I know this sort of announcement is annoying, but 'From Despair To Rage' is going on hiatus. Why? Three reasons.
1: I have other stories that I need to work on. These being 'FDTR: Villain Variant', 'The Sickness Called Despair', my Breath Of The Wild Fic 'The Thirsting Hero', and a pair of SWTOR one shots.
2: Several future plot points need thinking about. How does the USJ incident go? How far will Quirkless Izuku get in the Tournament Arc? Does he save Iida in the Stain Arc and if so, why is he there if he's not training One For All with Gran Torino?
3: The ending of Chapter Nine was a complete accident, I never planned for it to end how it did. And if I'm rewriting that, should I also rewrite the whole Fic so Izuku ends up in Class 1-A with Aizawa who logically is more likely to be open to the idea of a Quirkless student in the Hero Course.
I'm sorry for this nuisance, and hope for your understanding.
Yours sincerely, Bentarb Jade Bronze.