The Hunter

Third-Person POV

A cloaked woman woman walks alone on a cold stormy night. She trudges through the dark until she sees a run-down bar, with an inconspicuous Ω in the logo of the bar. She slowly opens the bar doors, their creak echoing throughout the small establishment.

The woman looks around and sees a shadowed silhouette creeping in the corner of the room. She proceeds to approach the shadow-clad figure. The person in question immediately disappears, much to the woman's confusion, and stealthily sneaks up behind her.

"Who are you and what do you want?" the figure asked in a deep, demanding voice.

The woman jumped, startled from the sudden words spoken from behind. She turned around to meet a shadow covered face.

"AHHH! You scared me!" the woman exclaimed. She quickly regained her composure and proceeded to sit down at a nearby table. "I'm Annabeth Chase and I'm here to," then she said in the faintest whisper, "ask you for your services."

The man sat down and kicked his feet up onto the table. "If you got the coin, I'll do what you need me to do" the man said.

"Um," Annabeth began. "I am here on Olympian business and I need you to find someone and bring him in front of the Olympian council. I hear that you're the best at what you do and I need someone who can do this quickly and efficiently."

"Show me the money then I'll consider it," the man said darkly.

The woman pulled open her cloak and reached inside. She pulled out a small pouch and slid it across the table. The man reached out with a black, armored glove and grabbed the pouch. He pulled out a knife with a Stygian Iron blade and slashed off the top of the pouch. From it poured out 100 golden drachmas and the man exhaled a long, deep sigh.

"Looks like we're in business. Now who's the target?"

A/N: Did you enjoy the first chapter? I know it was short but I'll be uploading 2 new chapters soon. Feel free to leave a review and tell me how you feel. Bye!