Chapter fourteen
Within days of the information packs about the changes to Hogwarts arrived at homes of all witches and wizards. Some purebloods protested, they even went as far as try to make the Wizengamot change things back to the way they were. All their attempts were rejected. When they threatened to pull their children out of Hogwarts they were told their children would have their magic bound unless they were enrolled in another school when they were born.
Narcissa Malfoy, along with many of the darker families enrolled their children into Durmstrang right after their children were born. What they didn't know was no one would miss them, but also, the Wizengamot had worked a law that said any person who applied for a job at the ministry, St Mungo's, Hogwarts or even want to take a seat on the Wizengamot had to be educated in England, which meant Hogwarts. Fudge worked with Amelia, Sirius and many others to change things so no other dark lord could get a foothold inside the ministry.
Sirius and Amelia dropped Harry and Susan off at platform nine and three quarters. When the two adults left, Harry and Susan met up with Hermione then got onto the train to find a compartment. Like always, the Weasley's arrived just before the train was due to leave. The twins went to find their friends, as did Percy and Ginny. Ron found his friends and sat beside Hermione.
'Mum wasn't sure about all these changes being made, and at one time said we were returning to Hogwarts. She even wanted dad to find another job. Dad sat her down and explained about binding our magic unless we go to Hogwarts. The only way out of that is if we were enrolled in another school when we were born. He also explained how we couldn't work in the ministry here if we went to another school. Dad then went on about how positive all the changes were and how popular. When she heard how families that supported the dark arts had enrolled their kids in Durmstrang, she realised how much safer it was going to be at Hogwarts.'
'Aunty Amelia and Sirius would come home every day to tell us how everything seemed to be getting better,' Susan said.
'They also said everyone seems to be more relaxed and happy now. When Sirius told us about the changes at Hogwarts we thought it was brilliant. There are some we'll find out at the feast and pamphlets will be in all the common rooms,' Harry said.
'I like the idea that no one can call Hermione…that name anymore,' Ron said, 'But what's wrong with saying something like ugly?'
'It's like with me Ron. The blond git called me scar head all the time. I hated it but I tried to act like it didn't bother me. Every time I heard the name it reminded me why I have it and how I have no parent's. I agreed with Sirius when he explained. Susan and I plan to become friends with Luna in the hope people will stop calling her names and taking her things. The portraits will see if anyone does bully her then they will get in trouble, and they should,' Harry raised his eyebrows at Ron, 'One rule Sirius is bringing in is if someone keeps bullying or name calling then they will not be allowed to join any club, which includes quidditch. They will also never be allowed to go to Hogsmeade.'
Ron realised he would have to make sure he didn't call Luna Lovegood, loony. He planned to play quidditch when a spot opens up. But Ron knew he could handle these changes since it meant they didn't have to put up with Snape, Filch or Binns anymore.
Susan, Harry, Hermione and Ron had a lot of visitors, but Neville ended up sitting with them. Hannah kept apologising to Susan and asked if they could start again. When Susan hesitated, Harry whispered that she should give her a second chance, but only one more chance. That's what he planned to do. So Susan and Hannah stepped out of the compartment to talk while the four Gryffindor's stayed in the compartment.
'With no more mixed classes, how will you and Susan get time together?' Ron asked.
'Right after class. We can also do our homework in the library and stay together until curfew. With the new head of houses also acting as security and the portraits keeping watch on everyone, the curfew has been extended an hour. There will be times Susan wants to spend time with her friends without me around, I will as well, so we won't be together all the time during our free times.'
'I get that, and it's lucky you do have those times, and weekends as well.'
The friends shared a carriage to Hogwarts. Harry and Susan stayed holding hands as they lead the group inside the castle. They all stopped at the door in surprise. They weren't sure what was going on or where they should sit. Sirius waved them in from his spot in the middle of the staff table then gestured to the round tables.
'It seems we can sit together,' Susan said then lead the way to one of the tables. Harry sat beside his girlfriend, Hannah beside her, then Neville. Ron sat beside Harry with Hermione next to Ron. A couple of Slytherin from Harry and Susan's year asked if they could sit. Ron went to say no, but Harry and Susan said yes. Daphne Greengrass and Tracy Davis joined the friends.
'Why are you allowing Slytherin's to sit with us?' Ron whispered.
'You should have noticed Ron that those two girls were some of the only ones who never caused us any trouble, nor did they laugh when Snape was being a bastard. And remember Ron, the death eater that betrayed my parent's was in Gryffindor. I think we have to stop believing that all evil people are Slytherin's and all good people are in the other three houses. Peter Pettigrew proved evil can be from any house.'
'Just so you know Weasley, our families were always neutral. We would never follow Voldemort yet our parent's did not like Dumbledore.'
'They were smart,' Harry said giving Daphne a smile. But Ron nodded, he finally realised Harry was right. A Gryffindor betrayed the Potters, and a Slytherin killed them. But he had seen that there were some not very nice people in all four houses. It was time to change his belief.
Once the first years were sorted and able to sit where they want, Sirius stood up. He only gave a small bit of information and that was how everyone could always sit with friends whether they were in the same house or not. That change was permanent. Sirius then called for the food.
'So we can have breakfast together,' Harry said.
'Yes, we can. I wasn't sure if these tables were just for tonight. It's good to know we can sit where we want,' Susan said.
'I'm sure Padma and Parvati will like it. I've heard them say that they didn't get to spend a lot of time together. Being twins they were always together until they began at Hogwarts,' Hermione said.
'From all the changes we've heard, there isn't one I don't like. But what I like the most is we won't have to put up with Malfoy and his butt buddies,' Harry said making many gasp.
'Harry,' Hermione squeaked.
'Okay, maybe they weren't that…close, but I never saw him with anyone but those two.'
'Many of us are relieved they are gone. We might have been all Slytherin's, but some even got away with things inside Slytherin house. Naturally Snape allowed his godson to get away with anything. It's why Tracy and I always stayed together. We weren't going to be caught alone for those creeps to try anything,' Daphne said.
'Do you know who your head of house is yet?' Hermione asked.
'No, from the information we got, we'll be informed after we eat.'
'Then we have to wait,' Susan said.
As soon as everyone finished eating, Sirius stood and went through the normal announcements about the forbidden forest and quidditch. Then he introduced the new heads of house. All students applauded before Sirius went on to explain about the extra classes that were being introduces. He then introduced the new teachers, including the new teachers for potions and history of magic. Harry had been surprised. First was Remus Lupin was the new defence against the dark arts teacher. Auror Tonks's parents were two of the new teachers. Andromeda Tonks was taking over potions and Ted Tonks was the new muggle studies teacher. Tonks had told Harry that her father was a muggleborn. Neville was shocked to learn his grandmother was taking the etiquette, customs and law classes, which were compulsory whether you grew up in the magical world or not. The magical studies class was not compulsory but advised all muggleborn or muggle raised to join that class which was only held for an hour every second Saturday just before dinner. If a student does a year of the magical studies class, then they will not have to attend again, unless they want to. Sirius then went on to explain how the point system was now changed. There would be no more house cup. People would earn individual points that they could exchange for money at the end of the school year.
The one announcement that got the biggest cheer was hearing that if they wanted to, students could floo home one weekend a month.
Harry might end up staying at Hogwarts because Sirius was headmaster, but he knew plenty of students who would like the idea of being able to go home once a month.
As Harry looked around the great hall, he realised that every student seemed happy. Normally he would see sneers or glares, not always aimed at him, just students like Malfoy who just liked to sneer at everyone. The atmosphere at Hogwarts right now was happy and relaxed. It was the first time Harry felt that he could finally have a normal life.
Harry looked up at Sirius and gave him a big smile who smiled back then Harry turned to his girlfriend and kissed her, right there in the great hall in front of everyone. Most were shocked, but Sirius realised why Harry was showing his girlfriend how he felt. It all came down to her and how observant she was that started the changed the magical needed. Susan saw things that didn't feel right to her. Now they had a world that was for all magicals, whether they were a pureblood, halfblood or muggleborn.
The end: