the month figuring this out."

Isabella giggled. "Because you overthought everything?"


The two began to fly slowly up towards the clouds, Isabella shivering a little bit as it got colder. Phineas took her hand in his, and Isabella rubbed both with her other hand.

"Why did it have to be so freakishly cold today?" she asked.

"Sorry. If I had more time I probably could've done something about that."

"Oh, you definitely could've."

"I, um, didn't actually need more time. I was hoping you'd hold my hand because it was cold."

"What? You dork!"

Finally, they flew right through the clouds.

"Oh, wow…" Isabella breathed.

The sky was gorgeous— an array of pinks and reds an oranges and a little purple all coupled by the pale blue winter sky that was rarely seen but was so beautiful.

"Still think sunsets are better than sunrises?" Phineas teased.

"Shhh…" Isabella put a hand over his mouth. "Don't ruin this with words."

Phineas laughed, and they drifted forward slowly for a while as they watched the sunrise.

"Okay, I'm gonna have to interrupt for a minute." he said eventually.


"Just hang on."

Isabella sighed. She was curious to see whatever Phineas had next. "Alright. Make it worth it."

He floated them gently across the sky until they were hovering above a cloud. Then he hit a button.

And nothing happened.

"Uh, Phineas?"

"Okay, honest question time. Seriously, do you trust me?" Phineas asked.

Isabella looked over. "Of course."

"Okay." Phineas releases his straps and hit a different button on the wings so they continued to hover in place. Isabella bit her lip a bit, nervous he would fall if he let go, but then he released Isabella's straps and banged his foot on empty air— a platform. There was an invisible platform right above the cloud they were hovering over.

With a little work, they managed to get them both safely sitting on the platform.

"Congratulations. You're now one of the first two humans to sit on a cloud." Phineas said, and Isabella beamed at him.

"Of course, there was that invention you and Ferb made years later that allowed you to sit on the actual clouds…"

"Hey. Don't ruin the sweet sentiment."

The platform was where they remained until the rest of the colors vanished from the sky, leaving it a cold pale blue.

"Um, Phineas? That was seriously really amazing, but can we go inside now?"

Phineas smiled sympathetically. "Not yet. We have to go where we're spending the rest of the day."

Isabella sighed. "You better friggin fly so fast we warm up from the wind."

"That I can do."

"And geez, did he mean it. By the time we got there, our hair looked terrible."

"Got where?"

"Isn't Paris the bad kind of cliché?"Isabella asked, though she barely managed to get the words out because the view was beautiful. She was about to run her finger through her tangled hair before out of the wings popped a hairbrush that started doing that for her.

"You thought of everything." Isabella laughed.

"Paris itself is not a bad cliché. Eating dinner at the top of the Eiffel Tower while watching the sunset would be a bad cliché. We're not doing that."

"Geez, Phineas, I think there are about a billion couples who have done that at one point who would disagree with you."

"Yes, well we're not talking about them, are we?"

Isabella laughed. "I shall look forward to never having another dinner date again."

"Good call."

"Yeah, you held up on that promise."

"Okay, we planned all of those, and that other one was for Ferb and Antoinette. So really, I did hold up that promise. Sort of."

"So." Phineas said as they landed and he retracted the wings. "I thought I'd leave the first half of the day up to you. What do you have in mind? Fancy cheeses? Perusing galleries?"

"Let's go to a bakery."

"Ooh that sounds fantastic at 7 in the morning."

"Ah ah ah, you forgot about the time change. It's almost 2PM.".

"Hmm… did I though?"

Phineas pulled out his phone, which said 7AM.

"Wha— how—"

"You're forgetting the world's greatest alarm clock."

"Oh, of course. I forgot about your time-shifting alarm clock. Silly me. I'm sure no one else would ever forget to take it into account."

"Hey, don't mock the clock. It just gave us a full day in Paris."

"I still want to go to a bakery."


It was much warmer in Paris, so they both took off their coats and two of their three pairs of sweatpants, but as they entered the bakery itself, they both subconsciously pulled their sleeves lower on their wrists at the same time they grabbed hands.

Isabella bought a bunch of macaroons and Phineas decided to buy an entire cake (for lunch, because no one could tell them no).

"Oh, are you two soulmates?" the woman at the counter asked when she noticed their hands.

Phineas looked at Isabella. Neither of them really wanted to lie.

"No." Isabella said, turning back to the woman. "We're not. We just love each other."

She realized as they both walked out of the bakery (leaving the confused woman behind) that neither of them had ever used that 'L' word before. When she glanced at Phineas, he was smiling at her.

"Aww, you liked her saying that?"

"Hold on, that's not the end."

"But he absolutely did like it."

"I liked it very much. And of course I teased her about it for weeks on end."

"Ugh, he did."

She blushed and looked away, and then Phineas leaned in until Isabella turned back around. Then he kissed her.

"You what?"

"We held hands and smiled at each other."

"Absolutely that's what we did."

They stood there for a very long time, only finally breaking apart to breathe. Their breaths combined in front of them felt hot.

"Wow. We have to do that more often." Isabella breathed, still panting a little to catch her breath. They stood there for another minute.

"Macaroons?" Phineas questioned.


They did end up eating something at the Eiffel Tower— well, sort of. They balanced on the platform on the top of the Eiffel Tower, and are the macaroons while invisible (another new wing feature).

"Why were you invisible?"

"No reason."

"This is probably illegal somehow." Isabella said.

"Why do you think we're invisible?"

Isabella raised an eyebrow— not that anyone could see it. "Ooh, do I have a dangerous boyfriend?"

"You better believe it, baby." Phineas said, in a voice that made Isabella imagine him in a leather jacket while smirking.

"Please never say that again."

Phineas laughed.

It took them awhile to eat all the macaroons due to never being quite sure where they were or if the other was reaching for one at the same time they were. They did eventually finish them, after which Phineas turned off the invisibility and they flew back down to the ground.

They ended up going to the Louvre because Isabella had said she wanted to take a picture of the Mona Lisa— before they both realized that wasn't allowed. They looked around anyway and ended up staying until lunch. Phineas liked the Code of Hammurabi, and Isabella found she liked most of the statues more than the paintings.

Around lunch she dragged Phineas outside and they ate their cake on a curb by the road.

"As you can imagine, it got everywhere."

"We hadn't thought that one through all the way."

"That's why you don't eat sweets for lunch."

"Excuse me? And who are you to talk?"

Isabella and Phineas both cleaned themselves up as best they could in the bathroom, but Isabella thought her sweatshirt would be permanently stained with chocolate icing.

"But you didn't mind that much, 'cause it reminded you of your sweet date?"

"Are you kidding? I burned that thing. Besides, I had Phineas to remind me of our sweet date. Over, and over, and over, and over, and ov—"

"They get it."

"Where are we going for dinner?"

"That's special. You'll see."

"So what are we doing until then?"

"I thought we'd just take a walk around Paris. Unless you have something specific in mind?"

"Not really, but that's a pretty big area, we might not be able to hit everything."

"We don't have to. Let's just start around here."


"Was it pretty?"

"It was gorgeous."

There were a lot of houses and stores that had decorated for the day. Isabella bought Phineas a balloon, and Phineas bought Isabella a rose. They got many smiles and nods from people who probably thought they were soulmates, but no one asked, so they didn't bother to correct anyone.

Eventually, it reached about six in the evening, and Phineas asked if Isabella wanted dinner.

Isabella's stomach started grumbling in response, brought on from eating solely baked sweets and then walking around all day.

Phineas pulled out the wings and opened a side compartment that had a shrunken dinner— Isabella couldn't quite tell what it was yet.

"I'm assuming that's invention-fresh?"

"Well, it's probably cold from sitting in there all day. But that's what alarm clocks are for."

They used the wings to get them up to a high enough point in midair, then used the platform to eat dinner the middle of the clouds and the sunset. She could tell Phineas was staring at the colors.

"Still think sunrises are better than sunsets?" she teased.

Phineas shot her a smirk. "Very funny."

"It was very funny."

"Shush you."

He returned the dinner to full size, and when Isabella saw what it was, she laughed. "You made pozole?" she asked with a grin.

"You ordered it at Chez Platypus, and I when asked your mom she said it was your favorite meal, so I thought I'd try to make it." he cleared his throat awkwardly. "I had to try like 4 times before I got it right."

"Well that explains the taste," Isabella said, having just tried it.

"Aw, really?"

"No, it's delicious. Try yours."

He did, and shrugged. "Personally, I thought last batch was better."

"Well you can make me more anytime." Isabella said, taking another bite. "But, for the record, they would be dinner dates. Just like this is totally a dinner date."

"I— shut up."

"Aw, Phineas… I'm okay with having a boyfriend who's a little hypocritical sometimes."

Phineas sighed. "It's a love-hate relationship."

Isabella laughed, and then leaned forward and kissed him.

"Wow, you guys hold hands a lot."

They stayed there for a while, before Isabella leaped back and picked up the bowl again. "Sorry, don't want this to get cold."

"You're mean."

Isabella grinned. "Thank you."

They both sat back in silence for a moment, and while Phineas leaned forward to eat Isabella stared at him for a minute. Eventually he looked up. "Isabella?" he asked.

She could see those eyes again. Dark blue eyes that looked like they could the whole world in them. And maybe they did.

"Phineas?" she said.


"I love you."

Phineas didn't even blink. "I love you too."

They kissed again.


"That was the grossest thing I've ever heard!" Hope complained.

"Aww, that was really sweet!" Faith said happily, clapping her hands in excitement. Then she paused and tipped her head. "But why do you and Daddy hold hands so much?"

"We like to." Phineas said with a shrug as Isabella laughed behind her hand.

"Please, enough!" Hope complained, shoving her hands over her ears. "I don't want hear any more! I don't care how Mommy and Daddy got together! Or about the first time they said 'I love you!' I don't care!"

"Mommy, do you think I'll meet someone someday who will love me?" Faith asked in excitement. Her smile faded. "Even if I don't have a name on my wrist?"

"Oh, I think you absolutely will." Isabella said. "Name or not."

Faith, Hope, and Phinney, the baby boy currently sleeping in Isabella's arms, had been born without soulmates. Faith had been constantly worried about that ever since she'd learned what a soulmate was and that everyone else had one. Luckily for her, her Aunt Candace was always willing to throw together many strings of stories for her about boys and girls meeting her and falling head over heels. Isabella was more than sure it would happen someday.

"And that is enough of a bedtime story for tonight." Phineas said, as Isabella and him both rose from their places balanced on the edge of the twin girls beds.

"What? No, I wanna hear more!" Faith complained. "How did Daddy propose? Or did Mommy propose? Ooh, ooh, did you and Daddy ever meet your soulmates?"

Phineas and Isabella exchanged an uneasy glance.

"We'll tell you that story when you're older." Isabella eventually decided, and Phineas nodded.

"Aww…" Faith and Hope both said simultaneously.

Isabella rolled her eyes. "Alright, enough you two. You're going to be exhausted at preschool tomorrow if you don't get some sleep.

"Okay…" both girls sighed, still simultaneously. Phineas and Isabella laughed, and they both gave each girl a kiss before taking Phinney into their bedroom as putting him in his crib.

Isabella crawled into the bed next to Phineas, and had almost drifted off to sleep when Phineas spoke.

"You really think they'll find someone someday? I'm worried about them."

Isabella turned to him in surprise. "Since when?"

Phineas sat up. "I don't know, I just— I don't know."

"Where's this coming from? You're not usually this negative."

"Just… thinking, I guess. The world hasn't changed that much since we met, Izzy."

"Sweetheart, they're being raised by you. Even if they don't meet anyone, they'll be okay. They're your kids, after all."

"They're your kids too."

"Yep, and that's where they get their looks from."

"Ouch. You know, you haven't changed much either."

"And I never will. Now let me get my eight hours."

Phineas chuckled, and gave Isabella a kiss on the forehead before laying back down. "Goodnight, Izzy."

The End

A/N: Who's up for a soulmate-meeting-sequel? Okay, not really. I won't actually write a sequel unless enough people ask for it. But in case anyone is wondering, Faith, Hope, and Phinney are my actual designs for Phineas and Isabella's kids, and they're the only things in this fanfic that belong to me. I have ones for everyone else too (although not their "soulmate" version), and I might do a fic with all of them someday. But for now, I'd just like to thank you for reading my story! I love you all!