AN: I was looking at my page and I published three completed fics in 9 months, all of my fics are dated at 2018. Not a bad year eh?

P.s. I decided on no epilogue as the sequel will negate it anyway.

Chapter 32 - Carry On

-The Adventures of Teddy and Morwenna-

Teddy had a particular love for Newt Scamander and a particular hatred for Rolf Scamander. Newt had the best books about Magical Creatures were ever written. Rolf was the scumbag who married Luna Lovegood after her twins, Lorcan and Lysander Scamander were born.

Teddy wasn't sure how clear it was to anyone else -but Luna was not happy. She seemed to love her twins but she didn't like being a housewife, which as her job was as Magical Creature journalist, a job that required her to travel to exotic, dangerous places, and didn't allow her to take the babies with her.

Mapoppy had offered to help but Rolf had refused him. Mapoppy couldn't necessarily argue, Ophelia and Persephone being so young. Even still, Teddy overhead Mapoppy threatening Rolf one night when they went to go visit Luna and her father, Mr. Lovegood.

But as much as Teddy loathed Rolf, he still loved Rolf's grandfather. So it should have come to no surprise to anyone that Teddy and Morwenna, when left to their own devices in the at Malfoy Manor, followed a series of certain, rather simple instructions.

To begin with, while Teddy was a wolf shifter and metamorphmagus, his sisters were all parselmouths in additon to their metamorphmegus abilities. Grandmama hadn't been very pleased when Persephone's first word -which Grandmama had not been able to understand, had been Ma in parseltongue (referring to Mapoppy, of course).

But Morwenna being a parselmouth gave her an interest in serpents, which was the rare occasion that Teddy's near obsession with everything non-human overlapped with her goals.

So one day, Morwenna age six and Teddy age eight decided to 'create' magical snakes while visiting the Malfoys.

Ashwinders were born from magical flames dying out and it wasn't hard to find a pack of magical matches. They started a magical fire in one of the spare bedroom fireplaces. They got bored watching the flames slowly burn down, so the ventured outside to the grounds.

Apparently one of the Malfoy's paid squib servants had a hen house by the kitchens. Teddy snuck into the hen house and emerged with a warm chicken egg.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" he asked his sister, "The book said this was illegal."

"If it really was illegal," Morwenna said chidingly, "then the instructions wouldn't be in a school textbook."

There was logic to this statement that Teddy couldn't argue with. Either the book had left out instructions and this wouldn't work or the government was really stupid for allowing this book to be published.

"Alright, but how long do you think it will take us to find a toad? Also, let's go get some of the Giant Hogweed I saw growing in Aunt Cissa's garden."

"Why?" Morwenna asked.

"It causes blindness."

"Oh," she said, before smiling, her white teeth contrasting with her brown tanned skin, "Good idea!"

"Draco?" Harry called as he came around a corner, "Where are Morwenna and Teddy? You were supposed to watching them."

"Relax, Potter, they were just reading a book," Draco said taking a deep drink of water. It was an unseasonably hot day. "I was just getting drinks and snacks for them."

Harry frowned, "Just because they were reading a book doesn't mean they still are."

Draco didn't look worried and ignored Harry's comment, "Why do you let them read textbooks anyway?"

"Not all textbooks, just Newt's books. Teddy likes magical creatures," Harry explained.

Draco grunted in understanding.

Narcissa came running into the kitchen, "Do you smell that?"

"Smell what?" Harry asked.

But Draco had frozen, "Smoke."

"What?" Harry asked tightly, knowing full well who would be the cause of it.

The three of them ran to the back of the Manor which was in plums of smoke.

"Teddy! Morwenna!" Harry yelled, before dashing into the heart of the fumes, his wand proceeding him.

The moment he entered into that hallway, the smoke was illuminated by flame, bright brilliant flame.

Draco and Narcissa followed after Harry, putting out the flames with freezing charms as quickly as they could.

They all hoped they weren't too late.

"How long is this going to take?" Morwenna asked impatiently.

They had found a toad on the edge of the forest. Teddy had wrapped Hogweed in a hand towel he had stolen from the bathroom and put it on the ground, the put the chicken egg in the nest of Hogweed, and the fat toad on top of the chicken egg.

Hopefully, when the Basilisk hatched the Hogweed would cause it to go blind.

"I don't know," Teddy said, "I suppose it depends on how long a chicken egg takes to hatch and if that toad stays on it."

Morwenna looked the toad squarely in the eye and instructed, "Stay."

The toad licked its eyeball.

"Morwenna," Teddy said slowly.

"What?" she snapped.

"How mad do you think Uncle Luci is going to be when he finds out we burned down his manor?"

"We didn't burn down his house," she said firmly.

"Morwenna, look."

Morwenna spun on her heel, and Teddy had to catch her or she would have fallen on the toad, of all of Mapoppy's kids, Teddy was only one with a sense of balance, likely due to his fuzzy wolf half.

"We are in so much trouble," she said, before grabbing his hand and pulling him into a run behind her.

The Basilisk egg forgotten on the edge of the forest.

"They burned down my manor," Lucius said hollowly, "My family's manor."

"Only half," Morwenna said smartly.

Grandmama gave her such a sharp look that Morwenna flinched and looked down at her feet, "I'm sorry."

Teddy was shaking in apprehension, Mapoppy wasn't even looking at them. His face was smudged with soot and he smelled of acrid smoke.

"Mapoppy?" Teddy asked worriedly, he felt like he might cry. What if my Mapoppy never talks to us again? What if he makes us give up magic and go live with his mum's family, the Dursleys?

When Mapoppy did look at him, Teddy felt his heart sink to his toes. He couldn't read that expression but he knew it was nothing good.

"What were you thinking?" Mapoppy asked, something in his voice... there was something so- so... whatever it was it frightened Teddy.

He gulped. "We um, we um-" he was shaking so badly he couldn't get the words out.

"We wanted to make magical snakes," Morwenna said bravely. Though her bravery seemed to die the moment Mapoppy turned his gaze on her.

"Ashwinders," Mapoppy said very slowly, "are responsible for causing thousands of families to be homeless and have taken thousands of peoples lives, and if you had finished reading the chapter Edward Remus Lupin, you would have known that."

His gaze was back on Teddy who felt like he had been hit with a sack of bricks. 'Edward' he forgot that was his real name, no one, least of all Mapoppy, ever called him by that name.

Again, Morwenna saved him, "We thought I could talk to them, you know in parseltongue."

Mapoppy raised a brow, "You thought you could reason with a creature that only lives for a maximum of one hour before dying after reproducing?"

Put that way it did sound rather foolish.

Ophelia laughed at her older sister, "Someone's in trouble."

Morwenna bared her teeth at her younger sister who stopped laughing immediately.

Persephone was taking a nap in Grandmama's arms. Maybe setting fire to Uncle Luci's place was the worst thing they had ever done but not so far outside the norm that Persephone was fussing, but she was only a two year old.

"What else have you done?" Grandmama asked.

"Nothing," Morwenna and Teddy said in perfect unison.

Not Grandmama, Mapoppy, Uncle Luci, Aunt Cissa, cousin Draco, nor Ophelia believed them.

Mapoppy was the first to speak, "You both are about to be grounded for a number of weeks or months, but if you don't tell me what else you got into, I swear by all the stars above, you will be scrubbing floors for a year."

Teddy stared at his feet, and Morwenna held his hand as he mumbled, "We put a chicken egg under a fat toad."

There was a beat of stunned silence, before Draco threw up his hands, "Your kids are literally going to be the death of us, Potter!"

No one argued with him.

Grandmama stayed at the manor -the half that hadn't been on fire, with Ophelia and Persephone.

"It hatched!" Morwenna said excitedly, before quickly correcting her statement when Mapoppy, Aunt Cissa, Uncle Luci, and Draco glared at her, "I mean, 'oh no, it hatched.'"

Teddy rolled his eyes. "Really convincing," he muttered.

She elbowed him and simultaneously tripped on the grass, Teddy just managed to catch her.

"Okay, so how do we do this?" Draco asked, "How do we kill something we can't look out without dying?"

"Oh," Teddy said, speaking up, "It's blind I put it in a nest of Giant Hogweed. At least it should be."

They all looked at him as if he were very clever, except for Mapoppy who said sternly, "And the poisonous fangs? What was your brilliant plan if you, your sister, or someone else had been bitten?"

Teddy felt a gut wrenching guilt. Mapoppy looked at him with such disappointment and anger that Teddy could hardly stand it.

"Luckily for us," Mapoppy continued, "It isn't that hard to kill a Basilisk."

"Didn't you almost die the last time you killed one? It took you and Dumbledore's phoenix to kill it, right? I seem to remember something about about Gryffindor's sword."

"I still have the scar from one I was twelve, but I don't need a phoenix, just a roaster," Mapoppy said, flicking his wand and transfiguring a small bush into a roaster, which crowed when Mapoppy also summoned a ball of light that drifted upward.

There was a screech from some nearby bush. Lucius pulled back some leaves and they found a dead snake in the leaves.

"You killed it," Morwenna stated, a little stunned.

"Better it than us," Aunt Cissa said.


Uncle Luci cut her off, "I am not going back to Azkaban, little girl, because you wanted to play with magical snakes."

"Something that was outlawed in the Middle Ages for safety reasons is best left alone, do you both understand that?" Mapoppy asked them.

They both nodded.

"You owe me a manor, Potter," Uncle Luci said to Mapoppy.

Mapoppy turned his hard look on Uncle Luci, and said politely, "It was the main room and the dungeon that burned down. I owe you nothing, and after what you did to the Weasleys, I think the whole incident is very karmic."

Uncle Luci didn't say anything after that. Morwenna and Teddy exchanged a look that asked clearly, What is that about?

Teddy age 9, Morwenna age 7, Ophelia age 5 and Persephone age 4

George and Fred Weasley loved Harry's children as much as they loved their own. One day far too close to the beginning of a new year at Hogwarts, George and Fred agreed to babysit Teddy and Morwenna. Amongst the crowds of parents and children of wizarding families in London that evening, Teddy and Morwenna got themselves 'lost' within fifteen minutes of being dropped off with the Weasley twins.

Like many young wizards and witches, Teddy and Morwenna were not allowed down Knockturn Alley, so naturally, that's where they ended up.

The thing neither child realized was not only was it unwise for children to be traveling Knockturn Alley alone but it was especially unwise for the children of Harry Potter to be there.

Lucky for them it was about to be the residents of Knockturn Alley who would regret the two Savior's children wandering down their roads.

"Look at that, Teddy! What do you think th- Oh Merlin! That's so cool!" Morwenna said too loudly as they weaved their way through the tight streets.

Teddy kept a very firm grip on his sister's hand a wary eye on those around them. He knew coming here was a stupid idea, but if he told Morwenna no, she would have just come on her own, which would be worse. Teddy was pretty sure all of his sisters would end up in Slytherin house but it was times like this that made him doubt how clever and survival driven they were.

"Let's go in here, you'll like it!" she pulled him into an exotic pet store, and Teddy did have to admit it was pretty cool.

She dragged him straight to the snakes and began talking to them in their dimly lit tanks. As cool as the animals were though, it smelled bad in the store and the animals looked less than unhappy in their too small cages.

"Who are you?" a gnarled wizard asked them, he was missing the tip of his nose and had a scare that decorated his neck as if someone had tried to slit his throat… and regrettably failed.

His sister turned to wizard with a big smile. "We're the people about to save all these animals," she said cheerily.

The big man blinked his dark eyes at her, and Teddy warned, "Morwen-"

But they were too late, Morwenna snapped her fingers and every cage's lock, lid, door and window opened up.

There was a crash in the back of the shop. Teddy had the suspicion that there was something far more dangerous and much bigger in the back of the shop.

As it happened, several somethings.

Teddy yelled at Morwenna, "Make yourself lighter!"

She didn't argue as he slung her onto his back piggy-back style and booked in the direction of Diagon Alley.

Morwenna knew as well as he that though she was fast, her balance wasn't to be trusted on the rough cobble stones. She held on tight, her arms under his, her chin on his shoulder, and her legs bent on his hips -not crossed in front of him so he could run faster. As he ran he mad his legs a bit longer, just as Morwenna shiftered herself smaller and lighter. It allowed Teddy to be the faster a nine year old could be while carrying a person on his back.

"There is a rhino after us!" yelled at his ear.

He didn't turn around to look, he could hear the creatures following him. He probably shouldn't have been running, things that ran animals chased, but there were some very angry wizards and witches behind them that wouldn't think twice about hurting them.

Apparently they were making enough noise that by the time they reached Diagon Alley people had wands raised as others took their children and fled. About the only people running towards them were two worried redheads and Mapoppy.

Even at a distance Teddy could see their relief when they spotted him. Mapoppy ran at them, scooped them up in his arms and apparated to the top of one of the buildings.

"If you move you will be sharing a room with your little sisters until you move out," Mapoppy threatened before apparating back to the street.

Morwenna and Teddy watched as the place were Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley turned into both a battleground and a stampede. Aurors started apparating in to help and civilians fled.

Wrangling in magical creatures seemed to be immensely difficult for everyone except Mapoppy who stood in the middle of the chaos cool as cucumber. His robes spun around him as he danced in place, his wand making him look like an orchestra conductor as the rose up to entrap the various creatures.

"Our father is the awesomest wizard ever!" Morwenna cheered.

"Yeah, and our 'awesomest father' is going to fry our bacon when he's finished putting London back together," Teddy said glumly.

Morwenna pointed down, "Oh no."

Teddy looked down and 'oh no,' was exactly right. Some of the people from Knockturn Alley seemed to think, that they were Harry Potter and the Ministry's Aurors were attacking them because the fighting switched to trapping animals to fighting off deadly curses.

Morwenna screamed as they watched a jet of color shoot towards Mapoppy's turned back. But from what ever sixth since he had, Mapoppy ducked down and pressed his own attack.

As good as Mapoppy was with creature wrangling, he was even better at fighting off magic spells. A fact, that everyone seemed to realize as the Aurors let him take the lead and his enemies folded back.

No one died that day, but several were sent to St. Mungo's and several more were arrested.

Whatever punishment they received, Morwenna and Teddy considered it a win because all the magical creatures were either returned to the natural habitats or given to people who could take care of them.

Hagrid was not so secretly very proud of them.

Teddy 10, Morwenna 8, Ophelia 6, Persephone 5

"Mr. Dumbledore-"

"Call me Aberforth," the old man corrected.

"Aberforth, how mad do you think Mapoppy is going to be at me?" Teddy asked as he trailed behind him.

"That will depend on how good his construction abilities are," Aberforth said gruffly, "I'll be asking him to rebuild me a bigger hen house for all the chickens he'll be acquiring for me. Maybe a couple turkeys too."

Teddy grinned up at the tall wizard. Teddy wasn't too worried, after all this was all Morwenna's fault and he wasn't about to take the blame for it this time. Not after she gagged him with apple that he couldn't get out in either of his go-to forms. He had to shift his jaw to be too large, which had hurt.

Aberforth knocked on the Potter House's front door. Grandmama opened the door and she didn't even look surprised to see them. She just waved them both in, shut the door behind them, and pulled Teddy into the middle of the room.

"Pirouette," she instructed him.

Not asking questions, Teddy spun across the floor in perfect form. Grandmama had had him in lessons since he was four years old. He liked it because it required a lot of energy and focus. Plus everyone in his classes was a girl and as he was strong enough for lifts now, he was very popular.

"See, Teddy can do it," she said to his sisters.

"Mama," Ophelia and Persephone wined in unison.

Morwenna just glared daggers at him.

"Try again," Grandmama ordered.

They did, well, they did try, but the second they had to switch feet they all tripped. Morwenna almost made it to the second rotation. Almost.

Grandmama put a hand to her face, "I had four girls, four, and my son is the only one who can walk a straight line."

"Hey!" Morwenna protested.

Teddy stuck his tongue out at her.

Ophelia and Persephone didn't care about dance, they just giggled at their older siblings antics.

Mapoppy poked his head around the archway to the kitchen/dining room. "Hello Aberforth," he greeted warmly, "care for some tea?"

"Hello Harry, and that would be nice."

Mapoppy's green eyes turned to Teddy, "Where have you been?"

"It was Morwenna!" he said, pointing at her accusingly, "She sold me to the centaurs."

"Hmm, I sure she did," Mapoppy said easily and disappeared back into the kitchen.

"No, I didn't!" Morwenna protested.

"Come here, tell me the story," their father called.

They both raced in, and even as angry as he was with her, Teddy caught Morwenna before she could slide into the island table.

"She followed me on a run with her broom and she trapped me in a net and she left me in the center of Centaur territory."

"And why would she do that?" Mapoppy asked conversationally as he prepared tea for Aberforth. He was over often enough that Mapoppy knew how he liked his tea.

"Because he goes on and on and on about how the centaurs never talked to him and he was too big of a scaredy cat to go speak with them first. So helped," Morwenna explained in the same easy tone as her father.

"Helped? Aberforth had to barter to get me back from them!"

"I'll have to thank him then," Mapoppy said and said nothing more.

Morwenna and Teddy exchanged a look, their irises flashing slightly yellow in question.

"So I'm not in trouble?" Morwenna asked.

"Oh no," Mapoppy laughed, "You are certainly in trouble. You're grounded for the month and Teddy you will be working for Aberforth in the mornings for the rest of the week."

"But I'm the victim here!" Teddy exclaimed.

Mapoppy turned and gave him a look.

Teddy bowed his head, defeated, "Alright."

Mapoppy gave him the teacup and saucer, "Good, now, please give this to our guest."

"So Harry," Hagrid started the teachers' meeting when Harry sat down. "I hear your kids nearly started a war with the centaurs."

He was smiling, so Harry knew he wasn't upset but Harry nodded in acquiescence, "Morwenna and Teddy got in a fight. Thankfully Aberforth was there."

"And that-" Horace Slughorn said, "Is why I am retiring for good this time."

"I thought you would want to add Teddy Lupin to your collection," Pomona teased.

He glared at her, "I don't want anything to do with his kids."

Some of the older teachers seemed to agree with him.

Minerva cleared her throat, "Indeed, it would appear many of us are up for retirement."

Harry's smile fell, "How many?"

There was an awkward silence and finally, Minerva said, "Quite a lot of us."

"What is Kingsley setting a trend or something?" Harry asked, referring, of course, to Hermione Jane Krum taking over as the Minister of Magic.

"No, Harry, your kids are," Professor Vector said.

"They aren't that bad," Harry said.

"Aren't that bad?" Minerva asked, "Harry I personally taught the Marauders and Black Sisters, I graduated with Tom Riddle. Your kids make me fear for the future."

Harry glared at her, "They are good kids."

"They might grow up to be fine people, Harry, but the damage they cause is astronomical and that's usually by accident. I'm just too old for it now," Minerva said.

"Many of us are," Filius said gently.

"So when Teddy comes to his sorting next year, you are not going to be here?" Harry asked.

"I certainly won't be here," Horace snidely.

"No, we will be here for another two years," Minerva said before adding, "Aside from Horace."

Harry narrowed his eyes, "You mean when Morwenna starts at Hogwarts?"

"Harry," Poppy said reasonably, "I love you, must of us do. I love your children, but you cannot deny that they are a force of nature. You, yourself are the next Albus Dumbledore, who knows if your girls will be as powerful?"

He took in a deep breath and let go of his anger -for now, "Fine," he said, "fine, but why tell me so directly?"

"Because you weren't going to miss their replacements hanging around," Frank Longbottom said as he entered the room, along with Alice, and Neville. Behind them came Draco, Theo, Susan, and Luna.

"Hey," Harry greeted.

Minerva seeming relieved that Harry had taken the news so well, and said, "Frank will be taking my place, Alice will be teaching charms as well as being assistant Headmistress. Neville will be teaching Herbology and will be Head of Gryffindor House, Draco Potions and Head of Slytherin House, Luna Care of Magical Creatures and Head of Ravenclaw House, and Susan Astronomy and Head of Hufflepuff House. Theodore will be our new healer. Everyone -aside from Draco who will be starting immediately, will be teaching aids in and out until Morwenna's first year starts."

At least they are being honest, Harry thought.

"Of course," Minerva continued, "you can always apply for extra positions if you would like, Harry."

He shook his head, "Not until Persephone turns eleven."

"I think we are all set then," Minerva said, "Does anyone have anything to add."

"Yes," Draco said,"You need to replace Binns, too."

On that, everyone agreed. And Binn's wasn't even there to speak in his defense which sort of proved everyone's dislike of him.

As they were leaving, Harry caught up to Hagrid and asked, "You're leaving?"

Hagrid laughed and slapped Harry on the back almost causing him to fall on his face, "Nah, I'll still be the groundskeeper. I just won't be teaching anymore."

"Good," Harry said, "Hogwarts just wouldn't be Hogwarts without Rubeus Hagrid."

Hagrid's smile was dazzling and he caught Harry in a spine cracking hug.

That night when Harry got back home everyone was already in bed. He undressed slowly, lost in thought.

"Are you going to take all night or are you going to join me?" Andromeda asked.

Grinning in the dark, Harry slipped into bed, embracing her and burying his face into her soft curls.

She rubbed his back, "Harry, what's wrong?"

Not lifting his face, he said against her neck, "My coworkers are afraid of our kids."

Andromeda chuckled, "They should be."

"I'm not joking," Harry said pulling back. His eyes had adjusted so he could make out her face.

"Neither was I," she said.

"This isn't a good thing," he pressed.

"It isn't a bad thing either," she contered.

He rolled away a from her, or tried to because she rolled with him. She rested on his chest and asked, "Who made up Voldemort's army?"

Harry frowned and when he couldn't think of anything more accurate, he said, "Mostly Slytherins."

She kissed his chest, "Mostly people who still defined themselves by their school house."

Harry stilled and thought about her words, "Dumbledore's Army was a kid thing too."

"Harry, my love, you were a baby when you got roped into these wars of power. It is not necessarily a bad thing that people fear our children. True, our children are unique, but all children should be treated with respect because we all grow up, and -the stars above forbid, if and when children die then that too is a powerful force all on its own."

"So you're saying this is a good thing?" he asked.

"I'm saying society can take care itself, and at this moment there is nothing you can do about it. Aren't you always the one saying it doesn't matter what people think of us?"

He kissed her, "Is that what I always say?"

She kissed him back, "If you didn't say it, if you didn't believe it, I don't suppose I would have you, would I?"

"Andromeda, you'll always have me, no fears will ever have power over that truth."

She wrapped herself in him, in this man who had shown her in every possible way that love endures and life carries on.

Sequel: I am a little -completely obsessed with time travel fanfictions. What We Lost was by far one of the hardest fanfics to write because not only did I leave out action -which can carry a story, but I based it completely off of my own plots, characters, and concepts.

So in an attempt to return it to being a fanfic, with a more familiar backdrop Narcissa, Andromeda, Harry, Teddy, Morwenna, O-o-phelia, and Persephone will be sent back to the past to the start of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, book 3.

It will pick up from where What We Lost left off, however, it will also serve as a stand-alone fic, as Disorder of the Phoenix did. You will get to see Teddy's first two years at Hogwarts, villains most crazy, and a series events so spectacularly insane it could only happen to the Potters.

The first chapter goes up on the 9th of September 2018.

AN: Please, please review? If you noticed, my fics that got the most response I do work on more because they became more fun for me to write.

Dedicated: To the people who have been broken and beaten down who have found the strength and the heart to continue forward even if it means they might be broken again. For it is not our ability to avoid pain that makes us strong, it's what we choose to make of ourselves after we've been hurt.