Well, it's been a heck of a ride, but now we're finally at the last chapter of Arrow's Story Redone, since even the new season of Arrow has started, I think I've drawn this story out as long as I possibly can and the end of Supergirl and The Flash's stories redone are probably coming soon to. Thank you all for devotion to this story and now the point I'm sure several of you have all been waiting for, Oliver and Laurel's wedding.

"I never thought I'd see this day happen." Robert Queen said with a smile as he approached his son, who was currently fixing his tie.

"What, the day I learned how to tie my own tie?" Oliver asked with a smile as Robert placed a hand on his shoulder.

"No, the day I saw my son finally do right by the woman he loves and marries her. I honestly thought you would have run off by now." Robert said and Oliver smiled.

"I thought about it, more than one time. But I decided that I was much more terrified of what my future wife would do to me if I did." Oliver said and Robert laughed.

"Smart move son. Especially considering her father is a police detective." Robert said.

"Besides, mom and Thea would never forgive me if I did that." Oliver said.

"You are right about that." Moira said with a smile as she walked into the room to see her son.

"Hi mom." Oliver said.

"You look so handsome honey." Moira said as she placed her hands on Oliver's cheeks.

"Did you see Laurel?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, she's concerned you decided to fly the coop, so I came here to make sure you didn't." Moira said and Oliver rolled his eyes.

"You can tell her she has nothing to worry about. Right now I'm just hoping that the best man gets here in time. I swear I never should've given Tommy that role. I forgot that he's even less punctual then I am." Oliver said as said man entered the room.

"I'm insulted." Tommy said.

"Hey buddy, you're cutting it kind of close aren't you?" Oliver asked.

"Please, just like you, I'm scared of what Laurel would do to me if I was late." Tommy said.

"You're both terrified of that woman aren't you?" Moira asked.

"Absolutely." they both said at once.

"Good, then she can keep you in line." Robert said.

"Come on, let's get this ceremony started." Oliver said as he headed out.

"You know, when I imagined marrying Ollie, I didn't exactly picture it like this." Laurel said.

"Said every bride right before the wedding." Sara said with a smile as she saw how beautiful her sister looked in her white wedding dress.

"I'm serious Sara. I mean don't get me wrong, I'd marry Oliver in a heartbeat, any time, anywhere, but out of all the scenarios I've run in my head, him being the mayor was never one of them." Laurel said.

"Neither was him being a hero, and yet he's both of those things." Sara said.

"Life's funny like that. But to be honest, several of the scenarios I imagined marrying Oliver included me either currently being pregnant or already having a child with him." Laurel said.

"So that dream did come true." Sara said.

"Yeah it did." Laurel said as Thea poked her head inside.

"Hey, is the bride ready?" Thea asked.

"Yeah, is the groom?" Laurel asked.

"He, Tommy and Dig are already in their positions, now it's time for us to join the party." Thea said, since Sara was the maid of honor and Thea was a bridesmaid.

"Okay, time for you to become Laurel Queen." Sara said.

"Actually, I was thinking about hyphenating. Dinah Laurel Lance-Queen." Laurel said.

"Not a bad ring to it. But anyways, time to get this show on the road." Thea said as they headed out to where Quentin was waiting.

Oliver stood up at the altar with the reverend on his right and his best man Tommy to his left and John to Tommy's left as he looked out at both sides of the aisle.

On his side sat his parents, Felicity, her plus one, who happened to be her new girlfriend Alena, Barry, Iris, Cisco, Caitlin, Ray, Kara, Mon-El, Alex, Roy, Jax, Martin, Clarissa and some members of the city council.

On Laurel's side of the aisle sat her mother, Ava, Nyssa, Zari, Nate, Mari, Johanna, Kate Spencer and Laurel's other friends from CNRI and coworkers from the DA's office, minus Adam Donner of course.

Anyways, the music began playing as Thea began walking down the aisle, a bouquet of flowers in her arms, Sara soon following as they took their places to the far right side of the altar before Laurel herself came down the aisle, arm in arm with her father.

"Take good care of her." Quentin said.

"Until my dying breath." Oliver assured him.

Looking satisfied Quentin released Laurel's arm and went to sit next to his ex wife as the ceremony began.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the nuptials of Oliver Jonas Queen and Dinah Laurel Lance. These two people are the definition of what love is, for even when their feelings were challenged they remained true to one another. However, I must ask, if there is anyone here who feels like these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." the minister said and no one said anything.

After the vows were recited, they got to the good stuff.

"Do you, Oliver Jonas Queen, take Dinah Laurel Lance to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" the minister asked.

"I do." Oliver said.

"And do you, Dinah Laurel Lance, take Oliver Jonas Queen to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" the minister asked.

"I do." Laurel said as they both slid their rings on.

"Then, by the power vested in me by the city of Star City, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." the minister said as Oliver and Laurel finally shared their long awaited first kiss as husband and wife and Laurel felt as though fireworks were going off in the background.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly introduce to you all, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Queen." the minister said as everyone clapped as the newly weds broke apart and it was only then that Laurel realized that the fireworks were real as she and Oliver headed outside to see explosions of light going off in the skies, reading, CONGRATULATIONS OLIVER AND LAUREL QUEEN.

"Well, it looks like we're getting our happily ever after." Oliver said to his wife.

"It only took 2 decades, but yeah, we are." Laurel agreed as they kissed again before moving on to the wedding reception.

Well, that's it for Arrow's Story Redone. Thank you all for your support of this story and in addition to the rest of the stories redone, I'm also going to be posting a new story soon.